Levi's figure gradually disappeared in the air. In just a few seconds, the whole person had completely disappeared. Mikogami Hayato looked at this scene in horror. The ability that Levi showed was really too scary. If Li Wei really wanted his life, he would already be a dead man at this time.

Mikogami Hayato clenched his fists with both hands and hammered the floor hard, wailing like a wounded beast. Outside the living room, the servants and maids could not help but tremble when they heard the shrill cry, but no one dared to come. At this time, those who are more courageous can lean against the door of the living room and peek inside secretly along the crack in the door.

After leaving Hayato Mikogami's manor, Levi was in a happy mood, because the torment just now brought extreme despair to the opponent, which also allowed him to harvest points, which can be turned into power and treasures. , naturally the more the better. Seeing his points balance rising continuously, the corners of Levi's mouth unconsciously turned up, like a cat.

Li Wei opened the system panel and adjusted the panel bar to the lottery interface. He felt that his luck was really unreliable in the lottery. He could only get the minimum guarantee for consecutive draws in the system. After several ten draws in a row, it was finally the turn to guarantee the bottom line. The prize pool provided by the system in this round is guaranteed to be a magic weapon called "Holy Spirit Pure Clothes". It is a golden quality defensive magic weapon that can enhance charm, transform clothing and armor, and at the same time increase overall resistance.

Levi is not very interested in this magic weapon, because his current defensive ability is already very good. This kind of defensive guarantee is not as good as a functional or offensive guarantee.

However, in this round of ten consecutive draws, there will definitely be a golden reward, and it may not be this useless Holy Spirit Pure Clothes. Maybe other golden rewards can be obtained.

Li Wei was not in a hurry to return to Izumo Manor, and went directly to the clouds in the mist. With his heart moving, the large white clouds under his feet had solidified. He jumped directly on top of the white clouds, lay on them, and enjoyed the white clouds. With a soft touch, I clicked the draw button on the system interface at the same time to start this ten-draw draw.

Chapter.Double-edged Sword Ability

The system's slightly crude interface popped up a screen of ten treasure chests. Since there was no skip function, Levi could only watch each treasure chest open.

White quality.Martial arts.Tiger Broken Gate Knife

When the first award appeared, Levi was already used to it. He had already pulled out enough white items.

White quality, magic, level magic mage's fist

Levi can use mana to achieve many magical effects. Spells such as Mage's Fist, to put it bluntly, summon an invisible fist and control it. Levi can use mana to do more sophisticated things than this. This kind of magic The low-level spells of the master system are useless to him.

Green quality.Equipment.Qinglong-Yueyue Knife

Although the shape is very good-looking, it is just an ordinary mundane weapon, but the materials used are better, so the quality is not bad. The various props that Li Wei refined himself, even the scraps that have been refined, are better than this. .

The next few rewards are all full of slots, either white or green.

However, Li Wei is very calm, because he has seen this situation many times. The system's lottery seems to be protected by novices. The lottery during the novice period is not a guarantee of guaranteed withdrawals. Ordinary ten consecutive draws can occasionally be seen. Blue and purple quality rewards, but now, "innocent" has become the norm, so after he got used to such a shipment rate, he calmed down.

In front of the ten consecutive draws, there are clear white and green qualities, and now only the last box is left, and this box must be guaranteed gold.

Golden quality. Conceptual ability. This makes sense.

Passive touch ability can increase the persuasiveness of the user's language through language, movement, eyes, text, and pattern touch, reduce the other party's alertness and judgment, and make the other party more easily persuaded by the user.

Levi's eyelids twitched. This ability is not strong, but it is not weak either. In other words, this thing is mouth dodge.

The male protagonists of those neon shounen comics are more or less able to escape with their mouths. They use escape to eliminate some unreasonable details in the plot and bring back the plot that is about to go crazy.

There are too many characters who can play mouth escape in anime works, such as Naruto Uzumaki, the male protagonist of Naruto, including Lux and Char from the Gundam series, Mamoru Kurosaki from Bleach, and Conan from Detective Conan. , Kamijou Touma in the Demonic Forbidden City, these people are all masters of mouth evasion.

But it is not easy to play the game well. The game itself has to be organized. Even if it is sophistry, it must have the most basic order. However, this golden quality ability named "This is reasonable" will forcefully depress the opponent in a very unreasonable manner. In other words, as long as he has this ability, Levi can be like the character in the traditional Long Aotian novel. Those protagonists can fool people even if they talk nonsense, which is very awesome.

I just don't know what the limit of influence of this ability is, whether it is effective for those powerful gods and demons, or whether the strength of the ability will be defined according to the user's strength. The system did not mention this important information, but simply described this ability dryly.

Li Wei thought, and the ability card on the back of a golden card appeared in his hand. This was the "this is reasonable" ability card. Levi could feel that the card had an unreasonable power. This power was so amazing that even he, who was now a little successful, did not dare to ignore such power. This feeling seemed to have this ability. The causality rate has been involved, which is very scary.

Although I don't know where the limit of this ability is, the energy aftermath from the card alone is so amazing. This ability must be very cheating, and only fools will use it.

Levi smashed the card decisively, and the energy of the card quickly poured into his body. After almost three minutes, Levi felt that he had mastered the card's ability. At the same time, his own cultivation also skyrocketed. He has grown a lot and has obviously become much stronger.

Levi decided to try his newly acquired ability. He teleported and appeared on the bustling streets of Shinjuku. He randomly found someone on the road and grabbed him.

He was a young man who was dressed in a hip-hop style. In Shinjuku, there are all kinds of weird and weird monsters and monsters. This is a place where many young people who love trends gather together. Young people like hip-hop youths are here. Edges are everywhere.

"Who are you and why are you stopping me?" The hip-hop young man had a puzzled expression on his face, but because of Levi's high charm, he didn't feel angry. If someone else had done such a thing, he would have already started swearing.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

"Come on, brother, let's talk here." Levi led the other party to a place where there were not so many people.

"You can talk now." said the hip-hop young man.

"Brother, I'm a little tight right now. Let's give you some money to spend." Levi said like a rogue. He said this on purpose. This was also to test his ability. This kind of unreasonable request would not be accepted by ordinary people. A normal person would decisively refuse.

"So this is what happened. I thought it was a big deal. Take it and don't be polite to me." The hip-hop youth took out all the Fukuzawa Yukichi from his wallet and stuffed them into Levi's hand. hands, not realizing the problem at all.

Levi's eyelids twitched. At the moment such a thing happened, he felt that his luck had slipped a little. As a Qi Refiner, he naturally has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Some bosses with advanced cultivation can even see fragments of the future. Li Wei can't do such a thing for the time being, but he can sense his own luck. After embarking on the path of spiritual practice, his luck has skyrocketed. It is not comparable to ordinary people at all. This is what is called His fortune is deep, so his luck is also very good. Under normal circumstances, things go smoothly with few setbacks.

. . . . . . . . . . .

This ability is indeed very powerful, but its side effects are also very obvious, that is, it will affect one's own luck. Although due to the characteristics of the technique, the reduced luck will gradually recover, but if it is used excessively at one time, Recovery is also very slow, so this ability must be used with caution, and good steel must be used on the blade.

"It's a very strong ability, but it also has very strong side effects. Fortunately, my skills are special and I'm not afraid of losing my luck. If it were another person, even if I had acquired such an ability, I would be very cautious when using it, and would not use it until a critical moment. I don’t know how to use it.” Levi whispered to himself.

Li Wei returned the money to the other party, and with a few words, he beat the other party, but the consumed luck was not returned. It can be seen that once this ability is activated, the damage to the luck is calculated instantly, and it does not affect the luck. There is the possibility of making up for it afterwards. If you don't have the ability to restore luck, using this ability too much will cause the user to have a gap in his teeth after drinking cold drinks. This is a powerful and terrifying double-edged swordsman.

Chapter. Cost-effectiveness issue

Relying on his ability to restore luck, Li Wei recruited a few people on the street to test his ability. He wanted to test the limit of this ability. After testing more than a hundred people, Li Wei also concluded that Come up with some rules.

First of all, this kind of ability will inevitably consume luck. No matter what you ask the other party to do, no matter how outrageous it is, the luck consumed is fixed.

However, this consumption is not absolutely constant. The more people it affects at one time, the greater the consumption of luck. For personal use, and for simultaneous use by ten people, the consumption in the two cases, the latter can be said to be an exponential increase.

In other words, it is not impossible to use such an ability to distort individual consciousness, but the consumption of luck will reach a very terrible level. If an ordinary person obtains such an ability, he will fall into a trap within a few times of using it. In "Death Is Coming", in a harsh situation where there are fatal crises everywhere, people with deep blessings can only endure more battles.

In Li Wei's words, because the cultivation method is very special and brings with it the recovery and increase of luck, such side effects can be controlled within an acceptable range by him. Because this ability's damage to luck is not deducted by a fixed value, but directly by a percentage. The more luck a person has, the less cost-effective it is to use this ability to achieve his or her own goals.

Moreover, this ability is not without alternatives. Levi can directly use mental control to control individuals who are not determined. The only advantage of this ability is that it will not attract the attention of the world's will. When talking against key figures, , it is not easy to have some accidents.

Levi's mental control spells are very easy to use, but when facing certain special characters blessed by luck, using mental control will arouse the vigilance or counterattack of the world's will, which will cause twists and turns in his plan. This ability now makes up for Levi's shortcomings in this area.

Li Wei completed the ability test and conducted experiments on more than a hundred people. His luck has dropped to less than % of normal conditions. If it were another person, he would suddenly lose such a large amount of luck, and he would have bad luck for the rest of his life. . For Li Wei, it would take more than half a month to replenish his depleted luck.

But after all, Li Wei is a person with deep blessings. Even if he has 100% luck, he is much better than ordinary practitioners. It's just that compared with his full luck state, his luck is not as good as before. It's just From super lucky to very lucky.

After testing his newly acquired abilities, Levi returned directly to Izumo Manor without staying outside.

Entering Izumo Manor from the main entrance, it has been transformed into a beach front yard, with a path leading directly to the main body of the manor. When the girls saw Levi returning, they immediately gathered around and abandoned the beach volleyball they were playing.

Surrounded by warblers and swallows, Li Wei enjoyed his current environment.

Song asked curiously: "Li Weijun, you stayed at Hayato's side on Yuzi. Is there anything important?"

Li Wei hugged Song with one hand and Hu Die with the other, walked towards the beach, and said: "It's just to completely deal with the hidden dangers. Although Hayato Mikogami lost all the wagtails, he still He has the ability to compete again, so I made it impossible for him to compete again.”

Song said in surprise: "Li Weijun, did you sign any agreement with him?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "For a person like him, the agreement is not very binding on him. As long as he wants to re-join the game, there are many ways to bypass the agreement. In my case, I just extracted the ancient reed bud genetic factors from his body. Come out and destroy it on the spot. Now he is just an ordinary person. He cannot make the wagtail feather, so naturally he will no longer be able to participate in the game."

Song Song showed an expression of sudden realization and said: "I see, in this case, we have indeed lost a powerful enemy."

Levi said: "Next, we have to continue to increase the number of companions and maximize our advantage."

During this period, the wagtails released by MBI can be said to be mixed, with all kinds of weird and wonderful things. The most weird one is No. Tian Yu. This is a boy who looks like a girl, just like Hayato Mikogami. In this way, if you put on women's clothing, you can fool most people.

Tian Yu is a very rebellious wagtail. After leaving MBI, he quickly found a cowardly girl as his Wei Ya. The reason why he found this girl was because her cowardly character was easy to control, which made him Being able to take the dominant position in the relationship and in turn use this girl as his own power amplifier. Although this behavior did not directly kill his own Wei Ya, it was also very bad. However, MBI chose to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. After all, Wagtail Game is full of situations, and any situation may happen. , with the contrast of the previous negative teaching materials, Tianyu's behavior does not seem so strange.

Levi followed the girls to the beach volleyball net. He found a lounge chair and sat down, admiring the girls playing beach volleyball. He had an extra tablet in his hand, which Song often used. The one above contains various information about MBI and wagtails. Which wagtails have left the control of MBI, which wagtails are still in a state of adjustment, and among the individuals in the outside world, which ones have completed fledging and which ones have not yet been fledged. , there are detailed records on this tablet computer, and the information is updated in real time. As long as MBI has information, this tablet computer can basically find it.

After checking the latest information, Li Wei decided to take action against Yuehai. Now the time is ripe. Some time ago, Li Wei wandered around outside when he had nothing to do, and appeared at a place not far from Yuehai, taking advantage of both sides. The connection induction between them constantly reminds Yue Hai that her Wei Ya has appeared. The next step is to use the power of the puppet clones to create a little coincidence.


On the next day, Li Wei was ready to close the net. Yuehai's condition during this period was not good. The induction state that would appear from time to time made her feel like she had been "surprised" and left. She suddenly felt short of breath and hot in her body while walking on the street. This feeling made her feel irritated even though she was shy.

After simply taking care of himself, Levi said hello to the girls and left Izumo Village on his motorcycle.

The backyard of Izumo Village has been transformed into a hot spring area, so the girls are either staying on the beach in the front hall or running to the hot spring area in the backyard to soak in the hot springs. This kind of environment that can be enjoyed without leaving Izumo Village is also All of them have become stay-at-home girls, and they basically never go out except for patrolling.

Riding his bike, Levi came to the Shibuya area where Tsukiumi often appeared. After finding a place to put the bike away, Levi entered the home electronics arcade.

Despite Yue Hai's serious appearance, this girl is actually a video game girl with a strong gaming addiction.

Chapter 4. Yuehai’s hobbies

The video game city is very lively. There is never a shortage of idle people in the huge Eastern Imperial Capital. In this world, there are always people who are idle every day but are never short of money to spend. This is true no matter which country they are in.

Levi's perception is that the existence of the Moon Sea is like a lighthouse on the ocean, very conspicuous. No matter how weak the wagtail is, its life essence is higher than that of normal humans. There is no need to question this. The humans in this world , in Li Wei's view, the potential is not great. Even if one masters the path of cultivation, his own talent determines that it is difficult for humans in this world to control their own destiny in this way.

In comparison, the overall potential of humans in the real world is much higher than that of humans in this world.

At this time, Yuehai was sitting in front of a fighting game machine, grabbing the joystick and twisting it quickly, and pressing the buttons rhythmically with her right hand. The opponent sitting opposite her had sweat on her forehead. , the gap between the two sides was very obvious, and he was completely beaten.

Neon's game console is different from that in China. In China, the game console has two operating seats on both sides, and two people can sit together to play. On Neon's side, it's a human machine. For a battle, two machines back to back are connected, which can take care of the player's comfort to the greatest extent. In order to make players feel more comfortable, even the chairs they sit on are ergonomic chairs. Players can adjust the height and width of the chair according to their height and arm span, so that their comfort will not affect their swing.

In this case, if you lose, you lose, and there is no excuse at all. Domestic old-fashioned game arcades do not take care of the comfort of players. There is a bench in front of the game console. It is not only hard for the buttocks, and there is no way to adjust it, so for some players, sitting is very uncomfortable. , it is easy to affect the performance, and to a certain extent, the probability of victory or defeat of both sides of the battle is affected.

Levi came behind the opponent in Moonsea and watched how the opponent operated. This is a fighting game that cannot be found in the real world. The character style is a bit similar to Guilty Gear and Moonflower Swordsman, and the offensive and defensive system is a bit like Street Fighter. The feeling is that it is relatively difficult to get started. For a game like this, it takes dozens of hours just to get started.

Old-school fighting games and RTS real-time strategy games are both genres with relatively high thresholds. If an average player wants to get started, they need to spend time and pay tuition.

However, after Li Wei knew that Yue Hai was a loyal player of this game, he made a copy of the game and built a special game console on the floating island. Taking advantage of the time difference between inside and outside, he spent some time to thoroughly play the game. He has thoroughly understood it, and now that he is accomplished in this game, there will be no problem even if he plays in the professional league.

Yuehai's skills in this game are much better than those of ordinary players. Coupled with the fact that she has several specially trained personal strong characters, her strength is below the level of a professional and above that of an ordinary friend. When an average player encounters her, especially when she uses her powerful character, the feeling is no different from meeting a professional player.

Li Wei's intelligence investigation on Yuehai was very detailed. Qian Zhihe monitored her for fourteen hours non-stop. Not to mention such a living habit, Li Wei even knew the color and style of her underwear. Know clearly. Not to mention, despite the fact that this girl has a very mature figure, she actually has a very conservative character. Even the styles are the most conservative white pure cotton style, not fancy at all.

In about ten seconds, the character controlled by Yuehai's opponent was killed by combos. He didn't even have time to react. After being selected, he could only watch his character being hit continuously and being killed. Yue Hai fired a ten-hit combo in one breath, and his mentality exploded in an instant.

Losing is not scary. Anyone who plays fighting games dares to say that they have never said this. Even professional players will sometimes be ridiculed by others. However, it is such a shame to lose and be tapped by the opponent with a scraping combo. Even if you die, it's like being ridden on your head with a lump of Ollie on your head.

The young man, who seemed to be quite old, quickly took a few deep breaths to control his emotions. A real fighting game player must be able to afford to lose. Those who can only win but not lose will be pissed to death sooner or later.

The young man picked up the small basket he used to hold the game coins and stood up. Levi picked up his small basket, sat down, and began to adjust the chair.

The young man said: "Brother, I advise you to change the machine to play. The opponent is very strong. I spent more than ten coins in one breath, but I couldn't win even the game against the opponent. The opponent's strength is so strong that it looks like a professional Like a player."

Levi smiled and said: "Thank you for reminding me, but in games like fighting games, you have to fight against strong people to grow your strength. If you are afraid of strong people, you will stop moving forward. If he really If you can beat me, even if all the game coins here are spent, I will be happy."

The young man said: "From what you say, little brother, you are very good at this game?"

The game that Levi wants to play has the same status in this world as the Street Fighter series in the real world. It is a phenomenal classic game with a large number of players all over the world. Now he wants to play it. It is the latest game in the series, and it is also a new game that has only been launched in this world two years ago. Even the Battle.net ranking on the online battle platform can count at least more than two million core players, and this does not include those with weak hands. Cloud players.

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