Li Wei waved his hand gently, and Yu Guangren went out in a daze. At this moment, Li Wei's voice rang in his ears.

"Young man, do you think you are the only one who can do this kind of thing? Your grandfather and I have beaten countless so-called gods and demons. Even those gods and demon kings would have their legs trembling with fear when they saw me. You young boy , I don’t know how high the sky is, you are so bold.”

Yu Guangren just felt severe pain coming, and his vision froze, because now he was smashed to the ground, and a strange force invaded his body, making him completely unable to respond to Li Wei's attack He could only react like a sandbag who couldn't fight back and was thrown to the ground in embarrassment.

"This is impossible?! Just a human being..."

Before Yu Guangren finished speaking, the soles of his sneakers were magnified infinitely in his sight and were printed directly on his face. The pain caused by the violent impact made him swallow back what he wanted to say.

"To paralyze you, the one who is beating you now is a human being. What I like to do most is, as a human being, to trample those superior beings who consider themselves gods and demons under their feet, and let them know how powerful human beings are." Wei stepped on Yu Guangren's face and moved his foot left and right, as if there was shit on his shoes, trying to find a place to get the dirt off.

Chapter 4. The ending of Yu Guangren

Li Wei is a person who doesn't like to use bad language. After all, such things are too uncivilized. However, when facing those who regard themselves as gods and demons and like to show off their awesomeness and superiority, Li Wei can't do it. I will be as polite as usual, and I have to slap the other person in the face.

Just like the current Yuguang people, they enjoy the treatment of being stamped on the face with shoes. Such things are not harmful, but they are very insulting.

"Wahhhhhhhh!!! I am God! I am God! How dare a mere human do such a treasonous thing, I will pull out your soul and torture you forever!" Yu Guangren His face was stepped on, and the sound that came out seemed a little weird.

Levi has seen this situation many times. The more superior he is, the more fragile his self-esteem is. With a little provocation, he can see the other person's incompetent and furious appearance.

On the contrary, little people who are used to being stepped on by others can become more calm when faced with such a situation.

Li Wei grabbed Yu Guangren's neck and lifted him up. Yu Guangren was like a chicken being strangled by the neck, struggling constantly, but no matter how he struggled, Li Wei's hands were like pliers. In this way, it clamped his neck tightly.

Li Wei gently threw Yu Guangren upwards, grabbed the opponent's feet, and began to swing the windmill with his hands. Yu Guangren kept hitting the ground, and he still wanted to speak, but he could not finish his words. whole.

Li Wei was like a child who had found a new toy, waving it around constantly. This was painful for Yu Guangren. The double blow, both mentally and physically, made him confused. He wanted to stop, but at this time, Li Wei was just about to fall. How could he stop? Within a few seconds, the originally beautiful white slate square had been smashed into large pieces by Yuguang people. Small dents.

In the end, Yu Guangren fell into the pit in a daze. He saw that Li Wei's figure was double, but now, he no longer dared to speak harshly.

Li Wei stepped on Yu Guangren's chest, and there were large cracks in the gorgeous armor. Coupled with the embarrassment of the opponent now with a bruised nose and swollen face, Li Wei almost laughed out loud.

"I lose. No matter what you want, I will give it to you. I just ask you to let me go." Yu Guangren finally dared not speak harshly. Now he is really afraid, because Li Wei beat him like It was like an adult beating a child. After the strength gap between the two sides was so large, he had no chance of making a comeback.

Levi smiled and said: "Are you stupid? You have already started to threaten me, will I let you go? Whatever you say, I will do it. Don't you want to torture my soul forever? Soul I can satisfy you about being tortured."

Li Wei took out his hand and directly pierced the armor on Yu Guangren's chest, and forcibly dragged out a shadow that was almost the same as him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Yu Guangren finally felt fear. This feeling of having no ability to resist and being manipulated casually was like a nightmare. He really hoped that all this was just a dream, and when he woke up, he would still be a god above all living beings.

"Spare me! No matter what you want me to do, I'm willing to do it! I can do anything for you, as long as you spare my life!" Yu Guangren's soul screamed sharply.

Li Wei didn't want to talk nonsense with his opponent. He took out a crystal from the storage space and forced Yu Guangren's soul into it.

"Whether the soul of a false god is used as a raw material for refining medicine, or it is placed in a virtual horror world to be tortured forever, it is a good choice." Levi looked at the "soul stone" in his hand. , with a smile on his face like an old farmer during the harvest period.

After raising pigs for a thousand days and killing pigs, the reason why Li Wei allowed Yuguang people to light the sacred fire and become a god of faith was just for this moment.

After Yu Guangren became a god of faith, he had become the best material for Li Wei, whether it was soul or body, it was of great use.

He used the enthusiasm and restlessness of the world to ignite the divine fire, and after becoming a god, he used fear to harvest Bo's faith. It can be said that the current Yuguang people are very "fat". When I was in the world of Devil High School, all the belief systems in the world were torn into pieces in order to compete for faith. No one could get the biggest piece because it was too broken. They could only take as much as they could. How many.

But in this world, Yuguang Renwei’s only competitor is Wagtail, and under his deliberate inducement, he personally swallowed up the majority of Dibo’s faith, so he became a "puffiness". However, for Li Wei, who "kills pigs", the fatter the pigs are, the better. Li Wei feels that it is a bit of a waste to use such high-quality souls to make medicine that increases cultivation.

A body without a soul is just a corpse, but it is still good material. Levi took out the sealing tools and began to really seal Yuguangren's body. Although the power of faith stretches the crotch, it depends on who you compare with. If Yu Guangren's body is left here alone, it won't take long for all kinds of monsters and monsters to be born from this divine corpse. After dividing up the energy remnants and fragments of authority of this divine corpse, Levi didn't want his loot to be ruined by messy things.

After doing all this, Li Wei saw that the temple began to collapse. After losing the support of the Yuguang people, the place would soon return to its original appearance and become the Haotian from the beginning.

Levi has no interest in this big platform. He doesn't need such a thing to highlight his identity. At the same time, the wagtail game has officially ended. The evil has been overthrown, and there is nothing left in this world for him to cherish.

Levi left Haotian, which was gradually losing control, and returned to the ground, where Mei Zai was still waiting for him.

Levi smiled and said: "I'm back and all the problems have been solved. Next, it's just a matter of dealing with the aftermath."

It is said that saving people to the end is like sending Buddha to the west. Now Yuguangren is gone, but it has left a lot of mess. If he doesn't keep an eye on it, there will be a third Yuguangren or a big beauty. That kind of existence appears.

"I will witness the birth of the new world with you. If it's just the aftermath, I think I should be able to help." Mei Zai smiled and threw herself into Levi's arms.

Levi gently stroked the girl's length and said: "After the giant beast falls, there will definitely be a large number of vultures and jackals waiting to eat the meat. What we have to do next will take a lot of time. "

Mei Zai nodded. It was a fact that everyone had already decided to follow Levi and leave this world, but she wanted to find a way out before leaving, so as not to repeat the tragedies of the past. This time, the wagtail game is really over, and there will never be another reincarnation. The wagtails must learn how to integrate into ordinary people's lives and spend the rest of their lives with their Wei Ya.

Chapter. Cleaning up the mess

In the following period, Levi and Meiya traveled around the world, dealing with the mess left by Mikoto with Takami Sahashi who had been liberated from the life-support cabin.

Regarding the death of Mihiroto, Sahashi Takami did not have much emotional ups and downs. After learning what happened in the outside world while she was sleeping, she just sighed, not because of Li Wei If you kill a Yuguang person, you will feel disgust or hatred toward him.

Compared to the ambitious Mikihiro, Sahashi Takami is a researcher with slightly conservative ideas. Such a person will naturally face various problems if he suddenly takes over MBI.

But it is a good thing for all mankind that such an unambitious person takes over MBI. MBI has too many dangerous technologies. Once leaked and used in improper ways, it will cause irreparable disasters. of.

Takami Sahashi is also one of the few people who is willing to think about problems from the wagtail's perspective, and he also knows what the consequences will be if the wagtail's power is out of control.

It is precisely because of these points that Levi chose Takami Sahashi instead of anyone else to take over this mess. Levi does not believe in human nature, because he has seen the bad side of human nature too many times. If MBI is handed over to others, he cannot guarantee that the person who takes over this behemoth can maintain his original intention. In comparison, Sahashi A pure technician like Gao Mei knows exactly what he wants to do.

And to be safe, Levi implanted hints in Sahashi Takami's memory. Once she violated the bottom line, these hints would gradually emerge and subtly bring her back.

Takami Sahashi is the leader of MBI, and she now has the direct support of all members of the Punishment Team, especially Crow Feather, who has washed away his contract and is preparing to re-sign, and stands clearly on her side. Overnight, The power structure within MBI was completely rewritten.

When violence is under control, many things are easy to handle. Takami Sahashi himself is very popular in MBI and has a large number of supporters. Mihiroto is a genius who comes up with ideas. Geniuses are often considered crazy by ordinary people. Only Sahashi Takami, who is a college classmate with Mihiroto, can keep up with his unconstrained thinking.

Therefore, many times, Yuhiro used Sahashi Takami as a bridge to issue orders to the people below. Otherwise, the people below would not know how to execute his messy orders. Mihiroto's orders require Takami Sahashi to sort them out, eliminate some of the parts that are difficult for others, and then give them to the people below to execute them according to the orders.

Now that MBI has lost Mihiro, there is no chaos in the government. After a few thorns were dealt with, Takami Sahashi, with the assistance of the punishment team, took control of MBI in a very short time. Huge beast.


In the office of MBI Commander-in-Chief, Takami Sahashi stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the scenery outside the window with a somewhat melancholy look.

The death of Yuguang Ren was not completely without fluctuations in her heart. After all, she really liked that man, that genius-like weirdo. Although he always had some weird thoughts in his mind, he was able to put her Amusing. It was precisely because of this that she had two children with Yu Guangren, and now she had to find a way to explain why their father disappeared.

She also knows the tragic situation of Da Meili, and she will find a way to make up for the mistakes Yu Guangren made. However, during this period, the survivors in the beautiful land were very hateful towards MBI who destroyed their homeland, so even if they wanted to release their goodwill, this was not the time.

The sound of slight footsteps around her made Sahashi Takami raise her head slightly. Through the reflection in the glass, she saw the beautiful girl walking behind her.

"Beautiful, you are still so elusive, does Crow Feather know you are coming?" Sahashi Takami took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket and lit it for himself.

Wearing casual clothes at home, Mei Zai looked as casual as if she were at home. With a soft smile on her face, she said, "I sneaked in and wanted to give you a surprise."

Takami Sahashi patted his forehead and said, "If I weren't familiar with your footsteps, I would have thought an assassin came to visit."

Mei Zai said: "Assassin? Haven't the Snake Organization been cleared yet?"

Sahashi Takami had a headache when she thought about this. During this period, the ashtray on the desk was filled with cigarette butts because of these messy things.

Takami Sahashi has a mild neurasthenia. She is used to using nicotine to relax herself. When she encounters something embarrassing, she smokes harder.

Sahashi Takami said: "The centipede is dead but not stiff. The Snake Organization is more troublesome than I expected. That organization has implicated too many powerful people in the European continent. That guy turned this beautiful country into a After leaving the wasteland, MBI's international reputation has plummeted to the bottom, and our actions in Europe have encountered many obstacles."

Sahashi Takami sighed. The mess left by Mihiro was really hard to clean up. If Levi and Meiya hadn't been there to hold her back, she wouldn't have found a chance to be lazy now.

However, Levi and Mei Zai, as well as Levi's wagtails, will eventually leave this world, so the time she can take advantage of is not long. After Levi and others left this world, she could only rely on the new punishment team rebuilt by Crow Feather, Yume and others to face various crises.

However, after Yui Nu returned, the pressure on the Punishment Team suddenly became much less. As an independent individual born with complete wagtail patterns, Yui Nu did not need Wei Ya to display her full strength. For this reason alone, in the On the earth now, there are enough people killing each other, Mei Zai is gone, Yume is the strongest wagtail, there is no one else.

Mei Zai said: "Europe is the opponent's home field after all. As an organization born at the end of the war, I would feel strange if it didn't get involved with those powerful people."

The cigarette butt in Sahashi Takami's mouth had been chewed until it was deformed, and she said: "Those bastards who are ignorant of oil and salt always speak in a condescending manner. They like to occupy the moral high ground. During the previous video call, they kept trying to take advantage of that guy. Sting me with things that have been done in the great beautiful land.”

Mei Zai covered her mouth and chuckled: "Those people are like this, but Yu Lai's blow was really cruel, and it directly knocked the beautiful girl back to the Stone Age. Now all the big countries are busy dividing the various technologies of the beautiful girl underground. Base. I believe that after this incident is over, that wasteland will never have a chance to revive again."

Sahashi Takami said: "The current experience of a wealthy man who keeps cheating others can be regarded as paying off the debts for the blood crimes they committed before. The aboriginal people in that land must be very happy." To be honest, I don’t have much sympathy for them. The reason why I extend a helping hand is purely humanitarian." Han.

Chapter. Return to the real world

Takami Sahashi is not a clay figure, and he will naturally be unhappy if he is always choked. However, European gentlemen have now grasped the key points of MBI. No matter how many image projects MBI has done before, Yuhiro has turned the beauty into a From the moment the wasteland was destroyed, these image projects became useless.

Although these European dignitaries are desperately trying to pull away the bases and laboratories hidden underground, like protecting mad dogs, they are very familiar with finding the moral high ground, and the Yuguang people themselves are very familiar with it. Crazy criticism, the mess that has been created now, any individual can crush MBI on the moral high ground, Sahashi Takami can't do anything else besides being depressed.

With the help of this kind of protection, the Snake Organization managed to survive, and the two sides had already formed a deadly feud. Even if Sahashi Takami was in charge, his attitude towards the Snake Organization was the same as that of Yuhiro. Whenever he found an opportunity, he would immediately go down. Killer, eliminate the roots.

But after all, Sahashi Takami is not a Mihiro, and can make all kinds of cruel decisions. If it were a Mihiro to handle such matters, the graves of those European dignitaries would probably be several feet high.

But what Sahashi Takami didn't know was that when Levi left this world, the Snake Organization would naturally disappear.

Mei Zai said: "If you need those powerful people, I can help you deal with them."

Takami Sahashi shook his head and said: "No, what I did before was such a big mess, and I am still slowly cleaning it up. If we do it again, MBI will not be able to find anyone to cooperate with in the future. Everyone Everyone will be wary of MBI. Those powerful people are indeed very troublesome, but I already have a solution, it just takes some time."

Sahashi Takami knows very well that he is not the kind of person who wants to master absolute violence like Hiroyuki, so he cannot use violence for everything like the former. Although violence is easy to use, the side effects will be great every time it is used. Unless he wants to take the same route as Yu Guangren and beat everyone who is not convinced.

Mei Zai understood clearly in her heart. She understood why Levi would choose Sahashi Takami. Even though he had an absolute power advantage, he never thought about using power to solve problems. Such a person is indeed suitable for MBI in this special period.

The two sides are old acquaintances, but they both say that those who are close to the ink are evil. Sahashi Takami and Ohiroto have been together for more than ten years, and she is just afraid that Sahashi Takami will be negatively affected by Ohiroto.

Sahashi Takami said: "When will you come out? I can prepare a practice banquet for you."

Mei Zai said: "After Zhou, in the past few days, I have to teach Crow Feather and Yume everything I can before leaving. How MBI will develop next depends on you."

Takami Sahashi said: "Don't worry, I know how dangerous the technology mastered by MBI is. Next, I will gradually use these technologies to change human life and build a better world."

"Come on." Mei Zai patted Sahashi Takami's shoulder, and her figure gradually faded into a speck of light and disappeared without a trace.

Sahashi Takami was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. As the queen of Wagtails, Meiya has unimaginable power, but she does not intend to ask for powerful power. She is afraid that powerful power will make her cold. Be ruthless and become an indifferent person who doesn't care about the life or death of others. Ordinary people have a cold temperament, and at best they cannot have good relations with the people around them. But as the person in charge of MBI, if she has a cold temperament, many people may be unlucky.

On Li Wei's side, he was seizing the time to collect gold. At the same time, he also fulfilled his promise to the dignitaries of the Camel Kingdom that gold would be exchanged for life.

The dignitaries of the Camel Country are really awesome. After seeing the effect, they decisively mobilized forces to collect gold, which caused the international gold price to fluctuate during this period.

A large amount of gold was not easy to transport, so Li Wei personally went to the Camel Country to prepare to complete the transaction in the Camel Country.

The transaction process went very smoothly. Li Wei showed his extraordinary strength in front of the dignitaries of the Camel Kingdom. The dignitaries of the Camel Kingdom also put away their petty thoughts and completed the transaction honestly. Both sides got what they needed, and they were all happy. With a large amount of gold, Li Wei left the Camel Kingdom and returned to Izumo Village in the Eastern Imperial Capital.

Li Wei took the wagtails to the meeting as scheduled and participated in the practice banquet held by Sahashi Takami. After that, Li Wei sent the wagtails to the floating island and taught them how to adapt to the island. life.

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