The competition venue is also so large. In order to conduct this competition, all personnel in the entire area have been moved out. However, such a large competition venue also has a negative impact, that is, the search for various supplies will be difficult. becomes very troublesome.

Especially now, with the widespread cooling, except for the initiator Levi's team, other teams have been negatively affected and cannot maintain the mobility they had at the beginning. This also means that the gap between the two sides will become wider and wider. When the gap reaches a certain level, the game will enter garbage time. This is something he cannot accept.

However, the current situation is just like ordinary people. Suddenly someone gets a gun, and there are bullets in the gun. It is guaranteed to take away the person. Before the bullets in this person's gun are fired, they are a real deterrent. If no one else wants to be the one who stands out, then the situation will be infinitely beneficial to the person holding the gun. The bullets in the gun will become more and more If so, other ordinary people would have no choice but to bow their heads.

At this time, Li Wei was happily searching for trophies with three girls. Yu Guangren didn't know that he had strong perception ability and that it would take a lot of time for others to get the supplies hidden in various places. Looking for it, but to him, it was almost as if it was out in the open.

He can even search only the most important places and take away the best supplies. As for the rest, whoever wants it can take it, provided they can find it.

The figures of several people rummaging through boxes and cabinets were faithfully recorded by the drone. Levi smiled at the drone camera and said: "I think the most interesting part of this competition is that now is the time to collect trophies. No one can I know what good stuff I'll find next. Let's see how lucky I am."

In the official live broadcast room, the two anchors were speechless when faced with such a situation. Levi regarded the game as his own personal live broadcast.

However, Levi does have such confidence, because the other teams are indeed quite ugly now. Looking at this, at least the program has a certain effect, and from the perspective of female viewers, Levi like this A handsome man, even if he is sitting in front of a desk reading a book and not saying anything during the live broadcast, many female viewers will buy it.

Now, Levi is still willing to interact with the audience behind the camera, which can be regarded as a different kind of gaining popularity for this game.

The live broadcast room started to flood the screen again, but this time, the content that flooded the screen was basically pulled by female viewers, and the content was basically extremely large-scale remarks.

Xiaocao rummaged through various boxes, and after a while, he found a small card inside. He held it high with his hand and ran towards Levi excitedly.

"Brother, I found something good!" Xiaocao said excitedly.

The drone's lens zoomed in, and he could see clearly what Xiaocao was holding. It was a very beautifully made small card, only the size of a bank card, with various words densely packed on it.

Yu Guangren, who was hiding in his private office, saw clearly what Xiao Cao was holding through the drone lens. He directly covered his face. This is really what he is afraid of. He is afraid that Li Wei will show up here. Li Wei didn't find anything about the props, but the props were discovered directly by Xiaocao.

Audiences watching the live broadcast also became curious. Although this was not the first time that Levi's team had found special props, the audience liked to see such "unboxings".

Levi picked up a small card, showed it to the drone's camera, and then began to read the text on it.

Yui and Akitsu also came over, holding various kinds of food they found in their hands. The scene looked slightly joyful. After all, ordinary viewers had never seen such a down-to-earth scene.

Because of MBI's publicity campaign, ordinary people think that the wagtails are aloof goddesses, but now, the so-called goddess image has been directly destroyed by Yu, a silly girl, and Akitsu, a facial paralysis.

At this time, Yue's mouth is now full of all kinds of food, and his cheeks are bulging like a hamster. The picture that suddenly comes to him really looks like a big hamster. This silly and cute image makes people watching the live broadcast The male audience members were breathless and sore.

At this time, the male audience members were burning with jealousy towards Levi.

Chapter 4. Rules and Limitations

There was still food in his mouth, and he said in a somewhat unclear voice: "Did you find something good?"

Next to him, Qiu Jin expressionlessly touched Yu's slender waist with his fingers and said, "Swallow the food first before you talk. If you choke, I can only provide ice here."

Yui swallowed hard and almost choked herself. Akitsu patted her back gently, allowing Yui to breathe.

"What would it be like if I choked in front of people all over the world," Akitsu said.

His face was expressionless, and even his tone did not fluctuate much. Akitsu's words were extremely lethal to Yu.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Okay, okay, those who care about details are fools. Let's first see what good things Xiaocao found. This seems to be another special rule card. Let's take a look. What we got this time What special rules are they?”

Several people gathered in front of the card and began to read the small words on the card carefully.

After Levi read the text on the card, he smiled at the drone's camera and said, "I'm lucky this time. I found a card that can increase the chance of fouls. This card can Consume three foul opportunities and launch a reasonable attack on other teams. What this means is that you can only launch an attack, but there is no limit to the range of the attack. That is to say, as long as the attack range is large enough, you can defeat the target team while defeating the target team. , it’s also possible to defeat other teams by the way. It’s really good.”

In the official online live broadcast room, all the viewers were in an uproar after seeing Li Wei's explanation.

The commentator was also stunned for a moment. He found that if the main perspective was fixed on Levi, there was really too much content that could be explained. If it were another team, the program would not have the same effect as now.

Sitting in his office, Yu Guangren quickly ordered the referee team to rush to where Li Wei and others were, and announced the restrictions on the use of this card in front of the world's audience. If there are no restrictions, who knows what will happen next? What happened?

As long as Akitsu and Xiaocao don't suppress their own strength and use full firepower, they might be able to completely end the game with just one attack opportunity.

Yu Guangren's whole body was numb. He had prepared this card for other Wei Ya except Li Wei. Naturally, it left a place for them to take advantage of. It was also convenient for those Wei Ya, but this thing fell into the hands of Li Wei. Wei's hand would be an absolute disaster for other Wei Ya.

Other Wei Ya's wagtails, even with their large-scale attack capabilities, have their limits. Being able to cover an area of ​​a football field is considered good, but things are different here with Li Wei.

It is unclear whether there is any huge difference in strength compared to before, but the area-killing ability shown by Akitsu and Xiaocao, if the firepower is fully used, it is possible to cover most of the playing field. If they really let them If you do this, the game will not go on.

After all, after all other participating groups have been eliminated, only Li Wei's group is left. In this case, the winner of the game will be automatically determined.

Yu Guangren was really tired after a good object-finding competition turned into this. Li Wei's strong strength gave him far more room for error than other participating teams. Li Wei's team could He made countless mistakes, but other teams did not have such ability. If he made one mistake, he might be taken away directly.

At the competition site, Levi's perception was that a high-speed object was approaching here. It was a referee on a walking pedal. After the referee landed, he came not far away from Levi and others.

The referee was a little embarrassed. After all, what he was about to announce might offend Li Wei. The big shots above stayed far away, but unlucky guys like him had to face the wrath of Li Wei, the strongest Wei Ya. .

The referee said carefully: "Mr. Levi, I am here to convey some information to you. The card in your hand and the rules on it are not complete due to the limited surface area of ​​the card itself. description, and now I’m here to fill in the missing information.”

Levi smiled and said, "That's what you say. Listen, it's difficult for designers to write so many words on such a small card. It's understandable that mistakes will occur."

The cold sweat on the referee's back has solidified. He is really afraid that Levi will fall out. In front of the drone's camera, maybe Levi will maintain his image, but with Levi's methods, he wants to let a small referee like him return home. It was so easy to encounter an accident on the road that he had to be afraid.

The referee said: "This card uses three foul opportunities in exchange for an attack opportunity. However, this attack opportunity is a single attack. It can only be targeted at a certain team of other participating teams. The range of the attack will be limited. At the same time, it will also It cannot affect more teams."

After the referee finished speaking, he closed his eyes tightly and waited for Levi's fall.

Levi smiled and said: "So that's what happened. I thought I could exploit a loophole in the rules. Unexpectedly, this loophole cannot be exploited. Thank you for reminding me. If I really exploit it without knowing it, This loophole will most likely lead to a direct loss, thank you very much, Mr. Referee."

The referee carefully opened his eyes. Levi still looked kind and talkative, which made him relieved.

The referee bowed slightly, with a flattering smile on his face, and said: "Mr. Levi, I will take my leave now. I wish you a happy match."

Levi looked at the referees who were running away in a hurry and said, "Am I that terrible?"

Jie smiled and said: "When Li Weijun becomes serious, it seems quite scary to outsiders."

Levi stretched and said lazily: "I thought I could have a special move that would directly eliminate all other participating teams. I didn't expect that only one team could be eliminated. What a pity. Next, let's see Which little cutie will bump into our team?"

Levi will not use this card easily. After all, it takes three foul chances to get a shot. He has a foul count increase card in his hand, and he still needs two foul chances. Before he can find a new foul count increase card, , Levi will choose to take action carefully.

Of course, if Sanada Nishi appears in front of him now, he will eliminate the opponent without hesitation. After all, Sanada Nishi is the largest force and one of the few people who plays games with brains. This kind of hidden threat, It's also a good thing to get rid of it.

Chapter 4. Hu Die’s Analysis

Levi said: "The most valuable supplies here are probably this special rule card. Pack up and prepare to leave. Don't take too much food. We can't eat that much."

Yue's hand was still carrying large and small bags of food. Now Mulong's head had stored a lot of food, but Yue was still not satisfied. He found more food here and wanted to take it away. .

Jie showed a somewhat aggrieved expression, and Xiaozhen said, "But I'm really hungry..."

Qiu Jin said expressionlessly: "I'm curious, where did all the food you eat go? Do you really have a fourth-dimensional stomach bag? You are usually very good at eating, but you don't look at it during rest time. It stops at your mouth."

So, Li Wei is a little curious about such things. Yue's physique is very special. She is the type who can become stronger by eating. Therefore, in addition to three meals a day, she often uses gourmet tablecloths to give her Even he didn't know how many times Yue had given meals to his family when he was alone.

Li Wei smiled and said, "I really can't do anything with you. Let me help you get it. When you go back, I'll treat you to a European-style seafood dinner, plus authentic Chongguo Cantonese cuisine."

Levi took the food from Yue's hand and put it on Mu Long's head. There were all kinds of girls around him. When the number increased, there would always be some strange existences inside. This is normal. things. The knot is indeed quite edible, but as long as there is no problem with her body, it's not a big deal, and it's not like he can't afford it.

"Thank you! Li Weijun, don't forget my big meal after the game!" Jie said excitedly.

Levi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I can't forget it. If I really forget it, some people will remind me. Uranium Girl, Yue Hai and the others are watching the live broadcast."

Several people sat on the wooden dragon's head, and the wooden dragon slowly rose into the air and headed towards the next coordinate point. The next two coordinate points were both captured by Li Wei, but apart from various objects, these two coordinate points had no special props.

Li Wei knew that he was being targeted. If other Wei Ya arrived, there would definitely be special props hidden in the dark waiting for them to dig out.

Levi has super perceptive ability, so he can sense the referee team's secret actions. Although a large number of drones monitor the entire competition venue, when the referee team moves, the drones They will consciously turn off the camera to avoid filming the referee's small actions and accidentally releasing it.

Broadcasting accidents like this happen to TV stations all over the world. Although it is only a small probability event, MBI still carefully chooses to control it. After all, it is not honorable to manipulate the game in secret, and it will also affect the ratings of subsequent games and the popularity of gambling. Therefore, MBI chose to treat it in the most cautious way.

According to Li Wei's perception, the two coordinate points originally had special props, but when they were on their way, the referee team hurried to the coordinate location and hid the special props at the two locations in advance. Taken away.

After he had passed the two coordinate locations, he gradually adapted to the low temperature and finally caught up with the other participating teams.

Also because the other teams had already started to take action, and the speed was not too slow, the personnel at the referee's office only took away the special props from two locations, and did not move the special props from the subsequent locations.

On Levi's side, because there were drones following and filming the whole process, he couldn't go straight to the hiding places of those special props. He was certain that the hidden locations of those special props would be the coordinate points later, but those locations had not yet been marked on the map. He went down to find the things at this time, and had no way to explain to everyone watching the live broadcast that he was How to find things will only cause trouble.

As the most eye-catching celebrity participating team, their words and deeds are stared at by viewers watching the live broadcast all over the world. As a result, Levi and the three girls can only use the team communication channel to chat.

After all, some sensitive conversations can only be communicated in the team communication channel, and the team communication channel has also become a place for girls left behind at home to talk. Levi, who is far away at the competition venue, can use this method to communicate from the left behind at home. girls to get all kinds of intelligence support.

Hu Die: (MBI is obviously targeting your team, sir. If this continues, there will be no way to collect important special props.)

Uranium Girl: (Then what should Levi do?)

Hu Die: (The time is stuck. The referee team must have secretly taken away the special props. Therefore, you can deliberately fall behind and let other participating teams rush to the front. After they arrive at the location, you can speed up and rush over. . Our goal is special props. After collecting enough special props, we can take away any team and gain an absolute advantage at the critical decisive moment! Sentence)

Hu Die's idea is very clear, that is, to destroy the enemy. As long as he has the ability to bring out a small team without any damage, and if he has enough of this condition, then the next game will be very easy to play.

Hu Die is a very smart girl. Li Wei did not provide her with any information, but by watching the live broadcast, she already knew that the referee team was making small moves, and judged that MBI was controlling the progress of the game behind the scenes. The thing is, when she gets real, her intelligence analysis ability is terrifying.

Hu Die: (As long as we can collect enough special props, we can produce enough output at critical moments. In the second half of the game, someone may have already obtained the artifact. What we have to do is to use There is no chance of damage, and the team holding the artifact will be taken away directly. With the strength of our team, as long as the artifact is in the hands of adults, it will definitely not be taken away. Keeping the artifact for ten minutes is the easiest thing. .)

Li Wei: (Thank you, Hu Die, your analysis is very good. We will try our best to get as many special props as possible. I will bring the artifact back. Such dangerous things should be destroyed or sealed. .)

Levi's words were righteous. However, this time, he who always likes to be a villain should really be a righteous partner. From a purely personal perspective, gathering these dangerous artifacts is in itself a good thing for all mankind. good thing.

There is a potential risk of losing control of the artifact. Once out of control, the souls of tens of millions of people will be sucked away. This is more dangerous than nuclear weapons and biological and chemical weapons. If an artifact is activated, it is very easy to destroy the world. things.

In just a few seconds, billions of people around the world can make lunch. How fast and convenient.

Chapter 4. Making trouble

When Mu Long deliberately slowed down, the other participating teams quickly rushed in front of Li Wei. Just as the other teams activated the coordinate location and the new coordinates appeared, Li Wei arrived at the scene in time. .

Levi arrived on time, which made the referee team hidden in the dark have their hearts in their throats. Because this time the other teams arrived at the coordinates first, so they did not collect the special prop cards hidden in the dark. Come on, now that Levi is here, they can only pray that other teams can find special prop cards faster than Levi.

Li Wei's arrival also made the members of other teams nervous. The huge wooden dragon was hovering in the sky, looking down at everyone. Such pressure also made Wei Ya from other teams afraid to interact with Li Wei and others. Too close.

The audience watching the live broadcast had a God's perspective, while the other participating team members who did not have a God's perspective were because Wei Ya was afraid of Li Wei in her heart, so she distanced herself and did not give Li Wei a chance to suddenly encounter difficulties.

The coordinate location is located in a factory, and Levi and other participating teams maintain a superficial peace. Sanada Nishi watched Levi searching everywhere in the factory from a distance, feeling a little confused in his heart.

His wagtail came to his side, attached to his ear, and whispered: "Xi, the situation of Wood Dragon has been found out. There are various supplies on the head. No, Know where they got that stuff from.”

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