Sumireko Sanseki pinched her face hard, and the pain told her that this was not an illusion or a dream.

From the corner of Levi's eyes, he looked at the silly Sumireko Sansein at the door, and he wanted to laugh in his heart. Girls are always prone to fantasies, even a beauty like Sumireko Sansein is like this.

It didn't take long for Levi to finish making several home-cooked dishes. After staying in Neon for such a long time, he was also very familiar with various home-cooked dishes in Neon. Neon's home cooking was too bland for him, so he improved the recipe himself to make these dishes more delicious based on the original ones.

Sansekiin Sumireko watched Levi complete the cooking as if by magic, and was very surprised in her heart, because time did not pass very long, Levi's speed was so fast that it was incredible, and his hand did not stop. This kind of precise control of time and cooking process is already better than those of professional chefs.

Levi took off his apron and said with a smile: "Get ready to eat. Sumireko, please go and sit down in the dining room first, and I will bring the dishes."

Sumireko Sansekiyin nodded and walked toward the dining room with a cane. She had already begun to get used to using the cane. Although the cane would be returned to the school clinic in a short time, it would take a long time to get used to how to use it. More convenient. She came to the dining room, pulled out a chair and sat down. Levi followed closely and brought various dishes to her. The rich and warm family dishes soothed her soul.

Levi sat down next to the girl, wiped the girl's hands with a wet tissue, and said: "Now that your legs and feet are inconvenient, it is quite troublesome to go to the bathroom to wash your hands, so let's do it for now."

There was a faint blush on Sansekiyuan Sumireko's face. Although this was not the first time she had such close contact with Levi, she felt her heart beat a little too fast when she smelled the special breath of Levi. It's a special smell. Just smelling it makes your body feel a little hot and your heart feels extremely itchy.

Sanseyuan Jinzi whispered: "Li Weijun, if you continue like this, I will become dependent on you."

When a girl starts to become dependent on a boy, it means that the girl's heart has fallen. Although Sumireko Sansekiyuan doesn't know much about psychology, the current situation still makes her a little scared.

Because Li Wei is an international student, he will most likely not stay in Neon in the future, and a rich person like Li Wei will definitely just experience life when he goes to high school. She is afraid that Li Wei will leave a profound legacy in her life. After writing the pen, she suddenly disappeared. If such a thing happened, she would not be able to accept it.

Levi smiled and said: "I hope you will be so dependent on me all your life, and being dependent on you is also a kind of happiness for me."

Sanseyuan Sumireko was silent for a while, then whispered: "Li Weijun, will you stay in Neon in the future?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "It depends on where you are. I will stay by your side. Wherever you are, I will be there. So the question of whether I am in Neon or not should not be asked to me, but to Sumireko, yourself."

Li Wei's explicit words left Sansein Sumireko at a loss as to how to respond. With Li Wei's burning heart, she couldn't bear the thought of rejection in her heart.

Sanseyuan Sumireko said: "In this case, Li Weijun, have you told other girls?"

Levi smiled and said, "I told you."

Sanseyuan Sumireko said inwardly: "Since Li Weijun you already have so many girls around you, why do you still want to provoke me? I'm not pretty, I don't have a good figure, and I'm wearing black A rustic and ugly girl with glasses is simply not worthy of you, Li Weijun."

Li Wei smiled and said: "That's just what you think. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. In order to keep you by my side, I can do any despicable means. The despicable method I am going to use now is to tie up your stomach with delicious food so that you will not be able to eat other people’s food after you leave me."

Levi's so-called despicable methods almost made Sansein Sumireko laugh out loud. This despicable method was too cute.

Sanseyuan Sumireko smiled and said: "Li Weijun, are you serious? Such despicable means cannot trouble me."

Sumireko Sanseki picked up her chopsticks, picked up a piece of tofu from the home-made vegetable tofu soup, and put it into her mouth. Her eyes widened suddenly, and the impact of the delicious food made her whole body energetic.

The tender and creamy texture of tofu itself, coupled with the fresh flavor brought by seasoning, and the rich aroma of fish soup, this complex flavor has distinct layers without disturbing each other. The delicious taste explodes in the mouth. She felt as if she had ascended to the sky, as if she was floating above the clouds, enjoying the warm sunshine, and her whole body became warm.

Li Wei used his extraordinary power in the preparation of dishes. The dishes he made were considered to be the best in the field, even on a top-notch culinary battlefield like the master of a Chinese primary school who just cooked all over the floor. Even Liu Angxing can win. For people in this world, such a delicious dish is a complete dimensionality reduction and a blow to the young.

Levi smiled and said: "How about it? My despicable methods are powerful enough."

Sumireko Sanseki put her legs together and twisted around on the chair, with a happy expression on her face and her eyes narrowed. Now she was already addicted to the impact of delicious food. Even Li Wei She couldn't hear it either.

The delicious food of the dimensionality reduction level has conquered Sumireko Sansekiyuan just by mouth. Sansekiin Sumireko let out a long breath and looked at the various dishes on the table. Her chopsticks flew down like a gust of wind, and she kept putting various dishes into her mouth. She was completely devoid of the usual reserve that a girl should have. In front of delicious food, even girls cannot control their image.

Looking at this scene, Levi folded his hands and showed a satisfied smile. Not everyone can withstand his gourmet tactics.

Chapter. Hard to choose

When the girl came back to her senses, she found that all the plates on the table were empty, and her stomach was full and her lower abdomen was slightly stretched out. She, who was usually very restrained in eating, felt like this for the first time. Eat like this.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko feels that her head is dizzy now. After a person is full, blood will give priority to the intestines and stomach to help the body digest the food eaten. At this time, the brain will be slightly hypoxic, so after eating full People will feel drowsy and want to lie down and rest immediately.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said: "It is indeed a very despicable method. It has been several years since I have experienced the feeling of overeating. It is a bit uncomfortable."

Levi smiled and said: "Now you know how good I am. If you leave me, you will never be able to eat such delicious food again."

Sanse Yuan Sumireko said: "Li Weijun, how many girls have you used this method on?"

Levi smiled and said, "More than you think."

Sumireko Sanseki was a little bit annoyed, because this kind of thing was not only enjoyed by her personally, but she felt a little uncomfortable when she thought that there were other girls around Levi.

Sansekiin Sumireko said: "If that's the case, why didn't they follow you to Neon?"

Levi smiled and said: "Because this is my vacation. It's hard to have a time when I can relax, and they won't disturb me with trivial things."

Sansekiin Sumireko said: "Don't they care about such things?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko felt confused in her heart. After all, girls have a strong desire for exclusivity. Anyway, she didn't know which girl would be willing to share her man with other girls, at least she didn't want to do so.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Not only did they not object to such things, but they also got along well. As for why they can get along harmoniously, let me keep this kind of thing a secret first."

Sansein Sumireko leaned on the back of her chair, feeling entangled in her heart. Li Wei was indeed very good. It could be said that he was so good that it was amazing. If she left Li Wei, it would be difficult for her to find someone like Li Wei again in her life. She had become a boy like Levi, and her gentleness made her indulge in him, sinking deeper and deeper into him.

The greatest sadness in a person's life is to meet someone who is too amazing when he is young. If he fails to achieve positive results, then no matter who he meets in the future, he will always compare him to the amazing person in his heart. People make comparisons with others, and these comparisons become more and more heartbreaking because the people behind them simply cannot keep up with that amazing person.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko had heard of some old people who had amazing marriages when they were young, but due to various reasons they could not get married in the end. These old people would never marry, and they would never marry. She originally thought that this was the case It was just a legend, but she only knew how uncomfortable it was when something like this happened to her.

Sanseyuan Jinzi whispered: "Li Weijun, meeting you is the luckiest thing in my life, and at the same time the most unfortunate thing. I will never be able to forget you."

Li Wei put away the dishes and said with a smile: "Since you can't forget me, then you can see me every day. I am a despicable person who will never give up until he reaches his goal. If you meet me, Sumireko, you won't be able to run away." "

Sanseyuan Jinzi puffed up her cheeks slightly and said, "You are so cunning, Li Weijun!"

Although Levi's words were threatening, like a perverted stalker, Sansein Sumireko could hear a deep sense of endearment from such words. This kind of sweetness that can kill people, she is really It's hard to refuse.

Levi smiled and said: "In order to pursue happiness, what's wrong with being cunning? After all, this is a battlefield. In order to stand to the end on this battlefield, it's impossible not to use some ruthless tactics."

Levi knows that his behavior is very evil in the eyes of normal people, but this world is dominated by the jungle. The winner takes all and the loser eats the dust. Only the person who wins in the end can laugh. As for the person who wins, he uses No one cares about how to achieve the goal.

Sansein Sumireko sighed. She knew that Levi would never let her go, but for some reason, she didn't have any resistance to such a thing in her heart. She had obviously encountered someone like this before. When things happened, she would feel scared and troubled, but now, she just felt like she was wrapped in honey. This feeling was so sweet that she couldn't control herself.

Sanseyuan Sumireko said angrily: "Li Weijun, you are a scoundrel. I have discovered your true face."

Li Wei showed a proud smile and said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment. In today's world, if you play your cards according to the rules, you will only be crushed to pieces by others, so I would rather be a rogue. If I become a If a rogue can win your heart, I don't mind being a bit more rogue."

Sumireko Sansekiyin looked at Levi's cheeky look and felt helpless. She was disguised now and was just a very rustic ordinary girl. She was able to disguise herself in school for such a long time without being discovered. It can be seen how inconspicuous her current appearance is, but Li Wei is not here for her appearance at all, which makes her helpless and a little guilty inside. Now she can be said to be deceiving Li Wei.

After all, Li Wei is different from those vulgar men who are attracted by her appearance. Now she is just an inconspicuous local girl. Even like this, Li Wei still dotes on her, and the guilt in her heart becomes more and more. The spread of the virus made her wonder how to face Li Wei. How would she feel when Li Wei discovered her true face? Perhaps, Levi would be very angry and feel that he had been deceived. Thinking of this, she felt a headache.

Li Wei, who has the ability to read minds, naturally understands what Sumireko Sansein is thinking in her heart right now. Such a sense of guilt is beneficial and harmless to him. Moreover, what Sumireko Sansein doesn't know is that he He knew her true face from the beginning. It should be said that if she was really just a very ordinary local girl, he would not be as attentive as she is now. Levi had no intention of denying the fact that he was a good-looking animal.

What's wrong with liking pretty girls? Just like girls also like handsome boys, there is never a correct answer to this kind of thing. Everyone can only follow their own feelings. Of course, ZZ's apparent correctness must be followed.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko looked at Levi who had already walked into the kitchen with a plate and started washing the dishes. The entanglement in her heart was uncontrollable. Should she reject Levi or accept him? Both options come with their own consequences.

If she rejects Li Wei, then she will never marry for life, because after meeting Li Wei, her heart can no longer tolerate other men. But if she accepts Levi, then she must accept the reality of sharing Levi with other girls. Both options make it difficult to decide.

Chapter. Start watching movies

Sumireko Sanseki took out the wet tissue from the tissue bag on the table and wiped the table. Although it was inconvenient because of her legs, she could still do what she could.

After Sansein Sumireko wiped the table clean, she came to the kitchen door on crutches and said a little embarrassedly: "I accidentally ate all the food you cooked, Li Weijun. Li Weijun, you haven't had dinner yet, I'm sorry."

Levi was cleaning the dishes in the sink. As a Qi practitioner, he didn't need a dishwasher, but he couldn't reveal his secret yet, so he could only wash the dishes honestly.

Levi turned around and said with a smile: "Just make it again later. I cook very quickly. If I cook simple food, I can finish it in less than ten minutes."

Sansekiin Sumireko said: "Is there anything I can do to help? -"

Levi smiled and said: "Not yet, but I have a movie I want to watch. Can you watch it with me later?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko smiled and said, "No problem. In addition to reading books, I also like watching movies."

Compared with TV series, movies are more concentrated and do not take up so much time. It is precisely because of this that Sumireko Sansekien likes movies more than TV series. She has watched a lot of various classic movies. , the movie allows him to experience other people's lives from God's perspective, which is a great feeling.

Not long after Sansekiin Sumireko stood, she felt her legs were a little sore. Normally, two legs support the body and there would be no discomfort at all, but now only one leg can bear the force. Her leg and the armpit of the arm using crutches were all very sore, so she could only return to the sand and wait for Levi.

On Li Wei's side, he simply made himself a bowl of noodles, and dinner was considered a fool. As a Qi Refiner, he no longer feels hungry like ordinary people. For him, eating is just to satisfy his appetite. Even if he really wants to give himself extra food, he will use gourmet tablecloths. Come to be lazy and cook for the girls yourself, more to show your feelings.

After finishing the dinner, Levi came to the sand and sat next to Sumireko Sansein. He moved towards the girl and the two of them leaned against each other.

Sumireko Sanseki felt Levi's body temperature and felt a little dazed in her heart. Such an intimate interaction with a boy was something she had never dared to think about before. She secretly looked at Li Wei's side face. Li Wei was so good-looking. No matter which angle he looked at, he was so perfect. It was like the result of God's partiality. When God created ordinary people, he pinched them casually. It's easy to pinch, but when creating Levi, he put 100% of his heart into it.

Levi picked up the remote control panel and said, "I'm going to switch the program."

Sansekiin Sumireko said: "Okay, but what movie are we going to watch?"

Levi smiled and said: "This is a secret. You will know it when you start watching."

Smart TVs are not very popular in Neon, and most households use traditional closed-circuit televisions. However, there are many local TV stations in Neon, so there are quite a lot of programs that can be watched. For smart TVs, in addition to being able to watch various local stations, as long as you pay an annual fee, you can watch various on-demand programs.

When Levi moved the movie category sub-category to the horror column, Sansein Sumireko's face became serious. When Levi clicked on the specific interface of Midnight Ring, Sansein Sumireko was already holding on tightly. He held Levi's hand, and at this moment, the bright lights in the living room suddenly went out. This sudden change made Sansein Sumireko tremble and clutch Levi's arm tightly.

Sumireko Sanseki said in a low voice: "Can you change the movie? I'm a little scared."

Levi laughed and said: "This is the feeling you want when watching a horror movie, and now is the right time."

Levi snapped his fingers, all the curtains were drawn, and the visibility in the room suddenly dropped to a minimum, leaving only the light of the TV screen.

Sanseyuan Sumireko's voice was trembling as she said: "Watching a movie like this at this time will give you nightmares at night! Li Weijun, let's watch some happy movies. As long as we're not watching this kind of scary movie, what kind of movie can we watch?" It will be all right."

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, can feel the fear in girls' hearts. Although Sumireko Sansekien likes watching movies, most of the movies she watches are classic old movies, and she never watches horror movies. .

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Li Wei would not deliberately scare Sanse Yuan Sumireko. If this kind of thing is not handled well, it will reduce his favorability. Li Wei does not want to see this kind of thing happen.

Levi said: "It's a pity. Since you don't like horror movies, Sumireko, then let's watch other movies. Do you like old movies?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she didn't watch horror movies, she was really afraid of horror movies. As a person with a very strong association ability, as long as she watched the content of horror movies, there would be many big things in her mind. There were a lot of horrible scenes. She had been fooled by this before, so naturally she didn't want to be fooled again.

... . ...

Levi switched the partition, switching the horror film partition to the drama film partition. A large number of classic movies were listed, which dazzled both of them.

Levi said: "Then I will just find a movie. There is no horror content in this section. They are all classic and old movies from Europe and the United States."

Sumireko Sansekiyin smiled and said: "Then let's watch this special edition of The Voyage of Sinbad. The cover looks very much like the 1970s. There are very few old movies like this nowadays. "

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