Li Wei picked up the microphone and said with a smile: "I am personally very happy that all the students can come to this dance, and the weather is not bad today. It is a double happiness for me. They say that having fun alone is not as good as having fun with others." Lele, since you want to have fun, then everyone must be satisfied. For the students who come, I will give each of them a red envelope of 20,000 yuan, and I will also hold a lottery to draw a total of ten winning places. Each of the seven winners can receive a car worth two million yuan and a supporting parking space near their home. If there are enough parking spaces at home, the parking space reward can be converted into one million neon yuan in cash. The first and The third place winner will each receive a cash prize of one million neon dollars, and the third place prize is an apartment in Shibuya Ward!"

"Wow! Boss Levi is awesome!"

"Brother, from today on, Li Weijun is my eldest brother!"

"Brother, we admire you!"

Levi's words directly caused the whole venue to explode. Two days ago, they got the certificate released by the student union. The staff of the student union told them that the certificate was very important and they must bring it with them when attending the dance. They must not Lost.

Levi continued: "The lottery will be held at the end of the dance. We will draw the lottery directly on the spot. The transparent box will be open to the public. Those who win the lottery can go to the stage to receive the prize with their own ID."

The students were in an uproar. Before, they thought that the people in the student union were mysterious and they didn't know what they were up to. But now that the mystery was revealed, they could only lament that the tycoons are tycoons who provide benefits to everyone when they come up. This kind of student union will always Brother, they are naturally welcome.

Because of the advance notification from the student union staff, the vast majority of people brought their certificates, and only a few unlucky ones either forgot to bring them or lost them. Now, they regret it in their hearts. Even if they did not compile the certificates, Even if they were shaken, there was no way to prove that the book was theirs, so they could only miss out on the grand prize. Such annoyance made these few people fall into a state of despair.

Li Wei is like a wise king, holding his hands flat, raising his chin slightly, with a satisfied smile on his face, enjoying the pursuit of him by the students below. This feeling of being watched by everyone is something that most people I won't hate it. Everyone wants to be the shining star, but there are only a few people who can do this.

The girls in the VIP lounge area couldn't help but laugh out loud when they looked at Li Wei's slutty appearance on the stage. The world here doesn't understand the king, so the girls don't know that Li Wei is actually playing stem.

Chapter 4..New legend

The VIP auditorium is independent of the ordinary auditorium. It is located in the uppermost area of ​​the original basketball hall. After renovation by the decoration workers, it has an independent road to the stage. The girls rest here. As Levi's partner, Naturally, they also enjoy privileges that ordinary students do not have.

All the girls have put on exquisite and beautiful dresses. Everyone is so bright and charming that even if ordinary people just take a look at them, they will never be able to take their eyes away.

Now, each of them is dressed in silver, and they have wedding hood-like accessories on their heads. This wedding dress-like style makes them look like brides at a wedding. They did not put on heavy makeup, and their natural beauty had reached the point where they did not need makeup to embellish it. They were already beautiful enough, but after practicing with Li Wei, their appearance and figure improved even more.

Just in the past few days, Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue were also eaten by Levi. The two girls who have completed training with Levi have obvious improvements in appearance and figure compared to their previous selves. improvement.

Sansein Sumireko put her hands on the railing, and half of her body was already leaning out. She looked at Li Wei who was making passionate speeches on the stage, and said with a smile: "Look, your current husband is a bit funny, isn't it? It feels like He seems to be using this style on purpose, which is not like his usual self."

What Sumireko of the Sansekiyuan didn't know was that this was an exaggerated style that belonged to a certain king. It was full of entertainment and provocative at the same time. The current students' enthusiasm had been mobilized by Levi.

Hinata Aoi smiled and said: "Isn't this style good? It feels quite passionate. Sakura-senpai is about to appear. It's great that the student council president can be in the limelight at this time."

Sumireko Sansekiyuan smiled and said, "Then I'll let you be the president of the student union for a few days, so you can experience the life of the president of the student union."

Hinata waved her hands quickly and said, "No, no, I'm just saying it. It's not like I don't know how complicated the affairs of the student union are. If a fool like me deals with those things, it will definitely make things messy."

Hinata is self-aware of her management abilities. The position of student council president requires more than just being smart. She also needs to have expressive and communication skills that are far beyond ordinary people, as well as the ability to coordinate the overall situation. In addition, In addition, you must have considerable connections. It can be said that students who meet these four conditions are rare no matter where they are. If she can't even meet these four conditions, how can she be the president of the student council.

On the stage at this time, Levi said: "I have been talking on this stage for a long time. Now, I would like to ask our beloved student union president, Senior Sister Akino Sakura, to say a few words for everyone."

The lights of the venue suddenly dimmed, and a beam of light illuminated the entrance of the stage. Everyone's eyes were attracted to it. What appeared from the entrance was a beautiful fairy, a peerless beauty with peaches and plums. At this time, Akino Sakura had already put on the dress that Levi had prepared for her. Now she looked like a bride about to enter the palace, beautiful and pure. Both boys and girls shouted excitedly.

Akino Sakura's popularity in the school is quite good. Before Levi came here, Akino Sakura had done a lot of practical things for the students. There were quite a few students who had received her favor, so he had such a Its popularity is not surprising. Akino Sakura is to Nishiki Tsutaka what the gun sister is to Tokiwa Taitaka. Akino Sakura is the perfect "older sister" to the junior students.

After Akino Sakura walked onto the stage, she came to Levi's side. With a shy expression on her face, she took Levi's hand and leaned her head on Levi's arm. Akino Sakura was already taller than her peers. It's pretty good, but it still looks a bit petite next to the tall Levi.

The students in the audience looked at the happy smile on Akino Sakura's pretty face, and many boys wailed. Their perfect sister already had a sweetheart, and it was Li Wei, a wealthy man who they couldn't beat. In an instant, I don’t know how many boys’ hearts of love were smashed to pieces.

The girls just screamed. Levi and Akino Sakura's CP was too exciting for them. The combination of the mysterious rich foreigner and the perfect student council president was like a girl's novel. Like a couple, when such a couple appears in the real world, they will naturally be so excited.

Akino Sakura held the microphone in her hand and said softly: "I'm glad that everyone came to participate in this Flower Dance Festival. The previous Flower Dance Festival was just a small fight between a small group of people, but this time, the student union has expanded it. , has become a large-scale event that can benefit everyone. I think everyone is very clear about the legend of the Flower Dance Festival, so I won’t repeat it here. However, it was just a legend in the past. Now we, New legends are being created. What we are experiencing now, isn’t it just a legend to the future juniors? The Flower Dance Festival is a festival for bonding. I hope that everyone here can pass this event. Festival, the person who has found his destiny. And I, the person who has found my destiny before you, come on everyone!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Long live onee-sama!!!"

"I want to be single! I want to be single!"

The entire venue was excited. The Flower Dance Festival had changed from a legend belonging to only a few people to a large-scale "blind date conference". Coupled with the excitement of the lottery, the students began to worry about the encounters they might have next. Get excited.

Li Wei made a gesture of silence, and the venue gradually became quiet. Li Wei, a wealthy man who spent a lot of money, had already gained the respect of the students. Naturally, they were willing to give Li Wei such face.

Levi smiled and said: "Now, it will be me and Sakura dancing together to kick off the show for everyone. I hope you can also find the boy or girl of your own, dance together and get married."

The originally dim lights suddenly became brighter. On the stage, a staff member ran over and took the microphone from the hands of Levi and Akino Sakura. The two people who were ready put their hands together, and Levi's hand He held Akino Sakura's lower back, while Akino Sakura put a hand on his shoulder. As the music started, the two of them started a gorgeous dance like butterflies in flowers.

In the VIP lounge area, Sakurahara Momo looked at the two people dancing together on the stage from a distance, with an expression of envy on her pretty face, and said: "I'm so envious of Sakura. I wish I could dance that well, but it's a pity. I don’t have any dancing talent, so for a few days, I can only make sure that I don’t fall.”

Chapter. Magnificent opening

Because professionals were involved in the production, the stage effect at the venue was very exquisite. In addition, Li Wei arranged some small spells in the dark, so the atmosphere of the entire stage looked beautiful and dreamy, and the two people in formal attire were so moving. In the whole scene, not only the girls were extremely excited, but also the boys put aside their displeasure at having their heart goddess taken away and began to appreciate the dance of the two.

Levi held Akino Sakura in his arms and twirled quickly. Compared with the traditional waltz, the dance between the two was more intense. Both the steps and the movements of his hands had a somewhat Latin dance feel.

This is not a conservative social place, but a festival for students, so both Levi and Akino Sakura take the unusual path and use this high-speed waltz that is completely different from tradition to let the students below know what real dance is. .

Levi hugged the girl and smiled: "How does it feel to dance in front of so many people?"

Akino Sakura's face was flushed with excitement. Now, her physical fitness was naturally no problem. Even if the dance was more intense, she would not feel tired. The blush on her face was just pure excitement.

Akino Sakura said without lowering her voice: "That's great! It turns out that it feels like this to be a star in the eyes of everyone. No wonder so many young girls want to become idols and movie actors. This feeling, It’s a great spiritual enjoyment!”

Levi smiled and said: "Then let's make our dance more intense and have an ultimate opening."

The pace of the two continued to speed up, although it was already faster than the beat of the music. That was because both of them were very elegant, so they did not feel inconsistent, but rather indescribably playful and light.

As the opening dance, the two people naturally did not take up too much time. In just two minutes, the brisk and beautiful melody came to an abrupt end, and the two people also stopped dancing. After making the ending gesture, The two waved their hands below, and the staff sent the microphone over. Akino Sakura officially announced that the dance had begun, and the students were excited again.

At this time, the staff began to bring various cold dishes to the long tables. The students below discovered that those empty long tables were the tables for the buffet party, and a large number of exquisite dishes were served. When they came up, the students were immediately dazzled by the expensive ingredients.

Extra large king crab, already cut and plated tuna sashimi, Australian lobster, French foie gras, charcoal grilled matsutake mushrooms, Turkish barbecue, and more dishes that the students couldn’t even name, but just looking at them From the looks, you know it is definitely very expensive. In addition to these hard dishes for dinner, a large number of exquisite desserts are also prepared there. The chef team has begun to arrive. Some dishes need to be made on site, and some drinks and desserts also need to be taken care of by professional pastry chefs. of.

Levi held this dance in full compliance with the standards of a luxurious banquet. Anyway, he was not short of money or connections. In order to hold this dance, Levi directly recruited the chef teams of several star hotels. Drop half. Originally, Levi wanted to take them all away, but considering that the hotel's back kitchen also needs to be operated, if there is no one, the sign will be smashed, so he did not embarrass the bosses behind the hotel and let them transfer their As for the team, half of the chef team in each hotel will be selected, so that a team can be formed that can cater for a banquet of 2,000 people. These things are regarded as surprises for the students by Levi, and he did not explain them to them in advance.

Such a surprise really made the students excited.


Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Taiyang are wearing school uniforms, which are not conspicuous among others. Students who have not signed up for the dance do not need to prepare formal clothes, so they all wear school uniforms to attend the dance. This is not a very strict dance. , as long as you are willing to dance, you can enter the dance floor even if you are wearing school uniform.

Two people stood in front of the extra-long jointed dining table, each holding a plate and holding their favorite food.

The surrounding environment was very noisy. Two people had to be very close to hear each other clearly. In such an environment, Ruyue Yulu did not lower his voice. He felt that even if he was really being monitored, this kind of In the noisy environment, the person responsible for monitoring couldn't hear what he and Da He Taiyang were talking about, so he didn't have so many scruples about speaking.

Ruyue Yulu said: "Li Weijun is really amazing. He actually held such a grand dance. Not only did he change the basketball hall into a dance venue, but he also prepared raffles and meals. Tsk, it's great to have money."

Ruyue Yulu looked around. The men and women around them all had excited expressions on their faces. Many of them were already looking for their dance partners. This atmosphere seemed a bit charming.

Dahe Taiyang said: "`. I have to accept defeat! There are so many girls around that guy, which is simply enviable. No, I have to eat more expensive food to make up for my injured heart. Even if I eat If I don't need him, I have to eat a lot to vent my anger."

Ruyue Yulu said: "If you eat too much, what about dancing later? Aren't you going to find a girl?"

Dahe Taiyang looked gloomy and said: "The only one I like will always be Sanseyuan Sumireko. Even if she has fallen into Li Wei's arms, I still like her. Alas, what I fear most about this person is that she is young. When you meet someone so amazing, no one after you can compare with that person."

Dahe Taiyang still clearly remembers the cheering words Sansein Sumireko said in a slightly indifferent tone. Maybe to her, they were just a few words of encouragement, but those words gave him face. The courage to face a big disadvantage in the game allowed him to fight until the end of the game, otherwise, he and his teammates would start to fail.

That beautiful silhouette can only be dreamed about now, but even in dreams, the dreams he can dream about are related to Pansy Garden, and they are not good dreams. Although it was a dream about Sansein Sumireko, the content was that Levi and Sansein Sumireko were doing intense exercises, and he was tied to a pillar and could only watch his goddess succumb to Levi's lustful power. Under the circumstances, this was simply an extremely bad nightmare for him.

It is precisely because of this that he has been in a state of confusion during this period, and his love for Sumireko Sansekiyuan is like a thorn, constantly pricking his heart.

Chapter. The excitement of rich people

The goddess of his dreams has married someone else. This feeling is very bad. Dahe Taiyang sighed and said: "It's a pity that there is no wine at this banquet. Otherwise, I really want to have a good drink."

Ruyue Yulu said: "Although drinking is wrong, I am like you. That guy can be said to be our common enemy."

Kisaragi Uro sighed inwardly, Oga Taiyo was robbed of the heart of the goddess Sanshikiin Sumireko, and he was robbed of his lovely childhood sweetheart Hinata Aoi. His pain was no less than that of Oga Taiyo.

When Hinata Aoi showed that heartless look, he felt his heart bleed. It was the relationship between childhood sweethearts. He originally thought that the two of them would establish a relationship at a high stage and get married when they were in college. The two of them moved out alone and lived in a separate world, but now, it's all just a dream.

Ruyue Yulu said: "Oh, these words are enough to be said here. Xiaoyang, you have to be careful. There are Li Wei's spies everywhere in this school. You'd better not say bad things about him behind his back, otherwise , I can’t guarantee what will happen.”

As a person who has experienced it personally, Ruyue Yulu knows how powerful Levi is. Now he very regrets offending Hinata Kui at that time. If he hadn't committed suicide, he would not have been tortured like that in the future. Until now, he has been tortured every night. He was still having nightmares about those memories. Now, he felt that day and night were completely separated, which made him very painful.

Dahe Taiyang was a little confused as to why his friend would suddenly say such a thing, so he said, "What happened?"

As a member of the student union, Ruyue Yulu is naturally better informed than ordinary students, so Ruyue Yulu may know things that ordinary students don't know. It is precisely because of this that Dahe Taiyang takes Ruyue Yulu's words seriously.

Yue Yulu said: "I just heard what others are saying. I don't know whether it is true or not, but there may not be a reason for it to come out of nowhere. Some things, even if they are just rumors, need to be paid attention to. I heard people say that after someone offended Li Wei , dropped out of school. As for what happened after dropping out, I don’t dare to ask about this kind of thing. Anyway, looking at that person’s expression, it may be miserable, and it may even have harmed his family. "

Dahe Yangyang's expression changed and he said: "Isn't this too cruel? However, if it were him, this kind of thing might really be possible. It is too easy for a powerful man to punish ordinary people. That You unlucky guy, it’s possible even if it’s sunk in Tokyo Bay.”

If Yuro Kisaragi wants to complain about his friend, he will throw all these messy things into Tokyo Bay. I am afraid that Godzilla can be raised under Tokyo Bay.

Ruyue Yulu said: "Anyway, as long as you know what's going on, don't speak ill of him behind his back from now on. If you are discovered, you will be the one who will be buried in Tokyo Bay."

Dahe Taiyang thought for a while, and it was indeed like that. If you can't offend him, why don't you hide away? At worst, you can walk around Li Wei. How can a nobleman like Li Wei have so much leisure to stare at a little shrimp like him? , maybe it won’t be long before I even forget his name.

This was just right, so he planned to keep a low profile next time. So what if the goddess of his dreams was snatched away? At worst, he would find a girlfriend again. He couldn't believe that he couldn't find a girlfriend even though he was a sports star in his school.

Li Wei, who is located in the VIP rest area, can hear the conversation between the two people clearly through the paper cranes placed above Ruyue Yulu and Dahe Sun. Even their inner thoughts are clear. For ordinary people, practitioners , are no different from gods and demons, possessing all kinds of incredible abilities, such as remote mind reading, which is a very simple thing for Levi.

Neither Kisaragi Uro nor Oga Taiyo realized that Levi was really eyeing them. After all, their pair could be called Ito Makoto and Sawaga Taisuke of the Reiwa era. Such a pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hina, as long as a person Even if the otaku comes over, he won't let them go. This kind of thing is just like after the broadcast of FATEFA, all the moon chefs collectively wanted to kill Sieg. It is an irreconcilable issue.

How could Li Wei let the two of them off so easily because of the resentment of thousands of housewives? Moreover, it wasn't the time to kill people yet, and Li Wei hadn't really done anything yet. When he did, the two Only then will people know what true cruelty is.

Now Levi is taking a rest, because next, he will dance a song with every girl around him. Counting Akino Sakura, who has already danced the opening dance before and has to make up for the song, there are ten girls in total. On average, Each person's three-minute dance, which is more than half an hour, is also because he is not an ordinary person. If ordinary people dance like this, they will easily lose their energy halfway through.

After all, if there is not enough rest time between each dance, physical fatigue will accumulate quickly and make people feel tired.

Without a long rest, Levi and the girls came to the backstage rest area of ​​the stage through a special passage, and then, according to the original plan, started dancing with the girls.

The legend of the Flower Dance Festival is that the student council selects a boy, and then the whole school votes to select two girls. At the same time, the student council has a hidden quota for a total of three girls. It is said that this boy will marry the three girls he dances with and live happily ever after. This has been a legend since the founding of Nishiki Tsutaka School. Even the chairman has witnessed this kind of thing, so this seemingly weird festival is... To last for so many years.

This time, Levi directly subverted the tradition and danced directly with ten girls. This kind of thing shocked the students and made them excited at the same time. After all, girls fighting is the most interesting thing, and even the student union The president even ended up participating in the fight. Such a big event would naturally arouse everyone's curiosity.

What the students below don’t know is that there won’t be any palace fight drama at all, because these ten girls have already been completely “tamed” by Li Wei, and after entering the floating island, they were still in the early stage. When they were unfamiliar with the environment, they still needed to "huddle together for warmth." Now they have begun to develop a tacit understanding. After a while, they will really be no different from sisters.

The dance started at 0:00 in the morning, and the crowd continued to be noisy until 3:00 in the afternoon. After noticing that the students' energy began to decline, Levi did not hesitate and directly advanced the lottery process and drew out the ten places for the grand prize. After the lottery, the tired students' energy had dropped to a certain level and they all left one after another. Levi asked people from the student union to collect statistics, and all those who formed a relationship at the dance would be given a gift.

Levi's reputation for generosity has now resounded throughout the school. Many students posted the live video to online social software. Now Levi's reputation is no longer limited to Nishiki Tsutaka, and even students from other schools have You know, there was an unreasonable wealthy man who personally organized a grand dance party.

Chapter. The last event before departure

There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. Although the dance was quite lively when it first started, when the dance ended, only the cleaning staff were left in the entire venue.

In the VIP lounge area, Levi, who had taken off his dress jacket, sat on the sofa, enjoying the joy of being hugged from left to right.

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