Today, Mei Zai is still dressed in a traditional style, but she has also tidied herself up. The usual simple style similar to kendo uniforms has been replaced. Now she is wearing a modern and improved dress. The blue and white porcelain blue tight-fitting kimono can well highlight the figure. The fabric of the kimono is embroidered with exquisite porcelain-like patterns. As a woman who wants to please her face, she is a bit more gorgeous than usual.

This combination of handsome men and beautiful women, walking on the street, attracted the attention of passers-by. After all, the dazzling two people are not comparable to those so-called celebrities. They are just walking normally. The two of them are like nobles inspecting their territory. In this way, there is an indescribable noble temperament, so that pedestrians who meet the two people head-on will unconsciously step back to both sides when approaching the two people.

The two of them did not encounter anything like chatting up, because the temperament of the two people was really different. The girl who wanted to chat up Li Wei saw the radiant beauty next to Li Wei, and instantly felt ashamed and could not afford to face Li Wei. Wei's courage. Men who want to chat with Mei Zai see Li Wei's handsome face like an ancient hero, and his strong figure that is much taller than others, especially his muscular arms, and his peaks are bigger than some women's. His strong chest muscles made them retreat immediately. If you strike up a conversation with Meiya, you might get beaten up. This kind of existence that looks like a humanoid platinum star, let alone Dun'ora, they are afraid that they won't be able to withstand even a punch.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

The roar came from above their heads, and the passenger plane passed over their heads.

Levi said: "This is a bustling downtown area, but being able to see a plane passing overhead is a rare experience for me."

Mei Zai smiled and said: "Although this experience is quite wonderful, in fact, this is also a compromise that the island country of Neon has to make due to its small land area. Normally, for the safety of the aircraft and people on the ground, places like airports It should be far away from the core downtown area. However, there are not many flat places that can be used to build the airport. Coupled with traffic and other influencing factors, the international airport was built here. The nearby residents are three miles apart. They will complain about noise pollution. After all, the noise caused by aircraft taking off and landing has caused a lot of trouble to local residents."

Levi said: "I can understand this. After all, the take-off and landing times of aircraft often conflict with the work and rest schedules of surrounding residents. For example, when you are sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, suddenly there is a dull roar above your head. , those who are timid will probably be frightened awake directly."

What Li Wei didn't know was that the magic is as high as the ruler and the Tao is as high as the ruler. With no help from the authorities, local residents have come up with various ways to deal with the noise. In this area, noise-reducing sponge earplugs that can isolate the sound are very popular.

The reason why Levi brought Mei Zai here to relax was to create a chance encounter with Fenghua. With a puppet clone, it was very easy for Levi to create a chance encounter, and he didn't have to worry about exposing any flaws.

Levi looked at Mei Zai and said: "You are very beautiful today. Of course, I don't mean that you are not beautiful normally, but you are completely different from your usual self today."

If we talk about how beautiful she is on a daily basis, she is so gentle. She is neither impatient nor impatient in the face of anything, nor does she fight for anything. But now, she has a gorgeous aura, like a flower bud that was originally wrapped up and suddenly bloomed. This huge contrast shocked even Li Wei, who was used to seeing beauties.

Chapter 4. Just daily life

Mei Zai took the initiative to hold Li Wei's hand, and her whole body's center of gravity moved slightly closer to Li Wei. In the past, she didn't know how to face such feelings at all, and she had never had such an experience, so when When she held Levi's hand, her heartbeat accelerated slightly.

Mei Zai said: "I haven't been out shopping like this for a long time."

Levi said: "Why?"

Mei Zai raised her head slightly, flashing some past scenes in her mind, and said: "Maybe I think it's unnecessary. I live in this world without friends, enemies, or relatives. I'm like a transparent ghost. In this way, observing the world from a dark corner that no one can see."

Levi moved his hand slightly and broke away from Mei Zai's hand. At the moment when Mei Zai was surprised, Levi had already held her hand, palms facing each other, and their fingers clasped together.

Levi said: "You are no longer an individual now. You already have a family and me. I will never let you be an individual again. When I learned about your past, I told myself that your Life has been full of hardships, so what you have to do now is to enjoy life to the fullest. A long life is not to torture yourself, but to make yourself happy."

Levi is a person who pursues happiness, just like ordinary people. Because life is extremely limited, many happiness cannot be experienced. After all, ordinary people are too fragile. Just like various extreme sports, a slight mistake can cost their lives. But after reaching the level of Wagtail, all kinds of extreme sports are very dangerous for ordinary people. They can treat deadly extreme sports as daily games. Moreover, ordinary people do not have enough financial resources to satisfy their own hobbies. However, after having a long life, they can collect wealth at their own pace and leisurely, and then use this wealth to satisfy their own hobbies.

All these beauties are based on longevity. Ordinary people, as short-lived species, will eventually face the dilemma of longevity even if they are combined with their partner wagtails. The shelf life of wagtails is calculated based on thousands of years. , and the life span of ordinary people is less than a hundred years.

Mei Zai is a super-long-standby immortal that has lived since the birth of human civilization until now. Although time has not withered her soul, the loneliness that goes deep into her bones has always troubled her.

It was only when she met Levi that she was able to break away from the cycle of loneliness and laugh without any psychological burden like she does now. This was something she never dared to think about before.

Mei Zai's slender hands are very soft, her fingers are as delicate and beautiful as green onions, the smooth and satin-like touch, the palms so delicate that no wrinkles can be seen, and the faint feeling of warmth that makes Li Wei's My heart also became softer.

To be honest, Levi knew that he had a mild case of sister control. His inner affection for a gentle big sister type girl was naturally higher than for other types of girls.

A gentle big sister-type girl can calm his heart when he gets along with her. All distracting thoughts will be thrown out of his mind. The whole person can enter an incredible state of concentration and focus on feeling all the beauty of the girl around him.

As if she was beautiful, Levi would lie down from time to time, resting the back of his head on her thighs, enjoying the warm feeling brought by the knee pillow.

Mei Zai smiled and said: "I am very happy every day now. I have never been so relaxed. Although everyone is always noisy and has various small problems on weekdays, this also makes me have people around me. The fireworks belong to people."

There are quite a lot of tenants in Izumo-sou, including more than a dozen Wagtail girls. Each of them is a big eater who eats far more than normal people. Therefore, Mei Zai is lazy in cooking and uses gourmet tablecloths instead of her own. Repeated work, and she will also make dishes by herself from time to time, and enter the dishes full of personal style into the database of gourmet tablecloths.

In addition to being lazy in cooking, Mei Zai still maintains her past living habits. She helps the girls tidy up the room, organize and wash the clothes. To this day, she still maintains the habit of drying the clothes with her own hands.

However, in the past, clothes would be hung to dry in the courtyard, but now, an area for drying clothes has been opened on the beach. Because of the convenience of the beach space, even if the outside world is in a cold environment like winter, there is a beach space. In such a tropical environment, she can easily dry clothes.

Mei Zai herself doesn’t have many interests. For her, taking care of other people around her is her interest. She enjoys the feeling of being a big sister and being relied on by everyone around her, which makes her feel fresh. He is alive and well, no longer a loner and a walking dead as before.

Levi smiled and said: "To be honest, I was a little worried before that they would disturb you. After all, we are all energetic girls. Especially the uranium girl, even if you hang her up and beat her, I will Understandable.”

Uranium girls typically go without fighting for three days. They go to the house to remove roof tiles, and they will make some mischief from time to time. For a "bad boy" like this, it is good to tidy up occasionally.

Mei Zai smiled and said: "That child is just more energetic than others, which is not a bad thing. Moreover, she knows that pranks must be moderate, so she did not do anything really excessive. I can feel it, everyone In fact, they all like her."

Levi nodded.

The slightly naughty character of Uranium Girl can liven up the atmosphere of the whole family. Like a big pistachio, she can always bring happiness to everyone in unexpected ways.

Just recently, Uranium Girl is obsessed with doll costumes. She often appears in various plush doll costumes, just like the mascot of an amusement park, using this method to bring joy to the people around her.

What surprised Li Wei was that those dolls were all sewn by the girl herself. It only took her a very short time to learn, and her craftsmanship had already surpassed that of the old tailors who had been working for more than ten years. It has to be said that she The learning talent of wagtails is indeed far superior to that of ordinary people. As long as wagtails are willing to learn, they can quickly become experts in a certain industry. Such talents cannot be matched by ordinary humans.

Just when Levi and Mei Zai were enjoying the warm time alone, Fenghua heard the sound of the luggage compartment being opened. The passenger plane was already stable, and passengers were getting off the plane one after another, and she was ready to leave.

Chapter 44. Encountering a strong enemy again

Fenghua stretched out, her beautiful figure looming under the dim light, giving her an indescribable sense of coquettishness, like a black cat in the night, mysterious and a bit terrifyingly beautiful.

The luggage compartment was opened, and several staff members ran up through the boarding ladder and drove a small trailer. After getting off the car, they began to carry various luggage onto the trailer.

Fenghua activated her abilities and slowly entered the optical camouflage invisible state. Although her optical invisibility was not perfect, if you look carefully, you can see a vague outline, but in this relatively dim environment Under such circumstances, even at a relatively close distance, it is possible to deceive the eyes of a few ordinary people.

Fenghua jumped directly from the exit of the luggage compartment, and landed as lightly as a feather. She had returned to Neon. In addition, her current condition was better than before, so she was not stingy with the energy in her body. Just use it, so that you can save more effort.

Fenghua is one of the few wagtails that has real walking ability. After all, the principle of walking, to put it bluntly, is to use the different motions of the upper and lower airflow on the wings to generate lift to lift itself up. And she can use her ability to control airflow to directly create updrafts and use them.

Fenghua tried to lift herself up, but found that her body was aching slightly. The previous battle had caused her to suffer some internal injuries. Without treatment, a short rest only allowed her to resume relatively smooth movements. It's just ability. Once the power in the body is used at high intensity, something will still feel wrong.

"It's really troublesome. I originally wanted to take the empty road directly, but now I have to walk on the ground..." Fenghua frowned slightly. She controlled the airflow and was used to traveling up and down in the sky. This way, the current situation made her a little uncomfortable.

Although the Eastern Capital falls within MBI's sphere of influence, Fenghua does not dare to bet on her absolute safety. After all, she is too conspicuous. If the Ten Thousand Snakes Organization also has influence in the Eastern Capital, it will be easy for the opponent to continue to make trouble if she shows up. . She is not in a very good condition now, so she has to be even more cautious in this situation to avoid such a tragic thing as "falling in the darkness before dawn". When doing something, the closer it is to success, the more cautious it is.

Sighing, Fenghua prepared to take the land route, just like other wagtails, jumping between tall buildings to get on their way. Although walking is a bit heavy for her now, she can still use the lift of the airflow to assist when jumping between buildings so that she can save more energy. If she forced her way back now, the hidden wounds left from the previous battle would probably cause problems. She didn't want to return to Izumo Village with only half a life left.

Fenghua quickly left the airport, found the nearest road sign, determined her location first, and after identifying her location, she was ready to leave.

At this time, an ominous premonition came to her mind. She looked up and saw several multi-axis rotor drones coming and going overhead. The gray-black paint full of science fiction made her My heart suddenly sank. It was a snake organization style painting.

Not far from her, a slightly mechanical voice appeared.

"I never expected that you would throw yourself into a trap and come to Neon. Do you think you can avoid us by escaping from Europe?"

Tao's figure slowly emerged, completely ignoring the shock and impact such behavior would have on the people around him now on the street.

It was a tall figure, more than two meters tall. His whole body was wrapped in thick metal armor, with sharp edges and corners in a sci-fi style, and a weapon rack on his back. Everything about him was full of intimidation.

The tall semi-mechanical puppet said: "You are indeed very good at running and hiding. You are able to escape from our base camp and you are also a character with two skills. Unfortunately, you met me. I am different from those half-finished wastes. You can escape from those useless hands, but it is impossible to escape from me."

Only the lower half of the face of the puppet clone is exposed, and the head and eyes are wrapped in a helmet. It feels a bit like the knight in Kamen Rider in the Showa era, but the style is more sci-fi, thick and sharp, giving people a sense of humanity. It feels like an alien from a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster.

The puppet clone grabbed something like a lightsaber handle from the weapon rack behind his back. Holding it in his hand, the black liquid metal extended from the top of the handle and turned into a long metal bar covered with spikes. whip.

The hand of the puppet clone holding the whip shook slightly. The fire hydrant not far away had been cut into two sections, and a large amount of firefighting sprayed out. This scene frightened the passers-by, and ordinary people panicked and panicked. started to escape from here.

Fenghua remained unmoved. Her optical camouflage was not easily seen through when she was motionless.

The puppet clone wielded a whip, and the sharp whip instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters and struck Fenghua.

Fenghua ignored her disguise and quickly controlled the airflow to pull herself back to avoid the whip. The wind pressure formed by the whip turned into a huge wind blade and continued to attack forward. A large amount of blood mist filled the distance. Pedestrians who were unable to dodge were directly turned into a bloody mist.

Cold sweat flowed down Fenghua's cheeks. She discovered that the other party also had abilities similar to hers, which meant that it was very difficult for her to escape. As a wagtail who had mastered the ability to control airflow, she Knowing how powerful the ability to control airflow is, if it were in good condition, she would still have the initiative to fight or flee. But now, she was in a dilemma where she might not be able to fight, but she might not be able to escape.

Fenghua took a deep breath, and the invisible wings of air flow behind her took her upwards. Now she couldn't care less about her internal injuries, so she wanted to find a way to escape from here first.

However, Fenghua went up less than ten meters and hit the airflow shield. The activated airflow shield directly disrupted her airflow wings and caused her to fall downwards. During the fall, Fenghua used her power urgently to create airflow to hold herself up, so that she would not fall directly. Now, she did not dare to get injured easily. Every more injuries meant that her hope of escaping from here became slimmer.

Chapter 4. Chaos in the downtown area

Levi and Mei Zai were not far away from the place where they fought. The straight-line distance was only four hundred meters. Seeing the sudden chaos on the street, Mei Zai immediately realized that a vicious incident had happened in front of him. Levi also pretended to be serious. appearance. Although he knew very well what happened, he still had to act when it was time to act. After all, if he acted too evil, it would easily arouse the suspicion of people around him.

Mei Zai said: "I feel the aura of malice. It is an aura that is different from humans and wagtails. It is full of malice, cold and ruthless. It is neither justice nor evil, but more like a primitive beast."

Levi said: "Then let's go and take a look. This feeling is a bit like those tin cans I encountered before. Although it is not strong, its various strange abilities are very annoying."

Meizai glanced at Li Wei. In her opinion, Li Wei could be said to be very humble. It was clear that those semi-mechanized monsters were just like children, but Li Wei did not act like "I am the best in the world." "She personally likes this kind of humble attitude.

The two people were swimming upstream, surrounded by ordinary people running in embarrassment. Many of them were injured. There were even many trampled shoes on the ground. Because of the battle between Fenghua and the puppet clones, people appeared all over the block. There was confusion.

The strength of the puppet clone is naturally more than what it is now, but it is impossible for him to show his true strength. First, he is putting on a show, and secondly, the purpose of this battle is to capture, not to attack. Killing, so the puppet clone gives people the feeling of being restrained. Sora has great strength, but is limited by the purpose and cannot use it at full strength.

Fenghua's current condition is quite bad. She feels that the wound in her body has burst. Although her strong muscle control ability allows her to avoid internal bleeding, using muscles to strengthen the wound for a long time can easily cause organ necrosis over time. At that time, even if she escaped, she would have to return to MBI for treatment. The outside world did not have such high medical standards to deal with such trauma.

One is a pursuer who cannot go all out, and the other is an escapee who is in a bad state. The two are fighting as patients, and no one can do anything to the other at all times. Fenghua wanted to run away, but the puppet clone was afraid that his wave would kill Fenghua, so the situation fell into a stalemate.

When Levi and Mei Zai rushed to the scene, there were building debris everywhere, many vehicles were overturned, and no surrounding buildings were intact. The two sides acted like a demolition team and smashed everything here.

Mei Zai showed a surprised expression and said: "Wind Flower? ¨ "!"

Levi turned his head and said, "Is he an acquaintance of yours?"

Mei Zai nodded and said: "I have served as the captain of MBI's Punishment Team before, and she is an individual member of the first-generation Punishment Team. She is a wagtail who can control the wind and is very powerful. I didn't expect that she would return to Neon. , and he made himself so embarrassed."

Li Wei said: "Unexpectedly, that organization still persisted in setting its sights on the wagtails, but they just didn't know what the purpose and pattern of their attacks on the wagtails was. Here in the Eastern Imperial Capital, there are wagtails running around outside. Not many, but I haven't heard of any wagtails being attacked during this time."

Mei Zai said: "Perhaps their target is the wagtails that have not yet fledged. They are only interested in the wagtails that have not fledged. Once they have fledged, the value to them will be greatly reduced, or it will become worthless. So. , we have not heard of wagtails being attacked during this period, because the wagtails released during this period all found their own reed buds in a short period of time. MBI is now very cautious. Before Wei Ya is found, the punishment team will protect her. It will not be easy for that organization to attack them."

The punishment team's wagtails have better basic conditions than other similar ones. Coupled with special modulation and strengthening, their strength is far beyond what ordinary wagtails can match. The protection of the punishment team allows Wagtail, who has just escaped from MBI, to find his own Wei Ya as safely as possible.

Li Wei also knew about this kind of thing. The snake organization made Yuguang people feel threatened. In addition, Yuguang people did not allow their plans to go wrong, so they changed the previous rules and provided novice Wagtails with more opportunities than before. More protection.

Li Wei sighed inwardly, as the leader of a large enterprise, Yu Guangren is indeed very good. He can quickly adjust strategies according to the existing situation. You must know that the ship is in trouble and can turn around, and he can react as quickly as he does. People in power are very rare.

You know, a huge enterprise is often like a slow-moving giant. Even if the brain gives instructions, the hands and feet cannot keep up. And Yu Guangren not only did such a thing, but also did it very well.

Although from a standpoint, Li Wei is definitely on the opposite side of Yu Guangren, Yu Guangren's own talents are worthy of recognition. After getting to know this ambitious fanatic, Levi sighed in his heart, how powerful an ambitious, capable, action-minded person is, and he is also very thick-skinned.

Li Wei himself is a cheater, and he is also very good at cheating. It is not easy for Yuguang people to be able to perform such operations with a small cheat.

Levi took off his coat and carefully placed it in Mei Ya's hand. This coat was bought for him by Mei Zai when they were shopping, so now that they are dating, Levi will wear this coat when going out. He doesn't want his precious coat to have problems due to subsequent battles.

Levi said: ".I'll come as soon as I go. Although I don't know the girl, such a thing is happening in front of my eyes. I can't pretend not to see it."

Mei Zai smiled and said, "You just don't want to see girls being bullied."

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