Qiu Jin nodded. Although the expression on his face was still calm, he was excited inside. After all, even Xiaocao had a chance to show off her skills. She was the absolute main force in this round of competition. It was unjustifiable that she had no chance to show her hand. .

Qiujin patted his plump chest and said confidently: "Leave it to me. No one is better at causing trouble than me. However, it is a pity that my field cannot overlap with Xiaocao's field. .”

The abilities of Qiujin and Xiaocao can be said to be two extremes. Xiaocao's home field is full of vitality and the grass grows with warblers, while her home field is a dead land like the polar regions. In this extremely cold environment, even wagtails cannot I dare not say that I will never be negatively affected, let alone Wei Ya, an ordinary person.

This trick seems quite despicable to ordinary people, but Levi doesn't mind doing something immoral for the sake of the effect of the show. Anyway, he is not the unlucky person.

Several people sat on the head of the wooden dragon and gradually climbed up. Levi glanced at the drone following not far away and ignored it. This was also part of the show and he could understand it. Levi is not the kind of sociophobic person who would feel uncomfortable being watched by others. It is quite touching to do things like this in front of a global audience.

Levi sat cross-legged and said to Qiu Jin, who was standing on the bridge of the wooden dragon's nose: "Let's start now, surprise all participating teams and bring them coolness."

Qiujin raised his hands and raised his head slightly, like a priestess in ancient sacrificial rituals, giving people an extremely sacred feeling.

Her body surface began to emit a faint fluorescence, and at the same time, the originally sunny sky gradually became gloomy.

Akitsu raised her right hand, like a band conductor directing a music concert, and with her gesture, the sky was filled with dark clouds.

During the live broadcast, the hand shown by Akitsu once again shocked the audience. So far, Akitsu is the first wagtail to show the ability to control the weather. The idea of ​​weather weapons has been discussed in the last century. It was proposed that major countries are also trying to tame various weather conditions and use them as weapons. However, so far, apart from mastering technologies such as artificial rainfall, major countries have not obtained real weather weapons.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

However, Akitsu's ability to control the weather with his flesh and blood subverted the audience's three views. If such an ability had appeared in ancient times, it would have been an invincible existence. Akitsu could even be indirectly exterminated by controlling the weather. Countries, the number of ancient countries destroyed by the Little Ice Age is quite large.

The dark clouds began to stir, and a large amount of ice and snow mixed with rain began to fall. It was not just snow in Akitsu, but a nasty sleet.

.. ..... ...

If it snows simply, the temperature will not drop too much for a while, but sleet and snow are different. This kind of weather can drop the temperature immediately. It's summer now, and all the Wei Ya who come to participate in the competition are wearing relatively cool clothes. Even leather-clad people like Sanada Nishi don't dare to wear too thick clothes, for fear that they will get hot due to strenuous exercise.

Now, Wei Ya's thin clothing will allow them to feel what real cold is. They can rely on the help of the wagtails to keep out the cold, but such weather will also make them a drag on the wagtails, thus affecting the wagtails. The maneuverability of the 鸰, this move, is like crushing the crab to death with a boulder if it has absolute strength. No matter whether other Wei Ya wants it or not, they have to face the influence of the environment on them.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage exploded again.

Not only the audience was in an uproar, but even the anchors who provided the commentary were speechless, because the current situation exceeded their expectations, and they had no preparation in their minds to explain this aspect. The content can now only be dealt with using Chelulu's words.

The two anchors responsible for the cross talk came to their senses first and said quickly: "It's incredible! The Demon King team once again showed their extraordinary strength. They used to control the terrain, but now they have the ability to control the weather. Oh! That's Akitsu, a powerful single-digit individual!" Shi.

Chapter 4. Alliance is useless

The other anchor also came to his senses. The professional quality of those who can provide commentary at this time is also guaranteed. Although he was very shocked, he instantly realized his gaffe and quickly made amends.

Another anchor quickly responded to his companion's remarks and said: "According to the information released by MBI, every single-digit wagtail is very powerful. Now it seems that MBI is not lying. The ability to control the weather would indeed have been considered a god in ancient times. You know, extreme low temperatures can freeze people and animals to death, and can also destroy crops. In ancient times, severe cold and low temperatures could be said to be two major problems alongside drought. Among the natural disasters, No. Akitsu, who controls the power of cold, is worthy of being the goddess of winter!"

The anchor who started to speak said: "Now, the other participating teams are in danger. Such low temperatures will definitely have a negative impact on them. I just don't know if they can withstand it."

At this time, Yuguangren was also confused. The current situation was just like Kusano's large-scale change of terrain before, and it had exceeded his expectations.

In the private office, Yuhiro has scratched his head into the shape of a chicken coop. He really can't understand it. Forget about Kusano, it is a very special final work. It is understandable that it explodes with such power. However, it is simply unreasonable for Akitsu, as a defective product that failed to adjust, to explode into such power.

However, things have happened, and the power shown by Akitsu is much stronger than the perfect state that was originally expected. According to the original plan, even the perfectly adjusted Akitsu does not have such ability.

Yu Guangren scratched his head and said with a distressed expression on his face: "This is unreasonable. Is it the way that guy Li Wei has the ability to open the wagtail? But he is just an individual, how did he complete the ability? ?”

The more Yu Guangren thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. After all, MBI spent a huge amount of money to develop Wagtail's abilities, and its consumption of manpower and material resources reached a point where it was impossible to count. It can be said that every Wagtail, even if They are relatively weak individuals, and they are made with real money.

The most important thing is that many of those manpower and material resources cannot be bought with money. To a certain extent, the ability to fly a wagtail is similar to the difficulty of building an aircraft carrier. Both require strength to reach the national level. And it can only be played at the level of a powerful country.

Yu Guangren thought about such a thing from the perspective of an ordinary person, so naturally he couldn't figure it out. He didn't expect that Li Wei was not an ordinary person at all. Using ordinary people's experience to try to figure out what Li Wei would do, naturally he couldn't get the correct answer. of the answer.

Yuguangren whispered to himself: "It's a pity that the losers responsible for adjusting Akijin are dead. Otherwise, there will be various punishments waiting for them."

Yuguang people are people who must be rewarded for their merits and punished for their mistakes. Strict rewards and punishments are also the core cohesion of MBI, a giant enterprise. A potential stock like Akitsu had known that she would have such strength. He would not let her go outside at any time. Instead, he would make her a member of the punishment team, and it would be no problem to lead the team alone and become the captain.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, Qiu Jin has been released, this is a fact that cannot be changed. The current Yuguang people can't do anything else besides being incompetent and furious.

People watching the live broadcast can only see the sleet and snow captured by drones. Thanks to MBI's drone technology, these drones are still stable even in this harsh environment. It's running without any issues. However, due to the influence of sleet and snow, the pictures captured by the drone appeared a bit blurry. Some ice shards fell on the drone's camera, which deformed the perspective of the lens and made the captured pictures blurry. Get weird.

All participating teams at the competition were a little unbearable when faced with the sudden bad weather. After all, not every wagtail has the ability to withstand the cold. With a physique that far exceeds that of ordinary people, they can bear it. Despite such a low temperature, Wei Ya is still an ordinary person with a mortal body. All the participating groups except Li Wei have been more or less negatively affected.

Just like Sanada Nishi at this time, he was frozen into a dog. He did not bring the three mascot wagtails that he usually used to disguise himself, but brought his three main battle wagtails, but this time The three wagtails have a common problem, that is, their abilities are purely combat-type and have no auxiliary abilities, so there is no way to provide them with additional cold-resistant abilities.

Sanada Nishi shuddered, and he looked at the other Wei Ya walking around. The situation of the others was worse than him. His physical fitness was considered relatively strong among ordinary people, but even he, in Such a severe cold cannot last for too long. If it continues like this, they will freeze to death here.

Sanada Nishi said: "Everyone, the situation has changed now. We have to find a sheltered place to make some repairs! Braving the cold, we can only last for half an hour at most. I don't want to lose the game. Not only did he win, but he also risked his own life."

Wei Ya, who looked slightly feminine, said: "But hiding like this is not an option. This must have been done by Li Wei's group. No. Qiujin can create an extremely low temperature environment. This must be her doing." Damn it. They must be using this environment to suppress our speed and leave us far behind. Sanada, do you have any way to break the situation?"

Sanada Nishi said: "I'm not Zhuge Liang, how could I think of a solution so quickly. The most important thing now is to save your life. If you don't even survive, then everything will be over."

Sanada Nishi also has a huge headache now. Li Wei is so strong that they must form an alliance to compete with Li Wei. But even if they form an alliance and gather the power of all Wei Ya except Li Wei, they are still in a Absolutely passive position.

The people who had completed the grouping were all high-spirited and confident at the beginning, but who knew that before they had gone very far, they were already in a tough fight.

The originally high morale fell to the bottom due to the severe cold. Sanada Nishi was anxious, but he had no choice. He wanted to use the power of everyone to fight against Levi, but he now understood that in the face of absolute power, little tricks could only be played. When he got it, he allowed him to join forces to pull up the Allied forces. However, Li Wei was too strong, so he directly came to drain the troops from the cauldron.

Chapter 44. The kindness of the devil

The allied Wei Ya could only choose a place nearby to take shelter from the wind. Fortunately, where they were now, there was no forest where the grass had been thrown, and various buildings had not been destroyed. Finding a place that could shelter from the wind was difficult. Not too high.

Soon, people found a factory dormitory and stopped temporarily inside, rummaging around to see if there were any winter supplies.

It turns out that it is summer now, and all the workers who were moved before were left with summer things, such as blankets and quilts, which are very thin.

The temperature is still dropping now, and it has not dropped to the limit yet. In this environment with only a few degrees of temperature, the things here can still keep people's body temperature, but if the temperature continues to drop, then they will have to find new things to keep out the cold.

Levi's perception range is very broad, and he has seen the actions of other participating teams. Watching these participating teams panicking for something to keep out the cold, he feels the pleasure of succeeding in a prank.

The low temperature created by Akitsu has a lower temperature limit at the beginning, and no matter how low it is, it will never really go as low as 10 degrees, unless it is a secondary cooling. But that's just rushing to kill people. It's one thing to create obstacles, but it's another thing to kill people in the game.

At this time, the MBI referee team began to enter the field, using the angle of the drone to create blind spots in the field of vision, and hiding various cold-proof items in relatively conspicuous places.

The participating teams did not spend too much time in the factory's employee dormitory. After collecting basic cold-proof items, they left there, because the items there were not enough for everyone to resist the severe cold. Staying in such a place for a long time would only It will make them completely lose the ability to go on.

After leaving the employee dormitory, pedestrians were "lucky" to find a large number of cold-proof clothing in the warehouse in the workshop area next door. The workshop area is adjacent to the low-temperature medicine warehouse of a medical company. Staff members will wear special cold-proof clothing before entering the low-temperature area. , to avoid the harm caused by low temperature to the body.

Therefore, it is reasonable for everyone to leave a lot of cold-proof clothing in such a place.

The viewers watching the live broadcast did not realize the problem, and the same was true for Wei Ya and Wagtail who participated in the competition. They just felt that they were lucky and came to the pillow when they dozed off. The cold-proof clothes here were enough for everyone to wear the equipment. There is excess.

Morale, which had hit rock bottom, began to visibly improve again due to the return of warmth.

As the hidden leader of the team, Sanada Nishi felt relieved when he saw this situation. He was afraid that morale would continue to decrease. If morale collapsed, it would be great fun. The current situation was not optimistic. Li Wei's strength forced him to join forces with other Wei Ya to form an alliance to fight against Li Wei.

It's a pity that Li Wei is not Dong Zhuo, and they are not the ten princes. This ragtag group fails even as consumables.

However, Sanada Nishi also had some doubts in his heart, because the time when these cold-proof items appeared was too coincidental, and the number was wrong.

Generally speaking, a refrigerated warehouse like a pharmaceutical company can only be managed by a few full-time staff in rotation at most. Logically speaking, four sets of this kind of closed cold-proof clothing is already a lot, but now the tone There were dozens of sets, which made him feel unreasonable.

Dozens of sets of cold-proof clothing made this place not like a low-temperature warehouse of a pharmaceutical company, but more like a warehouse of a clothing factory. Being so vigilant by nature, he became alert in his heart, thinking that MBI might be secretly helping them.

Sanada Nishi thought for a while, such a thing may not be a good thing, because now they are in a weak position, MBI helps them, but when he gains a relatively large advantage, MBI will secretly take action to help those What about the teams that are in a disadvantaged position?

This approach of balancing for the sake of balance is a serious threat to him who wants to win. After all, he doesn't have a team as strong as Levi. If he manages to gain some advantage, he will be wiped out by MBI in the backcourt. No one can accept such a thing.

Levi has team members who are so powerful that they destroy the balance, so Levi can make countless mistakes. As long as it works once, the other participating teams will have to lie down. But he is different. He can only fail a maximum of times. Once his trump card is exposed, he It loses important support for victory.

After all, the other Wei Ya is not a fool. His three-axe can be used to deceive people many times. It is barely enough to deceive people twice. However, normal people will not be stupid enough to fall into the same pit three times, so his three-axe can only be used to deceive people. Can be used at the most critical moments.

Sanada Nishi gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do about the current situation, he could only walk and watch.

At this time, Li Wei was already aware of the small moves of all forces in the entire competition venue.

Levi had long expected MBI's little tricks in the audience, so he was not angry. Such a harsh environment was just an appetizer he prepared for the participating teams. The real feast had not yet begun.

Akitsu stopped casting spells. Although her power was now much stronger than before, this kind of ability to control the weather still took a lot of energy from her.

Qiu Jin put down his hands, took a long breath, and said expressionlessly: "It's a pity that it's not winter. Lowering the temperature to this level is already the limit. If it is winter, I can lower the temperature to ten degrees below zero. "

Akitsu herself has relatively few facial expressions. For people who are not familiar with her, Akitsu gives the impression that she has a facial paralysis. But everyone who is familiar with her knows that she is a person with very rich micro-expressions. Now she is a calm and cold goddess of ice and snow in the eyes of viewers around the world watching from a drone perspective, but Li Wei uses micro-expressions It can be seen that if Qiu Jin had a tail at this time, it would already be wagging like a windmill.

Levi smiled and said: "This is already very impressive. You must know that it is midsummer now, and it is already very good to be able to withstand the high temperature and reduce the temperature to a close level."

Qiu Jin clenched his fist and said: "Please give me half an hour to buffer. After I recover my physical fitness, I can have another snowfall. At that time, I will lower the temperature to below to let them experience the winter in advance." Feel."

Li Wei smiled and said: "That's enough, it's almost the same now. If you continue it, you will really kill people. Wagtails can withstand such low temperatures, but Wei Ya and others are just ordinary people. This This level is a test for them. If the temperature drops below 10 degrees, it will be just pure torture."

In the online live broadcast room, the audience heard Levi's words and started a scolding war again. Levi's supporters and enemies directly exchanged comments on the barrage.

Regarding this situation, Levi already knew through his puppet clone that this kind of thing is normal. Even money can't make everyone love him, let alone a living person like him who has people who support him. Of course, there are people who hate him.

Chapter 4. Trap

The Internet is a place where most people can vent their emotions. For a global live broadcast like this, audiences from all regions participate in it. It is difficult for everyone to agree, and various problems will naturally arise.

Moreover, most of Li Wei's supporters are women. Women are often irrational and support whoever is handsome. Li Wei is the most beautiful among all Wei Ya, and he is also the most mysterious. This sense of mystery , coupled with his charismatic appearance, naturally gave him a large number of female fans.

Then, there are as many male enemies as there are female supporters of Levi, because Levi is so handsome that he can become the public enemy of men.

A young boy discovers that the girl he likes is a Levi supporter, and the girl he likes actually likes another man. How can a young man tolerate such a thing? As for the young man, he found that when his partner was watching the live broadcast, the look in Li Wei's eyes revealed obsession and desire. This was the most serious provocation to the young man's dignity.

This kind of charm directly caused physical opposition between male and female viewers watching the live broadcast. The two sides fought against each other on various different platforms, wrote short essays on each other, and greeted each other's relatives. The fight was quite lively.

Levi is not surprised by such a situation. After all, all kinds of scolding wars in the real world are more intense than this. Human beings always break through the lower limit of morality again and again. For such things, he is already used to it anyway. .

Such a confrontation between physical camps is also what Yu Guangren hopes to see. After all, he needs to arouse everyone's emotions. Only strong enough emotions can become high-quality "fuel", so he hopes for such a scolding war. The more, the better, and the more intense, the better.

The number of drones tracking and filming Li Wei has increased a lot. According to the direction of public opinion on the Internet, Yuguang people issued orders to the people below to take more pictures related to Li Wei. The focus of the next live broadcast , it’s Levi’s team.

The three girls around Levi didn't know about such a thing yet. They were still chirping and playing around, without any sense of urgency to participate in the competition.

Levi said: "Akijin, after you have rested, we will start the next stage as planned. This time, we will definitely be able to give them a surprise."

Qiu Jin nodded. Mu Long lowered his height and passed over the top of the building. Levi's team moved forward calmly towards the next coordinate point. Now, except for them, all the teams were trapped by the severe cold. After stopping, at this time, even if we advance on foot, we can reach the next coordinate point ahead of other teams.

In the MBI official online live broadcast room, the two anchors heard the orders from their superiors on their headphones, asking them to focus on explaining the content of Levi's team. If they do well, promotions and salary increases are just around the corner, and they can also get a huge year-end bonus. prize. Under the stimulation of money, the eyes of the two anchors were almost red. When they heard the numbers of the year-end bonus, they almost couldn't calm down.

"Now let's look at what the Big Demon King's team is doing. The direction they are heading towards is the next coordinate point. At the next coordinate point. The officials have set up some supplies and also left some traps. I don't know what the Big Devil King's plan is for the next step. What will happen to your luck? The traps set by the authorities are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will see blood. If your luck is really bad, serious injury is possible."

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