The dragon destroyed the surrounding environment into a mess, and at the same time, the liquid that fell down created a place that was conducive to Yue Hai's swing. The walls on both sides of the alleyway have been destroyed, and the entire ground is full of waves. A large number of ropes are made of ropes, trapping semi-mechanized puppets that cannot dodge.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At the same time, Yue Hai had a knife in his hand, and the knife made a slight buzzing sound. Levi just glanced out of the corner of his eye and knew that Yue Hai had used a high-pressure knife.

Yue Hai took advantage of the moment when the opponent was unable to move, stepped on the surface, and rushed forward like a phantom, the knife in his hand quickly slashed across the bodies of the semi-mechanized puppets. After she had done all this, she still cautiously opened the distance between the two parties and retreated to Levi's side.

However, what happened next shocked Tsukiumi. Each of the cyborg puppets broke free from the shackles of Liu, and only faint scratches were left on their bodies where they had been slashed by knives.

"These monsters?! Can't even break through the defense?!" Yuehai said in surprise.

There is a reason why Yuehai is so surprised. Her high-pressure knife has a cutting ability that is stronger than the best industrial high-pressure knife currently available to mankind. Moreover, under high-speed continuous cutting, even if the thickness reaches ten centimeters, She can also cut alloy steel in two. However, after the opponent withstood such an exaggerated attack, only faint scratches were left on the armor on the body. Even her strongest attack method was useless against the opponent. Once she got into a tug-of-war, it was only a matter of time before she was defeated.


Tsukiumi's combat intelligence is quite good. Compared to the mindless animation, the manga will only fight head-on with the opponent. Here, her combo just now can be said to be very amazing. If it were another one, The enemy, not the semi-mechanized puppet clone with excellent defense, would have been eliminated by her just now.

Levi said: "I want to borrow what you left, is that okay?"

Yuehai said in surprise: "What do you want to do? Can you also control the flow?"

Although Tsukiumi is a wagtail, because she grew up in a rather special environment, the researchers at the institute treated her as a normal human being, so she also learned a variety of knowledge, although it was not enough to engage in scientific research. , but in terms of knowledge, she ranks high among all the wagtails.

Yuehai couldn't understand that Li Wei, as a human being and Wei Ya, would ask her such a question. It was precisely because of this that she felt puzzled.

Levi said: "I know how to control the flow a little bit. It's just that unlike your delicate method, my method is rougher. I have a special way of dealing with the tin cans like the one opposite. "

Li Wei raised his hand, and his face that had calmed down once again became turbulent. A large number of chains made of fluids instantly emerged from his face, directly binding the semi-mechanized puppets tightly. At the same time, more fluids appeared. Transformed into a huge fist, it hammered down these semi-mechanized puppets fiercely. The huge impact of the fist hit the armor on the puppets, making a tooth-breaking sound of metal twisting. It was not just the fist. While impacting the armor, the chains were also tightening continuously. In just a few seconds, these semi-mechanized puppets had been twisted and deformed, and some of them were even directly cut into pieces.

Yuehai looked at this scene and was completely confused.

Levi smiled and said, "Isn't this done?"

Yuehai looked at the flow that had fallen on the ground and the semi-mechanized puppets that had turned into piles of scrap metal, and said in surprise: "Are you really a human being?! How can a human being do such a thing? This is unscientific! "

Levi smiled and said: "It is precisely because we are human that we can do such a thing. After all, human beings have unlimited possibilities, and not only wagtails can master such power."

Yuehai shook her head. She felt that her three views were a little unstable. She grew up in the research institute and followed the researchers to see another world that ordinary people could not see. It was a world called science. It is precisely because she knows more than ordinary Wagtails that the current situation has a greater impact on her heart than others.

After all, the researchers at the institute believe that ordinary people do not have the unique wagtail base of the wagtail. Without such magical things existing in the body, there is no way to master those magical powers.

Researchers at the institute have tried to create artificial wagtail stems in ordinary people by extracting the metabolic secretions of the wagtail stems. However, such experiments have ended in failure. The metabolic secretions of the wagtail stems can indeed make people temporarily inactive. Gain some special abilities, but they are very weak. The human body itself does not have a wagtail base and cannot use metabolic secretions to construct special internal organs. Therefore, ordinary people cannot have such power in a true sense.

The power shown by Levi is already more powerful than that of her in each digit. It is also just for fun. Her attacks are like scraping against those "iron cans" and can only leave shallow traces. However, the flow attack used by Levi felt powerful and heavy. As someone who also used flow, she could feel even more powerful.

Yuehai said: "What are you going to do next?"

Yuehai's heart is also very complicated. If Li Wei hadn't helped her this time, she might have encountered an accident. After all, the opponent is not only powerful alone, but also operates on a team scale. If she were alone, it would be There is no way to resist such a large-scale hunting. It is only a matter of time before being defeated.

Levi said: "Of course I have to contact MBI and let them clean up the mess. I think they are also happy to get more information about that mysterious organization. With their skills, they can find what they need from these scraps. information."

Yuehai said with some surprise: "This pile of things should be of great research value. Why don't you keep some for yourself? Even if you take it to the black market to exchange for money, it would be better than giving it directly to MBI. Those guys won't thank you. .”

Levi said: "I don't lack this little money, so why waste time and effort? Moreover, these guys are hunting wagtails now. After all, I have limited energy and cannot be the guardian of all wagtails. So, like this Let’s leave the matter to MBI. As for me, if you encounter it, then help. If you don’t encounter it, I don’t know that such a thing happens and I can’t do anything.”

Yue Hai thought in her heart that Li Wei would actually think about this problem from the perspective of the wagtail. In the eyes of that weird Yu Guangren, the wagtail is just a chess piece to complete the game. The reason why she doesn't want to become a feather is because she doesn't want to put her own Hand over your lifeblood so that you can have more initiative and maintain your independence at critical moments.

But now, she found that she was extremely attracted to this overly good-looking guy in front of her. She felt that her heart was about to beat out of her chest, and there was also a tingling feeling coming from deep inside her body. Welling up, she smelled a very good smell from Levi's body, which made her head feel dizzy.

Levi continued: "To be honest, the Wagtail Game, a game where girls fight around, is not only vile, but also cruel. I am prepared to put an end to this game in my own way."

Li Wei's words brought Yuehai back to his senses and said, "Do you have a way to end the game?"

Levi nodded and said: "The idea is already there. According to the inference, my method is generally no problem. However, I have to prevent too many Wagtails from suffering irreparable serious injuries in the game to achieve the goal. It’s important, but the process of achieving the goal cannot be ignored.”

Yuehai was silent for a moment and said: "Who are you? You give me the feeling that you are definitely not an ordinary person."

Levi smiled and said: "I'm just an ordinary human traveler. I haven't asked you your name yet. We share the same sorrow. It would be a bit rude not to know your name."

Yuehai said: "My name is Yuehai, No."

Levi smiled and said: "My name is Levi, a passing traveler who wants to end the wagtail game.".

Chapter. The wavering of the Moon Sea

Yuehai said: "Passenger? Your name doesn't sound like a neon person."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Of course, I am a descendant of the dragon and a citizen of the big country across the sea."

Yuehai said: "Then why do you want to come to Neon?"

Levi rubbed his chin: "This is quite complicated to explain. Why I came to Neon, please allow me to keep it secret for the time being. But I will come here, coincidence accounts for most of the factors."

Although Yue Hai was very curious about Li Wei's things, if Li Wei didn't want to talk, it would be useless for her to be curious. Everyone has their own secrets.

Levi took out his phone and dialed Sahashi Takami's personal number. As a member of MBI, she has very high authority and can even make various decisions on behalf of Yuhiro. So what's going on here? , they all directly contact Takami Sahashi. Although she is a woman, Takami Sahashi is more reliable than most men.

After Jiang Sheng's matter was explained clearly, Levi hung up the phone.

Yuehai said: "What are you going to do next? I pulled you out just now, and all your game coins are still in the video game city. I'll go get them back for you."

Levi said: "No need, anyone can take it, just treat it as my treat. But I didn't expect that a girl like Yuehai would actually like high-intensity and fast-paced games like fighting games. Girls in fighting games Players are pretty sparse.”

Yuehai said: "This is all the prejudice of male players! Female players also play competitive games. Just like me, my flat-playing career may be a bit difficult, but ordinary male players are no match for me. "

Li Wei smiled and said: "Ah, yes, that's true. Although I haven't been exposed to that fighting game for a long time, I have defeated many professional players on Yuehai, you are already very powerful if you can reach this level." ”

Yuehai said: "It's not bad, Bianban. By the way, you saved me this time. If you weren't by my side, I would have been defeated and kidnapped by them. I don't know what the end would be. I I have to thank you."

Levi said: "If you want to thank me, just treat me to a meal."

An expression of surprise appeared on Yuehai's face. She didn't expect that Levi's requirements would be so low. No amount of repayment for this kind of life-saving kindness would be an exaggeration. Yuehai is not an idiot. She can understand what Li Wei means. Li Wei doesn't want her to do anything with this favor, so he chooses to let her pay off the favor now, and it's still this simple way.

Yue Hai thought about it for a while, since he wanted to treat Levi to a meal, he had to choose something expensive, and it had to be luxurious and high-end, otherwise, it would be really unseemly.

Levi said: "I am very interested in the roadside ramen stall. How about treating me to ramen?"

"Eh?!" Yuehai was really surprised. She didn't expect Levi's requirements to be so low. The mobile ramen stalls on the street can be said to be the lowest-end existence, at the lowest end of the despise chain. Even Yoshinoya can overlook the street ramen stalls.

Generally speaking, when Neon people invite distinguished guests, they will usually choose to have dinner in a place like a restaurant. Only in this way can the guests feel that they are respected.

Yuehai said: "Would it be...not too serious for a street ramen stall?"

Yuehai thought about her words. She was embarrassed to say directly. Many people in Neon despised street ramen stalls. Although they would eat them when they had no money, they would eat them when they were talking to other people. When chatting, when mentioning street ramen stalls, I would despise them for the sake of my own face.

Levi said: "But I just want to eat ramen."

Yuehai didn't know what to say. Looking at Li Wei's sincere and aggrieved expression, her heart was touched. An indescribable sweet feeling made her feel that such a time could be spent more happily. Just go slower.

Without waiting long, MBI's recycling department had arrived at the back of the video game city. The team was still led by Levi's acquaintance, Takami Sahashi. However, she is now accompanied by two members of the Punishment Team, Red Wing and Gray Wing. Considering that the East Imperial Capital is not at peace during this period, the "mysterious organization" will come out from time to time to increase its presence. As an MBI character, it is understandable to bring two bodyguards when traveling.

And what is different from the original plot is that considering the security of the Eastern Imperial Capital and MBI's control over the Wagtail game, the Punishment Team established a detachment, which also consisted of three Wagtails plus Wei Ya, and all four of them were women.

After the punishment team's manpower was replenished, the original defensive pressure was relieved to a certain extent. Therefore, when MBI's important personnel perform field tasks, they can be followed by punishment team members to ensure safety.

Takami Sahashi entered the alleyway that had been destroyed beyond recognition. Looking at the messy scene, he said: "Li Weijun, you gave me another surprise this time. MBI already owes you three favors."

Levi said: "I just don't want to see Wagtails get hurt because of these things. There is still a bottom line in the Wagtail game, which can at least ensure that Wagtails rarely die, but God knows if Wagtails fall into the hands of those guys , what kind of torture they will suffer. The practice of transforming human beings into mechanical weapons is evil. An organization that can do such a thing is definitely not a good person. Therefore, although I will not gain much from sabotaging their actions, I willing."

Sahashi Takami said: "Although I am very grateful for your help, to be honest, aren't you afraid that the organization will retaliate against you?"

Levi smiled and said: "If I was afraid, I wouldn't do such a thing. I'll leave it to you here."

Sahashi Takami said: "Okay, after thanking you, I will send it directly to Izumo-so. MBI will not let you do such a thing in vain."

Sahashi Takami looked at Tsukiumi next to Levi. Her gaze made Tsukiumi feel a little uncomfortable. Tsukiumi crossed his arms on his chest and turned his head slightly, not daring to see what Sahashi Takami was doing. A look of curiosity and amusement.

Sahashi Takami said: "Tsukiumi, both I and your grandma are very happy to see you find your own Weiya. I didn't expect that you finally figured it out, and it was such a high-quality Weiya. That’s pretty good.”

"That's not what happened! I..." Yue Hai suddenly got stuck. She wanted to deny it, but when she said the words, she found that her heart was shaken. She really didn't want to look for Wei Ya before, but when she saw her When she arrived at Levi's, she discovered that her will was not as strong as she thought.

Chapter. The thoughts of elders

Takami Sahashi looked at Tsukiumi playfully. Although she did not adjust Tsukiumi herself, the "grandma" who adjusted Tsukiumi was her and Mikohiro's teacher in college. She was a very talented person, but Because of gender discrimination in the neon scientific research community, I have been unable to use my talents.

It is precisely because she is talented and is also his mentor, so both Mihiro and Sahashi Takami feel relieved to hand over Tsukiumi to the old man for adjustment.

The old man himself has no children, so he treats Tsukiumi as his granddaughter. It is precisely because of this relationship that Tsukiumi and Sahashi Takami have a relationship similar to "relatives", and the two parties usually communicate more Frequently, Yuehai's news is so well-informed, which also plays an important factor. After all, Yuehai is also a related household.

Yuehai's face turned red and she said hurriedly: "I am not her wagtail, we are just..."

Sahashi Takami said: "If you are so busy explaining, even if it really doesn't matter, people will misunderstand that it does. Besides, Li Wei-kun is quite a nice person. If you follow her, I'm not worried that you will suffer." , maybe you can follow the team right to the end and win."

Takami Sahashi has no real knowledge of Levi's strength, but so far, Levi's strength has been amazing enough. The probability of winning the final victory is dozens of times higher than that of other contestants, so Only then would she suggest Yue Hai to follow Li Wei.

MBI has all the information on Wei Ya. Although it cannot find the most detailed information on Li Wei, every time Li Wei takes action, the information is leaked. So now, MBI has a certain understanding of Li Wei. It is not sure, but Better than nothing.

Levi's personal strength is simply superhuman. If he is willing to take the initiative, it will not be a problem to destroy MBI overnight. It is precisely because of this that Yu Guangren did not dare to make plans against Li Wei, fearing that the unstable factor of Li Wei would destroy his core plan. The two sides maintained a certain tacit understanding and did not step on each other's bottom line.

But what Yu Guangren doesn't know is that Li Wei already fully understands his plan. The reason why Li Wei doesn't care now is more of a "I'll just watch your performance quietly" In fact, Yu Guangren was actually afraid of Li Wei.

After all, Yuhiroto is also the originator of the Wagtail game plan. He is well aware of the resistance this plan may encounter. The beauty of Izumo Village is the biggest resistance. Of course, this was the past. Now, the biggest unstable factor is not Mei Zai, but Li Wei. Mei Zai is the Wagtail Queen after all. She is bound by Haotian. Even if she is unwilling, she must accept the final stage of the game. , it’s just a matter of time. But Li Wei is a brand new variable. Until they fully understand Li Wei's trump card, Yuguang people will not dare to make any big move against Izumo Village.

Levi said: "Director Sahashi, since there is nothing else, Tsukihai and I will leave first."

Yuehai came back to his senses and said quickly: "That's right, if nothing happens, we'll leave first."

Takami Sahashi looked at Tsukiumi's uncomfortable look and knew that her words had embarrassed the other person. Tsukiumi was a junior she had watched grow up, and it was precisely because of this that she cared about what Tsukiumi would find. After all, when a wagtail is looking for its own Wei Ya, there is a certain amount of luck in it. If you find a good Wei Ya, it will be a dreamlike relationship, but if you trust someone else, it will only happen. It ended tragically. What she hates the most is Wei Ya, like Bing'equan from the Eastern Force, who completely uses the wagtails as tools. However, she is limited by the rules that have been established, and she can't say anything.

Sahashi Takami said: "Go on, let me, an old aunt, clean up the mess here. You young people should go on a date when you should. Remember to take safety measures. This is the game stage now. If you have a baby, it will be very troublesome."

Yue Hai's face suddenly turned red, her voice became louder unconsciously, and she said, "No way!"

Li Wei gently pulled Yue Hai and said in a low voice: "If you continue to stay here, you may hear more strange words later. Let's go."

Tsukiumi reacted and found that that was indeed the case. To her, Sahashi Takami was like an elder with whom she had a good relationship, and it was normal for elders to care about the marriage of their juniors. If you continue to stay here, you may be ridiculed in some way, and the most troublesome thing is that you still have no way to refute. The best way to deal with it now is to leave directly.

Li Wei and Yue Hai left the alley where the fighting took place. Neon is a country with a highly concentrated population. A large number of people are concentrated in the three major metropolitan areas. The other places are the East Imperial Capital, which is vast and sparsely populated, and every inch of land is valuable. It always gives people a very ". dense" feeling.

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