This kind of behavior is equivalent to putting a safety lock on the wagtail to prevent the wagtail from overusing its own abilities and damaging its own backbone. As a result, the game has not yet ended and it has to exit the game early due to self-collapse.

For example, human beings also face the same problem. Human physical strength is much stronger than they think. However, in order to protect the human body from being injured by its own strength, the brain normally blocks its output. Only at critical moments, through the burst of adrenaline, can humans use the power deep within their bodies to do all kinds of incredible things.

Wagtails lack such a safety lock, because the wagtails themselves can precisely control their own body strength. Except for a few individuals, most wagtails can do such a thing, but MBI is also afraid that these wagtails will get up. , do irrational things, so various methods are used to restrict the wagtails to avoid unplanned accidents.

Li Wei already knows a lot about Wagtail, so he understands many issues. After combining animations, comics, and various information and materials from the current world line, Li Wei already has a good idea of ​​the Wagtail game and knows what to do. Able to maximize one's own interests.

Uranium Girl said: "`. I feel like the Wagtail Game is really shady. There are things we don't understand everywhere. If I hadn't met Li Wei, with a personality like mine, I might have suffered a big loss."

Levi said: "You also know this kind of thing, so you should pay more attention to it. Although we have an advantage, we cannot underestimate potential competitors."

The uranium girl said: "Then when are we going to cause trouble for those competitors? I can't stand that guy in the east who looks like Wan, and I really want to punch him in the face for his pretentiousness."

What Uranium Girl is talking about is Bing'equan of the eastern force, Bing'equan of the world line here. That can really be regarded as an enhanced version of "leading the evil one". It is normal for Uranium Girl to be unhappy with him, Wagtail He is very keen and can detect the existence that is inconsistent with his own nature.

Chapter.Welcome new members

The sound of footsteps came over, and everyone looked over. Qiu Jin, who had finished taking a bath and cleaned himself up, came to the living room accompanied by Song.

Song smiled and said: "Qiang Qiang! How about the freshly baked No., isn't it beautiful?"

Akitsu was wearing a white kimono, and his silver-white shorts had been neatly trimmed and smoothed. He had a slightly indifferent expression on his face, and with his full curves, he looked like he had stepped out of a picture scroll.

She was wearing a hospital gown and looked as dirty as a tabby cat, making her look very embarrassed. But now that she has changed her clothes, she gives off a different feeling, like a young lady from some family.

Mei Zai looked at Akitsu and smiled: "It seems that the clothes are quite suitable, not too small."

The good thing about kimono is that if the body shape is not much different, you can adjust the details to fit it. For other clothes, if they don’t fit, they don’t fit, and there is no room for adjustment.

Qiu Jin looked at everyone, and everyone was looking at her. Qiu Jin, who was a little embarrassed by being stared at, said in a low voice: "I am Akijin, please give me some advice."

Guang said: "What do you mean by abandoning the series? I only know you as No. Akitsu. You are our senior, and you have to show some of the spirit of our seniors."

The number of wagtails is the result of many factors, but the higher the number, the earlier the time for the individual to wake up. Although there are differences in combat effectiveness, in terms of seniority, the higher the number, the older the person is.

Song pressed Qiu Jin's shoulders, asked her to sit down, and said: "Qiu Jin has just joined our team. He may not be used to it in many places, but we are all your partners. Here, you are not some abandoned editor." , don’t let the evaluation of outsiders affect your heart, you have to remember that you are not inferior to anyone else.”

"Well, I understand..." Akitsu said softly.

Song knew that heart ailments had to be treated by heart medicine, and Qiu Jin's heart knot was not so easy to untie, so she was not in a hurry. Moreover, Li Wei was not the kind of "fighting party" and would not let Qiu Jin fail to become an immortal. Just have discriminatory thoughts towards her.

After Akitsu finished introducing himself, everyone in Izumo Village also introduced themselves.

Mei Zai smiled and said: "Today is Akitsu's first day wishing for Izumoso. How about we hold a beach barbecue party?"

Levi said: "Well, that's a good idea. I usually use gourmet tablecloths to be lazy. Although being lazy is a pleasant thing, I always feel that something is missing. Do-it-yourself barbecue is more fun than simply eating. pleasure."

The girl said: "But, there are no barbecue materials at home now?"

Because of the gourmet tablecloths, the kitchen is rarely used here at Izumo Village. Naturally, ingredients and seasonings are no longer stored. Even the food is served with gourmet tablecloths, and even the beauty becomes a bit lazy.

Levi said: "With me here, are you still worried about not having the ingredients and tools? Let's go to the beach first."

Several girls were walking towards the vestibule. Qiujin was a little confused, but he was pulled by Song to follow the large group. When the girl opened the paper-wood sliding door leading to the courtyard, the fresh sea breeze blew in her face, dazzling her eyes. The sunshine and the sound of seagulls chirping in the distance made her unable to recover.

Levi followed the group and said: "Barbecuing at night is not that convenient, so I adjusted the time. It is now around 1:00 in the morning, the sunshine is just right, and it is not too hot."

"Oh oh oh, the weather is just right. If we didn't make adjustments, it would already be night now!" Uranium Girl laughed loudly.

Akitsu was stunned when she saw the magnificent ocean scenery in the distance. She had spent some time on Kamizo Island and was no stranger to the sea, but she didn't expect that she could actually see the sea here.

Akitsu couldn't hide the shocked expression on his face.

Hu Die said from the side: "Don't be surprised, this is the power of adults, the power that can end the wagtail game and end the tragic fate of the wagtails."

Akitsu is not a person who likes to talk, and in this situation, she doesn't know how to express her shock in words. The scene in front of her, for her who lacks adjectives, is "a lot of cool!" "Such a similar meaning.

Levi came to the beach, and his magic changed the most basic material structure. In just a few seconds, the sand was transformed into a grill and charcoal for barbecue. The charcoal had been ignited and emitted scorching heat. Next to it, this is a large round table used to place various things.

Levi pulled out a spare gourmet tablecloth from his consciousness space and covered it on the round table. Various barbecue semi-finished products and condiments for seasoning were neatly placed on the table, delicately The beautiful presentation makes everything look so high-end.

Hu Die came to the round table. She glanced around and remembered everything in her heart. When she needed it, she wouldn't be in a hurry.

The barbecue grill made by Levi is long enough to grill a large amount of ingredients at one time. Everyone can operate in front of the grill without worrying about crowding.

Hu Die said: "The temperature of this charcoal is actually constant, which is really amazing."

Charcoal is different from gas, and it is impossible to control the temperature carefully, but Levi has done this.

Levi smiled and said: "This thing just looks like charcoal, not real charcoal. For barbecue, this is the atmosphere you want."

The girls went to the round table and took the ingredients they wanted. They all understood how to use the gourmet tablecloth. Even if there are materials that are not currently on the tablecloth, they can use the search function to find the raw materials in the library inside the tablecloth. This convenient function makes barbecue quite fun.

As for Akitsu, she still doesn't know how to use the gourmet tablecloth. Others are now teaching her how to use it. This feeling of being valued makes Akitsu a little uncomfortable.

Levi picked up a large lobster from the tablecloth, cut the lobster shell open with a knife, removed the upper shell, and left the lower shell as a bowl. After brushing the lobster meat with sauce, he put it on the barbecue grill. superior.

The uranium girl looked at the lobster, swallowed, and leaned towards Levi.

"This lobster looks so delicious!" The uranium girl lay on Levi's back and put her chin on Levi's shoulder, looking like a greedy cat.

"I know what you want to say. If you want to eat it, make it yourself. These are my shrimps, and I haven't even had my first bite yet." Levi said with a look of disgust.

The girl's cheeks were bulging like a hamster's, she made a face and said, "You stingy man, drink something cold."

The girl in a swimsuit clung precariously to Levi's back. Levi could feel the burning heat. He felt helpless towards this girl who was like a sister, but he quite enjoyed this feeling.

"There's really nothing I can do about you. We're almost done with these shrimps. I'll bake another king crab." Levi said helplessly.

"Hey!☆" The uranium girl showed a cat-like smile.

Chapter. Akitsu’s past

Levi said: "Uranium Girl, why are you already wearing a swimsuit?"

The uranium girl smiled and said: "Because I originally planned to go here, but I didn't expect that the dinner would be a barbecue banquet, which just came in handy. It always feels weird when you don't wear a swimsuit on the beach."

Li Wei looked around. Song was wearing her usual pale pink cheongsam. Hu Die was still wearing her moon-white kimono. Hikari and Hibiki were more restrained and did not wear their "initial formula clothes". Akitsu and Miya put on their home T-shirts and shorts, both wearing conservative and traditional kimonos.

"This kind of thing doesn't matter. I'm not the kind of person who is very picky about details." Levi shrugged. Although it seemed a little strange not to wear a swimsuit on the beach, it doesn't matter. Common sense doesn't matter. You may not have to abide by it~.

The uranium girl slipped off Levi's back and came to the round table. Through the operation panel, she took out a squid. The squid was a semi-finished product that had been skewered. After brushing it with sauce, it was placed directly on the grill. You can start baking.

Gourmet tablecloths have limitations when it comes to embodying gourmet food. For example, raw materials such as living animals, such as a living cow or a living chicken, cannot be produced. Of course, it is very simple to take out a roasted whole beef or a beggar's chicken for a gourmet tablecloth. Inanimate ingredients, such as beef, killed prawns, and octopus with its head chopped off, can all be easily realized.

Levi came behind Qiu Jin, gently held her hands, and said, "It seems that you don't know that much about the outside world."

Akitsu was startled by Levi's sudden attack, but she didn't hate the warm feeling. Compared to others, her movements seemed a bit clumsy.

Akitsu said: "When I was at the institute, because I was not allowed to go out, I had no contact with the outside world. I could only learn about the outside world through some books and newspapers."

Levi said: "Those researchers are really damned. No other wagtail is like you. They are not even allowed to go out."

Levi used mind-reading skills to read Akitsu's memories. Her life in the institute was not very good. Although she was not physically abused, there was a lot of mental abuse. Akitsu will become the inferior and sensitive character he is now, and the researchers at that institute are the "big contributors".

Originally, Akitsu also received adjustments from Takami Sahashi, but Takami Sahashi had too many wagtails to adjust and was too busy, so some of the wagtails were distributed to various research institutes below. The person in charge of the research institute in charge of Akitsu was a person who liked to find bargains. Akitsu had already adjusted to a certain schedule and showed very good qualities at the time, so the person in charge seized the right to adjust Akitsu. Compared with others, For the person in charge of the research institute, he has indeed got a good card.

However, the head of the research institute, who was so happy with his achievements, eventually messed up the matter. Under their adjustments, Akitsu failed to achieve the expected capabilities, and the head of the research institute was punished for this. However, the person in charge did not look for problems on his own body, but put all the responsibilities on Akitsu's head, and what happened next was that Akitsu went berserk because he lost control of his emotions, causing an explosion in the research institute and Collapse, all researchers, no survivors.

In Levi's view, the person in charge of that research institute deserves to die. He has already sent his puppet clones out to seduce the souls. Now the researchers of that research institute have only died not long ago, and their souls have not dissipated. He is preparing to kill all the souls of these researchers. He was arrested and put into a new body, so that these researchers could participate in the "Infinite Reincarnation Competition" organized by him and enjoy the pain in endless torture.

Now, Levi's puppet clones have captured more than half of the souls of the researchers at that institute. There are only a few souls left that have not been captured, including the director of that institute.

But it was only a matter of time before the unlucky ghost's soul was captured. Whoever's soul Levi wanted to capture would be able to capture it as long as that soul was not dispersed due to external reasons.

Akijin said: "Maybe I have to thank them. After all, I met you."

Levi said: "Now, you should not be used, but us. It is not a problem that you cannot become a feather. I did not bring you back because I need your fighting power, nor out of sympathy, or anything else." the goal of."

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Akitsu said curiously: "So, master, why did you come to me? Senior Matsu discovered my affairs and then paid attention to me. Master, you came to me at the suggestion of senior, right?"

Levi said: "I don't know why. When I saw your photo, there was a voice in my heart. He told me to save this poor girl. So I followed my inner voice. Went to find you."

Qiu Jin looked around with the corner of his eyes. Others were happily playing with the barbecue and chatting, without looking at her and Levi.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Qiu Jin whispered: "Is this just because I like you?"

Levi let go of Akijin's hand and let her handle the barbecue by herself, while his hand was wrapped around Akijin's waist.

Levi said in a soft voice: "Maybe, from the first moment I saw you, I realized that I seemed to have fallen in love with you."

The other girls pricked up their ears. Although they were still doing their own things, barbecuing and chatting, their attention was already on Levi and Akijin.

Akijin was a little panicked. The education she received in the institute was very poor. Faced with the current situation, she didn't know how to deal with it. Therefore, Qiu Jin fell into silence, but Levi, who was standing behind her, could clearly see that the roots of her ears were already red, and even her fair neck had a faint pink color.

Levi said: "Actually, I am quite greedy. I want everything."

Akitsu said in a low voice: "But if you want everything, it's easy to get nothing. This is what I read in the book. It seems to say that ten rabbits in the forest are not as good as a rabbit in hand."

Qiujin still didn't understand what Levi meant. She remembered the books she had read in the research institute.

Li Wei pointed his right hand to the sky and said: "Grandma once said that I am a person blessed by luck, so all luck will eventually belong to me. You are my luck." Shi.

Chapter. Grandma said

It's not that Li Wei has to learn from a certain nanny, but that Li Wei really has such a grandma. Although the old man is no longer here, when Li Wei was young, the old man always firmly believed that Li Wei was the most important person to do great things.

Levi's grandmother firmly believed that Levi would have a completely different life from ordinary people.

The precocious Levi felt quite ashamed at first. Unlike ordinary teenagers, who would still have periods of illness at that age, Levi, who was far more mature than his peers, was not sick, so grandma's quotations were just It made Levi feel ashamed, so he never dared to mention such words as "grandma once said" in front of outsiders.

After that, he fell into the trap of Kamen Rider again. When he saw Kamen Rider KABUTO's male protagonist Souji Tendou for the first time, the man who followed the path of heaven and Souji Kiri's boss, the expression on his face It's very weird, because both of them have even weirder grandmothers.

But now, Levi has calmly accepted the fact that his grandma has always believed that he is a person who can do great things in the past. Maybe she saw a fragment of the future unintentionally. No one can tell this kind of thing, but now, he It is indeed like what grandma said, he has become a person who does big things, although those who do big things here may occasionally be more unethical.

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