Akino Sakura smiled bitterly and said: "Li Weijun, your suggestion is indeed very good, but our school is not an aristocratic school, and not every student has a dance foundation. It is still difficult to hold such a dance."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Senior, how long is it until the Flower Dance Festival?"

Akino Sakura said: "There are still ten days, no, it's ten days."

Li Wei smiled and said: "There is enough time. More than two weeks are enough for the students to practice their dancing skills. After all, it is a simple ballroom dance, not a difficult dance type. What our student union has to do The job is to do a good job in publicity and let everyone know that this year's Flower Dance Festival is extra grand. By the way, senior sister, the publicity work will definitely be very hard, so the student union must prepare to recruit people during this time. The welfare system is all paid for by me. I will first give each member a red envelope. If the festival is very effective, I will give a big red envelope to ensure that every member of the student union has it."

Akino Sakura no longer knew how to complain. The super rich Levi used his money power, and the effect was amazing. She could already imagine what kind of action the beasts of the student union could unleash under the stimulation of money.

Akino Sakura felt a little sour inside, it was great to have money.

Chapter. Issues with school uniforms

Levi smiled and said: "Senior sister, if there is nothing else, I will go back first, there are still people waiting for me."

Akino Sakura said: "Li Weijun, let's exchange contact information. Now you are an important member of the student union. Without contact information, it will be very troublesome to find you at critical moments. It is impossible to come to the classroom every time. I’ll look for you, that would be too high-profile.”

Levi nodded and took out his mobile phone.

The two exchanged phone numbers and LINE accounts, and added each other as friends. For Neon in this world, the most widely used social software is still LINE. LINE’s status in Neon is like that of Juxin in China. Everyone who comes into contact with the Internet will have their own LINE account. .

Akino Sakura watched Levi mark herself as an important concern, and she was very happy because she was the only one on Levi's important concern list now.

But what Akino Sakura doesn't know is that Levi's LINE friends only have a few girls around him, so there is no need to mark them at all. However, Levi sees through this kind of thing but doesn't say anything about it, so it's not a bad thing to make Akino Sakura happy.

Akino Sakura said happily: "Very good, in this case, it will be easy to contact each other if there is anything in the future. I will come to Li Weijun again tomorrow. You are already a formal member of the student union. This matter is very important. , it needs to be announced in front of all student union members.”

Akino Sakura is a little excited inside. After all, this is Levi's personal contact information, which means that she has entered Levi's life and social circle, and can still chat when she has nothing to do. She has already responded to the current situation. Very satisfied.

Levi smiled and said: "Okay, let's talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow. Anyway, after I join the student union, I will definitely support the student union to the maximum extent. So, senior sister, see you later."

When Levi left the student union office, Akino Sakura jumped up with excitement. She didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. Not only did she recruit Levi into the student union, but she also got Levi's personal contact information. She even got Li Wei's personal contact information. Wei's impression of her is not bad, and the relationship between the two parties may be able to improve. This is a triple blessing for her.

On Li Wei's side, after leaving the student union's office, he followed the positioning of his spiritual sense and returned to the girls. The girls were waiting for Li Wei at the entrance of the school. The beautiful girl stood there very conspicuously. It can be seen from a long distance away.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko gently lifted her long hair and said with a smile: "Husband, does the senior sister come to you for something important?"

Because there are no outsiders now, the girls' name for Levi has become the name used at home.

Levi smiled and said: "Senior sister wants to drag me into the student union."

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said, "What about your choice, husband?"

Levi said: "I have no reason to refuse. If you join the student union, you can get a lot of conveniences, and you can also use the student union as a fulcrum to transform the school. I like this."

Nishiki Tsuta is a high school. Although the student union does not have much autonomy, under the leadership of Akino Sakura, it has accumulated a lot of reputation in three years and is quite popular among the student body.

If Levi wants to transform the campus, he must not only go through the chairmanship, but also the student union. But now that he has penetrated into the student union, it will be very difficult for him to do anything else. It's convenient.

As for the chairman, there is naturally no problem, because from the beginning, the chairman has belonged to Li Wei's camp, and even if Li Wei turns the school upside down, as long as the money is in place, the chairman will not be there What a complaint.

Neon is the neon of the powerful. There are many kinds of problems, but no matter what the problem is, the powerful can cover their mouths perfectly. Therefore, the chairman has no idea what Levi might do in school. , and also be mentally prepared.

Hinata said curiously: "I think the current school is pretty good. Husband, what do you want to change?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "There are a lot of things that need to be changed. The first thing is the school uniforms. To be honest, the boys' uniforms in Nishiki Tsugao are barely passable, but the girls' uniforms, I really don't know who designed them. If such I have the designer, and I’ll tell him to pack up and get out.”

Along with Nishiki Tsugao's girls' uniforms and Gladiolus's girls' uniforms, students consider them to be the two ugliest local girls' uniforms. Not only do they fail to highlight a girl's charm, but they also suppress her charm. .

Both schools are regarded as entrance-level colleges, and it is normal for the school uniforms to be ugly, but Li Wei does not like such things. Others are not in Gladiolus High School, so naturally he is too lazy to care about things there, but Nishiki Tsuta High School Besides, he couldn't stand this ugly school uniform anymore. It was simply ruining the girls' faces and figures.

Levi has decided that Nishiki Tsugao's new girls' school uniforms will be based on the girls' uniforms of Kuou Academy in "Devil High School DXD". They will be modified to a certain extent and then popularized among the students.

Hanada Sui said: "We are all used to this kind of school uniform. Although it is a bit ugly, the transformation potential is still good. As long as you choose the accessories carefully and change the details a little, it will still be acceptable. "

Levi sighed and said: "I will show you the design drawing I drew later. After reading it, you will know the difference. Anyway, I can no longer accept such girls' school uniforms, and they must be changed."

Sumireko Sansekiyuan said: "The entire school uniform is not cheap. If it is to be popularized among girls in the school, most people will not be able to accept it."

Most of Neon's school uniforms are made of good materials, and precisely because they are made of better materials, the prices are not much cheaper. It is normal for most students to modify and wear school uniforms for three years. matter.

Levi said: "If there is no subsidy, I know my idea is very unrealistic. But what if all the school uniforms are paid for by me, and everyone's body measurement and fine tailoring are also included, so that they can be customized to the size of each person." , perfectly fits everyone's figure. Moreover, the first two hundred girls who are willing to change can also receive monetary prizes in a lottery. The maximum prize is two million yuan, and the minimum is one hundred thousand yuan. With such conditions, I don't believe they will not be tempted. "

The girls didn't know what to say, because Levi had already used his money power, and most people couldn't resist it.

Chapter. Akino Sakura’s anxiety

Li Wei pretended to take something from his schoolbag, but in fact he took out the design draft directly from the Consciousness Sea Space, put it in Sansein Sumireko's hand, and said: "This is the design draft I have already made, starting from the conceptual design When it comes to post-production cutting, everything is included. I personally think that this design looks much better than the current school uniforms.”

The girls all gathered together and looked at the design book. After opening the cover, on the first page of the design draft, there was a red beauty wearing a new school uniform. She had a beautiful face, a hot body, and seductive eyes. Even if she only existed. On paper, it also had a huge impact on several girls.

Hinata sighed and said: "Li Weijun's painting skills have reached a professional level, right? The model in the school uniform design draft is really beautiful, not even inferior to Sumireko."

Levi just smiled. The red beauty on the drawing was one of his companions, the high-ranking demon from "Devil High School DXD", Rias Gremory.

It should be said that it is incredible that Sumireko Sansekiin, as an ordinary human, can be on par with high-ranking demons in appearance.

However, the overall appearance of human beings in this world is relatively high, and as the leader, it is not surprising that Sumireko Sansekiin can reach this level.

Li Wei smiled and said: "The focus is on the costumes. The characters don't have to worry about anything. What do you think of this costume design?"

The uniforms of Kuoh Academy itself are quite nice and give people the feeling of being an aristocratic academy. However, Kuoh Academy itself can also be regarded as an aristocratic academy. After all, it is the territory of the devil. As a being with a long history, the demon race is much more aesthetically pleasing than ordinary humans, so when designing school uniforms, special attention is paid to nobility and beauty.

Levi added some accessories to the school uniform based on the original, including different styles of shawls and different styles of waistbands. Although it is more complicated to wear than the prototype, the effect after wearing it is better than the original version. More gorgeous.

If a version like this were popular in the real world, most of it would be a mess and would only ruin the design. However, in a world where the average person is pretty, such a design complements each other and makes it more attractive. Good ones show the charm of girls themselves.

The girls turned back a few pages. Each page of the renderings showed different characters, and the figures were also different, from mature figures far exceeding the average of high school students, to average figures, and finally girls with small breasts, all kinds of different There are body designs for every girl, and even for girls who are fatter, Levi also has special designs that can take care of the feelings of these girls and make the fat girls look as well-proportioned as possible while slightly weakening the beauty.

After reading the previous renderings, the girls began to read backwards. The following is the decomposition and cutting diagram of the clothing. If the detailed design is made exactly according to the specifications on the cutting diagram, the cost will be exaggeratedly high. If it is done according to the If you buy it at market price, most students cannot afford it.

It was Li Wei who was willing to pay this huge sum of money, otherwise, such a plan could only remain on paper.

Sansekiin Sumireko exclaimed: "A layman like me can't find any faults with this design. Whether it's the renderings, cutting drawings, or even the later sewing flow charts, they are all perfect. However, If you do this, the cost is a bit high, right? The market price of such exquisite school uniforms can definitely be more than three times that of ordinary school uniforms."

Levi gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "How many talented people are there in Nishiki Tsuta? Let alone a school, even if all the high school girls' uniforms in Tokyo are to be changed to this style, for me It’s just a small number.”

The girls all know that Levi is a very rich man, but now, Levi will refresh their knowledge from time to time, giving them a new understanding of Levi's wealth.

Levi smiled and said: "But I will not do such a thankless thing. I am now in Nishigi Tsugao, and I am also an external liaison officer of the student union. Naturally, I only need to take care of the affairs of Nishiki Tsugao. "

Sanada Sugiha smiled and said: "Since Li Weijun doesn't mind, let's just deal with it like this. I think the girls will be very happy. They can wear beautiful new school uniforms for free, and those who sign up in advance can also get bonus rewards. . No normal person would refuse such a good thing."

Sumireko Sansekiin said: "But many girls will be wary of things like pie in the sky."

Levi smiled and said: "That's why I need the status of the student union. After all, as an ordinary student, I do certain things that are unfair and unsatisfactory. But if I become a member of the student union, then I will be in the name of the student union." Do things so that when students hear what I say, they won’t immediately suspect that I’m a liar, and they can at least listen to what I have to say.”

At this time, the car had stopped at the school gate. Levi took the girls into the car and left the school. Although Levi has established a relationship with the girls now, considering the acceptance ability of the girls' families, Levi has not yet lived with the girls.

After sending the girls back to their homes one by one, Levi returned to his villa. After the girls were gone, the huge villa seemed a little empty. Levi was lying on the sand, and his phone suddenly rang. He opened it and saw that it was a message from Akino Sakura.

Akino Sakura: (Li Weijun, are you there?)

Levi: (I'm here, what's wrong, senior?)

Akino Sakura: (I called all the main members of the student union and told them about you. They all welcome your arrival. Can you come to the office for a meeting at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon?)

Levi: (No problem.)

Akino Sakura: (Um...Li Weijun, what kind of girl do you like?)

Levi: (I really don’t know how to answer this question. I don’t have a specific preference, but I hate willful and unreasonable girls.)

At this time, Akino Sakura had returned home and was staying on the bed in her bedroom. Looking at Levi's reply, her expression was a little complicated. Fortunately, she considers herself not a willful person, and because she has dealt with various affairs of the student union for a long time, she is more sensible than ordinary students and is not prone to being impulsive when things happen. She feels that these qualities are hers. The advantage is that at least it perfectly avoids Levi’s minefield.

Chapter. Online communication

What Akino Sakura didn't know was that right above her head, a thousand-paper crane invisible to the human eye was slowly circling. This thousand-paper crane was the medium for Li Wei to cast spells remotely. Through this thousand-paper crane, Li Wei Wei could clearly see Akino Sakura's inner thoughts.

Akino Sakura breathed a sigh of relief at this time. This feeling of perfectly avoiding Levi's minefield made her feel at ease. She didn't want to be hated by Levi. Once she was hated by Levi, the two of them would never have a chance to make progress.

Akino Sakura has been vaguely aware of the fact that there are many girls around Levi, but even after knowing such things, she still can't control her inner feelings. Like a moth to a flame, she still wants to get closer to Levi .

However, Akino Sakura was also a little uneasy in her heart. How would Levi treat such a miserable person?

The phone rang suddenly, and Akino Sakura hurriedly picked up the phone beside her, unlocked the lock screen, and looked at Levi's message on it.

Levi: (I like more mature girls like you, senior sister, who can communicate better.)

Seeing Levi's message, Akino Sakura showed a silly smile on her beautiful face. She lay on her back on the bed, raised her phone high, looked at the message, and grinned to the limit. At this moment, her hand slipped, The phone hit her directly in the face.

"Ouch!" Akino Sakura covered the bridge of her nose that was hit. The pain was so painful that she was about to burst into tears. Her slender and voluptuous legs kept flapping, like a fish coming ashore.

Levi watched this scene through Qianzhihe and couldn't help but laugh out loud. Akino Sakura is the president of the student union that everyone respects in the school. She is beautiful, her grades are ranked first in the school, and she is gentle with others. She is said to be the dream goddess of many boys.

But now, the school's high-altitude flower has shown such a cute and funny face. This huge contrast makes Levi find it quite interesting.

After a while, Akino Sakura, who was rubbing her eyes and wiping tears from the corners of her eyes, picked up her phone again and started typing on the virtual keyboard. However, she didn't know how to answer Levi. She pressed her fingers back and forth on the virtual keyboard. But it was typed and deleted, deleted and typed again.

Akino Sakura: (Li Weijun, are you always this glib with girls?)

Akino Sakura puffed up her cheeks slightly, feeling a little depressed when she thought that Levi was not just doing this to her.

Akino Sakura stared closely at the screen of her phone, turned over and lay on the bed, her two slender calves crossed up and down, her feet trembling.

Although Akino Sakura gives off a mature and stable feeling, her room is very pink, and the overall color is pink, just like her inside. Hidden under the maturity and stability is a lively and cheerful little girl.

Li Wei feels in his heart that girls are particularly easy to be jealous, but girls who are jealous are also quite cute. In ancient neon, the rules that women have to abide by are no less than the three obedience and four virtues of the ancient country. Girls will suffer from various oppressions. And become like robots, or in other words, in ancient times, the vast majority of women were reproductive machines unworthy of emotions.

Until modern times, with the liberation of productivity and the liberalization of social consciousness, women can also receive education and participate in work like men. As a result, women can finally have their own characters, unlike in ancient times, living like puppets .

It is precisely because of this that in modern society, women can bloom and all kinds of beauties emerge. If it were ancient times, even if there were beauty pageants, they could only choose "robots" with a lot of stereotypes. Times like that are actually sad for both men and women.

Levi: (I'm just telling the truth. If this offends you, senior sister, I can apologize.)

Seeing Levi's reply, Akino Sakura felt a little panicked and typed quickly.

Akino Sakura: (I don’t blame you Li Weijun, I just feel like you are very good at getting along with girls, so I’m a little curious.)

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