Levi watched the girl run into the courtyard, watched her enter the door, and then left calmly.

Li Wei sighed inwardly, this person is so popular because no matter where he goes, he is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Next, it’s time to go back and watch how Ruyue Yulu is concocted. After watching so many anime, Li Wei has some male protagonists he likes and others he hates. Ruyue Yulu falls into the category that Li Wei hates. To him His level of disgust is comparable to that of Makoto Ito.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wei feels that he is not tormenting Ruyueyulu properly, and he is really sorry that his eyes were tortured by the shit-feeding plot when watching anime.

Levi reluctantly finished watching the anime "My Uncle" entirely because of Sumireko Sansekiin.

Previously, Levi's puppet clone imitated Ruyue Yulu's tone and called his home to report that he was safe. He said he was staying the night at a classmate's house so that Ruyue Yulu's mother would not worry.

Now, there is still plenty of time, and Ji Tou Si, whose puppet clone was found from the most famous local Big Bird Club, must have been very intolerable.

Chapter. Speechless

Ruyue Yulu woke up from a coma. He felt that his body was unbearably sore. He looked around and found that his hands were hung up. No wonder he was so sore. His shoulders had to bear such weight for a long time. , it will cause secondary damage.

Ruyue Yulu observed the surrounding environment. He found that he was in a space similar to a cell. The dim lights above his head, the cold white walls, and the placement in the corner made people feel numb just by looking at them. Various torture instruments, he knew that he was in big trouble this time.

It is normal to end up like this if you provoke someone you cannot afford to offend. His heart was full of despair. Why was he so impulsive in the first place? If he hadn't done such a stupid thing, maybe he wouldn't have become a prisoner of others like he is now.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the iron fence, and the strong man walked over. Ruyue Yulu could see clearly that the man walking in the front was his enemy, Li Wei.

At this time, Levi had changed out of his school uniform and was wearing a slim-fitting white robe, giving him the impression of a handsome gentleman. However, Ruyue Yulu knew that Levi was a deeply hidden devil, because only a devil could do what he is doing now. He was caught and imprisoned here, and he might even be humiliated in every possible way.

The big iron door of the prison was opened and people walked in.

Li Wei looked at Ruyue Yulu who was hung up like a piece of bacon waiting to be dried, and smiled: "Hello, Ruyue Yulu, I didn't expect that our meeting again would be in a place like this, where you are all alone." Why would you, a good old man, do such an irrational thing?"

Ruyue Yulu looked at Li Wei with a smile on his face and said: "Don't you know why I did irrational things? Because of your arrival, Hinata Kui betrayed me and fell into your arms. You took away The girl who belongs to me¨"."

Ruyue Yulu knew very well that if Li Wei caught him in a place like this, no matter how much he begged for mercy, Li Wei would not let him go. Therefore, it was better to behave like a man at this time, at least when facing his love rival. At this time, he didn't want to appear too cowardly.

Li Wei smiled and said: "You are willing to do this kind of thing. Instead of asking me why I want to snatch him away, it is better to ask yourself. She is your childhood sweetheart. If you want to do it, there are many opportunities. Why do you want to do it? What about delaying it until now? If you had captured her early, where would you have left me?"

Li Wei's words stopped Ruyue Yulu from questioning him, because as Li Wei said, he had known Himari Kui since he first came to China, and now he is already a senior. None of them could take that step. Just as Levi said, he himself had problems.

However, Kisaragi Yulu thinks this is a normal thing, because he not only knows Hinata Kui, but also Ohtayang. The most important thing is that Hinata Kuei also knows Ohtayang.

Hinata Aoi and Oga Taiyang are both sports stars in the school. They are very well-known in the school and everyone knows them. However, he has always been a little transparent from his country days to now. It is precisely because of this that Ruyue Yulu has low self-esteem. Compared with him, Hinata Aoi is more likely to be with Dahe Taiyang, so he never had the courage to confess, and then he became like this.

It can be said that the current situation is directly related to his inferiority complex deep inside.

Levi smiled and said: "There is no use regretting now. Hinata is already my woman. I have to say that the good figure brought about by regular exercise is very smooth."

At this time, Levi deliberately showed a twisted smile like a vice-villain, his eyes were one part sarcastic and one part contemptuous, making Ru Yue Yulu's face turn as red as pig liver.

Ruyue Yulu stared at Li Wei and said through gritted teeth: "Have you crossed the last line?!"

Levi smiled and said: "Yeah, what's so strange about this? She has already reached the legal age of marriage. Isn't it normal for us to do something that adults should do?"

In the real world, the marriage age of neon women has been raised from ten years old to ten years old, but in the neon world of this world, the marriage age of women is still ten years old. In other words, as long as the neon women of this world reach the age of At ten years old, he is considered an adult.

Hinata is a senior and happens to be ten years old. Therefore, Levi and Hinata do things that adults can do, which is completely in compliance with neon laws.

Levi's words once again made Ruyue Yulu speechless. At this time, Ruyue Yulu only felt regret in his heart. If he could overcome his inner inferiority, he would not have brought the matter to such a stage.

Ruyue Yulu looked at Li Wei, without concealing his inner hatred, and said with fierce eyes: "`.You can do whatever you want to do now. If I say anything, I am not a man!"

Levi smiled and said: "Don't make me sound like a villain. The reason why you are here is because you want to do violence to my woman. If I hadn't arranged for someone to protect Hinata Kui, who would have known you?" What will you do to her? Beat her up, or go further and forcibly blaspheme her? Do you have the nerve to say such things to me? You are really not ashamed."

"Me!" Ruyue Yulu didn't know how to answer Li Wei. In just a few moments, he had been rendered speechless by Li Wei several times.

At that time, his mind was confused and his whole person was controlled by anger. Maybe it was like what Levi said, if no one stopped him at that time, maybe he would really do such a beastly act.

Levi said: "If I didn't arrange for someone to protect Hinata Kui, then you would be a rapist. Mr. Rapist, what qualifications do you have to speak to me righteously here? It's precisely because you haven't had time to commit the crime yet. It is a mistake that must not be made, so you can talk to me here, otherwise, you would have been filled in a mud pillar and sunk into Tokyo Bay."

Looking at Ru Yue Yu Lu's expression of hatred, Levi continued: "But you are exempt from death and cannot escape from living. I will not take your life, but you must also accept the punishment you deserve. At that time you Whatever you want to do, I'll let people do to you. Come on, play some music!"

A man in a black suit took out a radio that looked quite old. This was an old thing that had been eliminated from the market for decades. The man in a black suit pressed the play button. At this time, a burst of strong music sounded.

Ruyue Yulu doesn't know what song it is, but the style is very old, giving the impression that it is a song from the last century.


Ruyue Yulu didn't know the name of this music, but inexplicably, he felt creepy in his heart, as if this music was prepared for his funeral.

“Youngman, there’s nothing to feel down!”

This is an English song, and the style is very old. It reminds people of the 1970s. The strong music, dynamic rhythm, and the mature and high-pitched singing voice of the singer all illustrate the music. not simple.

Levi sat on the sofa next to him, and people in black suits pushed the dining cart. On it were sumptuous cold meals and beautifully packaged red wine. Just looking at it gave people an extremely expensive feeling.

Li Wei gently knocked on the armrest of the sofa, and a young man dressed as a waiter came in and began to prepare various meals for Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Ruyue Yulu, do you know this music? This is a classic song of a beautiful country group called VillagePeople in the last century. This song represents freedom, fitness, and beauty. Dear friend, I don’t know how good your English is and whether you can understand the meaning of this song, but soon you will be able to feel the power of this song with your own body."

Ru Yue Yu looked confused, he didn't understand what Li Wei meant, but at this moment, four tall and strong figures walked in, Ru Yue Yu looked at them intently, and his expression changed drastically.

"Hey! Youngman!"

Wow! It turned out to be four big guys wearing very little cloth. With their salty eyes, dirty smiles, and disgusting movements, it was known that they were the best gays.

Ruyue Yulu looked at the four muscular men in front of her who were only wearing shorts, and her face was livid with fear. Facing these four strong men was simply more terrifying than facing wild beasts.

Levi quickly put a napkin around himself, picked up the glass of red wine that had been poured beside him, and said with a smile: "They are professional experts that I specially found, and they are all the top beings in that world. In that world , their status is like Tyson to boxing, they are the top masters in the true sense. I call them the Ji Tou Four. Each of them has their own merits and their own unique skills. Their fighting spirit and patience are even better. My skills are astonishing, and my secret weapon can give you even more unexpected surprises. Don’t worry, I have biotechnology far beyond the world’s cutting-edge. As long as you are not killed on the spot, even if your limbs are cut off, or even cut in half, I will I can also bring you back, so enjoy it."

Levi drank down the glass of red wine, feeling extremely happy. The next person to use this method to punish is the male protagonist of "Day on Campus", the legendary scumbag Makoto Ito, and the first-generation pornographic actor. Mao’s Taisuke Sawaga.

Four strong men holding various "weapons" came to Ru Yue Yu Lu's side. The smiles on their faces made Ru Yue Yu Lu struggle crazily.

The strong man wearing a turban smiled and said: "It's useless even if you struggle. The BOSS said that as long as your life is taken away, various methods can be used against you. Sniff, huh?! This The smell is invisible, but it’s powerful, powerful!”

The biggest man came up behind Ruyue Yulu and said with a smile: "Blessed! This little brother, I don't think he is quite promising."

The next scene is really too extreme for minors, and can even be said to be forbidden.

In the dim prison, only the miserable and harsh wailing of Ruyue Yulu and the laughter of four strong men were left. All the black suits were puppet clones of Levi. They held various expressions with expressionless faces. Photographic equipment captured this fierce battle from all angles.

Ruyue Yulu, whose hands were hung up, was struggling crazily. He couldn't care less about the pain in his shoulders now and wanted to kick the four strong men away. However, with such a small body, how could he have four muscles as big as The opponent of the beast-like strong man would be completely subdued after a while, and he could no longer resist.

"Ahhhhh! Levi, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill your whole family! I'm going to kill your whole family!" Ruyue Yulu's shrill voice was like an evil ghost, completely distorted and deformed.

Levi laughed and said: "Hahahaha! Don't stop for him! Don't stop for him!"

Li Wei just laughed at Ru Yue Yu Lu's threat, because for him, the other party's threat could only remain verbal, just like a hamster baring its teeth and claws at people. When you are weak enough, , in the eyes of the opponent, even if he is angry, he is so cute.

Levi smiled and said: "Scold, scold, keep scolding. In addition to scolding, what else can you do? Now is the shooting time, your video will be perfectly recorded, if you have With any small move, I can spread your masterpiece, and by then, you will become a famous celebrity all over the world, and your relatives and friends will all be proud of you!"

Ruyue Yulu gritted his teeth and endured all the pain inflicted on himself. However, such pain is not something that can be tolerated. Even now, he is still struggling hard, because if he does not struggle, it will be even worse. pain.

Looking at Ruyue Yulu's tormented appearance, Levi's appetite was greatly increased. The steak on the plate was swallowed by Levi in ​​just a few mouthfuls. The ancient emperors liked to watch beauties dancing and eating. This was the so-called beauty and beauty. But Li Wei was different. Apart from the beauty show, watching his enemies being tortured was very satisfying for him.

What satisfied Levi the most was that he was finally able to reproduce the famous scene so perfectly. And unlike the resolute Bai Zinan, Ruyue Yulu didn't have that kind of mind. However, in less than two minutes, he started wailing and begging for mercy. .

However, Ruyue Yulu's begging for mercy could not arouse Li Wei's inner sympathy. This scene, on the contrary, whetted his appetite and made him even more happy to watch.

They continued to toss until three o'clock in the morning, when the rain and dew like the moon had stopped, the Ji Tou and the four people stopped. If they continued to toss, someone would really die. They kept Li Wei's words in mind and promised not to kill anyone. Rich With their professional qualities, they naturally do what they say when it comes to matters like this.

The puppet clones put Ruyue Yulu down, put him on a stretcher, and sent him to the nearby infirmary, where Ruyue Yulu will receive a full set of mana rescue, and various repair spells will heal him. He returned to the state before the torture. For him, these few hours were like hell, like a nightmare that would leave no trace after he woke up.

Levi left after ensuring that Ruyue Yulu had recovered his health. Ruyue Yulu, who was still in a comatose state, was transported to a star-rated hotel, where he would wake up.

Chapter. Big family

The next day, before dawn, Ruyue Yulu woke up from a nightmare.

"Wow! Get away from me all of you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Mom, help me!"

Ruyue Yulu, who was roaring indiscriminately and covered in cold sweat, sat up and looked at the luxurious environment around him, still unable to recover.

"Where is this? My head hurts."

Ruyue Yulu covered his forehead and only slept for less than four hours. In addition, he was tortured by nightmares, so now he had a headache that felt like it was going to explode.

Ruyue Yulu saw a very conspicuous small note on the bedside table. He picked it up and read it. There was only one sentence on it, "The video has arrived in your mailbox, please check it."

Now is the era of smartphones. Smartphones can also directly log in to the mailbox to receive emails. Ruyue Yulu logged into his email and saw an unread email. He clicked on it and saw a small video inside. There is also a link below. He said, "Cut out the highlights and please enjoy your most perfect performance."

Ruyue Yulu clicked on the video, and within the video, a shrill and deformed wailing sound came from the video. He was very familiar with this sound, because it was his own voice.

The content of the video is unsightly and needs to be mosaic-ed. The protagonist is naturally him.

Ruyue Yulu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that it was not a dream, that it was all real things that had happened. He was tortured to the point where he was covered in bruises and was no longer human.

Ruyue Yulu raised his hand. He looked at his smooth arms with a shocked expression on his face, because Li Wei did not lie to him. As long as he did not die on the spot, no matter how miserable he was, he could return to his original state. Li Wei What Wei said is true. He feels in good condition now.

This is what scares Ruyue Yulu the most, because it goes against the most basic scientific common sense. Human beings' self-healing ability has its limits.

Even the most cutting-edge medical technology is unable to do such exaggerated things. Therefore, Ruyue Yulu is so afraid. This means that Levi's power far exceeds his imagination and he can master such technology. , Levi is by no means as simple as an ordinary rich man.

It is already difficult to provoke ordinary rich people, let alone top-level rich people with skills and power like Li Wei, and he can imagine that for a person like Levi, the interpersonal network must be quite terrifying. , it is too easy to deal with an ordinary person like him.

It would be even more terrifying if such a rich man targeted his family. After all, everyone has weaknesses.

Ruyue Yulu sighed. Although the current situation has become extremely bad, people still have to live. He opened the mobile phone map for positioning and determined his location. There was a tram stop near the hotel, which made him relieved. Take a breath.

"Ruyue Yulu, why are you so stupid? Why did you provoke that bitch Hinata Kuei? It's better now. If you are targeted by a monster like Levi, you will be in big trouble."

Ruyue Yulu gave himself a hard slap, but there is no regret medicine in the world. Since the mistake has been made and there is no room for redemption, the only thing he can do is to bite the bullet and face all the things that may happen next. .


The atmosphere in the limousine was a bit strange. The girls looked at the extra person and wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to say it.

Levi smiled and said: "I think everyone should be familiar with this, the president of the school's student union, Senior Akino Sakura."

Mayamaya Camellia said with some embarrassment: "Husband, senior sister is very famous in the school, we all know it, but why is senior sister here?"

Mayama Camellia's words made Akino Sakura hold the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands. She felt embarrassed inside and didn't know how to face the girls.

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