Hu Die raised her head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I'm just reading a love novel. The books you brought from another world are really interesting, sir, but I didn't expect that your library would store such love stories." novel."

Li Wei's consciousness sea space library is divided into an inner layer and an outer layer. The outer layer is relatively harmless knowledge and can be open to all partners. Each partner can borrow temporary reading books that are reproduced using magic, and In the inner layer, there are various relatively dangerous spells, as well as some books that can be regarded as forbidden spells in Levi's opinion. They are very dangerous and can make one's soul disperse if he is not careful.

Hu Die has not yet taken the final step with Li Wei, so she has not transformed from a wagtail into Li Wei's dependent, and has not been able to obtain the physique of a Qi Refiner, so naturally she has no mana. Once she has enough mana, she won't need to use a lower-level substitute for mana like "Book Meaning" to cast spells.

Li Wei said: "That library is the library I use to store all kinds of miscellaneous books. It is a real big library. I will open it to you later. There is knowledge collected from all over the world, as well as various information about customs and customs. In addition to records, there are also various films and TV series, through which we can understand the customs, society and humanities of other worlds."

Hu Die's eyes flashed with curiosity and said: "After the wagtail game is over, we can go to your private world!"

Levi nodded. The Wagtails all knew that he had a private world, and they all seemed quite excited about going to the so-called private world in the future.

Chapter 4. Leisure time

Levi looked at the people playing cards, and the smile on his face suddenly froze, because now the faces and upper bodies of Homura and Song were covered with white paper strips, and they looked like snow monsters in the Himalayas. Sample.

"Lose! Keep fighting, you are no match for me!" Song Weng said angrily. Because her face was covered with notes, it was impossible to see her expression clearly, but Li Wei could feel it. The current situation is not good.

"Senior Matsu is the one who should surrender, you are the one to surrender. Fusion Summon! Super Magical Dragon Knight - Red-Eyed Dragon Knight! You are finished, senior!" Homura slapped the card in his hand on the table and said "Pa" sound.

"Wow!" Song Quan fell backwards and all the cards in his hand fell out.

Levi was stunned for a moment, good guy, he was really playing cards. Hong Daddy couldn't help but Matsuya was really big-hearted. Levi looked at the cards in Matsu's hand that fell on the tatami. Well, Naughty Fairy deserves to be beaten.

Trickstar players should land face first, and they should be beaten. Levi recalled his experience of being disgusted by Trickstar players during online battles. Although he is now in a state of withdrawal, seeing Trickstar players Even if he is deflated, he will still feel happy.

This kind of card playing consumes much more energy than ordinary card playing. After all, calculating the chain of various effects, reacting on the spot, and counteracting the opponent's developments are all very brain-consuming. It’s all about playing games. In the past, Levi’s hands felt sore when he played League of Legends, but when he played online card games, whether it was Youji King or Hearthstone, Levi felt like his head was going to explode, like It's like a migraine.

Levi said: "This is a game card that I put in the storage room. I didn't expect you to find it. However, I don't remember telling you the rules."

Song sat up and said: "There is a set of rule books in the box where the cards are placed. We studied it and understood the basic rules in only more than ten minutes. However, there are still some master rules that we don't understand very well. Place. Having said that, this kind of game should be very popular in your hometown, Li Weijun."

Levi nodded and said: "That's true. This kind of game card can officially sell more than 1.4 billion cards every year. This game has been born in my hometown world for more than ten years. Now more than 40 billion cards have been officially sold."

Song began to tear off the note on his face and said: "This is really exaggerated data. If this data is true, then this kind of card board game is the most popular card game in your hometown world, Li Weijun." Alright."

Levi thought for a while and said, "Probably."

Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering are actually not bad, but the data is not as exaggerated as Yu-Gi-Oh, but both games are good games. Nowadays, the rising star's Gwent is not bad. At least when Levi played the Wizard, he just turned Wild Hunt into a wild gambling game.

Levi sat cross-legged and said, "It feels so quiet these days. MBI is fighting with the Snake Organization to the death, but here we have nothing to do."

The only wagtails that Levi wants are Yui, Jiuneng and Xiaocao. However, MBI is releasing the wagtails one by one, and the three of them are not yet in line.

However, MBI is already internally preparing for the third stage of the game, which is the grand arena stage. Yuguang Ren is ready to expose Wagtail's existence in front of the whole world. In this way, things that were originally only known to the top leaders of various countries will become known to the whole world. Once such huge emotional power is channeled, Yuguang Ren can can gain huge benefits from it.

Having said that, using the power of emotions, this kind of thing has been done for a long time. Those gods who collect faith are collecting the emotions they need, and then turning this emotion into power to stabilize their foundation and build their own kingdom of God. Emotional power is also a very multi-functional energy in a sense.

Unfortunately, this power does not belong to the final user. The head of its birth is the person who provides the emotions, or the believer. Once believers cannot provide enough emotional energy, the individual who uses emotional energy to ascend the throne of God will fall into a weak state. This limitation also made Levi scorn emotional energy.

Only those who want to take shortcuts will choose this road that may overturn at any time. Taking shortcuts is to take a long way, and taking a long way is to take shortcuts. If you practice steadily, you may not be able to stutter and become fat, but you will not become fat. There is a risk that it could tip over at any time like now.

Song said: "The next few targets are still staying in their respective research institutes, but having said that, why doesn't the Snake Organization attack those Wagtails who are still in a state of adjustment? And this organization, to a certain extent, That said, there’s quite a bottom line. It’s really a contradictory existence.”

Levi crossed his hands with a thoughtful expression on his face. How could he possibly tell the truth? The reason why he didn't attack the wagtails that were still adjusting was because he was afraid that the situation would completely get out of control, so that his strategy plan Take a dip.

In that kind of chaos, trying to formulate a stable plan is very troublesome, and Levi naturally doesn't want to make it more difficult for himself.

Levi said: "Perhaps, what the other party wants is a wagtail that has completed the adjustment, is in good physical condition, and has not yet fledged. Either too early or too late will not meet the other party's requirements. Think about those few Isn’t this what happens to wagtails that fall into the opponent’s hands?”

Song said: "Although picky eating is a bad thing, I quite agree with being picky about this kind of thing. At least it can prevent more wagtails from being attacked. I used to hate the third generation Punishment Team. However, what they have done recently deserves to be thanked for their hard work. Without their efforts, there would still be wagtails falling into the hands of the Snake Organization."

Homura also tore off the note on his body and face, and said: "Senior, I didn't expect that you would have such a negative opinion of the third generation Punishment Team now. Before this, you hated the third generation Punishment Team?"

Song pouted and said: "The main reason is that I hate the pervert Crow Feather. You know, she is not mentally normal and will always say dangerous words and do dangerous things. I have known that she has something since the first generation of Punishment Team. The problem turned out to be true after that. When Yue Nu left, she went completely crazy and became even more serious than before."

Yan nodded, it was indeed a pity to have a daughter, but the person has passed away, and Crowfeather is still addicted to the past. To be honest, it is really pitiful.

Chapter 44. The first phase is coming to an end

Li Wei, who can read minds, can naturally know Yan's thoughts. However, Crow Feather's tragedy was caused by many factors. Crow Feather has not found his real enemy now, but is fighting over trivial things. To be honest, it seemed quite ridiculous to Levi.

It has been so many years since Yume's incident. If it takes such a long time to investigate, it is estimated that the truth of the matter has been investigated. She can completely follow the information obtained by her own investigation and infiltrate the Kamzu Island. All the people behind the plan were wiped out.

But Crow Feather didn't do this. Instead, he stagnated in place. In Levi's view, this was the so-called learned helplessness. It is precisely because of this that others will sympathize with Crow Feather, but Levi will not. Levi will slap her awake and let her know how to take revenge. Even if revenge is empty after revenge, it is better than nothing. Be stronger.

There were footsteps coming from the stairs, and a girl in a cool short coat walked down, stretching. When she was at home, she often only wore a camisole and hot pants, and her whole person was full of summer style. , however, as the outer court has been transformed into a sunny beach environment, wearing this kind of clothes is convenient for going to the beach at any time, and it can be regarded as a lazy and convenient way to wear it.

Levi looked at the yawning girl and said, "How long did you play games at night?"

The girl's eyelids were still fighting, and she said feebly: "It's just the whole night. The game you brought here, Levi, is so fun. If you don't pay attention, it will be gone in a few hours."

The uranium girl approached Levi and sat directly in Levi's arms, like a clingy big cat, clinging to Levi's arms and not leaving.

"Just like a child." Levi complained.

If a child acts coquettishly, it will only make people think he is cute, but if a big girl like Uranium girl burrows directly into his arms, it is not cute, let alone whether it is cute or not. Anyway, Levi only feels that his lower abdomen is burning with fire. This girl has nothing to do with him. He always has no self-awareness about his charm, and often does things that make him intolerable like he does now.

It is also the character that Levi has established for himself that is restraining him now. If he is on the floating island, he will immediately let the uranium girl know how powerful he is.

"If you want to sleep, you will have your own room. You will catch a cold if you sleep here. Wagtail's physique is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is not strong enough to ignore the influence of the external environment." Levi hugged him He grabbed the girl's shoulders to prevent her from falling to the side.

"The bed is not as comfortable as here. I'll just take a nap. Just wake me up in ten minutes..." The uranium girl's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, it was almost inaudible. At the same time, soft snoring began, and she had fallen asleep.

Hu Die looked at the uranium girl who fell asleep instantly, and said with emotion: "Senior's sleep quality is really good. He sleeps when he wants to. I can't do this, and I occasionally suffer from insomnia at night."

Song whispered beside him: "Maybe it's because you think too much at night. Anyway, when it's time to go to bed, I will empty my mind, then lie on the bed and meditate, and it will take less than a minute to enter. Sleeping."

When Hu Die heard that Song had such a way to fall asleep, she quickly said: "Senior, please teach me this technique!"

Levi activated his magic power, and a warm blanket appeared and covered the uranium girl's body. Now he is quite enjoying this kind of life. It should be said that being surrounded by lovely girls who would not cause conflicts, even those ancient emperors could not enjoy such treatment.

Yan looked at the uranium girl huddled in Li Wei's arms, feeling a little envious in her heart, and even wanted to replace her. However, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. This time, she was unintentional and was overtaken by the uranium girl. Next time, she would not She would respond slowly like now. She believed that next time, this position would be hers.

In the next few days, the entire East Empire was apparently calm, and MBI released the wagtails one after another. However, people from the Snake Organization would not miss such a thing. For this matter, both parties, in the presence of ordinary people, A life-and-death struggle unfolded in the invisible dark realm, but the Snake Organization still failed to take advantage. After leaving behind a large number of cyborg remains, they were unable to capture even a single wagtail. On MBI's side, it paid the price for a member of the Punishment Team who was severely injured. This severely injured member of the Punishment Team could only stay in MBI's internal hospital for the next period of time without going anywhere. No.

However, Levi successfully acquired No. Jiuneng.

This little golden girl looks like she is only fourteen years old. Although she has a cute appearance, her figure ranks last among Li Wei's wagtails. However, she is a wagtail with a cute style, and the wagtail's breeding time is also long. Everyone is different. For a "late bloomer" like Jiuneng, as long as she is given enough time, she can catch up with the big army.

But it is said that this girl Jiuneng is really not very lucky. As soon as he got off the MBI transport van, he lost his credit card not long after, and got separated from the punishment team personnel responsible for security work, and then met the snake organization personnel.

Li Wei did not deliberately arrange for his puppet clones to besiege Jiuneng, but she ran into the encirclement. This kind of thing, watching behind the scenes, Li Wei was speechless. The members of the punishment team who lost Jiuneng were also anxious. This was the first time they had encountered such a thing.

Moreover, after the other party got lost, he unknowingly came to the vicinity of Izumo Village. Kuno, who was tired and hungry, fainted at the door of Izumo Village due to hypoglycemia. Ever since, Levi seemed like I picked up a stray kitten and took Jiuneng back without any effort.

What happened next, he called Takami Sahashi directly, so that the members of the punishment team who were still looking for the person did not need to continue looking. The person had already arrived at his place and was safe.

Sahashi Takami made some complaints and then hung up the phone. However, from Sahashi Takami's words, Levi also learned some information, and after comparing it with the information he had collected before, he came up with a result. MBI doesn't pay much attention to Jiuneng, a wagtail with weak abilities. As long as they can ensure that they can find their own Wei Ya, then their mission will be completed.

If it were other wagtails, she wouldn't be treated like this, but Jiuneng is the kind of transparent person who won't be expected by anyone, so her treatment is just like this. A few days later, Li Wei successfully found Xiaocao, whom he had been longing for in his heart. However, the encounter with Xiaocao was not that he cut off his hair, but that Xiaocao ran around and met him. Next, what was left was Xia Yue is still in the research institute and has not come to the East Imperial Capital yet.

Chapter 4. New companions are about to arrive

As the number of wagtails still under MBI's control became less and less, the Wei Ya who participated in the game became restless and wanted to add as many partners as possible. However, as the snake organization's actions became more and more crazy, , the situation has become confusing.

Finally, Levi waited until the heroine of the original plot appeared, and Yue was finally sent to the East Imperial Capital, and completed various tests. All abilities reached above the preset mark and were tested as abilities. Qualified and allowed to be released.

As a result, the knot was put into a special transport vehicle and was transported and protected by the first team.

On the besieged highway, Yue looked at the scenery outside the window, his eyes full of curiosity and excitement. Like other wagtails, after she completed the initial adjustments on God's Seat Island, she was sent to a secret research institute elsewhere to undergo secret adjustments. It was only now that she gained a certain degree of freedom.

Crow Feather sat aside, looking at Yuu's side face, and sighed inwardly, he is indeed an individual that integrates Yuu's core. When he grows up, he will be so similar to Yuu, it is as if Yuu has been resurrected.

Crow Feather had a smile on her face, but the thoughts in her heart were getting more and more dangerous. She couldn't wait to fight Yui. As long as Yui was put into a near-death state, the girl inside Yui couldn't just sit idly by. And by that time, her goal will be accomplished.

The smile on Crow Feather's face became brighter and brighter, making the two teammates next to him, Red Wing and Gray Wing, feel a little uncomfortable. Among the three members of the Punishment Team, Crow Feather is a smiling lady with a mature temperament, while Red Wing is an arrogant girl with pink hair who looks about ten years old and has no advantage in figure compared to her peers. As for Gray Wing, she looks to be in her early twenties, with long gray hair that is a bit messy. Her whole person gives off a depressing feeling, like a grown-up widow, but she is indeed a nerd who is addicted to variety shows and TV series. Apart from her colleagues in the punishment team, she has no other interpersonal relationships.

Red Wing whispered: "Crowfeather, do you know that your smile now is very scary and a little disgusting?"

Crow Feather turned around, forcibly stopped smiling, and said, "Did I look weird just now?"

Hongyi said: "It's not as simple as being strange anymore. It's just like a filthy old man staring at young girls on the street with only a windbreaker and nothing underneath."

Gray Wing next to him showed a joking smile and said: "Red Wing, your metaphors are getting weird every time. Next time, I think the captain will beat you directly."

"There's no need for next time, just start now." Crow Feather had always wanted to deal with the arrogant Red Wing, but she could never find a suitable reason. Now that Gray Wing said this, she actually found it. Taking the opportunity, his hand directly pinched Hongyi's face and twisted hard.

"Wow!" Red Wing was caught off guard by the sudden attack. She only felt burning pain on her face. Crow Feather was really pinching her face hard, and he was not joking with her.

"Quick, quick, quick! The flesh is about to be pinched off! I surrender!" Hongyi quickly begged for mercy.

"Say, you don't dare to say bad things about me anymore!" Crow Feather was happy when he saw Hong Yi's pitiful appearance. Hong Yi was good at everything, but he just didn't keep his words and always talked. It always felt a bit irritating, and now that he found a rare opportunity to deal with her, Crow Feather would not let it go.

"I don't dare to speak ill of you anymore, let go!" Red Wing said loudly.

Crow Feather let go of his hand. Half of Hong Yi's face was already red, and tears were almost painful. Looking at Hong Yi's pitiful appearance, Crow Feather felt very satisfied in his heart. He had suffered so much in the past. All of my anger was gone, it was so refreshing.

Yui looked at the "activities" within the Punishment Team and was very curious in her heart. But now, her mind has been focused on the adventures she may experience in the future. She will find her Wei Ya in the Eastern Capital and then participate in it. The game is to fulfill the agreement with Yume and give freedom to all wagtails. For this goal, he must win to the end.


On the other hand, after learning that Yu was going to be released, Levi was already ready to welcome his new companions.

Everyone in the team knows that Knot is a very special wagtail and may even be a great help in breaking the situation, so everyone welcomes this companion who has not yet arrived.

Originally, Li Wei had prepared to go into battle lightly, but when people heard that they were going to meet Yu, they all volunteered to go with them. As a result, Li Wei, who originally planned to take only two people out, followed others, except Song because there was no time now. It was suitable to show up but not follow. Mei Zai needed to guard the rear. These two people did not go out. All the others followed, including Jiuneng and Xiao Cao, who were new to the team. These two children were curious about their new companions. , followed him out shamelessly.

Especially Xiaocao, with the pitiful expression on my face that I will cry for you if you don't take me out, Levi surrendered directly.

This adult, of course, couldn't use ordinary means of transportation, so Li Wei took out a blanket that had not been used for a long time from the Consciousness Sea Space, so that people could go out at the same time.

A blanket with invisibility spell, even at low altitude, does not need to worry about being seen. In addition, the sound is blocked. People outside cannot hear the words spoken by people on the blanket. People are like ghosts. Quietly passing over the heads of ordinary people.

"Wow! I didn't expect you, Levi, to hide such a good thing. This blanket is like the blanket in Aladdin's magic lamp. It feels really similar!" The uranium girl patted her butt with her hand. She could feel the soft touch of the blanket under her. She had never touched a wool blanket, but she felt that the feel of the blanket must be very similar to that of a wool blanket.

Levi, who was sitting at the front of the blanket, said: "The inspiration for this magic weapon is the Arabian Nights blanket. However, I have added many functions to this blanket, which is more exciting than the prototype of Aladdin's hand. This one The speed of the carpet can reach Mach, and it can circle the earth in just over an hour. If it is in a cosmic environment, its speed can be even faster."

"Wow, that's incredible! With this speed, you can go anywhere you want!" the girl said with a sigh.

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