Neon's shogi is a type of chess that evolved from Chongguo's chess. There are even many similarities in the rules, but it is normal for a son to resemble me.

The original chess was not popular in Neon, but this improved version of shogi is Neon’s national chess game and is much more popular than the original chess, Go and chess.

Neither of them had the habit of talking while playing chess, so Levi took the initiative to speak out, breaking the slightly dull atmosphere.

"You two, do you have a girlfriend?" Levi said seemingly unintentionally.

A smile appeared on Jing Haoyong's face and he said, "Yes, she is a very cute girl, but she likes to act coquettishly."

After hearing Igo's words, Komuro Takashi, who was sitting opposite him, felt as if he had taken a big mouthful of shit and almost couldn't keep his expression. Levi continued: "Looking at the smile on your face, is that girl from school 26?"

Jing Haoyong smiled and said: "Teacher, you are right. She, I, and Komuro are classmates."

Levi deliberately provoked this topic just to disgust Komuro Takashi. Looking at Komuro Takashi's expression as if he had eaten shit, Levi felt happy in his heart. This kind of idiot who speaks freely will always suffer a little loss. OK Levi said: "What's her name? Do you need me to transfer her out and prepare a separate dormitory for you two?"

Jing Haoyong quickly waved his hand and said: "Thank you for your kindness, teacher, but forget about this special preferential treatment. After all, teacher, you still have to take care of so many people. If you make special remarks to us, others may gossip about you." In fact, Igo felt a little guilty. From the corner of his eye, he saw the extremely disgusting expression of Komuro Takashi opposite him. He was afraid that after he agreed to Levi, Komuro Takashi would stab him with a knife at night.

A fool like Takashi Komuro, who is stubborn and easy to get into trouble, really needs to be on guard against things like this.

Igo knew that Rei Miyamoto was Takashi Komuro's childhood sweetheart, but he still couldn't resist Rei Miyamoto's temptation when he saw her. Who knew that Rei Miyamoto was beautiful and had a good figure, even if he took her out? There is also face.

Igo knew that this kind of thing would offend Komuro Takashi, but he still did it, and relied on his excellent communication skills to prevent Komuro Takashi from publicizing the matter, and the two maintained a superficial brotherly relationship.

Levi watched the two superficial brothers acting there, smiling and saying nothing. It has to be said that people are prone to gossip, and even a transcendent being like him is no exception. Things like the bullshit between Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga are quite interesting in Levi's opinion. of.

Levi said: "What about you, Xiaomuro? Have you got a girlfriend?"

Komuro Takashi was choked by Li Wei's words. In his opinion, Li Wei simply didn't pick up any of the pots. He had just stabbed him, and now he was adding salt to his wounds. It was simply too much. Maintaining a somewhat forced smile, Komuro Takashi pretended to be calm and said: "Not yet."

Levi patted Komuro Takashi on the shoulder and said: "Now there are only a few of us men in the entire survivor camp. The chance of being single is not small. How about looking for it among your classmates? I remember that your class is the most beautiful. The girl, I think her name is Miyamoto Rei, do you want me to help you matchmaking?"

With a happy expression on his face, Levi looked at the two people whose faces turned ugly and said, "Don't be shy. You are a rare animal in the camp now, and the success rate of confession is very high. As for Miyamoto Rei, I think it should be There's no problem, right? At this moment, not only did Komuro Takashi's expression look extremely ugly, but even Igouaga's defense was broken.

Miyamoto Rei's popularity among the second-year students is quite good. After all, she is beautiful, has a good figure, and has a sweet voice. She is also a main member of the gunmanship club. No matter which item is taken out, for boys of the same age Generally speaking, they are quite attractive.

Igōnaga was also aware of his family affairs. If he hadn't taken advantage of Miyamoto Rei when he was most vulnerable, it would not have been easy for him to capture this delicate flower.

Komuro Takashi felt like his lungs were going to explode. His wounds were constantly being rubbed with salt. It was an uncomfortable feeling. The most important thing was that the person who said these words was Levi, the god and leader of the camp.

Igofaga was also a little afraid that Li Wei would continue talking. When he and Komuro Takashi got along, he tried his best to avoid mentioning Miyamoto Rei. Li Wei mentioned this matter again and again, which was completely adding to the chaos.

Igo saw Komuro Takashi's expression from the corner of his eyes. He knew that Komuro Takashi was really angry, but he had to suppress his anger because of Levi's strength.

However, just because Takashi Komuro didn't dare to provoke Levi didn't mean that he didn't dare to operate on him. This was what I was most afraid of. Now is the end of the world when both law and morality have lost their binding effect. If Komuro Takashi really stabbed him to death, Levi would not necessarily punish Komuro Takashi severely. It was with this in mind that Ii Haonaga faced Komuro Takashi's At that time, we were more cautious and restrained than before the end.

Levi patted Jing Haoyong's shoulder again and said, "Since you don't want special treatment, I won't move your girlfriend to be with you, but I can prepare a clean and secluded room for you. Whether you're dating or making people, it's up to you. By the way, tomorrow I'll go out to search for supplies and keep an eye out for condoms. These can be very useful in killing people in the apocalypse. But it is a very troublesome thing in 993, and this kind of thing still needs to be guarded against before it happens."

Jing Haoyong looked at Li Wei with a hearty smile, except for a wry smile.

On the other side, Komuro Takashi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. Levi deliberately pretended not to understand and kept stimulating Komuro Takashi, with extraordinary results.

Levi received feedback from the system again.

Because Komuro Takashi remembered the hatred between Watsui Gounaga and his wife, the murderous intention and anger in his heart could not be suppressed, and his mentality was seriously unbalanced. He gained 400 points and now has 18,700 points remaining.

Levi was a little dissatisfied with the points that Komuro Takashi could earn, but haste makes waste in haste, and he would just slowly squeeze out the points later.

Li Wei saw Komuro Takashi looking like he wanted to strangle Ii Haoyong to death, so he stopped knowing that he could get along today. He took out two pairs of earplugs, put them aside the chessboard, and said: "Tomorrow I have to lead the team to search for resources, so I have to go to bed early. These two pairs of earplugs are given to you. Abigail will stay at the camp tomorrow. Get along well with him.”

After Levi said that, he lay back on his bed, leaving only Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga staring at each other in the room.

In the end, Komuro Takashi didn't have an attack. He silently grabbed the earplugs and blocked his ears, and lay down on his bed.

Jing Haoyong, who was worried, breathed a sigh of relief. .

Chapter 174. Morning meeting

Levi got up early, and after washing briefly, he went to the warehouse and placed various supplies in the warehouse.

He has strong computing power. After distributing supplies yesterday, he already had a rough idea of ​​how much food the entire school would consume for a meal.

He prepared food for three days in advance. As long as the person responsible for arranging the food did not squander it carelessly, the food he arranged in advance was definitely enough, because he provided a certain surplus in quantity.

After Li Wei put everything in place, a beautiful figure came behind him. "It's really early, Teacher Levi."

There are not many teachers in the entire group of teachers who still call Li Wei "teacher" until now. His voice is so mature that he can almost squeeze water out of his mouth and is extremely recognizable.

"Teacher Hasegawa, good morning. I didn't expect you to get up so early. It's not even dawn yet." Levi smiled.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk." Hasegawa Miu came to Li Wei, looking at the supplies piled up like a hill, she felt an indescribable sense of security in her heart. Hasegawa Miu said: "I just went for a walk on the city wall. The entire school has been surrounded by those monsters, and the outside is densely packed with monsters." She walked on the city wall, and there were wandering animals everywhere outside the high wall. Although the density of zombies is not particularly high, they are found in four directions around the school.

The nearby residential areas were already silent, and there were probably not many survivors left. In the entire area, only the private Fujimi Gakuen remained normal. Levi looked at Hasegawa Miu's worried expression and said, "Teacher Hasegawa, are you worried?"

Hasegawa Miu nodded and said: "I'm just a little worried about our future path. Now the school has become an island of living people in the sea of ​​zombies, right?" r."

Levi can understand Hasegawa Miu's worries. After all, Hasegawa Miu is not like him, possessing extraordinary power that can change the situation of the battle, and the ability to leave this world under special circumstances.

Without his help, the indigenous residents of this world would have no choice but to struggle to survive in a chaotic and dangerous doomsday. It is normal for them to feel panic and confusion. Hasegawa Miu said: "It's half an hour until seven o'clock, so we have to arrange for the students to have breakfast."

"I have made preparations here. The food I have taken out is enough for the whole school to eat for three days and there is still some surplus. After all the teachers get up, I will hold a small meeting, pull an adventure team, and go outside to search for supplies. ." Levi said. "Teacher Levi." "Huh?"

Before Li Wei could react, he only felt the fragrant wind coming over him, and the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms. "Teacher Hasegawa..."

Miu Hasegawa threw herself into Levi's arms, completely losing her usual seriousness and majesty in front of the students. Levi could even feel her body trembling slightly. "Teacher Li Wei, it only takes a moment..."

Levi can feel the fear in the other person's heart, and he can sense the changes in other people's moods. Hasegawa Miu is like a taut bowstring, and it seems that she can't hold it anymore.

Levi didn't say anything, just hugged the other person, put one hand on Hasegawa Miu's waist, and gently stroked the other person's back and neck with the other hand.

Although she is already in her thirties, Miu Hasegawa takes good care of herself so well that it is hard to imagine that she is already in her thirties.

Levi said softly: "If you are scared, just say it. At least in front of me, you don't need to pretend to be strong. Even if the sky falls, I can help you hold it up." "Yeah. ." Hasegawa Miu responded softly.

As the oldest one among the teachers, and with her rigid and dignified temperament, Hasegawa Miu has always played the role of the eldest sister. Others can panic, but she cannot.

Before the end, she was able to withstand such pressure. After all, the things she had to deal with were the school's internal affairs.

But it's different now. She was recommended by other teachers. As the person in charge of material management, allocating materials for thousands of people is not a simple matter. She has never done similar work before, so naturally she has to do it. Under great pressure.

Coupled with the confusion caused by the harsh current situation, it is normal for her to feel collapsed.

It was very quiet in the warehouse, only the breathing of the two people could be heard. I don't know how long it took, but Hasegawa Miu raised her head from Levi's arms and tried to break free, but found that Levi's hands were like iron pliers. She tried twice and couldn't get out.

"...vUm...Teacher Li Wei, can you let go of me? It would not be good if students and other teachers see it." Hasegawa Miu said softly.

Levi didn't let go, but hugged him tighter.

A blush appeared on Hasegawa Miu's face. She didn't know how to deal with the current situation. Even though she was the oldest among all the teachers, she had zero experience in love. She didn't know what the current situation was like. You can do something yourself. Because her personal temperament was too serious, no man had the courage to confess to her in the past thirty years. Without the nourishment of love, she devoted all her energy to teaching in the school and became a favorite among students. The "evil old woman" who is afraid of (good for Nono) controls the school's atmosphere very strictly.

When it comes to how to manage students, Hasegawa Miu has so much experience that she can write several papers, but this is her first time getting along with the opposite sex at such a close distance.

Levi looked at the blush on Hasegawa Miu's face. The beauty who was usually serious and almost harsh now showed such a shy expression. This huge contrast made him want to tease her. .

Levi can understand that many people like to watch the iceberg beauty break the ice, because it is really interesting.

"Why should you let go? Anyway, there are only two of us here. Besides, Mr. Hasegawa, you have a very warm feeling about you. I like it very much." Levi smiled.

Facing Li Wei's almost hooligan words, Hasegawa Miu blushed even more. .

Chapter 175. Appropriate image changes are beneficial to interpersonal relationships

Levi ignored Hasegawa Miu's almost pleading expression and gently pulled out the hairpin from the back of her head. After losing the restraints of the hairpin, the remaining hair bag could no longer restrain the hair. Waterfall's hair falls naturally.

"With your hair untied like this, doesn't your temperament look much softer?" Levi laughed.

"Teacher Li Wei, you'll be in trouble if a student sees you!" Miu Hasegawa said in a panic with her long hair hanging down.

Levi looked at it and felt that it still lacked some meaning, so he took off the old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses on Hasegawa Miu's face.

"Isn't this beautiful? Why do you have to make yourself so serious?" Levi laughed.

After untying her hair and taking off her glasses, Miu Hasegawa looked shy in her beauty, especially her misty eyes, as if she could talk. It can be said that glasses are her seal. After wearing glasses, her eyes appear smaller due to the refraction of the lenses, and her natural temperament becomes serious and rigid.

After taking off the glasses, 993, there was no cover, and those beautiful peach blossom eyes were revealed in front of Levi.

Hasegawa Miu snatched the glasses back from Levi's hand and said in a panic: "Without glasses, the students will not be afraid of me, so there will be no way to control them."

Hasegawa Miu broke away from Levi's arms. After putting on her glasses, she picked up the hair bag that fell on the ground and tied her long hair up again. Levi smiled and handed over the hairpin. After a while, Hasegawa Miu once again restored her rigid and serious image as the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

Li Wei sighed and said: "Sister Meiyu, you have to change your strategy. Now the social order has collapsed. If it weren't for me, the students would not listen to the teacher at all. So the high-pressure attitude before, the students You may not do this again. Change your image and mingle with the students, which will be more conducive to your subsequent management work."

After hearing what Li Wei said, Hasegawa Miu fell silent. She thought about what Li Wei said, and after a moment (cgch), she said: "Maybe, I should really listen to you, Li Weijun."

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's good to change your image appropriately. I noticed that the students were talking and laughing when they got along with other teachers. But when they get along with you, Sister Meiyu, they are very reserved. You almost never say unnecessary words, which is extremely detrimental to your work."

Hasegawa Miu nodded, took off her glasses, took off the hairpin, and let her long hair fall freely. Because her hair was tied up for a long time, her hair now had a little tail curl, which made her More feminine.

"Leave the glasses and hairpin here for now." Levi took the two things from Hasegawa Miu's hands, and when he closed his hands, the things were sent into the sea of ​​​​consciousness space.

Hasegawa Miu was a little dumbfounded, and Levi took the things away as if he was afraid that she would continue to maintain her original image.

It was getting brighter outside. Several teachers led a group of girls into the warehouse. They saw Levi and Miu Hasegawa inside the warehouse. Some girls showed surprised expressions. "Is this Mr. Hasegawa? I can't believe it." "Yes, it feels like we are two people exactly like before."

While the students were moving things, they were also chatting, and the topic was naturally Hasegawa Miu, who had changed her image. Although she had lost her intimidation, such an image was more popular.

The girls were very efficient and quickly put everything on the small trailer. A group of girls took the things out while talking and laughing.

Several teachers looked at Hasegawa Miu, who was standing with Li Wei, with playful expressions on their faces. This made Hasegawa Miu a little shy. She wanted to use her big sister's majesty to prevent them from using this He looked at her with such eyes, but now she didn't have any dignity at all. The glare made her look like she was being pushy.

Naomi Uesugi, who is as petite as a girl but has a childlike face, said to Marikawa Shizuka: "I have long said that Miu-san is very suitable for the hairstyle she has now, but she just didn't listen to me. It was Li Weijun who said It works. Isn’t Sister Meiyu much cuter now?"

Marikawa Shizuka on the side looked at Levi with a playful smile, her eyes seemed to say, I know what you want to do.

Levi, who felt a little uncomfortable with Marikawa Shizuka's eyes, said: "Everyone, go and keep an eye on it, straighten out the breakfast matters, and come up with a special charter. From now on, you can have three meals a day according to this standard." , so as not to be in a hurry. After breakfast, I will select a few students to go out with me to collect resources, and I will leave all the matters in the camp to you.

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