Li Wei's consciousness sea space can accommodate even a huge floating island. Naturally, there is no need to worry about not being able to fit even this little thing, so the girls do not need to consider important or unimportant issues, as long as they find it useful, You can start packing.

After cleaning the seventh floor, several girls stopped and found a hidden but good sight to rest. Several girls took out the bread and started eating it with water.

Saya Takagi said: "Take a rest for twenty minutes, and then we will continue to collect supplies on the lower floor. The lower floor is home appliances. There are a lot of good things there, and we can move them all. But this will have to trouble the teacher at any time. Li Wei followed us and said with a smile: "No problem from my side, as long as you think it is useful, I can take it away. "

This time, Li Wei's main role was as a humanoid warehouse. He would only help them in the most critical moments, but there were not many dangers that could threaten them. Li Wei was already thinking about what he would do this time Is there any chance to take action? scholar.

Chapter 182. Crisis lurks

Twenty minutes passed by in a flash, and the group of people descended to the sixth floor. The entire sixth floor was occupied by various home appliance stores, which was very convenient for the group. After all, most of the home appliances were large items, so they were very convenient to pack up and there was no need to use them at all. When they moved, they only needed to tell Li Wei which ones the camp needed. With a wave of Li Wei's hand, all kinds of household appliances were sent to the Consciousness Sea Space, so it didn't take too much time. The objects on the entire sixth floor were... They have become the property of the school camp.

After the sixth floor was looted, a group of people went down to the fifth floor. The fifth floor was not as safe as the sixth and seventh floors. A total of three waves of battles broke out, and nearly twenty zombies were eliminated. This ensured that Safety.

But this kind of safety is only temporary. The sound caused by the battle has spread, and the survivors and zombies below have become uninvited guests. For a time, the atmosphere in the entire mall has become tense. stand up.

The two floors below are the children's area and the books area, which are of little use to the camp, so I skipped them after a simple search.

The third floor is the game center, which is a densely populated area, but due to the escape of survivors, only various zombies are left here. The group of people walked quietly, without disturbing the monsters, but walked down the escalator that had stopped outside.

But when a few girls stood at the escalator from the third floor to the second floor, they found that the entire elevator was blocked by all kinds of debris. These messy debris would definitely not be able to stop the survivors, but It's more than enough to intercept those mindless zombies.

It can be seen that the person who made the roadblock also had ideas. He took advantage of the fact that zombies can't use their brains and made the entire roadblock into a trap for zombies.

Go from the elevator on the third floor to the second floor. The front half of the obstacle is tilted outward. If a survivor climbs up, he must use his hands and feet to ensure that he does not fall. Zombies without intelligence can climb up. He would slip down, and then fall from the height of the third floor, falling to pieces.

Levi stood on the edge of the glass guardrail and looked down. In the hall at the bottom of the first floor, there were still a lot of dark red traces of blood. These should be leftovers from the fallen zombies. The people who made these traps, in order to ensure The remains of the zombies would not act as a buffer for the zombies that fell behind, and the remains were specially dragged aside.

Each floor has two such downward escalators. The escalators from the third floor to the second floor and from the second floor to the first floor have been transformed into roadblock traps for zombies. Although the survivors themselves will It will be affected to a certain extent, but compared to its own safety, this trouble is nothing.

Mihoko Ibuki said: "There must be other survivors on the second floor. If we want to take away the supplies, we have to deal with the other side." Rei Miyamoto said: "I hope there are people on the other side who are easy to talk to."

Saya Gaocheng said: "Don't be too optimistic. The opponent is entrenched here and is definitely not willing to give up the supplies here. We who want to take away the supplies are natural enemies for the opponent. It would be good if we don't take action. "Levi didn't say anything, just sighed. What happened on the second floor was enough to teach these little girls a good lesson about the cruelty of this doomsday.

When Li Wei noticed what happened on the second floor, he was also a little angry. Although he would use sweet words to deceive girls, he took great care of every girl around him, even if people are now studying in "Study" In the world of "Garden Apocalypse", he would enter the sea of ​​consciousness space whenever he had time, and use the time difference to go to the floating island to accompany his girls. During this period, Levi also captured Eri's mother, Sayuri Sawamura. .

Sawamura Sayuri half-assed it, and Levi didn't spend much effort to get the other side. I know everything about pretty widows.

Li Wei found that he and Boss Cao should have a lot in common, because both of them are people who eat from the bowl and stare at the pot, and they still like to stare at other people's pots.

Compared with girls, wives who are more charming have a different flavor.

What happened on the second floor of this super shopping mall was really unbearable for Levi, who pitied the delicate flowers. If he didn't want to use the survivors on the second floor as a whetstone for several girls, he would have already taken action and started Take care of the survivors on the second floor.

Takagi Saya said: "I will go down to cover first. I have a gun in my hand. Even if the other party sees the guy in my hand, they won't take action as soon as they meet."

Several girls nodded. Although Saya Takagi had the least athletic ability among them, she had been trained by Levi for a period of time, and her skills were much stronger than the average person. She could climb over such obstacles. It is not difficult for her...

Saya Gaocheng carefully moved down, and it didn't take long to get to the second floor. It was already dark on the second floor. She squatted down carefully and pointed her gun at the darkness.

After taking a few breaths to confirm that there was no danger, Saya Gaocheng leaned out half of the glass guardrail and signaled to the people above that she had reached the predetermined position and could provide cover, and the people above could come down.

Levi said: "I'll go last, so I don't have to worry about something suddenly coming out from behind."

The zombies on the third floor have not been dealt with before. Levi used his senses to make statistics. There are at least two hundred zombies on the third floor. Once a riot breaks out, if he does not take action, the girls in the academy team will definitely be killed. I couldn't bear it. After all, there wasn't much room to make concessions on this side of the escalator. If you retreated further, you would have to fall downstairs.

After receiving Li Wei's guarantee, several girls climbed down using their hands and feet, and landed lightly on the marble floor of the second floor one after another. At this time, Levi also floated to the second floor.

Saya Takagi took off a mechanical alarm clock from her waist and said, "I found this good thing 2.8 upstairs just now. It's perfect for attracting the attention of those zombies."

Looking at the alarm clock in Gao Cheng Saya's hand, everyone else knew what she wanted to do, but no one had any objections. After all, in such a dark environment, it is easy for zombies or other survivors to sneak attack and lure the zombies out. If so, it can also reduce some potential threats.

Takagi Saya twisted the spring on the back of the alarm clock a few times, and after setting the time for the bell to ring, she rolled the alarm clock out of her hand like a bowling ball. In this way, damage to the alarm clock could be reduced. Try to ensure that the alarm clock rings on time.

"The next thing we have to do is wait." Saya Takagi said. She looked at the alarm clock that had fallen into the darkness and could no longer see clearly. Her finger was already on the trigger. She held the gun in both hands and crouched down. posture to make your hands more stable. .

Chapter 183. Come, lie, come, sneak attack

The sound of the alarm clock rolling was very harsh in the silent darkness. Suddenly, deep in the darkness, beast-like roars came one after another. “Nail bell bell bell!!!”

The rapid and harsh alarm sounded, and the zombies were alerted. They relied on hearing to hunt, and were attracted by the harsh sound. Their simple brains instinctively believed that this was the sound of prey.

Levi looked at this scene and thought of the alarm clock bomb in "Survival". The two are similar in that they both use the zombies' perception to deceive. It's just that the zombies in the road to survival are more difficult to deal with. Their perception ability is not weaker than that of normal people, and even exceeds it. Compared with the useless zombies in this world who only have hearing for the time being, they are not a bit stronger.

The zombies that were originally hiding in the darkness appeared one after another attracted by the sound of the alarm bell. But even so, the girls 26 of the academy team still did not act rashly. Now they just attracted the zombies on this floor. However, the survivors on this floor are still hiding in the dark, afraid that they will be attacked by a sneak attack. A girl chose to continue to wait and see.

Anyway, they were hiding in the shadow cast by the escalator, so it was not easy to find them.

Gao Cheng Saya whispered: "I still have two alarm clocks here, which can attract two more waves of monsters. Let's hide here and see what the hidden survivors will do. They are better than us on this layer of terrain. Familiarity, and also controlling the lights, fighting in the dark is extremely disadvantageous to us, and we don’t know whether they have guns in their hands.”

"What if they don't come out?" Miyamoto Rei said worriedly.

Gao Cheng Saya had a proud smile on his face: "That would be easier. At worst, we can go back upstairs to get some more alarm clocks, and stir up chaos here to see if the other side can bear it, or we can. "Miyamoto Rei swallowed. If he really did what Takagi Saya said, the two sides would have already formed a deadly feud before they even met.

Takagi Saya's mentality is also gradually changing. Originally, she could not do such heartless things with peace of mind, but now in order to survive, she can do such things without any psychological burden.

After all, the real world is not a game. Even if you fail, you can still try again. Therefore, Takagi Saya is going all out to survive.

The situation did not go beyond Takagi Saya's expectations. After she threw the second alarm clock, the survivors hidden in this layer finally couldn't sit still. A group of people armed with various weapons rushed out and faced the people who were still surrounded. The alarm clock's zombie swarm launched an attack.

Now the zombies were attracted by the loud sound of the alarm and didn't care about the survivors behind them. Even if they were cut down, they didn't pay attention to them.

This is also a good opportunity for the survivors to use this opportunity to cut off the zombies wandering on this level until their limbs fly around.

The members of the academy team hiding in the shadows were not in a hurry to show up. Instead, they sat on the mountain and watched the zombies and the survivors hiding in the dark fight.

Due to the interference of the alarm bell, the group of zombies was quickly cleared away.

Levi looked at this group of survivors and narrowed his eyes slightly. This group of survivors was a team composed of various extreme people and bad boys. Each of them looked arrogant. The weapons in their hands were, in comparison, It is also more sophisticated for ordinary people.

The butcher's knife welded on the steel pipe exceeds normal competition standards and weighs far more than an ordinary baseball bat. The metal bat, as well as various samurai swords and machetes, are all standard equipment for the Yakuza. Saya Gaocheng said in a low voice: "A group of extreme people, there must be someone with a gun here, everyone, please be alert, I am going to start a sneak attack."

Miyamoto Rei was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Saya Takagi had no intention of dealing with the other party at all. She was ready to attack him as soon as he came up. Moreover, she looked at the others and found that the others also had expressions of approval, which made her a little helpless. understand.

Takagi Saya had already prepared a shooting posture, with the muzzle of the gun firmly aimed at a figure who looked like a leader, and decisively pulled the trigger.

There was a sound that was so slight that it was almost inaudible. The bullet hit the target accurately. The head of the figure who looked like the leader exploded like a crushed watermelon, with red and white splattering everywhere. The other Yakuza people around were stunned by this scene, and after reacting, they hurriedly escaped.

However, their location was relatively open and there was no cover for cover. Just when a group of people, birds and beasts dispersed, Takagi Saya fired continuously, and all three shots successfully hit the target. A Yakuza man wearing a black suit, And two slutty delinquents fell to the ground. A terrifying big hole appeared in their bodies. The internal organs inside had been messed up, and blood and internal organ fragments flowed out along the big hole.

Looking at the killing effect caused by the bullet, Gao Chengshaye swallowed. Although she heard Li Ouwei say that this was a specially made bullet specially used to restrain zombies, she did not expect that this kind of bullet would be so cruel and could directly attack the human body. A big hole was torn out.

"Attack!" Gao Cheng Saya shouted, stood up and launched a pursuit. Because of the sneak attack just now, the two sides are now fighting to the death. In this case, they must eradicate the root cause.

Except for Rei Miyamoto, who was a little slow, the other three people had already rushed out with weapons. When the Yakuza discovered the people who attacked them, they ran out on their own initiative, and some of them looked delicate and frail. A female high school student, so she boldly rushed back.

"It's a woman! It's a woman! We have fun again!"

"Hahahaha, catch them!"

The doomsday made these yakuza and bad boys even more crazy. After seeing Busujima Yazi and the others, with a red light of desire in their eyes, they rushed towards the girls, preparing to fight the few with more.

However, when they ran back, Coca-Cola destroyed Saya Takagi. There was nothing simpler than hitting the one she was approaching. This time she only needed to aim roughly to shoot one by one. .

Chapter 184. Cruel Scene

Busujima Yako took the lead and rushed to the front. Facing the delinquent boy wielding a baseball bat, she simply slashed with her sword and cut the opponent in half with the baseball bat.

Busushima Yako, who killed one person the moment they met, shocked these Yakuza people and their subordinates. These people are the scum of society. What they like to do most is to bully the weak. When he is stronger, his weak side will be exposed.

Just when Busujima Yako's momentum shocked the entire situation, Kojima Minami, who arrived later, also obtained his first victory. He beheaded a delinquent boy with one knife. At the same time, with the help of centrifugal force, the beheading sword decapitated another delinquent. The boy's stomach was cut open, and the messy internal organs fell out from the breach.

The delinquent boy who had been disemboweled was kneeling on the ground, wailing and scratching his own internal organs. The scene was quite bloody.

Kojima Minami looked at the destruction she had caused, and felt a little scared in her heart. For some reason, she would fall into a feverish state as soon as she entered a battle, and would never give up until she completely defeated her target. Wait until she recovered from that state. Only then did she realize that she had caused one death and one serious injury.

On the other side, Ibuki Mihoko also got her first head, and stabbed a Yakuza into the heart with a gun. When the gun was retracted, the Yakuza died instantly.

It was just a face-to-face encounter, but the Yakuza had already paid a heavy price. They were caught off guard by the academy team, which was far smaller than their own, and lost several good players.

Rei Miyamoto was a little slow. When everyone else had achieved results, she rushed to the front line.

Takagi Saya fired repeatedly, killing all the Yakuza who wanted to escape. He swept the gun back and forth at the surviving Yakuza and said: "Put down your weapons. If you don't want to die, just do as I say." Do \

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