Sansein Sumireko quickly adjusted her mood and said with a smile: "Sister, you should have done this a long time ago. He is a very dangerous person. He may become the leader of a cult in the future. Stay in that kind of place." Around people, it’s hard for you and Tsukimi, senior, to have a good death."

Sakurahara Momo nodded. Now, she no longer wanted to refute Sanshikiin Sumireko's statement, because from the perspective of a bystander, she and Kusami Yue were indeed Hazuki Yasuo's tools. She has awakened and does not intend to continue like this.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: "Senior, that guy will notice your changes soon. If you have any questions, just come to me directly. This is my contact information. Maybe you will be able to use it later." .”.

Chapter. Two girls’ fears

Kusami Yue said: "I only know about this kind of thing now. Senior sister, why didn't you tell me such a thing?"

Sakurahara Momo spread her hands and said: "At that time, you and I were both loyal fans of that guy. Even if I say this kind of thing, you will think that I am spreading rumors. What's the point of not saying it?"

Kusami Yue said: "That's right. If it were me in the past, I wouldn't believe this kind of thing. Senior sister, it's normal that you won't tell me."

Kusami Yue is a girl with a cold appearance but a rich inner life. After learning the news, her inner shock was like a volcano exploding.

She had never thought that the boy she liked could be such a terrible person, so scheming to plot against the girl she liked, forcing her into a desperate situation so that she could only rely on him.

Hazuki Yasuo's conspiracy almost succeeded. Now that she knows this kind of thing, Kusami is about to break out in cold sweat. She has been with such a dangerous and ruthless person for so long, and it makes her feel unbalanced the most. What's more, Hazuki Yasuo used her as a tool, taking advantage of her affection for him to make her do various things. Thinking about it now, such things made her sick.

She has considerable talent in music and plays both piano and guitar well. Hazuki Yasuo was a video UP host before, and the background music of all videos was played by her.

As of now, Hazuki Yasuo has more than ten works. She has been raped for at least hundreds of songs. When she thinks that the musical instrument performance she has worked so hard to practice has been "stolen" by such a person, the more she thinks in her heart. The more unbalanced it is.

It's easy for people to go from one extreme to the other. Now Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue, how much they liked Hazuki Yasuo before, how much they hate him now.

Sakurahara Momo scratched the back of her head and said with a troubled face: "That guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The two of us have changed so much in such a short period of time. He will definitely be suspicious of him, and his method is to use It is very difficult for us to guard against us. With our help, that guy has created his own network of connections and influence in the school. Now he even has the ability to be elected as the president of the student union. If he If he wants to use the dirty methods he often used in the past to deal with us, and if he wants to re-brainwash us, we can't do anything else except learn like Pansy."

Sakurahara Momo and Hazuki Yasuo have known each other since their days in Japan. After getting along for such a long time, she also has a good understanding of each other.

Hazuki Yasuo is a person who is very able to restrain his desires. People without desires are scary enough, but this kind of person who can restrain his desires is even more terrifying.

Sakurahara Momo could feel that Hazuki Yasuo still had the same sunny feeling on the surface as before, but the darkness in his heart was accumulating more and more, and there was already a risk of exploding.

Once Hazuki Yasuo loses control, it is possible that he will do any kind of irrational things, and as "betrayers", they will definitely suffer.

The two girls looked at each other and saw helplessness and fear in each other's eyes.

Sumireko Sanseki can feel the emotions of others. Apart from her, there are only two girls present, so she will not misjudge when there are many people. There is a difference between the emotions of the two girls. The smell of fear made her feel a little surprised in her heart. The two girls were actually afraid of Hazuki Yasuo. What happened in the two years that they had not seen each other to make the two girls afraid.

Sumireko Sansekiin said: "Senior, you and Tsukimi are afraid of Hazuki Yasuo. I admit that guy is indeed difficult to deal with, but if it is scary, it shouldn't be considered a threat, right?"

Kusami Yue said: "In the past two years, he has changed a lot. Now he is very powerful in the school. Even the senior sister who is the president of the student union cannot confront him head-on. Once we know that the two of us If we betray him, he will definitely use various means to punish us, and even make us lose our place in the school."

Sakurahara Momo could feel that Hazuki Yasuo was still gentle and correct on the surface, but he was becoming extreme on the inside. Maybe it was the long-term disguise that made him become distorted on the inside. Such a thing is not a good thing for the people around him.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan sighed and said: "I didn't expect him to be like this now. In the past, at least on the surface, he was well disguised. During the imperial period, he could be said to be a well-known good guy in the school."

Sakurahara Momo said: "He is not a gentleman like Liu Bei. It is useless no matter how much he pretends to be like him. What is fake is just fake. It cannot become true no matter what."

When Sakurahara Momo knew that what happened to Sumireko Misakiin was a conspiracy, Hazuki Yasuo's image in her heart was no longer perfect and was stained with big mud spots. From that time on, her image Doubts and hesitations had already appeared in her heart, and it was precisely because of this that she now changed her position under the persuasion of Sumireko Sansekiyuan.

Sanseyuan Sumireko smiled and said: "If you are worried about safety issues, you can come to Li Weijun. Although he is not a gentleman, he is sincerely protecting girls. If he knows your situation, he will definitely be willing to To help you.”

Now Sansein Sumireko has a desire for revenge in her heart. She is not a saint who does not hold grudges. Moreover, Sage Kong once said that revenge can still be avenged in ten lives. She has only been here for a few years. Even according to the rules of ancient saints, revenge can be carried out reasonably.

Moreover, her way of revenge was only to take the two girls away from her, and it would not pose any threat to Hazuki Yasuo's personal safety. It can be said that this way of revenge is already very gentle.

Kusamizuki said: "Li Weijun is Pansy's boyfriend, right? Will he be willing to help us? Although we didn't know it at the beginning, we were indeed Hazuki Yasuo's accomplices in plotting against you. He really Are you willing to help us who are so despicable?”

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: "So Tsukimi, you are worried about such a thing. If it is just this kind of thing, then you can rest assured that he is a very gentle person towards girls. You didn't know about such a thing at the beginning. , isn't it? You are also victims who were kept in the dark. Like me, you were fooled by him, and now you are facing the threat of Hazuki Yasuo. If Li Weijun knows such a thing, he will never sit idly by. "

Sansekiyuan Sumireko knows very well in her heart that Levi is a beauty-controller. If the girl who needs help is beautiful enough and not the kind of person who doesn't love herself, Levi will be willing to help.

Chapter.Provide solutions

Sumireko Sanseki looked at the suspicious looks of the two girls and knew that the two girls would not believe her words if she didn't take some harsh medicine.

Sanseyuan Sumireko smiled and said: "Let's go downstairs to find Li Weijun now and explain this matter to him. He will naturally have ways to protect your safety. There is no need to worry about such things."

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue looked at each other. At this time, neither of them could make up their mind. Neither of them are the kind of people with strong opinions. Normally, such personalities make it easy to get along with others, but when someone needs to make an decision, without a backbone, the two girls will fall into this state of indecision. .

Sumireko Sansekiyuan stood up, held the hands of the two girls forcefully, and said with a smile: "Time is not wasted in hesitation. Instead of worrying about what is there and what is not, it is better to see it with your own eyes. Look, this way, you can also know what kind of help you are going to get."

Both Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue are a little uncomfortable with the current Misakiin Sumireko. After all, the Misakiin Sumireko during the Imperial Period was a very quiet and reserved girl. The current Misakiin Sumireko is obviously much more lively. , although the shadow of the past can still be seen in her, the changes are so huge that the two girls cannot get along with the current Sumireko of Sansekiin in the original way.

The three girls came downstairs, where the student union office was located, and then the three of them saw Levi squatting on the ground like a delinquent, with a bottle of Coke next to him. If Levi had another cigarette in his mouth at this time, he would really be no different from a delinquent.

Although this was not the first time they had seen such a scene, Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue still wanted to complain in their hearts. Levi who was squatting down and Levi who was standing up felt like two people. This huge contrast can easily lead to a sense of confusion. The crouched Levi is so unorthodox, and the standing Levi has a huge impact on people.

Levi stood up and said with a smile: "Are you leaving so soon? Don't you want to play here for a while?"

Sanseyuan Jinzi said: "Li Weijun, we are coming down at this time because we have something important to tell you."

Levi smiled and said: "Important matter? Although I don't know what important matter it is, since it is your business, Sumireko, I will naturally not shirk it."

Sansekiin Sumireko didn't talk nonsense and told the plight of the two girls.

Although Levi already knew about such a thing, he still pretended to be indignant, nodding from time to time with a serious expression on his face.

After Sumireko Sansekiin finished speaking, Levi said calmly: "Senior Sakurahara Momo, and classmate Kusami Yue, I deeply sympathize with what happened to you two."

Just when the two girls thought that Li Wei would refuse to help, Levi continued after a pause: "I can't pretend not to see this kind of thing, please let me help, and, That guy actually treated Sumireko in such a despicable way. If Sumireko hadn't been cautious enough, I would have almost missed her. So, that guy named Hazuki Yasuo is my enemy. Is this how I treat my enemies? I will let it go easily, so I will protect you and prevent you from any harm. Men’s matters should be solved by men themselves. "

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief. If Levi was willing to intervene in the situation, there should be no problem with their safety. Even if Hazuki Yasuo wanted to do something radical, he would have to go through Levi first. .

Kusamizuki said: "But having said that, Li Weijun, you are in Ximu Tsugao, but we are in Gladiolus Kao, more than ten kilometers away. If something happens to us, aren't you beyond our reach?"

This issue is something that both girls are worried about. Levi is indeed very wealthy, but the physical distance between them is too far.

Levi smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this kind of thing."

Levi looked behind the two girls and said in the direction of nothing: "Guards, here are a few people."

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue turned around, and then they saw an unforgettable scene. The originally empty corridor was filled with light and shadow. Everyone was wearing power armor and holding high-tech weapons. "Future Soldiers" with guns and shoulder-mounted shields appeared behind them.

Levi smiled and said: "These are members of my personal escort team. They have very rich experience in counter-terrorism and are particularly proficient in protecting important people. They can provide all-round protection for you without affecting your normal life. Of course, they will pay attention to protecting your privacy, so there is no need to consider this aspect."

Sakurahara Momo opened her mouth in surprise and was speechless for a long time. The appearance of these "future warriors" made her don't know what to say.

Next to her, Sumireko Sanshiki just smiled. When she saw these escort members for the first time, she was no better than Sakurahara Momo. After all, the equipment held by these escort members was, for ordinary people, just They are no different from superheroes in science fiction movies. Although I have never seen the members of these escorts in action, just by looking at their equipment and professionalism, you can know that the combat effectiveness of this escort is far beyond that. Above the regular armies of most countries.

It was Kusami Yue who came to her senses first and said, "Where did these people come from? I didn't feel their presence at all."

Li Wei smiled and said: "With the assistance of various equipment, they can sneak into any place without anyone noticing and perform various security tasks. Even the various existing top detection equipment cannot detect people in a stealth state. Theirs. If Hazuki Yasuo dares to take any drastic action against you, these escort members will be able to ensure your safety as soon as possible. With such protection, you can do whatever you want. Of course, if you are doing something illegal and criminal, these members of the escort will only observe you secretly and will not provide you with any assistance. Just like robbing a bank or blowing up a vault, there is no need for this kind of thing. Think about it."

Sakurahara Momo was ashamed and said: "We are just ordinary high school students, we are not crazy enough to do those things. We just want to ensure our personal safety, that's all."

Levi smiled and said: "That's no problem. If you have any chores that need running errands on weekdays, you can leave them to them. Their ability to do things is very strong."

Sakurahara Momo smiled bitterly and said: "We can solve these things ourselves, so we don't need to trouble these bodyguard gentlemen."

Sakurahara Momo felt the gap between herself and Levi. The two sides were simply from two different worlds. She was just an ordinary person, while Levi was a top powerful person who was above ordinary people. Such a bodyguard, ordinary rich people People can't own it.

Chapter. Sansekiin Sumireko’s suggestion

Levi said to the members of the escort team behind the two girls: "Assign a few more people. Your next task is to protect these two ladies. This is a long-term task. Before the end of the task, you do not need to return to the station to report every day. "

Standing at the front, the member of the escort with slightly special-looking equipment said: "BOSS, I will obey your orders."

The hoarse and slightly metallic voice gave people a sense of calmness and reliability. Just hearing this voice, the two girls felt that this big guy could protect themselves. This big guy who couldn't speak without instructions was like something out of a movie. The robot T-like in "Terminator" is silent and reliable.

After finishing speaking, the members of the escort took a few steps back and quickly disappeared into the air. The two girls opened their eyes wide, trying to find the members of the escort who suddenly disappeared, but their efforts were in vain. of.

Levi smiled and said: "No need to look for it. They will stay by your side to protect you until they get new instructions. As long as you don't take a means of transportation like an airplane, but just take a car, a tram, or a boat, they will There are ways to keep up with you."

Sakurahara Momo said uneasily: "Li Weijun, you are so good to us, but we have no way to repay you."

Li Wei smiled and said: "How do you say that? A strong man cannot repay his kindness, but a little girl can only promise her with her body..."

Before Li Wei finished speaking, a small hand appeared on his waist, constantly twisting the soft flesh around his waist. From the corner of his eyes, Li Wei saw the jealous face of Sumireko Sanseki.

But at this time, Sumireko Sansekiyuan is not really jealous. She is just using this method to cover up for Li Wei, so that she and Li Wei can behave more like ordinary people. In fact, she has no objection to Li Wei. Wei brought the two girls into the big family.

Although Kusami and Sakurahara Momo were Hazuki Yasuo's accomplices before, it is now clear that the two girls were unaware of it before and were kept in the dark. Now Sakurahara Momo's choice can be said to be It's when she returns from the lost path, so she naturally won't care about the mistakes the other party has made.

Levi's words made Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue blush a little. If just ordinary people said this, it would look like a gangster to girls, but if Levi said this, it would be approachable.

Levi coughed lightly, grabbed Sansein Sumireko's hand without leaving a trace, and said with a serious face: "Okay, no more joking, how are you going to face Hazuki Yasuo next? He is there at school But you have considerable power, so although I don’t have to worry about your personal safety, if it’s a public opinion offensive, I can’t help you directly.”

Levi has lied now. If he wants to help, there are many ways. But the statement that leaves room for now is also to prepare for the situation that may be encountered in the future. As a student, Hazuki Yasuo is not an economical person. This person is really talented as a cult leader. He is particularly good at using the pressure of public opinion to make someone surrender and achieve his own goals. In the eyes of others, he is still the white lotus like a saint.

Now, it is a collision between conspirators and conspirators, but there is a huge difference in strength and level between the two parties. In front of a real ruthless person like Li Wei, a novice like Hazuki Yasuo who can only take advantage of the situation Still missing the heat.

Of course, in order to win the beauty back, he couldn't crush her too hard. He still had to give Hazuki Yasuo some opportunities to perform.

Sakurahara Momo said: "Now, we need to collect evidence to let Hazuki Yasuo reveal his true face in front of everyone, so that everyone knows that Hazuki Yasuo has been deceiving and using them."

Levi said: "The current situation of the person I just heard you talk about, what you have to do now is not easy. However, the people in the escort team can help with evidence collection. They are all master assassins who are proficient in stealth. It is not difficult for them to simply collect information about ordinary people."

Hearing Levi's words, Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of professionals, the difficulty of evidence collection would be directly reduced to a minimum, and what they have to do is to find a way to collect evidence at all times. In front of people, Hazuki Yasuo's true face is revealed.

If it were in the past, Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue would not have dared to have such an idea. They had been PUAd by Hazuki Yasuo's spirit and lost the courage to resist. Even if they knew the real facts, they would not have the courage to speak out.

But now, Li Wei has given them the courage to resist, or in other words, with Li Wei giving them the bottom line, no matter how bad the situation is, there is a bottom line. Under such circumstances, they have the courage to resist.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

However, what Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue don't know is that there is another important reason why Levi is willing to support them, that is, their precious Yuan Yin is still there. It is precisely because of this that Levi is willing to help them. It is a different person. , Li Wei was too lazy to care about these things.

The two girls left Nishiki Tsugao with gratitude to Li Wei. Of course, Li Wei would not let the two girls walk, but let the car take them back to their respective homes.

Through the window of the student union office, Levi and Misaki Sumireko saw Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue getting into the car, and then the two of them withdrew their sight.

Sansein Sumireko smiled softly and said, "They two are very cute, aren't they?"

Levi nodded and said: "Sumireko, you are right. Both Sakura-senpai and Tsukimi are rare beautiful girls. Sakura-senpai's mature feeling is somewhat similar to Sakura's. , but if you observe carefully, you will find that the two have completely different styles. Cherry-senpai is more lively, like the sister next door, while Sakura is an excellent big sister type."

... .... ...........

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