Chapter. Interests and Hobbies

Hina Yudachi raised his hand and said: "Classmate Levi, can I ask another question? Don't worry, this is the last question. After asking it, it will be time for others."

Levi smiled and said: "No problem, just ask if you have anything. Of course, there are some very personal things that I won't say even if you ask."

Hina Yudachi smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not something that will touch privacy. I just want to ask, classmate Li Wei, your hobbies. Everyone has their own things they like to do. I think classmate Li Wei, you must be sure." No exception, what is your hobby?"

Levi smiled and said: "My hobby is a little more special, that is human observation."

Levi's words confused the students below.

Levi explained: "There is a saying that fiction requires logic, but reality does not. I didn't believe this before, but after experiencing certain things, I found that it is really the case. Human thinking is It is never possible to guess, so observing human beings’ reactions when faced with various things is far more exciting than novels. It is precisely because of this that I like human observation. By observing others, I can learn Learn from various experiences and avoid making the same mistakes as others. This is human observation."

Levi's words made the students below speechless, because such a hobby seems a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it.

Levi smiled and said: "If there are no other questions, then my self-introduction should be over, right?"

The class teacher also spoke up and said, "Li Wei, your seat is next to Hina Hina, and there happens to be an empty seat there."

If Li Wei wants to learn from it, the school has secretly paved the way for him. Even special empty seats have been reserved. Not many people in the school leadership know the real situation of Li Wei, but those who know, No matter what, they all regard Li Wei as their uncle.

Anyone familiar with the matter knows that an uncle like Li Wei is here to experience life. Naturally, he has to find a way to make Li Wei feel comfortable. The seats arranged for Li Wei are on the left hand side with Hina Hinoki and on the right hand side are the Shinyama Camellias. , in the front is Hinata Aoi, and in the back is the girl from the small group, Mayama Camellia, surrounded by beautiful girls in front, back and left.

This arrangement was the intention of the chairman. The chairman is a very knowledgeable person. He felt that it was necessary to give Li Wei a sense of novelty. Since a big boss like Li Wei had never experienced the feeling of school, then let Li Wei be like He is like the hero of galgame, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by beauty.

The chairman felt that there must be no shortage of women around a big boss like Li Wei, but those women must have other purposes, and for such an innocent schoolgirl, Li Wei's past life must have been It has never been seen before, and it will definitely bring enough freshness to Levi. As for the girls' feelings, this kind of thing is not something the chairman will consider. Ordinary people never have a choice in front of powerful people.

The chairman himself is a member of the elite group. He knows very well that if human society is an online game, then the elite are the kryptonians and cheaters of the game, while ordinary players are just part of the gaming experience of the elites. Although this is very Cruel, but this is the real side of the world.

Levi said: "Okay."

Levi came to the seat prepared for himself, sat down, and put his handbag into the drawer under the desk. Several girls around were a little surprised. They had never thought that there would be a student in the empty seat next to them.

Before Levi entered the class, no one knew that there would be students coming. The boys all showed envy in their eyes, while the girls looked at the girls around Levi, not hiding their jealousy at all.

Girls of this age are attracted to handsome men. The mysterious student Li Wei perfectly satisfies all their inner imaginations. He is handsome, tall, and has a unique temperament that makes him either rich or noble. This Completely in line with the standards of Prince Charming in the eyes of most girls.

Ri Xiangkui, who was sitting in front of Li Wei, turned around and whispered: "My name is Ri Xiangkui, Li Weijun, please give me your advice."

Levi smiled and nodded, but he didn't have the slightest idea in his heart. The girl in front of him, who was not very bright, was not within his hunting range. The main thing was that he didn't hate stupid girls, but he hated bad writing. .

Hinata Aoi's operation in the original plot is really not likeable. The main reason is that this girl's IQ is really not online. The other person whose IQ is not online is Akino Sakura, the student council president. These two are like a sleeping dragon and a phoenix. Everyone's IQ often drops below the line.

However, unlike Hinata's simple stupidity, Akino Sakura's words depend on her status. As long as it doesn't involve emotional matters, she is a very capable girl, but when it comes to emotional matters, she can't keep up. Calm down.

Hinoki Hina and Camellia Masama also followed suit and said hello to Levi. The girl sitting behind Levi was a supporting character who was not even given a name in the original plot. Now Levi finally knows her name. Sanada Sugiha.

Sanada Sugiha has long, silvery-gray hair and is heavier than ordinary people. She has a bun shape on top of her head, which looks quite cute. It softens her sharp temperament to a certain extent. She is tall and tall. , likes to tie her school uniform jacket around her waist, giving her the feeling of a rebellious girl.

She has double phoenix eyes and long eyebrows, which makes her look like a bad girl.

However, Levi, who has the ability to read minds, could see right through this girl's heart. She was just a little devilish girl who liked to make noises with others, fearing that the world would be in chaos. However, this slightly innocent character also makes her easy to be led by others.

The class bell rang, and the math teacher with Earth-sea hair came in. After saying hello to the class teacher, he walked to the podium. The class teacher withdrew and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the first class was not his Mandarin. He could learn about Levi's character through the math teacher's class. Even if he was to be embarrassed, he would not be the first to be embarrassed.

Li Wei, who has the ability to read minds, naturally understands the difficulties faced by the class teacher. However, within the school, he will do what a student should do and will not cause trouble or embarrass the teacher. Of course, if he faces difficulties, He won't be polite. Although this kind of thing is only a small probability event, considering that not many people in the school leadership know his identity, a small probability event is also possible. Make a plan in advance. It's never a bad thing.

Chapter. Having money makes you smarter

The first class was mathematics. The mathematics knowledge taught by Neon Gao was completely childish for Li Wei, but he still pretended to be serious and finished the whole class quietly.

Of course, Levi is only real on the surface. As a being with multi-threaded thinking circuits, Levi handles various things through his puppet clones, so class is not boring for him. His brain Always in an active state.

Li Wei pretended to be serious, but his presence made the girls in the entire class start to get distracted, especially the girls sitting behind Li Wei. Many of them looked at Li Wei's back with obsessed eyes. .

The boys all showed jealous expressions. It is the period when tall boys and girls have a beautiful yearning for relationships, so any girl who is slightly prettier will have boys who like them, and those boys look at the girls they like. Showing your obsession with other men is very depressing. Li Wei just sat there and did nothing, and unleashed a wave of hatred.

After class, Levi showed a relieved expression and said in a low voice, but just enough for the girls around him to hear: "Sure enough, it is a completely different feeling than attending class alone, even though they have already learned everything. The content is great, but it’s the first time I’ve taken a class with so many people, so it’s quite interesting.”

Hearing Li Wei's words, Zhenshanya Camellia turned over and said, "Li Weijun? Can I call you that?"

Levi smiled and said, "Please do as you like."

Mayamaya Camellia said: "Why did you have to go to class alone before? Was it because you were not in good health and couldn't go to school?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "My situation is a bit special, because at that time I was not old enough to officially go to school. In order to go to school early, I had to invite various teachers to my home. Then I spent two years studying After completing various courses from elementary school to university, I started my own business and was busy with all kinds of messy things. When I came back to my senses, I found that I had reached the age where I should go to high school¨ "."

Li Wei's words surprised several girls around him. Although Li Wei did not explain directly, the details revealed in Li Wei's words showed that Li Wei was not an ordinary person. No matter whether he completed the study in only two years From primary school to university courses, or starting a business at a young age, these things are not something ordinary people can do.

Zhenshanya Camellia said: "I see, Li Weijun, you have already completed the university courses. You have completed the courses from elementary school to university in two years. How did you do it? This is incredible."

Mayamaya Camellia was very surprised in her heart, because what Li Wei said was too shocking. She was not worried that Li Wei was lying to her. After all, such lies could be easily exposed, and the next exam would be able to verify Li Wei's strength.

Levi smiled and said: "The human brain has unlimited potential, but most people are unable to unleash their potential. I am just more advanced than ordinary people in this aspect."

The reason why Levi's learning ability is so cheating is because he has developed a cheating level of magic called puppet clones. This is a cheating cheat even more than Naruto's Shadow Clone Technique. As long as his own mental strength supports it, If he can survive and differentiate enough thinking circuits, he alone can support the entire technology tree. study? Just pediatrics.

Qigong masters are originally super-individuals who have jumped out of the three realms and are not good at it. In addition, he has mastered the magical power of puppet clones. Levi's learning ability is much stronger than that of ordinary practitioners.

There was a blush on Zhenshanya Camellia's face, and she whispered: "Um, Li Weijun, do you have any learning methods that can improve your grades in a short period of time?"

Mayamaya's grades can only be said to be average, and she is at the top of the class. This kind of neither good nor bad grades makes her feel very uncomfortable. It is impossible for her to get into college with such grades, but it is not bad at all. She felt unwilling to give up like this.

Now, a genius with super learning ability appeared next to her, and she naturally wanted to ask him for advice on how to improve her performance in a short period of time.

Li Wei crossed his hands and said: "There is a way, but it needs to be combined with various medicinal materials and physical therapy methods, because ordinary people's brains have limits. By the way, the cost of this method is a bit expensive for ordinary people. Xiaogui, if you want to keep your brain in the best condition, you have to prepare at least 10,000 US dollars per month."

Mayamaya Camellia was so choked that she couldn't speak. Although she didn't care about exchange rates, she also knew that ten thousand U.S. dollars was not a small number for any ordinary person. Ten thousand U.S. dollars was spent every month. She was like this How can ordinary people afford it?

Several other girls around were also shocked by Li Wei's words. It turns out that even things like being smart can be achieved by spending money. This means that the rich will become rich and smart, and ordinary people will become rich and smart. It is really difficult for people to turn over.

Levi smiled and said: "I am the only one in the world who has mastered this kind of technology. My external charge is 300,000 US dollars per person per month. If it is 40,000 US dollars, it is considered the cost of friendship based on the relationship between classmates. "

Zhenshanya Camellia said cautiously: "Li Weijun, I don't dare to expect myself to become smarter. Is there any way to learn without spending money?"

Levi smiled and said: "Yes, the Pomodoro Technique, do you know it?"

Several girls around her pricked up their ears. Even Hinata, who had poor grades, cheered up and wanted to hear what Levi said about the Pomodoro Technique.

There is no need to keep this kind of information private. Levi only spent two minutes to clearly explain the essence of the Pomodoro Technique.

Levi smiled and said: "The Pomodoro Technique clearly explains that it is to control time, exercise your concentration, and use timetables to achieve efficient learning and work. The so-called Pomodoro Technique is as simple as that."

Ri Xiangkui turned over with an excited expression on her face and said: "Li Weijun, thank you for your guidance. With this learning method, I can finally be saved for this semester exam!"

Not far away, Kisaragi Yulu and Dahe Taiyang watched this scene, and their faces became gloomy. The brighter Hinata Aoi smiled now, the more uncomfortable they felt.

Levi smiled and said: "You're welcome. It's normal for classmates to help each other. It's just a way to use time."

Hinoki Yutachi who was standing next to him said: "No, we should all express our gratitude to you, Li Weijun, because knowledge itself is precious. After mastering this learning method, our academic performance will definitely improve. Such help , we can’t take it for nothing.”

Levi smiled and said: "This is just a small incident, there is no need to be so polite. The semester exam will be coming soon. If you need it, I can help you as a tutor."

Hina Yudachi had a surprised expression on her face and said, "How is this possible?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I came here to experience the life of a high school student. Helping my classmates make up for their classes feels so much like a high school student, I think it's great."

Chapter. Tuition and lunch

Li Wei was very clear about the status of Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Yangyang not far away. Both of them had dark sides that ordinary people could not imagine. Now that Hinata Aoi is so enthusiastic towards him, the two of them will naturally feel very uncomfortable.

However, what Li Wei wants is this effect, because he has already earned points from two people. Although the amount is not large, it shows that this method is feasible. The two people themselves have dark sides in their hearts. A little stimulation can make them lose control, and they can earn points, which is simply relaxing and enjoyable.

Moreover, Li Wei originally hated Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Yangyang. Seeing that they were defeated, Li Wei was naturally happy in his heart. These good friends who are like crouching dragons and phoenixes, they might as well get along with each other.

Mayamaya Camellia's face turned a little red. After all, making up classes would definitely involve some relatively close contact. She felt incredible when she thought that she would get along with a handsome guy like Li Wei, and she felt very lucky at the same time.

Masanya Camellia whispered: "Li Weijun, if you help us make up lessons, we can't do nothing. From now on, Li Weijun, we will be responsible for your lunch."

Hearing Mayama Camellia's suggestion, Hina Hidetachi, Sanada Sugiha, and Hinata Aoi all brightened up. Indeed, they are just ordinary female high school students and do not have the ability to repay Li Wei, so in such a matter that they can do, naturally Can't refuse.

Levi said: "Would this be very troublesome?"

The tall girl Sanada Sugiha sitting behind Levi smiled and said: "How could it be? Anyway, we prepare lunch lunches every day. When we make more, it will not be troublesome at all. Each of us makes more, so, Isn’t there Li Weijun’s lunch? This is an exchange of equal value. Li Weijun, if you help us with our homework, we will naturally have to do something."

Neon's cram schools are very expensive. As a high school, Nishigi Tsutaka teaches much more knowledge than other high schools. However, if you want to get into a good university, you only need to rely on the knowledge taught by the school. The content is far from enough. High school students who want to enter college basically sign up for cram schools outside.

However, only those students from relatively well-off families can afford to attend cram schools. Students from lower-income families can only buy their own books and study on their own, and even buying their own books and various teaching aids are ridiculously expensive. It's just reduced to the level of ordinary expensiveness.

It can be said that if a genius like Li Wei is willing to help them with their homework, it is simply a huge favor that allows them to change their fate.

Hinata was extremely excited. She was the school's sports star and one of the main players in the tennis club. Although her tennis skills were good, she was still far from becoming a professional tennis player. The harder she worked, the more desperate she became. You can only use external optimism to anesthetize yourself. But now, Levi said that he is willing to make up lessons for them, which means that she has more escape routes. As long as she can improve her grades and get into a good university, her life will be half successful. This is comparable to the illusory path of a professional tennis player. Much more reliable.

After all, the competition among professional tennis players is very fierce. Although she has obvious technical advantages over her peers, her physical fitness determines that her upper limit will not be too high. There is no problem playing in high leagues. , but if you want to enter the professional league, you are simply not qualified.

It is precisely because of this that Hinata is extremely grateful to Levi, because Levi's decision has truly changed her destiny.

Mayamaya Camellia smiled and said: "Then each of us will cook more when making bento, and everyone will make different styles. In this way, Li Weijun can taste bento with different flavors every day. Today I made a home-cooked bento, Just in time to give Li Weijun a taste."

Hina Yudachi smiled and said: "Okay, let's start from today. I just made a little too much bento."

With an excited expression on Sanada Sugiha's pretty face, she said, "I happen to be losing weight now, so it's okay to eat less."

From the corner of Hinata's eyes, she saw Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Yangyang, who were looking over here. Both of their expressions looked a little gloomy. Hinagakui was startled, turned to look at Levi, and whispered: "Today I didn’t bring a lunch box, so I had to go to the canteen to buy bread. I will bring a lunch box tomorrow.”

Li Wei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I'm looking forward to the bento you made by yourself. When will the tutoring time be set? Gao from Neon's side, after school in the afternoon is the time for club activities. If the tutoring time and club activity time If there is a conflict, you need to arrange time separately.”

Hina Hatachi smiled and said: "I am from the school news department. The news department does not have any fixed activities and will not conflict with tutoring time."

Hina Hatachi has decided in her heart that in order to make up for classes and spend more time with Li Wei, she will gradually fade out of the activities in the Information Department. After all, compared with tutoring to improve grades, the activities of the Information Department can already be called unprofessional.

The various club activities in the school are designed to enrich students' spare time. However, in order to have a brighter future for themselves, Hina Hatachi feels that it is acceptable to sacrifice their spare time for entertainment.

The most important thing is that club activities are not as important as getting along with Levi. Not only can you improve your grades, but you can also watch handsome guys, so why not do it.

Sanada Sugiha said: "I go back to the club and there are no club activities. No matter when the tutoring time is set, I can do it."

Mayama Camellia said: "Me too."

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