Levi said: "I remember you, your name is Sayylus Abdukhan Maryousis Saliyat Saud. Well... the last part is too long, I didn't remember it."

It's not that Levi didn't remember it, it's just that he was too lazy to say it, and being able to say the important part of the other person's name was enough to give him face.

The bearded eyes flashed with surprise. He did not expect that Levi would actually remember his name. After all, the names of people in the East were notorious for being smelly and long, second only to some countries in Africa with weird customs. The part that Levi said was the most important part of his name, and it was also his honorable name as a member of the royal family. It was precisely because of this that he was surprised in his heart.

"This is really an honor. I didn't expect you, sir, to remember my name. I thought you would only remember my brother's name." The bearded Sariyat said with a smile.

Levi smiled and said: "My memory is not very good, but the beard on your face is very distinctive, so I have an impression. If it were someone else, I really can't remember it."

The bearded man sat down on the guest seat next to him. This scene would be shocking for ordinary people to see.

Salyat smiled and said: "Being able to be remembered by you, sir, no matter what the reason is, this is something worthy of honor. After all, you are the most noble person in the world, no one else."

Levi said: "Do your words now represent you personally, or do you represent your brother who cannot show up?"

"Both," Sariyat laughed.

Li Wei smiled and said: "You are a sensible person. If you want to sit in your brother's position, I can make it happen for you."

Salyat smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, please don't make fun of me about this kind of thing. I don't have any talent for governing the country. It's good to be a free prince under the protection of my brother."

Chapter 4. Exchange of interests

Li Wei was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party really had no ambitions. He came to him just to win over him on behalf of his brother who was inconvenient to show up.

Power is like a poison that can easily corrode an individual's heart. Within the royal family, it is normal for fathers and sons to fight each other and brothers to fight each other.

Li Wei still remembered a novel he had read, "The Deer and the Cauldron". There was a saying in it that the palace was the dirtiest place in the world. The struggle for power turned the royal family into a hell.

Moreover, Levi has actually witnessed various power struggles. Previously in the world of "The Rising of the Shield Hero", Levi had seen what it was like to fight within the royal family. It is precisely because of this that he feels that loyal people are rare.

Levi said: "Loyalty is a valuable quality. Although your answer is boring, at least I like it. So, what is your brother's purpose? If he chooses to take sides at this time, you won't think Is it too early?"

Salyat smiled and said: "It's not too early. If there weren't so many people at the banquet, my brother would have wanted to come over and talk to you about these things, sir. My motherland is not a powerful country. Although there is a lot of oil It has brought wealth, but it has also caused our people to lose their will to fight, so that their armaments are lax and they can only rely on the assistance of our brothers and allies for national defense. This is a very dangerous thing. Therefore, we need a backer to protect us. , so that we will not be bullied by foreign enemies."

Levi said: "I also know a little about your affairs. Although I am not the kind of person who can't afford to be early without profit, I am not a saint who does not ask for anything in return. I have to know what I can get."

Levi has already deployed a soundproofing spell. What he is about to talk about may be sensitive and not suitable for a third party to hear. Even the girls around him may not be suitable for it.

Salyat said: "As long as it is what you want, sir, we will do our best to find it. Whether it is wealth or beauty, we will do our best to satisfy you."

Li Wei showed a smile. The person opposite did not talk about power very wisely. Yu Guangren's words have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now everyone is hoping that Wei Ya and Wagtail, who won the last place, can become the God King. They are now the most powerful. He is so huge that many people have silently regarded him as the next God King. It is precisely because of this that the current scene has happened.

Levi said: "Wealth, I don't value this kind of thing."

Salyat said: "Then, my motherland will collect beauties from all over the world for you!"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Aren't the beauties around me beautiful enough?"

Salyat showed a smile that every man would understand, and said: "Sir, the beauties around you are indeed of national beauty and heavenly beauty. But is the number too small? Sir, you are from Chongguo, and you know that, The ancient emperors of the Chong Kingdom had three thousand beauties in the harem and seventy concubines in the three palaces. Don’t you want to have a taste of this?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to understand these allusions. You are also a well-educated person."

Saliyat quickly laughed. In fact, he had done a lot of homework during this period. After getting the information and knowing that Li Wei was a Chongguo, Saliyat began to learn various knowledge related to Chongguo. , just to win Li Wei's favor.

Sariyat knows what the situation is like in his homeland. Many people regard them as the ones who have a lot of money. This feeling is not pleasant, and they also want to be recognized and respected. However, their own people are not up to par. Apart from selling oil, they have no real skills. Therefore, they have to find another way and find a reliable big brother.

However, after searching around and following several big brothers, they found that none of these big brothers were reliable.

Now, Wagtail Game is exposed to the world. At the same time, they have also obtained some special information through insiders and know some top-secret information about Wagtail Game. Therefore, the royal family decided that since they want to hug the thigh, they must hug the thickest one. That root.

Therefore, the Royal Family of the Camel Kingdom attaches great importance to Li Wei. If there is no way to convince Li Wei here, then the King of the Camel Kingdom will personally go out. Of course, it will be a secret operation. This moment is really too sensitive. , the king of a country acts without permission, which can easily arouse the suspicion of other countries.

Salyat smiled and said: "Everything is for your benefit, sir."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I'm a little tempted by what you said. I'm very happy that you can understand Chongguo culture, but I don't like your proposal very much. Beauty, precious essence is not expensive. Compared with beauty, you guys It’s better to help me collect gold. I’ll take whatever gold you have. I won’t pay in cash, but in lifespan, which will exceed the lifespan of ordinary people. Do you want it?”

Levi's smile was full of magic. When Salyat heard what Levi said, he felt that his ears had heard it wrong.

"Mr. Levi, gold in exchange for lifespan? Is this really possible?" Salyat swallowed and said cautiously.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Ten kilograms of gold can change your life span. I know you will think this is a lie. So, I will give you ten years of life first and let you experience it. This is considered a gift."

Levi snapped his fingers, and a golden light emerged and enveloped Salyat's body. Salyat felt like he was soaked in heat, which was indescribably comfortable. He felt that his condition was getting better and better. , as if becoming younger.

After the light dissipated, Levi smiled and said: "`. Feel the feeling of being young."

Salyat stood up and saw himself with the help of the reflection from the metal decorations on the wall. His face suddenly looked much younger, as if he had returned to his thirties.

As he grows older, Salyat feels that his condition is constantly declining. The world is unfair, but the God of Death treats everyone equally. No matter whether he is poor or rich, he cannot escape death. However, now he truly feels that he is ten years younger, maybe more than that.

Sariyat's voice grew uncontrollably and he said, "Incredible!"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Go back and have a check-up, and you will know how your physical condition is. Well, ten years of life, no more, no less. This is a gift of a hundred kilograms of gold."

Saliyat said excitedly: "We will collect as much gold as possible for you, sir."

Levi said: "I will leave this matter to you. I do not deal with third parties. This is a benefit that only belongs to you. The more gold you can collect, the more you can get. When a certain level is reached, When the time comes, you will gain my protection.”

Salyat said: "I will definitely not disappoint you, sir!"


After the conversation, the two parties reached a verbal agreement. It is impossible to have a written agreement on this kind of thing. When Levi came to the next side hall, he saw the girls who were adding food. Levi sighed in his heart that the appetite of the girls had already been eaten. He began to move closer to his companions on the floating island.

He took the girls back to Izumo Village. By the time they arrived home on a blanket, it was almost ten o'clock. Matsu and Yume, who were left behind, had already rested.

Chapter 4. Start of the game

A few days passed by, and the competition time was approaching. Levi had already handed over the list of his team members to the MBI event management department.

Li Wei knew that the list that MBI personnel came to pick up was leaked to other Wei Ya by Yu Guangren's orders after it was sent back to the headquarters.

Levi has an indifferent attitude towards such things. After all, he is not an ordinary person and is not afraid of being targeted. Even if the abilities of the three Wagtails in the team are leaked, they are not afraid.

Because the abilities of Yui, Akitsu and Xiaocao are all biased toward frontal combat, and they can decide the outcome in an upright and upright way with the opponent. This kind of ability that favors the front is conspiracy, and can only be overcome by hard power. , trying to play tricks in this situation is not to say absolutely impossible, but it is also very difficult.

On the day of the competition, Levi took the three wagtails participating in the competition in a special car from MBI and arrived at the departure point of the competition, which was located at the port in the eastern part of the Eastern Imperial Capital.

The huge port is now deserted, and this is where the game begins.

Li Wei stayed with three girls. Not far away from him were Wei Ya and Wagtail who were participating in the competition. Most of Wei Ya had only one Wagtail beside him, and a few had two. Only Li Wei and Sanada The west is in a full state.

The official venue for the competition is not the port. After all, the port is a very important facility for the city. Once it is destroyed, reconstruction is very troublesome. Therefore, MBI just set the starting point of the competition here. As for the real competition area, it is the large land extending inland from the port, as well as various buildings on it.

Above everyone's heads, the huge shadow gradually lowered. It was a huge boat, far larger than the Zeppelin boats during the war. On both sides of the boat were huge screens. Yu Guangren's face suddenly appeared on the screen. At the same time, his voice was amplified by the loudspeaker, causing the people below to have tinnitus.

Yu Guangren said loudly: "Everyone, the exciting competition has finally begun! I have already mentioned the rules of this competition at the banquet, so I won't waste time repeating them here. I only talk about the purpose, find the prize, and then If you hold it for more than ten minutes, it is victory! Everyone, this is an important opportunity for you to increase your combat power, please go all out to fight for it!"

The referee wearing a vest uniform came to the participants, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, and said: "Please gather all participating groups at the exit point. The staff will place a map of the competition venue for you. The prizes are on the competition map." A certain point will not exist outside the map. Please pay attention to it. Another point is that each participating team should pay attention to the limit of the number of fouls. Please do not waste foul opportunities at will. When the foul opportunities are used up, you will foul again. If so, our staff will guide the offending team to leave the venue. Please cooperate with our work."

After hearing the referee's words, everyone became serious and the atmosphere became tense. The original whispers could no longer be heard, and only the footsteps of the staff could be heard.

Li Wei looked up and saw a large number of drones in the sky. Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. This good game was made like a variety show by Yu Guangren.

But from a certain perspective, the Wagtail Game itself is a show for Yu Guangren. It is a big show used to absorb the power of emotions, and it naturally follows the routine of a variety show.

Levi has a special puppet clone to monitor online public opinion. It seems to be a live broadcast that is broadcast simultaneously across the entire network. Through the puppet clone, he watches different live broadcasts and can notice some live details that are invisible due to his perspective. Moreover, there are paper cranes placed by Yu Guangren himself. He can detect Yu Guangren's purpose at any time. This kind of fundamental cheating has already put him ahead of others. The group was cut off.

Of course, as a cheater, Levi is naturally very low-key in this kind of thing. Even the three girls around him don't know that he uses these messy methods.

Yue stayed in place and jumped like a boxer. She could no longer suppress the excitement in her heart.

Akijin who was standing next to him said expressionlessly: "Are you so happy to participate in the competition?"

Yui looked at Akitsu, with a motivated smile on his face, and said: "Isn't this a matter of course? Although the duel with Master Crow Feather has been cancelled, the skills I have learned over the years must be of some use. Why? Li Weijun’s victory is the most important thing for me now!”

Because of Yu's resurrection, the hostility in Crow Feather's heart has dissipated, and the previous duel agreement with Yu was naturally cancelled.

When Knot learned about this kind of thing, she was instantly confused. After all, her duel agreement with Crow Feather accounted for most of her motivation to insist on training hard. She lost her goal and was suddenly confused.

However, under Yu's guidance, Yu quickly found her own enthusiasm. Now she is simply enjoying the process of becoming stronger. It seems that such a competition is a test of her strength. Due to the restrictions of the rules, she cannot directly attack other teams. So, indirect attacks within the scope of the rules are what she has to do next. Directly defeating the opponent is not a skill. She can use the method of "beating an ox across a mountain" to defeat The opponent is considered mature in her opinion.

Qiu Jin said: "If you act like this, it seems that I am very demotivated. It seems that I have to work hard, otherwise, I will be talked about by everyone when I go back."

Levi said: "The referee raised his gun and was about to prepare."

Now, a large number of cable TV stations and online live broadcast platforms are broadcasting live footage. The directing team also understands people's hearts. Various close-up shots were taken of the beautiful wagtails. The combat uniforms designed by Yu Guangren for the wagtails are not very revealing, but they are very erotic. When the camera was shooting, Gives people a different kind of temptation.

In addition, there is a special case, and that is Li Wei. He is the only Wei Ya who is followed and photographed by the camera. Li Wei's own appearance and temperament completely overwhelmed other Wei Ya, so much so that now on the Internet platform, a large number of female viewers began to flood the screen with barrage.

The puppet clone responsible for monitoring online public opinion fed back everything he saw to the main body. Those bold and explicit messages made Li Wei sigh in his heart, if this woman becomes astringent, there will be nothing wrong with a man. Anyway, he found the comments from female viewers on the Internet quite eye-catching. After all, who knows whether the person behind the screen is a normal person or a Tiger tank.

Chapter 4. Preemptive restraint

The sound of the gun made all the contestants run. It is forbidden to do anything in the port area, even if it is to hinder the opponent. After all, the wagtails are too destructive. If they really attack the port like this, there is a considerable demand for imports. In the Eastern Imperial Capital, the entire city will be unable to bear it.

A certain puppet clone of Levi was guarding the live broadcast room of TV Asahi, watching the live broadcast of this powerful live show. This time, it was still the configuration of two anchors and many ghosts and snake gods. The studio was quite lively.

The fat shemale guest appeared again. Li Wei didn't quite understand how such a "male lady" could appear again and again in such a place. He could only say that the tastes of the Neon people were rather unique.

What made Levi a little speechless was that the director didn't know what he was thinking. He just showed his close-up without taking pictures of so many wagtails, which made him quite uncomfortable.

"Oh oh oh, Li Weijun from Chongguo is so handsome even when he is running. However, he is really fast. He and his wagtails have already rushed to the front. Sister Ozawa, you What do you think?" the male anchor said with a smile.

The male eldest sister said: "What do I think? I absolutely support Li Weijun. I have a hunch that he will win this game."

The thin guest next to him said: "Sister Ozawa, are you so sure he can win?"

The male eldest sister smiled and said: "I'm not talking nonsense. You see, Li Weijun has distanced himself from the large army behind him. The other wagtails have to take care of their own reed buds and prevent their own reed buds from being plotted by others, so they don't Wei Ya dared to stay away from him. Wasn't this slowing him down? But Li Wei Junma ran to the front and directly distanced himself from the people behind him, which was equivalent to avoiding the subsequent melee. At least We can get temporary safety, but if there are a lot of people behind, it will definitely be tragic if Wan takes action."

Levi's body heard the male elder sister's analysis through the puppet clone, and was a little surprised. Although he didn't think that much, the other side's analysis seemed quite reasonable.

He can indeed avoid a lot of trouble by running to the front first. Who said that his physical fitness can crush Wei Ya? If he runs fast, he can avoid the "big fight" behind him.

The Weiyas behind were all anxious when they saw Li Wei "escape" with his wagtail.

"Don't let that guy run away! We have to unite, otherwise, it will be easy for him to defeat each other! Don't kill each other!"

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