Dahe Yangyang beside him, looking at Ruyue Yulu's gloomy smile, knew that he must be thinking about all kinds of dark things in his mind. Dahe Yangyang was already accustomed to such situations. This kind of spiritual victory method, in When there is no way to change reality, at least you can comfort yourself.

Dahe Taiyang sighed inwardly. Fortunately, the girl he liked was not in this class. Moreover, she had been disguised and would only stay in a place like the library where almost no one went in the afternoon and afternoon. He didn't have to worry about the girl he liked. Abducted by Levi.

Dahe Taiyang knew very well that Ruyue Yulu had a crush on Hinata Aoi. He didn't want to experience the feeling of a girl he liked liking another boy.

Oga Taiyang likes Sumireko Sansekiin from the next class. Sumireko Sansekien always dresses herself up as an inconspicuous "rustic ugly girl" on weekdays, but he knows that Sumireko Sansekiyin's true face is very beautiful. of.

This was a secret that belonged to him alone. He was the only one in the whole school who knew that Sumireko Sansekiin was a super beautiful girl. This sense of security that the girl he liked would not be spied on made him feel relieved in his heart. .

Li Wei, who has the ability to read minds, naturally knows what Dahe Yangyang is thinking now. To this, Li Wei just smiled. Dahe Yangyang now thinks that he is safe. In the future, there will always be times when he is so angry that he suffers from cerebral thrombosis.


Akino Sakura returned to her class. She didn't plan to act now. After all, Levi had just learned it today. A student who had just learned it was about to join the student union. Such a thing could not be justified.

Therefore, she had to wait for two days, wait until the limelight had passed, and then find an opportunity to recruit Li Wei into the student union. Moreover, now was also the time to observe Li Wei. They said that knowing oneself and the enemy, one would be victorious in every battle. The more one knew about Li Wei, the more successful the plan would be. The more likely it is.

Akino Sakura took out Levi's photo, propped her chin with one hand, and looked at the photo dreamily. The girl next to me suddenly came over, saw Li Wei's photo, and said, "President, who is this? Your boyfriend?"

When Akino Sakura came back to her senses, she realized that she had been distracted, and that Levi's photo had been seen by others, which made her a little panicked.

Akino Sakura quickly said: "He is not my boyfriend, this is the material of the school students during this period."

The girl said: "At this time? It's almost halfway through the semester, and there are still people who have learned from it? This is really strange. Is he in the third grade?"

Akino Sakura said: "This is something that needs to be kept secret."

The girl asked doubtfully: "Does this kind of thing still need to be kept secret?"

Akino Sakura said: "This is a matter of course. If you keep it a secret for me, I know there is a very delicious dessert shop. How about I invite you to have dessert?"

Akino Sakura didn't want to cause trouble at a time like this, so she chose to lose money to avoid disaster and reduce the setbacks of her plan as much as possible.

When the girl heard Akino Sakura's words, she showed a satisfied smile and said, "Okay, okay, I believe that person is not your boyfriend, and I promise to keep it a secret for you."

Girls choose to give up as soon as they are happy. It is not bad to be able to enjoy a dessert feast.

Akino Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the secret was not exposed. Although this kind of thing would be known sooner or later, as long as she could keep it secret for many days, she would have an advantage in intelligence.

Chapter 4. The Achilles’ heel of Dahe Taiyang

The neon lights were high, and the academic pressure was not too great. At 3:30 in the afternoon, it was time to get out of school.

After school, students began to leave the classroom one after another. Some were going to participate in club activities, while others were preparing to go home directly. Although Gao in Neon has a wealth of club activities, not everyone likes to join clubs. For example, there are many members of the Homecoming Club who do not have any clubs.

Li Wei packed his schoolbag calmly. The high school students here in Neon are accustomed to only bringing the textbooks for the classes they are going to take that day. This is also related to the characteristics of Neon campus, campus bullying.

There are many students here in Neon who have dark psychology due to various pressures. If you leave your textbooks in school, they will easily be scribbled on or even torn up. It is precisely because of this that the students here in Neon have developed the habit of bringing only the textbooks for the day's course.

Masanya Camellia said: "Li Weijun, are you going to the library next?"

Levi smiled and said, "I like reading, so I'm going to the library to see if there are any interesting books."

Mayama Camellia said: "Then I will take the test paper to the library and finish it."

As the leader of the small group, Mayamaya Camellia does not have a club of her own. Every afternoon after school, she and other members of the small group go to enjoy the daily life, either going to a dessert shop or going to the cinema to watch a movie. , before meeting Levi, her life seemed colorful, but in fact it was a mess.

But now, Mayamaya Camellia is determined to become excellent, because Li Wei is not an ordinary person, and she cannot stand by Li Wei's side just because she is beautiful. She must become excellent and keep up with Li Wei's footsteps. This kind of thing is definitely not possible, but no matter what, you have to be better than ordinary people.

Mayamaya Camellia knows that good-looking skin will eventually grow old, and only a shining soul can keep a woman charming for a long time. If you want to sit down next to Levi, you can't do it without putting in effort.

Hinata said: "I have something to do today, so I have to take the test paper back to do it."

There was a school bag in Hinata's desk, as well as today's cold lunch. It would be embarrassing if she followed Levi to the library and someone discovered the lunch box, so she had to leave and deal with the lunch problem. A lie often requires more lies to fulfill. Hinata is now suffering from lying. She really wants to go to the library with Levi, but now, she has to leave first.

Hina Hatachi said: "I have to leave first. I plan to gradually fade out of the news department. Now, I have to complete the handover of materials with other members."

Hina Hatachi is already preparing to quit the News Department. The activities of the News Department are too time-consuming for her now, so she is preparing to gradually get rid of the label of the News Department, although this will affect her collection of various information in the school. Intelligence capabilities, but those boring things, can they be compared with Levi?

Even if the position of Minister of Information was placed in front of her now, she would refuse it directly, because compared with Levi, the position of Minister of Information has no meaning.

Sanada Sugiha smiled and said: "As for me, I haven't joined the club. I have a lot of free time. I want to go to the library with Li Weijun."

The remaining girls talked to each other and quickly made up their minds. As a small group in the class, they did not have clubs, so no matter where Levi went, they had time to follow him.

Hinata Aoi and Hatachi Hina left. Levi also finished packing his things and said, "Then let's go out to the library."

Li Wei did not deliberately suppress his voice, so Da He Yang Yang, who had not left not far away, clearly heard Li Wei's words. After hearing these words, Da He Yang Yang's face suddenly became very ugly. It's like eating shit.

Levi smiled and said: "I like the atmosphere of libraries or libraries very much. In fact, I have a good impression of literary girls who like to read books. After all, there are not many girls who can calm down and read books now."

Zhenshanya Camellia said: "So Li Weijun, you like this type."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Because such girls often have interesting souls, and interesting souls are much more precious than beautiful appearance. Such girls, even if they are ordinary on the outside, have sparkling beauty on the inside. Connotation, such a girl is very attractive."

Not far away, Dahe Yangyang's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears. Because of the several conditions mentioned by Li Wei, Sanseyuan Jinzi had already taken advantage of them. Sumireko Sansekien likes to read and is very knowledgeable. Although she looks like an ugly girl with rustic glasses, in fact it is just her disguise. When she takes off the disguise, she is the most shining one.

When Ri Xiangkui showed courtesy to Li Wei, Dahe Taiyang was still a little gloating in his heart. Although he and Ru Yue Yulu had known each other since elementary school, to be honest, he had always been jealous of Ru Yue Yulu, so when he saw Ri Xiang Kui He felt sour inside when Ruyue Yulu showed his jealous expression when he was courteous to Li Wei.

But now, it was his turn to worry. Sumireko Sansekiyuan was the goddess in his heart. Thinking that his goddess would become Levi's prey, he felt like there was a prairie on his head.

Dahe Taiyang's eyes looked at Levi, inevitably filled with hatred and disgust. If it was other things, he didn't care, but the matter would next involve Sumireko Sansekiyuan, and he couldn't keep himself calm.

Zhenshanya Camellia saw Dahe Yangyang's ferocious expression, especially the unconcealed hatred towards Li Wei, and said: "`. Dahe Yangyang, what are you looking at? With that look, Li Weijun has provoked you. ?"

Dahe Taiyang came back to his senses and knew that there was no way to explain this kind of thing. He smiled reluctantly and said: "I'm sorry, I just thought of some unpleasant things. I didn't mean to target anyone."

Dahe Taiyang doesn't dare to expose the secrets of the library now, but he has no way to solve the problem, because the school library is a public library open to everyone, and there is no way he can stop Li Wei from going to the library. In this case , on the contrary, it is trying to hide it, making it easier to expose the secret pregnancy of Sumireko Sansekiyuan.

With a warm smile on Li Wei's face, he successfully put Dahe Yangyang into a dilemma. Dahe Yangyang, who was caught in a tangle, was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and this brought him another points income. Although it was not much, it was better than nothing.

Li Wei stood up and said with a smile: "Then let's go out. I am very interested in the library's collection of books. Whenever I go to a new place, the first place I go to is not the famous local scenery, but the local scenery." The library has the largest collection of books, and books are the most precious treasures of mankind."

Li Wei's words were like a sharp blade, piercing the heart of Dahe Taiyang. Dahe Taiyang was like a mute eating Coptis chinensis and unable to express his sufferings.

Chapter 4. Inside the library

Li Wei led a beautiful girl with her own characteristics towards the library. On the way, pedestrians attracted a lot of eyes, and the boys all showed envy or jealous expressions.

Not far away, Sakura Akino looked at the team in the corner with a speechless expression. Is this called low-key? Akino Sakura no longer knows how to complain. Levi has just learned it on the first day, and he has already gathered beautiful girls. After a while, I am afraid that the crystal palace will have been built.

However, Akino Sakura had to admit that Levi was a very charming boy. Even if he only caught his eye from a distance, he was still so stunning. Li Wei was much more attractive in person than in the photos. In just a moment, she found that her breathing was rapid and her heartbeat was racing. She felt like she was in love.

Akino Sakura's cheeks were beginning to turn red at this time. She did not expect that while she was focusing on her studies, she would meet a boy who made her heart beat.

Now Levi has controlled his own charm to a certain extent, and does not release flash bombs indiscriminately. Levi has mastered the ability to face an individual alone without suppressing his own charm.

In the eyes of ordinary girls, although Levi is so handsome that he can make them scream, they can still control themselves. However, special individuals can see Levi's state of not suppressing his charm at all. This point-to-point "charm" can save some unnecessary trouble on Levi's strategy.

Akino Sakura happens to be the special individual targeted by Levi, so she is equivalent to taking full power of "charm". It is precisely because of this that her heartbeat speeds up and her face turns red just by looking at Levi.

Akino Sakura whispered to herself: "Damn it, why are you so good-looking? Have I fallen in love with him? I actually fell in love with a playboy?! But I can't deceive you about that feeling. Myself!"

Akino Sakura forced herself to calm down, but it was useless. The more she tried to calm down, the more confused her mind became, until finally, it was filled with Levi's figure.

Akino Sakura covered her heart and closed her eyes. She simply let her thoughts run wild. After a while, she got out of the dizzy and chaotic state. Akino Sakura sighed, now she found that her heart could no longer tolerate the third man.

Li Wei took Mayama Camellia and others straight to the library. Nishiki Tsugao did not have a separate library. The library was located in the teaching building and was mixed with the classrooms. However, the location of the library was relatively remote, and there were no How many people will come here.

Levi came to the door of the library and said to the girls behind him: "Acha, Haruna, Sui, Kotomi, and Sugiha. I know you are all lively girls and are used to fighting and making trouble, but this is the library A room needs to be a quiet place, so after we enter, we try not to make loud noises or make any noise, so as not to disturb other people reading."

The girls all nodded. Since Levi had already said it, they would naturally do it. Moreover, making a big noise in the library was very impolite in itself. They were not the kind to act without scruples. A bad hot girl is naturally unwilling to do such a disgraceful thing.

Mayamaya Camellia smiled and said: "We will pay attention to it and promise not to cause any trouble."

Levi opened the door to the library and led several girls into the room.

Sumireko Sansekien, who was reading a book, heard the sound of the door opening. She raised her head and saw a crowd of people occupying the door. Such a formation frightened her.

Li Wei looked at the camouflaged Sansein Sumireko. Her long, good-quality hair was tied into an old-fashioned three-strand braid. Her bangs were deliberately long and covered most of her face. Plus, she had big black hair with an old-fashioned look. Wearing glasses, her original beauty has been perfectly covered.

Sanshiki Sumireko herself has a very good figure, but in order to hide her true appearance, she used a corset to restrain her plumpness that was far beyond that of her peers, and she also deliberately wore it The old-fashioned long skirt covered her slender legs.

After such a disguise, the super beautiful girl turned into an ordinary girl who could not be found among others.

Li Wei came to the front of Sanseyuan Sumireko and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to disturb you while you are reading. I would like to ask if you need any proof if you want to read here?"

Mayamaya Camellia and others were not clear about such a thing, because they had never been to the library before. A small team like them would leave school directly after school to enjoy a rich after-school life. The library, a place where "good kids" stay, is a bit far away for them.

Sumireko Sanseki closed the book she was reading. Her eyes covered by black-rimmed glasses were incredible. Her self-control ability was very strong. Although she was shocked by Levi's charm, within a few seconds, , she came back to her senses.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan said a little cautiously: "If you are reading in the library, no certificate is required, but if you want to take the book out of the library, you need to register with your student ID card. You can only borrow the book for seven days at a time. After seven days, You need to register again. Also, if the borrowed books are damaged, you need to pay compensation at times of the book's listed price. Am I clear enough?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I understand it very well. By the way, I also want to ask, administrator, do you have any recommended books? I am a foreign student who has just come here to study, and I don't know anything about it. "

Sanshikiin Sumireko pushed up her glasses that had slipped on the bridge of her nose and said: "There are many good books in this library. I personally recommend you to read "Izu Dancing Girl" and "Snow Country". Both of them are written by Kawabata. I personally think Kang Cheng’s works are quite good.”

Levi nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you for your recommendation. The administrator's recommendation is generally good. I will read these two books carefully."

Sansein Sumireko nodded. With her head lowered, she did not dare to raise her head to let Levi see her blushing cheeks. Sumireko Sanseki felt that her current state was simply inexplicable. It was obviously the boy she met for the first time, but she actually felt her heartbeat. This feeling was the first time.

Because of her experiences during the country period, Sansekiyuan Sumireko almost suffered from androphobia. She was wary of men in her heart, but when facing Levi, she felt no fear in her heart at all, and even the other way around. , I felt a sense of peace of mind. This feeling of peace of mind made her feel incredible and a little scared at the same time.

Chapter 4. Pansy Ko

Levi said: "Can you please take me to find these two books? This is my first time here, and I am completely unfamiliar with it. I can't find the corresponding bookshelf."

Sumireko Sansekiyuan nodded. Even students from other schools will need time to adapt to the new local environment after arriving in a new place, let alone international students like Levi.

Sansekiin Sumireko said: "I will take you to find those two books. Next time, you can find them by yourself."

Sansekiyuan Sumireko saw the shadow of an acquaintance in Levi's body. Looking at it, she felt that the two people had a lot of similarities, but when she looked carefully, she realized that she was just overthinking it. The two people are completely different. Levi is friendly on the surface, but arrogant in his heart. It is a kind of absolute confidence in his own abilities. However, this arrogance does not contain any malice towards others, so she doesn't hate it.

Levi said to the girls behind him: "I will go find a book. You can do your own thing, but remember to stay as quiet as possible."

The girls nodded and walked towards the booth area. Although Nishiki Tsutaka's library was not large in size, it was small and well-equipped, with everything from bookshelves to rest areas for reading.

The girls found a seat and sat down, took out the test questions set that Levi had prepared for them from their schoolbags, and began to answer the questions.

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