Levi said: "As for the Hokkaido side, the development should be more balanced, right?"

Among all the neon areas, Hokkaido can be said to be one of the areas with the least presence. For residents of the three major metropolitan areas, Hokkaido can be said to be a remote, bitter and cold place, a typical "countryside".

The girl said: "Rather than saying that it is balanced, it is better to say that the development is almost the same. Due to the shortage of public funds, the city's development has stagnated more than ten years ago. Now it is just barely maintained, but with the With the aging population and declining birthrate, Hokkaido will also experience rapid decline in a dozen or so years."

Levi said: "So is this what the locals do? I looked at the travel brochure before and it seemed that Hokkaido was pretty good."

The girl said: "Li Weijun, have you watched the anime "Sakura Mission"?"

Levi shook his head. Although he was an old home dweller, he hadn't watched every anime. With so many anime, there were always works he hadn't seen.

The girl said: "That anime tells the story of a college girl, in order to save local development and economy. To be honest, Hokkaido spends all its efforts to promote its tourism industry to save itself, because it cannot Work hard while you can still struggle now. Even if you want to struggle in the future, you will not have the strength. Everyone knows that their hometown is declining, but no one has a good solution, because except for the three major metropolitan areas, other areas are in decline. No one is immune to recession.”

Li Wei sighed inwardly that the development of a matter would only be affected by various factors and would not be affected by personal will. The location of Hokkaido meant that he would not be able to develop much and could only rely on his old laurels to support him. .

After leaving the urban area, the strong light on the ground had disappeared, so when the two of them looked up, they could see the bright starry sky.

Both of them lay on the clouds, with their hands behind their heads, watching the night sky.

Levi turned his head, looked at the girl's profile, and said with a smile: "Without the light pollution of the city, we can see such a beautiful starry sky. Seeing such a scenery, I feel better."

The girl said: "But if you want to enjoy such a night view every day, ordinary people can only live a primitive life. I heard from my classmates in college that if you go camping in the mountains, you can see such a night view at night. Night view. But camping is too much trouble and I don’t have that much time to experience it.”

There was one thing the girl didn't say, and that was that camping equipment was too expensive. For her, this kind of unnecessary consumption could only be saved. It was very uncomfortable to spend money to prepare various equipment for camping that she only went to a few times a year. Good deal.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

As a person who studied applied economics, her consumption concept is more self-disciplined than ordinary people. All kinds of unnecessary expenses will be crossed out by her as soon as they come up in her mind.

Levi said: "Aren't we going to Cape Soya to watch the New Year's sunrise this time? It's just in time to experience the feeling of camping. It's been a long time since I bought the camping equipment. I just practiced how to assemble it before, and it's a serious camping. This is my first time."

The girl smiled and said: "Now, all the B\u0026Bs over Cape Soya have been closed. Except for a few grocery stores that are still open, it is difficult to find a place to eat. However, for us now, these should not be a problem, right?" "

Levi smiled and said: "Of course."

Time passed quickly as the two chatted. Soon, the clouds crossed the strait and entered the sky above Hokkaido, getting closer and closer to their destination, Sapporo.

The clouds were very fast, and it didn't take long to reach the sky above Sapporo. Sapporo is considered one of the largest cities in Hokkaido, but in terms of development alone, it cannot be compared with urban areas like Tokyo, with high-rise buildings and so on. Naturally, there are much fewer buildings than in Tokyo, and the architectural style is relatively old. It can be seen that the peak construction period of this city should have been forty years ago, which makes Li Wei feel like he is looking at the Showa era. It feels like an old special photo shoot.

The girl lay on the edge of the white clouds, looking at the night view of the city below, with an excited smile on her face, and said: "It only took more than an hour to get home, which is too fast! Leave it to me to show you the way. Bar."

Li Wei secretly thought in his heart that if it weren't for hiding his strength, he could save himself from the rush by activating the coordinates prepared in advance and teleporting them. It would only take more than a second from departure to arrival.

Under the girl's guidance, the clouds stopped over a residential area. Li Wei controlled the clouds to lower their height. The two found a relatively remote location and jumped down. Then Li Wei took the package from the Consciousness Sea Space. He took it out and held it in his hand.

The landing place was not far from the girl's home. The two of them only walked for a few minutes before arriving at the destination of their trip.

Chapter. The girl’s parents

In front of the two people is a simple but large-scale household building. In Tokyo, because land prices are more expensive, most ordinary homes do not occupy a large area.

But in other small cities outside the three major urban areas, because land prices are cheaper, the per capita living area of ​​local people is much larger than that in big cities.

It has been decades since the neon real estate bubble burst. Except for the core areas of the three major metropolitan areas, housing prices and land prices in other places have been squeezed to the point of being squeezed out. This is something that China has not been able to do with the current situation. compared to that. Domestic houses are linked to too many things, and it is not something ordinary people can do if they want to.

Levi said: "With this scale, wouldn't it look empty if three people live there?"

The girl said: "No, the reason why this house is so big is because there are many rooms inside that are daddy's warehouses, used to stack various goods. Our family doesn't really use much space for living. .”

Levi said: "When I got here, I became a little nervous."

The girl wanted to laugh in her heart. Now Levi finally experienced what she felt before. She was also so nervous when she wanted to meet Levi's parents. She touched the bracelet on her wrist. It was a gift from Levi's mother. It looked very precious. A jade article like this was very fragile. In order to protect the bracelet, she attached it to the surface of the bracelet. A thin layer of mana film is applied to ensure that the bracelet will not be damaged.

The girl is a smart person, and she can understand the meaning of this gift. This is proof that Levi's mother has liked her. If she didn't like it, she would not give such a gift with special meaning.

The girl checked on the Internet and found out that there is an old tradition in China, that is, a male's mother will give the ancestral dowry to his future daughter-in-law. This bracelet that looks very old should be the dowry passed down by Li Wei's mother's elders. . However, such customs are becoming increasingly rare now, and most of this custom only exists in wealthy families, or families with better conditions than this. Ordinary people no longer practice such customs.

Jinchengzhai Qianye grabbed Li Wei's hand and said softly: "Leave it to me later. Don't worry, my parents are a bit like my uncle and aunt. They are both easy to talk to."

The girl rang the doorbell at the courtyard door, and a slightly rounded female voice came from the doorbell.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Mom, it's me, Qianye, I'm back."

"Eh? Qianye? Just wait, I'll open the door right away. You girl, you really don't even call me in advance when you come back."

After a while, the two of them heard the sound of footsteps. The door of the house was suddenly opened, and a young woman with a good figure, wearing a kitchen apron and holding a spatula in her hand came out.

Although she has a blessed figure, one can tell from her face that she was quite a beauty when she was young. Li Wei knew very well that the girl's mother did not deliberately maintain her figure and was not interested in makeup or anything, because she and her husband had a very good relationship and had reached the point where they didn't care about appearance. Moreover, she was also the "queen" of the girl's father. "Warehouse organizer", the husband and wife work together very well. People who have to work often don't have time to pay attention to their appearance.

The young woman trotted to the door, and then saw Levi carrying something behind the girl. She was stunned for a moment, but still decisively welcomed the two in.

"Young man, come in quickly. It's very windy outside and it's going to snow tonight." After the two of them entered the courtyard, the young woman closed the iron door outside again and walked in front of the two of them. The gate that was taken opened.

The young woman's name is Kinjosai Yukiji, formerly known as Kirijo Yukiji. She was originally a descendant of a shrine priest. Unfortunately, her family's shrine was remote, and she could not support her family just by relying on the offerings of believers, so she ended her life as a shrine maiden early. After career, she started working while she was in school. At that time, she met the girl's father, Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang, who was just an ordinary high school student and wage earner at the time. The two fell in love while working, and then they fell in love. He started a long-distance love race that was sweet and sour, and finally achieved success, and worked hard to build his current family business.

Li Wei saw the shadow of his own parents in this loving young couple. They were a happy family. The girls they educated had sound personalities and were not prone to weird situations such as self-indulgence or extreme worship of money. In comparison, Below, single-parent families are more likely to have these problems.

Li Wei was also grateful to this couple in his heart for raising such an outstanding girl, which finally gave him an advantage.

At the entrance, a young man with a slightly plump figure and wearing a nondescript plush pajamas came over. With a curious expression on his face, he said: "Honey, who is it? Is it the delivery person?"

The moment the young man Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang saw Li Wei, his originally smiling expression suddenly froze, and at the same time, his eyes under his glasses became sharp.

Jincheng Zhaixuesi gently tapped the young man's head with the spatula, and said: "What are you putting on, you old man? The young couple came back to see you, and this is the expression you have? Why don't you invite me to sit in the house?" "

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang came to his senses. Facing his lover, he decisively chose to give up and got out of the way, allowing Li Wei and the girl to come to the living room. The heating in the room is turned on very much, which is completely different from the cold outside. Although Levi and the girl are not afraid of the cold now, it will always be much more comfortable if the surrounding environment is warmer.

Levi put the gift down, and the girl's mother had already walked over with two cups of hot tea, placed them on the low table in front of Levi, and said, "It must be freezing outside. Let's drink some hot tea first to keep warm." Body, auntie will cook you two specialties."

When the girl's mother saw the talented Li Wei, her first impression was very good. As a housewife who often watched TV series, he had seen a lot of handsome guys, but those young men were too feminine, and Li Wei Wei, a masculine and muscular Showa manly handsome guy, reminded her of Ken Takakura in his youth, giving him a very reliable feeling. And she also believed in her daughter's vision. After all, her daughter was studying economics and was much smarter and calmer than ordinary girls. A boy who could make her smile happily like she is definitely not a bad person.

The girl's father, Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang, coughed lightly and said, "Qianye, why don't you introduce the person next to you?"

The old man sighed inwardly that his daughter had grown up. Although something like this would happen sooner or later, when it happened, he still couldn't accept it. It gave him the impression that his daughter was still the cute little girl she was back then. But when he came back When I came to my senses, I realized that time passed too fast.

Chapter 4. Facing the elders

Jinchengzhai Qianye knew that her father was a little moody right now. She had a steady smile on her face and said calmly, "This is Li Wei, a native of Chong. He is currently studying abroad in Neon."

When Jinchengzhai Zhongbang heard that Li Wei was from Chongguo, he suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face and said: "So that's it, no wonder he is so masculine and powerful. Nowadays, the young people in Neon are more like sissies, and they want to find It’s already difficult for such a masculine young man.”

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang nodded with satisfaction. No old father would like his daughter to bring someone "non-mainstream" home, and he was no exception. Although Li Wei gave his baby cabbage, he I have to admit that Levi is a temperamental and charming young man. The first time he saw Levi, he thought of Kiryuuma in his youth from the game "Yakuza" series that he had played. He was the ultimate man. Masculine beauty, it is difficult for those neon young people who are becoming more and more effeminate to find someone like Levi.

Jincheng Zhai Tadakuni sighed and said: "It turns out that he is a citizen of the superpower across the sea. His energy and spirit are completely different. Those Heisei abandoned houses and Lingwa transvestites are completely different."

Levi saw through what young men were thinking, and wanted to complain in his heart. The current trend in the world is the demasculation of young men. The number of young men who want to become "strong" is declining compared to the past. .

Temperament is acquired, but this face is given by parents. However, this resolute face must be supported by a strong body. If he is not tall and strong enough, then such a face shape will make him look... Very strange.

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang said: "Young man, uncle, I am more than ten years older than you, and I have never understood it in half my life, so don't be cautious. Can the two of us talk and drink like normal people?"

Levi smiled and said: "I can drink, but I don't like high alcohol. Drinking has caused trouble in the past, so I stopped drinking. But if you want to drink, uncle, I can drink with you to the end."

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang said with a smile: "I can't drink very much. I usually drink some low-alcohol wine to satisfy my cravings. Wine is something that can only be enjoyed by drinking for pleasure. It will cause excessive harm to the body. It's also a good thing not to drink."

Although Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang drinks, he doesn't want his future son-in-law to be a drunkard who likes to drink, because some people can't control themselves when they get drunk, and drunkards have a higher probability of domestic violence, like Li Wei The strong man is drunk, and two or three adults can't hold him back, so in his opinion, it's better not to drink.

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang thought for a while and said: "Li Wei, that's what I called you. You are studying abroad in Neon now. What are your plans for the future? After graduation, are you going to continue to develop here or return to China?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Although I don't plan to naturalize, I have already bought a house in Tokyo, and I will naturally develop my business here in the future."

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang said in surprise: "Foreigners buy houses locally, but they don't have loans. You bought the house with full payment? You, a young man, can't see that your family is quite rich."

Li Wei smiled and said: "My family only recently learned that I bought a house in Tokyo. I bought my first house with the money I earned. When I said that I bought a house in Tokyo, the elders in my family The reaction is just like you, uncle."

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang is also a businessman himself, so he naturally knows the housing prices in Tokyo. Li Wei said this with pride. It must be a good place with a good location. In his opinion, someone who can do such a thing at such a young age , it is really a scary thing.

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang said: "Li Wei, how do you earn so much as a student? Uncle, I am also a businessman, so I am a little curious. Of course, if it is a secret that cannot be told, there is no need to tell me."

Li Wei smiled and said: "This is not a secret that cannot be told. I am very sensitive to stocks and have always been in the habit of speculating in U.S. stocks. However, the threshold for U.S. stocks is relatively high. My first pot of gold was investing in China's cancer stocks. After studying abroad in Neon, I made a lot of money in the stock market here in Neon, and then I started to play in the U.S. stock market. After a few years, I also made a lot of money."

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang showed an envious expression and said: "I have tried the stock market before, but I am not qualified to do this. I lost half of the money I invested, so I will continue to do my job honestly. As a small business, you don’t dare touch the stock market anymore. Levi, how much have you made from the stock market so far?”

Levi showed three fingers.

Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang said: "Three hundred million neon yuan?"

Levi smiled and said: "Thirty million dollars."

The old man's hands supporting his body were slippery, and he almost bumped into the low table. Although he couldn't remember the real-time exchange rate, but with a little calculation, he could know the approximate amount. If thirty million U.S. dollars were converted into neon circles, it would be almost Four billion neon circles are already an astronomical figure for him. After struggling with his wife for half his life, the wealth he has accumulated is nothing compared to this figure.

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at her father's gaffe and wanted to laugh in her heart. However, neither she nor Li Wei cared much about these external wealth, because it was too easy for practitioners to make money. Well, even if she is half a person now, relying on the skills she has learned, she can still deceive those rich people. How much money they want depends on her words.

However, her parents are ordinary people, so it is not surprising that she would react like this. The girl felt a little sad in her heart. She and her parents had unknowingly become people in two different worlds.

What she can do now is to let her parents live a good life and not let them worry.

The aroma of the food wafted over, and Jincheng Zhaixuesi said: "Stop chatting for now, come and eat."

When the three people heard this, they all came to the dining room. The scale of this house was quite large, so the internal functional areas were very complete. For example, houses in the core areas of Tokyo are limited by land area. Most of them Families do not divide functional areas in detail, but use magical storage technology to achieve multiple uses.

During dinner time, Levi was asked all kinds of questions by the girl's mother. Fortunately, it was his first time here, and the girl's mother at least didn't ask embarrassing questions like when he and the girl would have children. But next time I come, I can’t say that.

After dinner, the girl and her mother were washing the dishes in the kitchen, while Levi played shogi with the girl's father, chatting about all kinds of messy things, and then as they chatted, the two of them got to talking. Regarding game-related matters, Jincheng Zhai Zhongbang still loves games even though he is in his forties, and the girl’s mother does not dislike him because of such things. The more the two chatted, the more excited they became. They are both experienced old men. Otaku, the more we chat, the more we fall in love with each other.

At the end of the chat, when the girl and her mother came out of the kitchen, they found that the two gentlemen had already started laughing and exchanging gaming experiences.

Chapter. Heading to Cape Soya

Neon society is as harsh as China. In the eyes of the public, if an individual cannot do the right thing at the right age, he is a waste of society.

Just like teenagers who play games will be scolded for playing games, teenagers who play games will be scolded for not doing their jobs properly, and people in their thirties who play games will be scolded for being useless.

However, working all night like a dog, being forced to drink alcohol by the boss to test the obedience, and the company doing all kinds of weird so-called team building, these pathological things have become common sense in the eyes of the so-called public.

However, now, in Neon, the rebellious psychology of ordinary people has been aroused. Although there are more and more weird things, ordinary people are also resisting the world in their own way. It is precisely because In this way, more and more adults are addicted to games.

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