Lu Huo said: "I am Lu Huo No., please give me your advice."

Lu Huo is a very traditional girl. When she introduces herself, she bows slightly, like a well-educated young lady from a traditional family, giving her a very comfortable look.

The uranium girl showed a thoughtful expression and said in surprise: "You and the two unlucky guys who were kidnapped at the beginning must be the same. Damn it, my sister. Look at people, you would do such an immoral thing. You Don’t worry, sister will find a way to avenge you!”

Uranium Girl patted her elastic mountain, with a proud expression of "Sister is covering you". It has to be said that among the wagtails in the mountains, Uranium Girl can be regarded as one of the few people with tall and straight peaks. This kind of silly sister His temperament is not annoying.

Hu Die sighed: "Uranium Girl, please stop causing trouble. Amei, you see, the strength of the country is there. Even MBI, who was deceived in the first place, couldn't directly retaliate. He still went around in a big circle to deceive me. See, Commander, please don’t do anything stupid.”

Levi pretended to be surprised and said, "What happened? No. and No. were kidnapped before?"

The uranium girl said: "That happened more than ten years ago. I happened to be still on the island, so I knew about it. My sister who was sneaked into the island was kidnapped by the Chinese special forces. Crow Feather and Yume-sama chased him out and rescued the person, but Yume-sama disappeared."

Hu Die showed a surprised expression and said: "Missing? Wagtail's strength is not something that ordinary humans can resist."

The uranium girl said: "Yes, that's the captain of the punishment team, the daughter of No. 1, a strong person who can form an army. But she disappeared. Anyway, only Crow Feather and... came back. Why wasn't Crow Feather missing? That pervert."

Lu Huo raised his hand and whispered: "I know about this matter."

Hu Die and Uranium Girl both looked at Lu Huo in surprise.

Lu Huo said: "After No. and I were taken away by others, Crow Feather-sama and Yume-sama chased them out and defeated those bad guys. In order to save No., whose base was shattered, Yume-sama put her own The base was injected into No.'s body, and No., who was originally in a vegetative state, revived, but Yume-sama disappeared."

The girl looked a little unhappy and said, "Sure enough, my dear, everyone in this country is just garbage bugs, they must be eliminated physically!"

Uranium Girl respects No. Yume very much. Now that she knows why Yume disappeared, she is holding a fire in her heart. She wants to vent but can't find a place. She already knows who the culprit is. Now, at least she doesn't have to worry. When it comes to revenge, you have chosen the wrong person.

Li Wei pretended to be confused and said: "The A-mei here in the world are so wicked when you look at the country. The A-mei from my hometown look at the country and beat up the countries in the eastern region one by one for the sake of oil. , and then manipulated exchange rates to harvest other countries, and also launched various biological viruses and genetic weapons into other countries. Anyway, it is evil."

The uranium girl said: "It's all the same. Look at the country of Amei in this world, but she is jokingly called a cancer of mankind."

Levi said: "Then do you want us to come with a big ticket when we leave?"

The uranium girl became interested, her eyes seemed to be shining, and she asked: "How big is it?"

Levi smiled and said: "The Indians were exterminated. Have you played "Fallout", right?"

The uranium girl stood in awe, gave a thumbs up, and said: "You are still taller! Those bastards deserve to be picking up garbage in the wasteland."

Levi said: "I have a way to keep the radiation on that land in a nuclear explosion state for hundreds of years."

Lu Huo said weakly: "Isn't this a bit uncomfortable?"

Uranium Girl said: "But, they killed Yume-sama, and this is the price they should pay. Moreover, Yume-sama also saved you, don't you want to take revenge?"

Lu Huo said weakly: "But if we really do this, won't we hurt innocent people?"

Hu Die said with a serious expression: "Amei, you see, everyone in the country is enjoying the dividends brought back to the homeland by the empire that caused trouble all over the world. Are they really innocent? Just like the neon lights that started the war, at that time Neon people, are there any innocent people?”

Levi said: "Stop, stop. This issue does not need to be discussed in depth. My words support the uranium girl's view. The thing I hate most is that the girls around me are injured. I am not a saint, and, that sentence How do you say it? A gentleman's revenge can be avenged in ten lifetimes. This incident has only happened a few years ago. Do we have to let the uranium girl forget such a thing?"

Hu Die said: "I also agree with your views. After all, hatred is something that is hard to forget."

Uranium Girl said: "It's just that Crow Feather's mentality is not very normal. After Yun Girl disappeared, she became like a psychopath, and the problem became more serious. There are far more people who can't accept this kind of thing. You and me."

Hu Die did not expect that what happened here would be like this. After all, she did not personally experience the incident at the time, and the internal information was kept secret, so she did not know the true nature of the incident until now.

After knowing about this incident, even the calm Hu Die had all kinds of terrible thoughts in his mind. After all, who is more important, a stranger or the people around him? There is no need to think about such things.

Chapter 4. Deer Fire Feathering

A bright figure came over, wearing a black bikini, Yuehai, and said: "Uranium girl, you must have taken too long to pick up the ball. If it were me, it would have been enough to run back and forth several times."

Yue Hai came in front of everyone. When she saw Lu Huo, she was stunned and said, "Newcomer?"

The uranium girl said: "There is a reason why I delayed my time. You go and play first, I will come back later."

Yuehai nodded, picked up the ball, and walked back.

Uranium Girl said to Lu Huo: "Everyone is very easy to get along with. You will know when the welcome banquet is held in the evening. Now, the most important thing is to solve your accommodation problem. Come with me, I Show you your room."

The uranium girl took Li Wei's arm, pulled Li Wei, and led Lu Huo towards the main body of the building.

Lu Huo said puzzledly: "Sir, do you want to go with us too?"

The uranium girl said: "Because the rooms in Izumo-shuang are already full of people, we need to open up new space to make room for you. Unless you don't mind living with other people."

Lu Huo said: "It's okay to live with other people, I don't choose."

Levi said: "I'd better listen to you. Girls always need some personal privacy. If you live with other people, you will always feel inconvenient sometimes. Anyway, you don't need to open up a new space. No matter how much it costs, I can help you build a room, which is equivalent to a permanent solution."

The three of them entered the interior of Izumo Manor and came to the building. The number of Levi's wagtails had already reached more than ten people. If it were a room for one person, the room on the Izumo Manor side was not enough, so the building, You can see the passage door that connects the opened space. Space doors like this have special marks on them, and they also have wagtail patterns and braids. You can tell whose room it is at a glance.

In the corridor of the building, three people stopped.

In order to adapt to the new situation, Levi has already carried out certain renovations on the building. The traditional paper-wood sliding doors that took up space have been replaced by traditional outward-opening single doors, so that the walls can be as wide as possible. Only by placing more space doors can as many rooms as possible be enclosed.

Levi said: "Space doors can be made in any empty space on the wall, but the internal style needs to be confirmed with you on site."

Li Wei took two steps back and grabbed a handful of gold sand from his consciousness space. The gold sand scattered along the gaps between his fingers and fell on the wooden floor. Under the influence of his magic power, he drew a complex circular array. The golden sand scattered on the ground slowly turned into a liquid state, and emitted some kind of golden light. It gradually separated from the floor and formed a three-dimensional structure in mid-air.

Uranium Girl and Lu Huoguang felt dizzy when they looked at the three-dimensional structure of the magic circle in mid-air. That was because they saw the existence of a higher level when their levels were not enough, and the body's defense mechanism worked to avoid burning. Damage their brains and actively put them into a state of dizziness.

However, this kind of power is also quite mild, so the two girls are just a little dizzy and it will not have much impact.

The three-dimensional magic circle was imprinted on the wall as if it were alive. As the magic circle gradually integrated into the wall, a wooden door slowly emerged from the wall.

Levi pushed open the wooden door and took the lead to walk in. Inside was a bright and spacious space. The height of the inner ceiling was about four meters. The usable area inside was more than 100 square meters. Because there were no partitions, it looked very spacious. open.

Li Wei took out a handful of gold sand again and blew it forward. In an instant, the whole space shook.

Levi said: "Now this space is like plasticine in an unformed state. I can exert influence on this space and solidify it in a special state. Luhuo, what kind of decoration style do you like? I can satisfy you. Of course, if you have a design drawing, I can fulfill your requirements more accurately."

Lu Huo said: "Traditional neon decoration is enough. It only needs to maintain warm colors and sufficient lighting to meet these conditions."

Lu Huo is not a greedy character, nor does she pursue those luxurious things. In her opinion, a simple place to live is enough.

Levi nodded, snapped his fingers, and the shaking space stabilized. At the same time, various traditional neon-style furniture appeared one after another, and the internal space was partitioned with screens.

Except for the fact that there are no windows, the whole room can be said to be in almost perfect condition. When Lu Huo saw this place for the first time, she could no longer move. She used to live in the research institute, in the staff dormitory of the research institute. Although the environment It's not bad, but it always gives people a cold feeling. The environment that Levi arranged here made her feel like home. This was the first time she had experienced such a feeling.

Levi said: "Is this okay?"

Lu Huo nodded quickly. She couldn't fault the current environment at all. In the center of the room was a plush cat-shaped lazy couch. She wanted to jump to the lazy couch right now. Lying on your stomach. But considering that Levi and Uranium Girl are still here, she is not so thick-skinned to do such a childish thing.

Levi said: "Lu Huo, you can familiarize yourself with the environment first. We won't disturb you now. I will call you during dinner later."

Lu Huo bowed to Li Wei and said, "Thank you, sir, for giving me a place to stay."

Li Wei touched Lu Huo's head and said with a smile: "This is what I should do as Wei Ya."

Lu Huo suddenly ran into Li Wei's arms, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Li Wei. The wagtail's feathering ceremony began, and huge purple wings of light slowly emerged from behind her. At the same time, the energy in her body The limiter has also become loose. The wagtail that has completed the feathering ceremony can be said to have doubled its strength compared to the period when it has not yet feathered.

Uranium Girl felt the aura emerging from Lu Huo and nodded. Although Lu Huo was relatively behind, her strength was quite strong, even superior to her seniors. At least Mikimi Miwa, together with Dannan, is probably barely able to draw a tie with Shika Hui. If you want to suppress Shika Hui, you must at least have the level of combat power of Akitsu, Hikari, and Hibiki sisters.

Of course, in a one-on-one duel, Uranium Girl is confident that she can completely defeat Lu Huo. This is the advantage brought by her ability to restrain the pure physical power Wagtail. The thing she is least afraid of is the pure strength Wagtail. However, there are advantages and disadvantages. When faced with some wagtails with special abilities, she will suffer relatively. This can be regarded as an assassin-type problem where she has more than enough explosive power but insufficient endurance. If she wants to solve the battery life problem, it will not take two days. It can be done, and she is not in a hurry.

Chapter. The game manager who can’t sit still

The MBI headquarters building is located in the commander-in-chief's office on the top floor. Yu Guangren is sitting on an office chair and checking the latest information related to the Wagtail game through the computer. This is what he does every day. The people below will The materials collected every day are summarized, sorted, and placed in a special folder on the internal server. Only a few people with top-level permissions can open the folder through the key and browse the files inside.

Yu Guangren opened the information that belonged to Li Wei and began to browse Li Wei's information during this period. Li Wei was his focus. After all, Li Wei was a bug that was difficult to deal with. If he did not take it seriously, it would be very dangerous. could cause his plan to fail. He is just an ordinary person with a limited lifespan, and has no chance or time to do it again. Therefore, he must succeed the first time and become an immortal and omnipotent god. Once he misses this opportunity, he can only be an ordinary person and sadly die of old age.

With the help of the biotechnology in the starship, Yu Guangren is confident that he will live to be three hundred years old. However, after the failure of this round of games, if he wants to try his plan to ascend to God again, he will have to wait at least four hundred years. He will not be able to live that time at all. time.

If he simply wants to live forever, he can change himself into a data life form and use the power of the Internet and machinery to rule the world. However, this is a last resort, because once he does this, it means that he There will never be another chance to ascend to the throne of God. Such immortality is also painful for him.

"Huh? Lu Huo has also been subdued by the opponent? I didn't expect him to take action so quickly. If he did, there would have been more than ten wagtails around him. In addition, the eastern and southern forces were defeated. Now, he has destroyed the balance of the game, and other players have no chance to challenge." Yu Guangren whispered to himself.

During this period, through various guidance methods, he finally managed to recruit Wei Ya again. However, compared with monsters like Li Wei, these Wei Ya were just novices who fell in one round and could not carry him. plan.

"No, we can't drag it on any longer. If this continues, the elite individuals in the sequence will be drawn over by him. By then, I won't have enough power to compete with him." Yu Guangren said.

Yu Guangren closed his laptop and leaned on the back of his chair. He swung the office chair around so that he faced the giant floor-to-ceiling window behind him. This was the highest point in the entire Eastern Imperial Capital. Looking out from here, you could see To the scenery dozens of kilometers away, naturally, the area where Izumo Village is located can also be seen from here.

Yu Guangren decided to talk to Li Wei. Although there was a basic tacit understanding between the two parties, the current situation was very unfavorable to him, considering Li Wei's terrible personal power and lack of interpersonal relationships. Weaknesses on the body, so he doesn't plan to use some dirty tricks because he can't afford the consequences. So, what he can do now is to find a time to make an appointment with Li Wei, and the two parties have a good talk to see if there is any chance of cooperation. If both parties get what they need, everyone will be happy, even if they can't do this. To this extent, it is also a good thing to be able to postpone the conflict until the decisive battle and buy him more time.

Mihiroto is confident that he will have the last laugh. After all, in addition to the core of Kamiko Island, he also has another starship left by Wagtail. Compared with the one on Kamiko Island, this one is more focused. In battle, this is his biggest trump card. As long as he has this ship, he will have the confidence to make a comeback from a desperate situation. The only thing he has to do now is to continue to delay the process of the game and collect as much emotional energy as possible. , to accumulate more power for the ascension ceremony, lest the ceremony might fail.

Now that the game is still in the first stage, all forces still have room to continue to develop. Yu Guangren has done the math, excluding those elite wagtail individuals that Li Wei may take away next. It is conservatively estimated that he You can also pull out thirty more reed sprouts and let them cause trouble outside. When entering the third stage, you can roughly collect your emotional power above the safety line.

In the third stage, he planned to change the original plan. Originally, the wagtail battle in the third stage was carried out in secret. But now, the plan has changed, and the free battle has become an open arena battle. Wagtails and Wei Ya will be exposed to the whole world, and the magical power of the Wagtails will be known to all ordinary people.

Although doing this would bring various potential risks to the surface, because of Li Wei's existence, he could no longer care about so many things. He would continue to let Li Wei collect like this until Li Wei was completely dominant. At that time, if we wanted to hold an arena competition at that time, we couldn't afford so many contestants.

Moreover, if Li Wei is allowed to completely monopolize all elite wagtail individuals, will other Wei Ya still have the courage to challenge Li Wei? This situation has seriously affected his plan, so Yu Guangren no longer intends to sit still and wait for death. The longer the time goes on, the greater the risk he will face if he wants to complete his plan.

Yu Guangren looked at the gradually darkening sky outside and took off his glasses. His eyes were blurry and the scenery outside was completely unclear.

Yu Guangren has severe high myopia. With the biotechnology currently mastered by MBI, it can be corrected through surgery. However, the ascension ceremony requires the individual undergoing the ceremony to be in the most natural state as possible, so he did not do it. Instead of undergoing surgery, he will continue to wear inconvenient glasses. When he truly becomes a god, he will have a perfect body, and by that time, various problems that would trouble ordinary people will no longer bother him. He was troubled.

Yu Guangren took out his phone, found Levi's phone number from the phone book, and pressed the dial button.


Levi, who was enjoying dinner with the girls, heard the ringing of the phone in his trouser pocket. He took out the phone and saw Yu Guangren's code displayed on the incoming call notification.

The uranium girl holding a cup of Coke in her hand looked over with a curious expression on her face and said: "Who is it? Call me during dinner. Levi, you probably don't have many friends in the world here." That’s right, right?”

Li Wei pointed the screen of his mobile phone at the girl's face and said, "It's that guy Yu Guangren."

Hearing Levi's words, everyone else also pricked up their ears.

The uranium girl said: "That pervert, who is mentally ill, must be up to no good if he calls at this time."

Levi smiled and said: "Who knows about this kind of thing? Anyway, I will go out and take the call. You can continue eating without waiting for me."

Chapter.A veiled threat

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