While everyone was chatting through the team's communication channel, they unknowingly entered the wealthy area in the south. There were no high-rise buildings in the wealthy area, but mostly luxurious villas, manors and classical mansions built in various styles. Di, Qingse covers a very wide area. Since there was no tall building to use as a platform for jumping, everyone's speed was inevitably affected to a certain extent, but it didn't slow down too much and they arrived at their destination within the time expected by Song.

The pedestrians stopped at the entrance of a large Western manor with a garden.

Levi said: "Whatever happens next, just let nature take its course."

Because they had absolute confidence in their own strength, Song and Hu Die only made a relatively simple plan, just to prevent their own people from being plotted.

Levi pressed the doorbell at the door, and a female voice sounded from the loudspeaker at the door.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" The female voice sounded impatient.

Everyone could feel the impatience of this language, and felt a little unhappy inside. They secretly thought that when they do it later, they can be more serious.

Li Wei was not angry, he smiled and said: "Help me Da Yuzi go to Hayato, just tell another player in the Wagtail game to find him."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Not long after, the main gate of the manor was opened, and Mikogami Hayato, wearing white casual clothes, came out with his three wagtails and walked towards the gate.

Guang whispered: "The guy wearing the scarf is Mutsu, he is really strong. Now, only Uranium Girl can hold him back."

Guang knew very well that if Levi really got up, even the powerful Mutsu wouldn't be able to withstand the slap.

However, according to the rules of the wagtail game, the wagtails will return to the wagtails, and the wei ya will return to the wei ya. The first stage is a one-on-one duel between the wagtails. Those who violate the rules will be warned and punished by MBI even if they win. , in the end the gain outweighs the loss. Although Levi is not afraid of punishment, he will not actively break the rules in order to allow the game to proceed smoothly.

Mikogami Hayato looked about ten years old. Because of his good nutrition, he looked more mature than his peers. He put his hands in his pockets, looked at Levi, with an excited smile on his face, and said: "I didn't expect it. It’s really unusual for someone to come and challenge me.”

Mutsu, wearing a scarf and traditional kimono, Taki, who was coolly dressed and slender, and Hikiko, who was wearing a conservative ancient dress, stood behind Hayato Mikogami, like followers.

Levi said: "I know that everyone who came to challenge you before has failed, so you are very confident."

Mikogami Hayato smiled and said: "Isn't this a normal thing? When you win several times in a row and find that the enemies are all weak and pitiful beings, you will be like me."

Mikogami Hayato opened the iron gate and brought Levi and everyone to the lawn in front of the manor.

Mikogami Hayato said: "I know why you are here. It's a wagtail game, right? I can play with you, but there must be a stake."

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's interesting, let's talk about it."

Hayato Mikogami smiled and said: "The bet is very simple. Whoever loses will do what the winner does."

Levi understands what Hayato Mikogami wants to do. Hayato Mikogami is building his own faction. This kind of alliance with a master-slave nature can bring high returns to Hayato Mikogami, allowing him to occupy a greater position in the game. Many advantages.

In fact, Bing'equan of AGN in the east also played this way, trying to win over Wei Ya as much as possible and form a faction to enhance its own influence and achieve the effect of defeating others without fighting. Later, Wei Ya, an independent person, wanted to fight against him. Just seeing the huge force made him calm down.

Levi said: "I accept half of this bet."

Mikogami Hayato showed a surprised expression and said, "If you have any suggestions, please tell me."

Li Wei said: "I am a very heavy-handed person. It determines victory and defeat, as well as life and death. Therefore, if we fight, it will definitely end with the other side completely lying down. If I lose, I will let you do whatever you want, but if you lose If so, I don’t ask for anything, anyway, your wagtail will be sent back to MBI for rescue.”

Mikogami Hayato had a smile on his face, but he felt angry inside. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had become accustomed to the life of a human being. The thing he hated most was when someone disobeyed him.

Mikogami Hayato said: "It seems that you are a person who leaves no escape route for yourself. If this is the case, then I respect you and I will not ask you to listen to me. I will also send all your wagtails back to MBI. .”

Mikogami Hayato's expression looked a bit sinister.

Chapter. How to stimulate generals

Levi smiled and said: "Your biggest reliance is No. Mutsu, right? After all, he is a single-digit individual, and he is also a member of the original Punishment Team. The few battles he won before were all related to him, right?"

Mikogami Hayato's expression changed instantly. He didn't expect Levi to reveal his secret verbally. Mutsu was his secret weapon. He rarely made any moves, but his move was the final word.

He doesn't have many wagtails, but each one of them is a powerful elite individual, which is the basis of his confidence.

Mutsu's expression wasn't very good-looking either. His experience in the Punishment Team was a dark history for him personally. Once people found out about things he didn't want to mention, he now had the desire to kill.

Li Wei said: "Let's get started, return the wagtail's return to the wagtail, and return the weed bud's return to the weed bud."

Mikogami Hayato whispered to Mutsu next to him: "Mutsu, you go up first and penetrate the other side directly."

Mutsu nodded. He was very confident in his own strength. Like a wagtail, he would kill randomly. In the previous matches, he rarely made any moves, but his shots were steady. This is the former member of the Punishment Team. The gold content of strength is completely different from that of ordinary wagtails.

Mutsu responded in a low voice: "Understood, I will make him despair."

Levi's hearing caught the conversation between the two, and the other party's reaction did not exceed his expectations. Hayato Mikogami is a very proud person, and such a person will get head-on if he is provoked by provocation.

Li Wei patted Uranium Girl on the shoulder, and Uranium Girl stepped forward, walked to the front of the team, and said: "No. Uranium Girl-, please give me more advice."

Mutsu also took a few steps forward, reached the front of the team, and said, "Your Wei Ya is very irrational. You will know later what the consequences will be if you annoy Mikogami."

The uranium girl said with confusion: "Is there anything special about that pretty boy? And having said that, Mutsu-senpai, you are a male, so you are actually transformed by a male. It is incredible."

Mutsu's face darkened instantly. Uranium girls were always in trouble. He had always been worried about this matter. He had always thought that his Wei Ya was a lovely beautiful girl, and then He fell into the trap of Mikogami Hayato. When the two met, he mistook Mikogami Hayato for a sexualized beautiful girl, and then stepped into the pit.

Although this incident had been going on for some time, it was still a thorn in his heart. Now that it was mentioned, the anger in his heart suddenly ignited.

Mutsu took a deep breath and said: "No. Right, you have the ability to annoy others, but such an ability will only bring you trouble. Now, I just want to beat you up."

The uranium girl took out her own cloth from her waist and said calmly: "Senior, although you were once a member of the punishment team and your strength is much stronger than the average wagtail, I am not weak either. I want to If you want to beat me up, you have to be able to do that. Let's get started."

Both sides opened a place for the two wagtails to fight. The wagtails' fighting power far exceeds the limits of humans. For a normal human fighter, a large area as large as a horn cage is enough, but the wagtails are different. The scope of their battle will only be wider, comparable to the destructive power of modern heavy thermal weapons, coupled with the short-range explosive speed comparable to walking weapons. Once the fight begins, it will really be a bloody battle between humanoid monsters. If you don't pay attention to control, If so, everything around will be destroyed by both warring parties.

Personnel from both sides who were not involved in the battle stood on the outer circle at the line, not far away.

Li Wei said: "Okay, the wagtail's return to the wagtail, now it's time for the Wei Ya to return to the Wei Ya. Come on, Hayato Mikogami, I want to challenge you."

Mikogami Hayato looked at Li Wei's tall figure and cheetah-like muscular muscles, and said with a fool's expression: "Are you a savage who ran out of the woods? The wagtail game is a battle between wagtails, Guan Weiya What’s going on!”

Li Wei smiled and said: "How can you say this is none of Wei Ya's business? Our Wagtails will participate in brutal battles. As their Wei Ya, don't we also have our own battles? Or do you want to escape?"

"Huh?! Escape? There is no such word in my dictionary. I just don't want to fight with a barbarian like you. If so, you may not be my opponent with your dead muscles trained in the gym." Mikogami Hayato said with an unhappy expression.

Although Mikogami Hayato was a lucky man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was different from other playboys in that he had stricter requirements for himself, so he often exercised in the gym and also learned self-defense from a specialized coach. It's hard for the three of them to say their skills. If they are right, as long as they don't meet those professional fighters, he is confident that he can win.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Levi is tall and well-muscled, giving him the look of a classical bodybuilder. However, in Mikogami Hayato's view, this kind of gaudy dead muscle is only good-looking and lacks speed, explosive power and endurance. , in a real street fight, this kind of classical bodybuilding figure will be killed indiscriminately.

Mikogami Hayato took off his shirt, revealing his lean figure. He has the kind of figure that looks thin when dressed, but has a fleshy figure when undressed, which is very visually deceptive.

Levi also took off his shirt, showing off his perfect body like an ancient Greek sculpture. Different from Hayato Mikogami's fair and feminine skin, Levi's skin color was slightly wheat-colored, healthy and vitality.

The wagtails on both sides did not stop the fight. Both sides had confidence in their own Wei Ya, but Uranium Girl and Mutsu had already started a battle. Both sides did not hold back when taking action, and went directly to the opponent's vital points. They were playing with their lives. Life.


Moving at high speed on the field, the two sides constantly collided and attacked, so fast that afterimages could appear in the eyes of ordinary people, and the harsh clanking sound of weapons clashed.

On Wei Ya's side, they were still in a state of confrontation. Mikogami Hayato assumed a self-defense fighting stance, lowering his center of gravity slightly, preparing to take advantage of the moment Levi took action to give Levi a fierce dive and throw.

Levi stepped forward, striding forward, and quickly raised his right leg to mark the high whip kick. Seeing Levi's large-scale attack, Mikogami Hayato felt happy. He moved instantly and launched a surprise attack on Levi's lower body. He wanted to throw Levi to the ground the moment he destroyed Levi's balance. , it can be seen from the comparison of the bodies of the two sides that he does not have the advantage in strength, so he wants to use the power of the ground to counterattack Levi.

"Caught!" Hayato Mikogami grabbed Levi with great force, and he kicked the ankle of Levi's standing foot.

The instep and ankle collided, and Mikogami Hayato felt only severe pain. He felt as if he had been kicked on a steel plate. The huge reaction force made the foot he kicked not only painful, but also numb.

Levi raised his right foot and pressed down, clamping down on Hayato Mikogami like a knife, squeezing the opponent like a crab's claws.

Mikogami Hayato's eyes instantly burst into bloodshot eyes. Severe pain hit him. He felt as if his entire shoulder was being pinched and was about to be crushed. It hurt! It hurts so much! scholar.

Chapter. Max level boss Tu You

Mikogami Hayato is not a professional fighter, and his ability to tolerate pain is not good. When he encountered such pain, he screamed in an instant.

When Mikogami Hayato yelled, Mutsu was momentarily distracted and suffered several wounds on his body. The Uranium Girl was more powerful than he expected. He originally thought it would be a quick and brutal battle, but he didn't expect it to be delayed. Now, even if he couldn't attack for a long time, he had a lot of wounds of various sizes on his body, but there wasn't even a scratch on the other side. The more he fought, the more frightened he became.

"Mikogami-sama!" Wagtail Diary only saw the scene of Mikogami Hayato's embarrassment, and wanted to step forward to rescue him.

However, just when Hijiko took a step forward, Dao Luo Lei struck in front of her, and the grass on the ground was instantly scorched. This sudden attack forced her to stop.

Guang stood up and said: "This is a battle between men, please don't intervene hastily. Moreover, my Wei Ya will not take your master's life."

Levi really did not intend to kill Mikogami Hayato. He would not let the opponent die so easily for those he disliked. In other words, for such targets that could be used to increase points, he would try his best to kill them. Only after squeezing out the maximum value from the other party can we make the final decision.

In the world of "Wagtail Goddess", there are two characters that Levi hates the most, one is Hyou'aquan and the other is Hayato Mikogami. In comparison, the character of the male protagonist is quite likable. The male protagonist started out very useless, but he continued to grow. In the later stages, after all the shortcomings in his body were corrected, he no longer had any black spots. . As for Mikogami Hayato and Hyougaizumi, these two people make people unable to complain from the beginning to the end.

The male protagonist in this world, as of now, is still preparing for the entrance exam to Eastern Teito University, locking himself in a rental house to review all day long, and has no time to contact the outside world at all. As for Mikogami Hayabusa and Hing'equan, both of them are now trying their best to contain the potential wagtails, and their plans are not small.

At this time, Mikogami Hayato's originally delicate face turned as ferocious as a demon because of the pain.

Levi gradually increased his strength. Now his control of his own strength has reached a subtle level. To him, making such an attack is like playing fencing with an embroidery needle and a bee's stinger. A very sophisticated entertainment activity.

Mikogami Hayato struggled hard, because the entire right shoulder was fixed, and the space for his right hand to move was extremely limited. He could only use his left hand to grab the ankle and hamstring of Levi's right foot and pinch it in hard.

Hamstrings are a weakness of the human body that normal people, including those who have practiced for a long time, cannot avoid. It is one of the key points that cannot improve defense no matter how hard they exercise.

However, Mikogami Hayato's own hands began to hurt, and Levi's ankle still had no problems. The stubbornness in his heart made him not want to lose like this. Mikogami Hayato gritted his teeth, clenched his unrestricted left hand into a fist, and punched Levi's groin.

Levi noticed the opponent's:.,?;;';;::!Backup?'!:.,;?;.?!.?.;plan, but did not defend at all, 『,,;:』? !'?..?!.『."":,;?.』;.?.,:;''':;'"Anyway, for him, the opponent's attacks cannot break through the defense.

Like the sound of steel colliding, Mikogami Hayato felt sharp pain in the bones of his hand. From the corner of his eye, he saw his left hand, and his fingers had been twisted.

Li Wei laughed and said: "Young man doesn't know martial arts, he actually attacked my vital point secretly. Fortunately, I am very skilled and have practiced Iron Crotch Kung Fu. But repayment is repayment. If you sneak attack my fatal vital point, I have to retaliate to you." Look at my poisonous palms! I’ll make your bear’s face look ugly!”

Levi's mana flow condensed on his palm, and he slapped Mikogami Hayato's face with a loud slap. A black palm print covered half of his face. Levi released him in time, and the slap caused The huge impact caused him to go more than ten meters away.

"Mikogami!" Mutsu's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene, but he was entangled by the uranium girl and had no time to defend himself. He could only watch Mikogami Hayato go out.

Mutsu's eyes were red, and he said fiercely like an evil spirit: "You dare to hurt my Wei Ya, I don't care about any rules, you will all die!"

The uranium girl said: "If you have the time to talk big, you might as well take care of yourself. Look at how embarrassed you are now, are you presentable?"

Uranium Girl's offensive became more and more severe. After just a few moves, Mutsu, who was already in a state of confusion, was at a complete disadvantage. He was directly knocked to the ground by a large number of fast attacks. The large number of wounds on his body made him an adult. Got a bloody man.

Uranium Girl did not hesitate, and decisively dealt with it, cutting the grass without eradicating the root, and the spring breeze will grow again. Instead of waiting for the opponent to find an opportunity to retaliate, it is better to finish the opponent here directly.

Mutsu didn't expect that the uranium girl would kill so readily. The moment his body functions stopped, he still had an expression of disbelief on his face.

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