Originally, there was nothing fancy about walking on the red carpet, but due to the jokes made by the guests, it turned out to be dramatic.

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart, where did TV Asahi find this sleeping dragon and phoenix chick? He has a vicious tongue, and this guy is very knowledgeable in a sense. What kind of dark history and embarrassing things do those powerful and famous people have? Everyone knew very well that when the dignitaries walked on the red carpet, these guests started to spit.

It's like Sir So-and-so had an affair with his maid, was discovered by his original wife, and then punched him in the vital part, turning him into an orphan warrior. For example, a certain actor in Hollywood made an appointment with a beautiful woman through the Internet, but he was jumped by a fairy. The two big men who danced with the fairy directly gave the actor something. As a result, the actor still has an anal fissure. When walking on the red carpet, his steps seem a bit frivolous. .

Anyway, these messy things also opened Li Wei's eyes and lamented that the world is really messy and there are all kinds of people.

From time to time, Wei Ya will appear on the red carpet with his Wagtail. These Wei Ya are not well-known compared to those powerful and famous people. Before they gained the favor of Wagtail, they could only be regarded as minor figures, but now , they received much more attention than those powerful and famous people.

Li Wei monitors the public opinion on the Internet through his puppet clone. Now the Internet public opinion environment has become quite complicated, but many people are very sad and feel that they are better than some Wei Ya now, but they have not been able to become Wei Ya thinks this is very unfair.

Regarding the sour grape comments on the Internet, Li Wei wanted to say that these sour dog guys really guessed it right. It is unfair to become Wei Ya. In other words, there is no fairness in this world at all. Wei Ya is the beneficiary of the bloodline theory. His ancestors did not have Wei Ya's bloodline. No matter how outstanding he is, he is still an ordinary person. The reality of the world is so cruel.

At lunch time, after Levi and others enjoyed a big meal in Izumo Village, everyone rested for an hour and regained their energy before everyone got up.

After getting up, the girls began to change their clothes, put on the evening dresses that Li Wei prepared for them, and wore various accessories. At the same time, they helped each other put on makeup. After the makeup was completed, Li Wei performed spells to fix it, so that They don’t have to worry about their makeup being ruined due to unexpected circumstances.

After finishing all preparations, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. The pedestrians arrived outside Izumo Village. Li Wei took out the blanket from the Consciousness Sea Space and threw it out. The unfolded blanket was already suspended in mid-air.

Li Wei said: "In the past, because Wagtails needed to keep the secret of their existence, they had to be secretive in their actions. But now Yuguang people have sworn the existence of Wagtails to the whole world, and will Propaganda is God, and since that’s the case, we can appear on stage in our own way as we please.”

Another reason is that the current traffic in the Eastern Imperial Capital is very congested. If you drive there, you will waste a lot of time on the road. Li Wei hates traffic jams, so passing by the sky has become a suitable but slightly willful choice.

The uranium girl said excitedly: "Okay! Only with Lafeng's appearance can we better declare our existence!"

Uranium Girl herself has a character that fears chaos in the world. She is a fun-loving person who gets along very well with Li Wei. The more fun things are, the more she likes them.

This time, except for Matsu and Yume, they will not go out because it is inconvenient to show up. Others, Mei Zai, Guang, Xiang, Yan, Uranium Girl, Yuehai, Fenghua, Yue, Xiaocao, Dannan, Miji, Miyu, Hu Die, Qiujin, Luhuo, Jiuneng, a total of ten wagtails, for the others For Wei Ya, this huge force was scary enough.

"Get ready." Levi looked at the girls and smiled.

Chapter 4. Public enemy of men

The uranium girl looked at Li Wei and said, "Everyone has changed into evening clothes. Where are you, Li Wei?"

The girls looked at Levi. Unlike them who were dressed up, Levi was still dressed in his usual casual clothes, looking like he was on vacation.

On days like this, other Wei Ya and Wagtails are all dressed up. MBI provides a full set of clothing and makeup services for Wei Ya, an ordinary person who is nervous and nervous, so that they and their Wagtails can look the best. Attend the banquet in a decent manner.

Not every Wei Ya is a rich person. Being able to become Wei Ya can only mean that his ancestors were rich. As for whether they are still that rich now, it is unknown.

The wealthy Wei Ya can solve such a problem by himself, but ordinary Wei Ya who does not have sufficient financial resources can easily screw up such a thing. The services provided by MBI can be regarded as a favor for him.

Levi said: "We are high-profile enough now. If I dress up more, I will probably attract more attention. Wan, what should I do if those messy female celebrities and artists come over to pester me? ?”

Yue Hai said: "Well...that makes sense. After we arrive at the venue, we will find a place with few people to stay until the banquet officially starts in the evening. It would be bad if my husband gets entangled with those messy women. "

Xiaocao showed a curious expression and said, "A messy woman?"

Mei Zai gently rubbed Xiao Cao's head and said with a smile: "Children can't listen to this. You will know when you grow up~"

The girls were not going to let Li Wei change clothes. The pedestrians climbed on the blanket. After sitting firmly, the blanket quickly raised its height and headed towards the venue.

The speed of the carpet was quite fast. It would take more than an hour to drive. In less than a minute, Tan had stopped above the MBI building and began to slowly lower his altitude.

The media personnel at the entrance to the venue also noticed something falling above their heads. When they looked up, they saw a huge Eastern-style wool blanket, like Aladdin's blanket, falling toward the ground.

"Look! What is that!" A man holding a telescope made a surprised sound, and the people next to him also looked at the landing carpet.

Not only the media personnel were present at the scene, but a large number of melon-eaters also came here to watch the fun. It can be said that watching the excitement is a habit engraved in the bones of human beings, regardless of country or ethnicity. Moreover, among the crowds of melon-eaters watching the excitement, you can still see many white and black faces. Some people just want to get close to each other. After getting in touch with his idol, he also came to Neon.

"That's a blanket, like Aladdin. Look! There's someone on it!" After seeing the situation clearly on the blanket, the melon eaters started making a loud noise.

The carpet landed at the end of the red carpet. Celebrities from all walks of life came in various top-notch luxury cars, making the dinner look like a luxury car exhibition. However, at this moment, no one came by car. The pedestrian Li Wei has become the most eye-catching existence. Although it is not blessed by a luxury car, this blanket that can hang in the sky is much more popular than a luxury car.

Levi led the girls off the carpet. After everyone left, the carpet rose into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant. This terrifying acceleration had already left the most high-tech fighter jets far behind. .

When people step on the red carpet, a large number of "flares" begin to flash. For the media personnel, what appears in front of them now is a huge melon that can attract ratings.

Among the girls who follow Li Wei, some of them are stunning beauties. Even the youngest Xiaocao looks like a stunning beauty. Her pink jade bracelet is as cute as a porcelain doll. , which makes people want to kiss her hard.

Faced with such a posture, the girls around Li Wei also had different expressions. The bold ones were naturally fearless and followed Li Wei with great strides. Those who are a little more timid use their companions to cover themselves and try not to let the cameras capture themselves. For example, Hu Die and Jiuneng, the two of them want to hide themselves.

In Izumo Village, Matsu and Yume, who were staying in front of the TV, watched Li Wei and others make their debut.

Song Fu looked like he was eating a lemon and said, "That's great. I also want to be in the spotlight like this in front of the whole world. Alas, who calls me a 'dead person'?"

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Although Song is famous, MBI treats her as a dead person. As for Yue, her class ability is similar to that of Yue Lao, and her popularity can only be said to be average. Many people believe that as long as enough people make a wish and the wish is strong enough, the dead wagtail can be resurrected. It is precisely because of this that the apparently dead wagtail has gained a lot of support as a dead person. Because her class abilities are very beneficial to humans, she is better alive than dead. Even if she cannot become the God King, she can still benefit humans.

The girl smiled and said: "Senior, you are still the same as before, but it is not bad now. You can observe the overall situation from the dark. This is a good situation for you."

.. .... ...

Song said: "Oh, what you said makes sense."

On the TV, with Levi's appearance, the entire studio exploded.

The male guest, who was fat and dressed in women's clothing, said excitedly: "I've seen this guy's profile. He's really a jealous man, but someone said he's really handsome."

Another tall and thin male guest said: "It really makes people jealous. All the people around him are wagtail goddesses, right? He has such a huge power, which is even more exaggerated than Sanada Nishi who appeared before."

Levi, who appears now, can be said to have attracted enough hatred and aroused the hostility of many men.

Those Wei Ya who appeared before usually only had a wagtail around them, and most of them only had two or three. Sanada Nishi, who was located in the western area of ​​the Eastern Imperial Capital, had a wagtail around him. Before Levi came on the stage, Sanada Nishi was considered a wagtail. The most hateful thing, but when Levi came on the stage, the trend changed again. All the men wanted to kill Levi and replace him.

Various online live broadcast rooms, comments and barrages also exploded. Levi's appearance made the male body become the same enemy.

Levi's pedestrians at the venue did not linger at the door. After leaving their names on the signature wall, the pedestrians entered the interior of the building. They did not delay on the red carpet like those who came to gain fame. For a long time, I teased the beautiful lady.

Chapter 4. Inside the venue

After entering the interior of the building, pedestrians were led by the staff into the elevator, and then went up to the floor where the banquet hall was located.

MBI specially adjusted the elevators and set up one of its giant elevators as a special elevator that can only pass between the lobby and the banquet floor. At the same time, there are staff and service personnel to assist to ensure that arriving guests You won't go the wrong way.

People arrived at the banquet floor through the elevator. Levi already knew what the venue was like, so there was no sense of surprise. However, the girls around him seemed very interested in this lively and bustling environment.

Yu Guangren had long expected this day, so this banquet hall was a huge four-story space that was opened up and down to create a structure like a cruise ship.

The bottom floor is a huge dance hall, radiating outward is the banquet venue, and upward is a structure similar to a multi-story cinema. Each floor is a branch venue, and there are three floors in total including the bottom floor.

Now the ballroom is quite lively, with many handsome men and beauties dancing cheerfully. Looking slightly outward, the female service staff of MBI are like butterflies in flowers, providing various considerate services to the guests.

Li Wei picked up Xiaocao. Xiaocao was too young and short, so she couldn't see very far without being blocked by people coming and going. Levi picked her up so that she had the same eye level as him.

"Oh, there are so many aunts and uncles dressed in weird clothes. Why do those uncles wear white scarves on their heads?" Xiaocao said curiously, looking at the bearded man with a white scarf who was drinking not far away.

Levi smiled and said: "Because the place where those uncles are is very hot, the sun is very strong, and they wear long white scarves on their heads to make themselves less hot. You see, they are also wearing white robes."

Xiaocao said: "I know, Gao Mei once told me that black is the color that can absorb the most heat, and white is the coolest color."

Levi wanted to complain. Fortunately, no camera equipment was allowed here. Even mobile phones had to be put away. Otherwise, if these bearded men were photographed drinking and going out, even if these bearded men were in their own country. With full privileges, they can also get into trouble. The religion these bearded men believe in strictly prohibits drinking. It is okay to drink secretly in private. In this situation, these people dare to drink like this. They are really brave.

"Those uncle's drinks look good, can Xiaocao drink them?" Xiaocao looked at Li Wei expectantly, looking eager.

Levi said: "Not now. What those bearded uncles drink is wine. You have to wait until you are ten years old before you can drink. Now, it is still very early."

"Oh..." Xiaocao is a sensible child. After hearing that the beautiful red liquid was wine, he no longer mentioned wanting to drink it.

Hu Die began to observe the surrounding environment, looking for nearby reed buds and wagtails. She had special perceptual abilities. As her strength improved, such perceptual abilities were gradually developed. This is why she has the confidence to pass the observation And the reason for sensing to obtain information about other Wei Ya and Wagtails.

Hu Die and Qiu Jin were both tricked by Pig Researcher and failed to fully display their own abilities, so when they just "left the factory", they gave people the impression of defective products.

And this also means that there is still a lot of room for improvement and potential for the two of them. Others cannot tap into the potential of the two of them. Levi can do it. His extraordinary power radiates and can slow down the strength of the girls around him. progress, so Hu Die and Qiu Jin ushered in their first strength development period. Ai Jin's frontal strength is even stronger, while Hu Die has developed a large number of auxiliary abilities.

Li Wei also noticed Hu Die's little movements and said, "Anything revealed?"

Hu Die said: "I sensed a few wagtails on the west side of Sanada. Now of all Wei Ya's teams, only his team is still a threat to us. After excluding the three children, the remaining They are all masters of counting."

Yue said excitedly: "Are they strong? Can I fight them?"

Hu Die said: "Don't be impatient. If you really want to fight, you will have the advantage. You have inherited Lady Yu's boxing skills and have been trained by Sister Mei Zai. Now I can beat you." Man, maybe there are only monsters like Crow Feather in other camps."

The current Li Wei camp is really strong. Whether it is combat personnel, logistics and auxiliary personnel, they are far superior to other camps.

And while Hu Die was observing Wei Ya and Wagtail from other camps, people from other camps were also observing Li Wei and others. Not only other camps, but also many ordinary people and nobles also turned to this side. Curious eyes.

There is never a shortage of beauties around the powerful. After mastering power and wealth, the things you want will naturally follow. However, the girls around Li Wei are so beautiful. In addition, people rely on their clothes. The evening gowns made them even more beautiful. Even the powerful people who were used to seeing beauties did not hide their envy and jealousy of Li Wei when they looked here.

Beauty, no matter how beautiful it is, is just a human being, but the girls around Li Wei are "goddesses" that attract the attention of all mankind. This is not an adjective, but a literal meaning. Conquering a beautiful woman will never be as fulfilling as conquering a superior goddess. Therefore, the male dignitaries present were almost jealous to the point of inner madness.

However, even if they were jealous in their hearts, the powerful people did not dare to come forward to talk to Li Wei, because through MBI, they knew the terrible destructive power of the wagtails. At the same time, even if these wagtails killed them, MBI would take care of them and save their lives. The powerful people naturally only dare to watch from afar.

And those female celebrities and entertainers who thought they were very beautiful felt ashamed after seeing the girls around Li Wei, and they dared to come to Li Wei.

Levi didn't care about such problems, and he and the girls found a place to sit, sat down, and began to enjoy the meals at the banquet. For a banquet like this, the meals are just embellishments. Although the chefs behind the scenes are very careful in making them, most people don’t pay attention to these things. Of course, I’m talking about the majority here, Levi people, who happen to be Not among the so-called majority.

Li Wei and others were appreciating the chefs' skills. If the occasion was not inappropriate, passers-by would want to take out the gourmet tablecloth and record various dishes on the gourmet tablecloth. They can eat it anytime they want in the future. It's so convenient if you can order it.

Chapter 4. Giving cake to the powerful

Li Wei and others arrived relatively late, and as they kept eating and drinking, it was soon nightfall.

This banquet has different meanings for different people. Wei Ya and the Wagtails are mostly here to collect information. At the same time, Yu Guangren said before that he would announce the next competition events at the banquet. Wei Ya and The purpose of the wagtails is relatively pure.

The purpose of the powerful is more complicated. Some people come specifically to watch the excitement and have no desires or desires. And some people come to discuss business. On weekdays, it is rare to meet these powerful people. When they meet, they will discuss some sensitive business that cannot be discussed on weekdays. In addition to these two, there are others who come for fame. After all, celebrities are, to put it bluntly, high-level Internet celebrities, and they also need to maintain their exposure, and events like this are the best self-promotion.

A countdown suddenly appeared on the big screen in the banquet hall. Just when everyone was still a little surprised, the ten-second countdown quickly ended. Colorful fireworks suddenly exploded in the center of the stage. Except for people like Li Wei, People who were well aware of Yu Guangren's bad taste, as well as the Wagtails and their Wei Ya who had enough strength to protect themselves, the ordinary people and dignitaries were all frightened.

Especially those rich and powerful people who came from Europe and the United States are very sensitive to the sound of explosions. The sudden attack by the Yuguang people made many of them so frightened that their legs and feet trembled, and they could only use various small methods to cover up own embarrassment.

"Hi! Welcome everyone to my dinner. Your arrival is an honor for me, and it is also the same for everyone, because together we will witness that mankind has entered a new historical stage, the myth of ancient times Will be awakened now. Of course, as witnesses, we will not only get honors, but also get some practical benefits. Here, let me give it a try and wait until the time is right. , everyone will know what we will get.”

Yuguang people are used to being riddlers, but except for insiders like Li Wei who know the other party's true purpose, everyone else thinks that Yuguang people are blessing everyone. After the return of the mythical age, they, the powerful people, can Enjoy more benefits than ordinary people.

Everyone who had misunderstood had smiles on their faces, and some even thought that although Yu Guangren, the new boss, was a little rough in his methods, he could bring benefits to most people, as long as he When the interests are in place, even if Yu Guangren's attitude is more rude, it won't be a big problem.

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