Ruyue Yulu showed a puzzled expression and said, "Make up a lesson? What's going on?"

Hinata Aoi said: "Camellia mentioned that her grades were poor and she wanted to ask classmate Li Wei to help her make up lessons. For classmate Li Wei, a sheep is a herd, and a sheep is also a herd, so she allowed us to hitch a ride with Camellia. Make-up classes. However, now that the quota for the number of make-up classes has been determined, it is not so easy for others to join the make-up class team."

Hinata Aoi didn't finish everything she said. For example, only girls participated in the tutoring, and each girl would be responsible for Levi's lunch. She didn't say anything like this because she was afraid that if she said it, it would irritate both of them. A little friend. Although Hinata is a naive fool, she is not really stupid, and she can vaguely feel that the relationship between her and her two friends has changed.

Dahe Taiyang said: "Are Li Wei's grades good?"

Hinata Aoi said: "Li Wei learned all the knowledge from elementary school to university in just two years. Now he comes to high school just to experience the life of a high school student."

Both Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Taiyang showed surprised expressions. After all, such a thing was too exaggerated.

Dahe Taiyang sweated on his forehead and said with an ugly face: "Is there really such a genius in the world? It only took two years, doesn't he need to sleep?"

Ruyue Yulu said: "And he is very rich. I heard from others that classmate Li Wei came in a very luxurious limousine, and there was a very handsome butler beside him. He is a very rich man. .”

Dahe Taiyang looked confused. If the opponent was just handsome, he felt that he still had an advantage. But now the opponent is versatile in sports, has good academic performance, and is extremely rich. With such a bad guy, he What are you comparing it to?

Dahe Taiyang said: "Why would such a young master come to an ordinary high school like us? For a person like him, wouldn't it be better to go to a noble high school?"

Neon is a place with clear social hierarchies. Even ordinary people know very well that there is a privileged class above them. Those rich and powerful people, in order to provide their children with the best education, will use them to get the best education. If you are sent to a special aristocratic school, you will not be among ordinary people at all.

Ruyue Yulu said: "Classmate Li Wei is here to experience life, so naturally he will not choose to be a nobleman, because what he wants is the life of ordinary people. After all, for a being like him, all kinds of enjoyment should be available After experiencing it, now he is just curious about the lives of ordinary people. When he gets tired of it, he will probably leave here."

Ruyue Yulu was deeply impressed by Li Wei's self-introduction. Li Wei is the top version of Dahe Taiyang, the true campus emperor. The only thing he can do now is to pray that Li Wei will soon feel comfortable with the lives of ordinary people. Bored.

With Levi like this in the class, all the boys in the class will be suppressed. He also wants to have a sweet and sour campus love in the school. If Levi doesn't leave before he graduates, then he The campus romance can be ended immediately. Those girls will not consider other boys unless they are rejected by Li Wei. Ruyue Yulu knows this very well.

Ruyue Yulu said: "Sunflower, I also want to make up classes to improve my grades. Can you help me get in touch?"

Ri Xiangkui showed a troubled expression and said: "I'm afraid this is very difficult. The seven places set by Li Weijun are already occupied. I'm sorry."

Ruyue Yulu smiled and said: "There is nothing we can do about it. But having said that, all the seven places set for this are girls, right?"

Hinata nodded.

Although Ruyue Yulu maintained a smile on the surface, her face on the inside was distorted like an evil ghost, cursing Levi: (Damn it! That damn rich guy, it’s amazing to be rich! He was just on his first day. The beautiful girls in the class were abducted. I curse you to get hit by a car when you go out, choke on your drink, make blood in your stool when you go to the toilet, and roll down the stairs! Damn it, this bitch Himawari also fell in love with that rich guy! I My childhood sweetheart! So many years of love, can’t compete with that face, can’t compete with that money?!)

Dahe Yangyang can feel the mood of his good friend. Ruyue Yulu is a person with two sides. He knows this very well. On the surface, Ruyue Yulu is a good and harmless person, but on the inside, he is a seriously rotten smelly man. mud.

Dahe Yangyang could feel that Ruyue Yulu must be scolding Li Wei in his heart at this time.

At this time, on the rooftop, Levi also started his lunch.

Chapter.On the rooftop

Levi sat on the sofa, and the girls sat next to him, so that it would be easier to feed him.

Masanya Camellia picked up a piece of octopus sausage, her face turned red, but she mustered up the courage to look at Li Wei and whispered: "Li Weijun, open your mouth."

Levi opened his mouth, took the end of the chopsticks in his mouth, put the octopus sausage into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

Li Wei smiled and said: "It tastes very good. Camellia, you will definitely be an excellent bride. I really don't know which lucky person will hold your hand and walk into the church in the future."

Li Wei's words made Masanya Camellia's face start to heat up, and her mind began to imagine that she was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress, holding Li Wei's hand in a dress, the two of them were in the church bells, and everyone With blessings, he slowly walked into the hall.

Huada Sui stood up, holding a bouquet of broccoli on her chopsticks, and brought it to Li Wei's mouth. Although she was very tough-tongued before, at this time, she was the one who took the most initiative in picking up the food.

Huada Sui gently rolled up her golden curls, with a bright smile on her pretty face, and said: "Li Weijun, just eating meat is not good for your health. You should eat more vegetables to balance it. "

Levi smiled and said, "Thank you. Oh, um, it's very fragrant. I thought it was boiled, but I didn't expect it was fried. It smells like a wife."

The broccoli made by Hanada Sui is not boiled as is common in Neon cuisine. Instead, it is fried in oil, salted and soy sauce is added. Although the taste is lighter than that of Okukoku cuisine, it is already the same as all Neon cuisines. It's the kind with a heavier taste.

Hearing Levi's words, Huada Sui showed a smile on his face.

The girls took turns feeding Levi. While feeding Levi, they were also eating. An indirect kiss like this made the girls feel a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, their hearts were as sweet as honey.

Lunch time ended quickly, and each girl spread out her lunch into small portions, which didn't make any difference to them.

Levi looked at the girl's curious eyes and walked to the balcony without glass. There, the light and shadow were distorted in mid-air, and a sci-fi-looking drone was already hovering there.

The cabin under the drone opened, and a brown paper bag was grabbed by the robotic arm and slowly dropped to the height of Levi's arm.

Levi took the brown paper bag, and the drone retracted its mechanical arm, slowly raised its height, and disappeared in front of the girls amid the distortion of light and shadow.

Hina Yudachi was confused and said: "What was that just now? A drone? Why did it suddenly disappear?"

Levi took the brown paper bag back to the rest area where Sha was, put the things on the coffee table, tore off the outer seal, and pulled out the neatly folded test papers.

Levi said: "I sent a message to the people below, asking them to prepare test papers for the test. This set of papers does not have many questions. After you get it back, take the time to do it and let me know what your academic ability is. .”

The test papers in the brown paper bags had been sorted in advance, and Li Wei put the test papers in the hands of each girl.

The girls could smell the fresh ink. The test papers in their hands were printed very beautifully and had beautiful covers. The test papers were still hot in their hands, indicating that they had just been printed.

Mayamaya Camellia looked at Li Wei and said in surprise: "Is this specially printed for us?"

Levi nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, since I promised to make up lessons for you, I naturally have to do the details well. The difficulty of this set of questions is similar to that of the final test, and the questions are also very targeted. You just do it, no matter what is right or wrong for now, until you finish it, then I will check it and I will provide targeted tutoring based on your performance."

Mayamaya Camellia hugged the test papers to her chest, feeling a little excited. Levi actually made a set of test papers for them. He went to such great lengths for them. To say he wasn't moved would be a lie.

Levi said: "I want to take a rest. You can move around freely here, but you are not allowed to touch the wine on the wine rack. Minors are not allowed to drink."

Levi came to the long sand, took off his shoes and socks, lay down, and took out a thin blanket and pillow from the locker under the sand to prepare for a comfortable nap.

The campus life in Neon is much easier than the campus life in Chongguo. Li Wei thought of his experience in junior high school and high school. It was because of his learning ability that was far beyond ordinary people that he was able to take a break from the busy schedule and be a normal freshman. With high school students, their daily schedules are fully booked.

Here in Neon, whether it’s Neon in the real world or Neon in this world, students don’t have much academic pressure. They start school at around 10:30 in the morning, end at 10:30, and start classes at 3:00 p.m. School ends at half past three, and the time after school is all arranged by the students themselves. Those who don’t want to join the club can go home by themselves, and those who want to join the club can sign up. Anyway, there is plenty of spare time, and students can use it freely. .

Regarding the life of a high school student in Neon, Li Wei, who was still in high school in China, can be said to be envious in real name, because Neon's high school is like a paradise for high school students in China who are under great pressure to enter higher schools. However, after seeing the pressure of social competition in Neon, Levi understood that Neon's happy education was just herding sheep, but it was just mass-producing various NPCs for rich people that could enhance the gaming experience.

Neon's happy education is equivalent to letting the social beasts taste the sweetness first. After tasting the sweetness, the next step is to hit their heads with a sap. Young people who have entered the society after graduating from high school will be beaten crazily. When they were students, they had Parents support them, so they can live a comfortable life by working occasionally. However, after entering the society, the huge work pressure and distorted and hypocritical interpersonal relationships will soon torture these teenagers and girls to the point of doubting life.

After this cruel social game has continued for so many years, under the words and deeds of the older generations, some individuals of the younger generation will try their best to avoid detours, work hard for several years, and be admitted to a prestigious university, and their lives will be smooth in an instant. , this kind of competition allows cram schools that make a living from this to make a lot of money.

But learning this kind of thing also depends on talent. Some students without learning talent, in a sick social system like Neon, can easily fall into a vicious cycle and become the bottom layer of society if they cannot find a path that suits them. .

When Levi lay down, the girls felt a little bored after experiencing the initial curiosity. After all, although the environment here is very good, there is no entertainment method. They have to stay here for the whole afternoon. It’s also a bit difficult.

The athletic beauty Noharuna looked at Li Wei who had closed his eyes and snored slightly, and said: "`. Li Weijun has mastered the skill of falling asleep in seconds. I'm really envious."

Hinoki Hatachi came to Levi's side, squatted down, gently poked Levi's cheek with his finger, and said: "I'm a little sleepy after lunch, and I want to sleep too. As for the test paper, I will leave it until school is over in the afternoon. Then it’s done.”.

Chapter. Brave Wild Haruna

Several girls gathered around and looked at Levi, who was already asleep, just sitting there, no one said a word.

After a while, someone finally broke the silence. The carefree Noharuna laughed softly: "Li Weijun is so good-looking. Even those movie stars can't compare to Li Weijun. If Li Weijun is willing to act in movies, he will definitely become A world-class movie star."

Zhenshanya Camellia whispered: "Li Weijun is not short of money, how could he do such a thing. I feel that Li Weijun is really mysterious. Have you all seen the invisible drone just now?"

The other girls nodded. As long as they were not blind, they saw Levi taking the brown paper bag from the hand of the drone, the kind of drone that can be invisible, even if they are not familiar with cutting-edge technology. Girls also know that this is no ordinary drone. Being able to own this kind of drone is enough to show that Levi is not just rich.

Moreover, completing the question writing and printing in such a short period of time, and having to send the things here, is not something that ordinary rich people can do.

Noharuna laughed softly: "Li Weijun concealed his identity. When he came to our school, he must want to live an ordinary life. There is no need for us to make a fuss about such things. Wait until Li Weijun feels that he can tell us his secrets When the time comes, he will naturally say it.”

Levi, who was pretending to sleep, could hear what the girls said. Although Noharuna looked carefree, her thoughts were quite delicate. Being able to say these words showed that the other party had thought about it from his standpoint. This kind of ability A girl who puts herself in someone else's shoes is quite suitable as a partner.

Moreover, Noharuna is really not bad looking. Although she is a little less attractive than a stunning beauty like Sumireko Sanshikiin, she still has that sunny and lively sports style, a healthy wheat-colored complexion, and is slender, athletic and capable. A voluptuous figure is a plus.

In particular, Noharuna has the most perfect waist-to-hip ratio among girls because of her regular exercise. This figure, like a Miami swimsuit model, is a symbol of health.

Noharuna's delicate and energetic cheek came close to Levi's face, and she kissed Levi's face gently. When the other girls saw this scene, they were frightened by Noharuna's boldness.

Mayamaya Camellia's face turned red and she whispered: "Haruna, you must be too brave, you dare to do such a thing. What should I do if Wan Li Weijun wakes up?"

Noharuna laughed softly and said: "If I am discovered, then I will confess my love to Li Weijun."

Zhenshanya Camellia whispered: "Aren't you afraid of being rejected by Li Weijun?"

Noharuna laughed softly and said: "If you are rejected, you will be rejected. Anyway, it will not affect my love for Li Weijun. Moreover, I have a hunch that Li Weijun will not reject me. It should be said that he will not reject any of us."

Noharuna's words made the girls blush. They would not refuse any of them. This kind of thing is really ridiculous.

Mayamaya Camellia pictured Li Wei hugging him from left to right in her mind, her whole body was like a boiling teapot, and the top of her head was about to smoke, because she found that she didn't have anything in her heart about such a thing. The resistance made her shy and a little scared at the same time.

Because no normal girl could bear to share her man with other girls, but just now when she was thinking about Levi hugging him, she didn't feel any disgust or discomfort in her heart. This was what made her The most difficult thing to understand is that the thought just now has taken root in her mind. Now as long as she closes her eyes, she will see the picture that makes people blush and heartbeat.

Noharuna laughed softly and said: "Why do you all look like this? Your ability to accept is too poor. What kind of rich man doesn't care? If you keep guarding a woman, no matter how good the woman is, the man will still It’s boring, so women have no way to prevent rich men from looking for girls outside.”

Hanada Sui said in a low voice: "Haruna, your thoughts are too pessimistic, aren't you? There are good men with good intentions."

Noharuna shrugged and laughed softly: "Rich men can love one woman deeply and also love another woman deeply at the same time. This is their privilege. And things like this, in Is it still rare in this country? As far as I know, Teacher Ami Umiha, who teaches chemistry in the first grade, Miss Mika, who teaches Mandarin in the first grade, and Anri Yamada, who also teaches chemistry in the first grade, are all lovers of the chairman. The three of them Didn’t you manage to get along well with each other?”

Noharuna's explosive news made several girls fall into a state of confusion. Hina Yudachi came to her senses and immediately took out her small notebook, but she controlled herself and did not write down. Some things, Even if you know, you can only pretend not to know.

Hina Hatachi is a smart girl. Even if she wants to expose dirty information, she only dares to provoke ordinary students and teachers. Although such violent information involving the chairman can make big news, if the chairman pursues it , everyone in the news department will be unlucky, and she will naturally not be able to escape.

Noharuna said softly: "So, no matter what you think, I will use my own way to get close to Li Weijun. I am confident that no matter what the situation is, I can have a place by Li Weijun's side."

Noharuna's realization is also related to her personal experience. Her father once worked as a housekeeper in a wealthy family for a period of time. When chatting with her father on the phone, she heard many things related to the powerful. Those things had a huge impact on her young mind, and at the same time subverted her outlook on life. She knew at a young age that the world was unfair, and that it was very unfair for a rich man to have three wives and four concubines. Normal things.

She knew things beyond her age so early that her outlook on life was different from that of ordinary people.

Noharuna gently placed her hand on Levi's cheek, and gently lifted the forehead of Levi with her fingers, revealing her smooth forehead. Noharuna leaned down and kissed Levi gently on his forehead. This bold move His behavior made other girls dumbfounded.

Mayamaya camellia blushed and whispered: "Haruna, what are you doing, stop it! It will be terrible when Wanli Weijun wakes up!"

Noharuna smiled softly and said: "I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of? When facing feelings, be brave and fight for your own happiness. If you are afraid of wolves before and tigers behind, Li Weijun is mine."

Mayama Camellia was anxious and angry inside. She wanted to refute Noharuna's words, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only be anxious.

Chapter. Jealousy

Hanada Sui whispered: "Haruna, you are showing off too quickly, aren't you? Li Weijun just learned it today, and you started to declare your love, isn't it a little too fast?"

Huada Sui also had her own little calculations in her heart. Seeing her friend's positive attitude, she felt a little anxious.

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