"It smells great, but isn't it a bit too luxurious to have such a grand meal for breakfast?" Sumireko Sansekiyuan looked at the various dishes on the table and felt guilty in her heart.

"As long as there is no waste, there is no luxury. In my opinion, the so-called luxury when it comes to food is eating a small portion and throwing away the majority. As long as you can eat it all, no matter what you eat, it is not a luxury." Li Wei smiled.

The chefs who made breakfast were not his puppet clones, but the chefs he had invited back from outside, except...:!;:,:';::?'『';..;,';』 ?';!?;?,:;"";;.!::"?',?!,;.!?;':,?;,;spare??:???', """,;,!' In addition to being proficient in neon cuisine, he also has considerable research on Chongguo's Cantonese cuisine and Baiyan techniques. He is especially good at making delicious dishes. He is a tool he specially uses to disguise himself.

Sansein Sumireko picked up her chopsticks and began to taste the fruits of the chefs' labor. After just taking a bite, she sighed and said: "Although it looks gorgeous and beautiful, the taste is not as good as the food you made, Li Weijun, but this is The hard work of the chefs cannot be wasted.”

Sumireko Sanseki was a little lucky in her heart. The breakfast prepared by the chefs had a typical neon-style portion. Although there were many plates on the table, the portions of each dish were not large, which allowed her to taste each variety. When growing delicious food, you can eat as many varieties as possible without being too full. This style is a typical habit of neon high-end chefs. They try to satisfy the taste buds of the guests as much as possible, rather than simply satisfying them. Stomach.

Levi took the girl for walks all day long. The scenery in the rich area where he now lives is quite beautiful, and he can't see it all in one day.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Wei and Sansein Sumireko, who had returned to the villa to rest, welcomed the guests. The girls who had made an appointment to visit Sansein Sumireko all came here, seven of them. It’s enough for girls to get together and form an idol girl group to debut.

Levi opened the door, and when the girls entered, they chirped like orioles. However, Levi did not hate the girls' noisiness. After all, this was also the cuteness of young girls and the charm of young girls.

Camellia, with her fiery red hair tied into twin ponytails, threw herself directly into Li Wei's arms, buried her face in Li Wei's chest, and rubbed her back and forth.

Zhenshanya Camellia whispered: "I haven't seen you, Li Weijun, for a day. I miss you so much!"

Mayamaya Camellia is very bold now, because she knows that she has many competitors, and in order to stand out from her competitors, she must take the initiative.

Li Wei hugged Zhenshanya Camellia, pretended to be knocked back by the other party, gently rubbed her head, and said with a smile: "I miss you too, and you are here just in time. Come in first, there is a door at the door. This is not the place to talk.”

Li Wei hugged Masanya Camellia and stepped aside. The girl's soft body was so comfortable in his arms that he was reluctant to let go. The girls filed in and began to take off their shoes at the door. Levi had already prepared replacement indoor shoes. After several girls changed their shoes, they came to the living room.

"Miss Manager, we are here to see you. We have brought you delicious snacks. I hope you like them." Noharuna, a sporty girl with wheat-colored skin, showed off her handbag with famous local slogans printed on it. The dim sum house pattern is considered a relatively expensive high-end dim sum for ordinary people.

Several girls are wearing school uniforms, and the same goes for Sumireko Sansekiyuan. Because she was brought here directly by Li Wei and did not go home to pack her clothes, so she is still wearing the same outfit as yesterday, but She felt that this kind of thing didn't matter, because her ankle was already so good that she could walk on the ground. She would go back to school with Levi tomorrow and there was no need to use up her sick leave.

Sanshiki Sumireko stood up, took the bag from Noharuna's hand, and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to see me. I'm much better now."

Noharuna showed an exaggerated expression of surprise, stepped back, and said, "Eh?! You can go to the ground so soon?! You're lying!"

Not only Noharuna, but other girls also showed surprised expressions.

Sanseyuan Sumireko smiled and said: "Li Weijun used the secret medicine he prepared to heal my injury. The effect of that medicine is very good, so my ankle can heal so quickly."

Noharuna looked at Li Wei and said, "Li Wei-kun, is this true?"

Levi gestured with scissor hands with both hands, like a big crab, and said with a smile: "I am very powerful, no matter what aspect I am in."

Levi's words made several girls blush.

Sumireko Sanseki looked at this scene with a smile on her face. She sighed in her heart, Levi's charm is really terrible, girls such as Mayamaya Camellia, everyone has the potential to become a campus goddess, but they are so cute Girls, however, are so fond of Levi.

But she herself was not qualified to say that it was just the girls, because she also fell in love with Levi. Although she knew that falling in love with Levi was a point of no return, she just couldn't control her heart. When she was with Levi, she felt a sense of security that she had not seen for a long time, as if she would no longer be afraid if the sky fell. This feeling made her simply unable to resist.

Levi smiled and said: "How about we all rest here tonight? There will be a barbecue dinner tonight."

The girls all showed excited expressions.

"Okay!" The carefree Noharuna raised her hands.

Hanada Sui, who has orange-gold curls reaching her waist and dresses a bit like a hot girl, said: "Li Weijun, if you are going to have a barbecue, you must have something to drink, right? Is there any wine here?"

Levi smiled and said: "Don't even think about drinking. Of course, I can order low-alcohol pineapple beer and kvass online."

Hanada Sui showed a disappointed expression and said: "Hey, I didn't expect that the first time I drank was pineapple beer and kvass. It always felt a bit unsatisfactory."

The petite golden girl Shimazaki Kotomi said: "Pineapple beer and kvass are already good. Do you also want a cocktail? Think about what you like to eat first. It's still early and there's still time to prepare the ingredients."

Hanada Sui smiled and said: "I want to eat grilled chicken legs and grilled saury!"

Hinata smiled and said, "I want it too!"

Li Wei looked at the noisy girls and felt very satisfied. He liked this kind of atmosphere where everyone was happy.

Chapter. Hinata Aoi’s initiative

The girls were very excited. Being able to stay here was a very novel thing for them, so they all called their families and said that they would stay at their classmates' houses that night.

Of course, they were not bold enough to say that the place where they stayed overnight was the home of a male classmate. They all lied and claimed that they were visiting the school librarian at the home of a female classmate.

The girls also had their own little thoughts. They were envious of Sumireko Sanseki's spending the night here, and they were also very curious about the place where Li Wei lived, so they beat Li Wei after school. phone number.

And Levi directly sent a car to pick them up. There were seven girls. An ordinary car couldn't hold so many people, but the internal volume of his car was large enough. Let alone seven girls, there were three or four more people. It can also be taken away.

The extended version of the limousine is not just for showing off. It has a far larger loading capacity than ordinary vehicles. It is quite practical for him who has a lot of girls around him.

Levi smiled and said: "You guys make a list of your favorite ingredients, and I'll tell the people below to prepare them."

The girls were chattering and kept going like this. They couldn't decide what ingredients needed to be purchased for a long time.

Ri Xiangkui said: "Li Weijun, please take the pen and paper and give it to us."

Levi said: "The things are in the study, I will go up and get them."

Hinata Aoigen followed Li Wei's steps and said with a smile: "I am very interested in Li Weijun's study. Can I go and have a look?"

Hinata had a curious expression on her cute face, and coupled with the height difference between her and Levi, when she looked at Levi with her hands behind her back, her smart eyes were full of smiles.

Levi feels that Hinata Aoi is much cuter in real life than in the anime. After all, everyone in the anime has similar face shapes, which means there will be certain changes in details, but in real people, the differences between each person are relatively large. , every girl has different beauty.

Hinata Aoi has a typical baby face and looks very tender. In addition, she is not very tall and gives the impression of a junior high school student. However, she is only tall like a junior high school student. In terms of figure, she has reached the mark of a high school student. of.

The only thing that makes Levi feel like complaining is that Nishiki Tsutaka's school uniform is really not good-looking, and it particularly suppresses the figure. Hinata Aoi has a good figure when she wears sportswear, but after putting on the school uniform, she can't tell How many curves to come.

Levi smiled and said: "Okay, but my study is full of books, not the messy things you imagined. It would be very boring."

Ri Xiangkui smiled and said, "As long as I'm by your side, Li Weijun, I won't be bored."

Levi walked in front, followed closely by Hinata Kuei. The two went upstairs. Everything in the mansion was very luxurious. Hinata Kuei looked around, full of curiosity about everything around him. The two people stopped at the door of a room. Levi grabbed the door handle and twisted it gently, opening the door.

Levi said: "This is my study. Look, isn't it boring?"

Levi's study is very old-fashioned, just like the study room of a European nobleman in the tenth century. Just walking in will give you the illusion of traveling through time. Levi turned on the lights in the study, and the bright cold light illuminated the originally dark study. Hinata could clearly see the layout of the study. The most eye-catching thing was the row of huge bookshelves. This place was not so much a place as a library. The private study is more like a small library.

Levi walked to his desk, opened the lower drawer, and took out a stack of white paper and a pen. Just when she turned around, the petite girl had already hugged him.

Sunflower hugged Li Wei's waist tightly and said, "Li Weijun, you hugged Camellia just now and didn't hug me. I'm not happy."

Just like Aoi raised her head, her delicate little face was slightly bulging, with a cute expression of "I'm jealous".

Girls' thoughts are the most difficult to guess, that is to say, Levi has the ability to read minds. Otherwise, he would not be able to understand the thoughts of the girls around him. Hinata Aoi is indeed jealous now, but her ultimate goal is to enjoy the rare alone time with Levi. Because Sumireko Sansekiyin was recovering from her injuries, Levi took care of her alone for two days, which made Hinata feel Envy, that's why she took the initiative when Levi went into the study to get something.

Levi put down the pen and paper, hugged Hinata Kui gently with both hands, and said with a soft smile: "Okay, okay, it's my fault for not explaining it to you in detail in advance. It was an emergency at the time, and I didn't expect it to happen. Such a thing. What should I do to make you happy?"

Hinata whispered: "Just like this, don't move, just let me hug you."

Although Hinata Aoi usually gives off a cheerful vibe, she is also a girl and sometimes has delicate thoughts. When she knew that Sumireko Sansekien was able to be alone with Levi because of her ankle injury, she was envious in her heart. , and even wished that the injured person was herself, so that Levi would be by her side to take care of her.

She was a little jealous of Sumireko Sansekiyuan in her heart, but she knew that such jealousy was meaningless, so she decided to be more proactive. Only in this way could she defeat other competitors and stand by Li Wei's side. . The first thing she has to do is to show her own characteristics and charm and let Levi know how good she is.

Levi said softly: "We can't stay up there for too long, otherwise, everyone will be anxiously waiting."

Hinata put her face against Li Wei's chest and whispered: "I know this kind of thing, Li Weijun, I like you, I like you so much that I can't control myself."

Levi rubbed Hinata's head and said with a smile: "Yeah, I like Aoi too. Aoi is very cute."

Hinata raised her head, with a dissatisfied expression on her cute face, and said, "Don't treat me like a child. I'm a high school student after all."

Levi smiled and said: "Kui, do you want me to treat you as an adult?"

Hinata turned her face slightly to the side, her face covered with red clouds. Li Wei's words always contained ambiguity, which made people think about it. However, considering that Li Wei is a Chongguo native, he should not be very familiar with neon language. In terms of language expression, It is normal for there to be some shortcomings.

When Hinata raised her head, Levi let go of her slightly, then lowered his head. Their lips touched, and the girl was stunned for a moment.

She didn't know what happened after that. When she came back to her senses, she felt dizzy all over, and there was a special sweet taste in her mouth that made her heart beat faster.

Levi smiled softly and said, "This is how to treat you like an adult, Aoi."

Hinata didn't dare to look into Levi's eyes and buried her head in Levi's chest. From Levi's point of view, the girl's ears were already red and hot.

Looking at Hinata's appearance, Levi showed a satisfied smile. Hinata was addicted to food. She was obviously a shy girl, but she still insisted on taking the initiative. After being teased a little, her face turned red.

Chapter. Hinata Aoi Strategy Completed

Levi tapped his fingers lightly on Hinata Kui's forehead and said with a smile: "I like you too. It's not the kind of love that a brother has for his sister, but the love that a man has for a woman. Aoi, you are so cute, what man can you say? Wouldn’t he like a cutie like you?”

Li Wei is also an old hand at Hua Cong. He speaks words to coax girls, and he is different from other people. He can always remember what he has said. His ever-expanding mind gives him a strong memory, which will last forever. He will never forget every moment between himself and every girl, and with the aid of mind-reading skills, he can make every girl he gets along with feel the warmth of a harbor.

Sunflower looked at Li Wei with a sweet smile on her face and said, "Li Weijun, you really do say this to girls often, right?"

Levi said: "There is nothing we can do about it. You are so cute, Aoi. You are all so cute. It's really hard for me to choose. The thing I hate the most is doing multiple-choice questions."

Hinata Kuai looked at Li Wei, puffed up her cheeks slightly, and said, "Li Wei-kun, do you want them all?"

Levi smiled and said: "I have such a plan. After all, multiple-choice questions are cruel. No matter which one of you I choose, it will be harmful to others. If, I just say if, if I choose How would you feel about someone other than you, Aoi?"

Hinata imagined such a scene in her mind, and her whole body shuddered instantly. She absolutely could not accept such a thing. After meeting Levi, she could no longer look down on other men.

If Li Wei did not choose her in the end, she would definitely remain unmarried for the rest of her life because her heart could no longer tolerate anyone else. The greatest tragedy in life is that you meet someone who is too amazing when you are too young, but fail to achieve success.

Levi smiled and said: "Looking at your expression, Aoi, I know that you definitely can't accept such a thing. Even you can't accept such a thing, how can others accept it?"

Hinata Aoi often reads various romance novels and has a longing for love. Although she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs running away. Love is always cruel. If someone wins, someone will lose. The ground is covered.

Every girl fantasizes that she is the one who wins, but there are not so many such good things. The lucky ones in the end are always only a few.

Hinata became frustrated because she found that she had no absolute advantage in the next competition. Why would Levi choose her instead of others?

Zhenya Camellia is cute and has such a good figure.

Noharuna is also a sports star in the school. Noharuna is very talented in running. Her achievements in her field are far higher than hers. It is said that she even has the opportunity to enter the professional field.

Hanada Sui, although she dresses like a bad hottie, is actually a very passionate person, and she is versatile in housework, and her cooking skills far surpass her.

Shimazaki Kotomi, Sanada Sugiha, and Hatachi Hina, which of these girls is easy to get along with? Everyone is so powerful, and she is not sure that she can beat anyone else. If Li Wei really wants to do multiple-choice questions, she will most likely be eliminated.

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