"What?! What does this mean, I am the only survivor?" Nan Lixiang was shocked.

Levi said: "Yes, the stupid people here dare to threaten me, so I am going to clean up all the people here. If you say that you are Marikawa Shizuka's friend, for this reason, you can be saved from death." .”

Nan Lixiang was terrified. The mysterious man in front of him, let alone his true strength, was capable of clearing out the entire sea airport camp as he said. Just the thought of this was shocking enough. Nan Lixiang was at war with nature in her heart, and finally asked: "Can I know the reason why you did this?"

Levi said: "Since you are Marikawa Shizuka's friend, it doesn't matter if I tell you, and it's not a secret. They sent people to the camp I founded to show off their power, saying they wanted to requisition "Zero One Three" Our camp will make us all become slaves, and there are certain things we must say responsibly."

Nan Lixiang was stunned. She understood who the mysterious person in front of her was. She had learned from the above channels that there was a very special camp in the bed master city area of ​​​​the port area. The tall walls completely blocked out the zombies. There are still many survivors active inside, and it looks like they have a large amount of supplies stored.

As a result, the upper-class people here sent people to contact the mysterious camp to see if they could gain anything.

However, what Nan Lixiang didn't expect was that the higher-ups would actually send a hawk to discuss cooperation. She was already worried about this matter. After all, greedy hawks are not suitable for talking about cooperation. No, the hawkish official not only messed up the cooperation talks, but also let the real boss of the opposite party come to visit.

Nan Lixiang asked: "Have everything happened to the people who went to the camp to discuss cooperation?"

Levi said: "Yes, they actually threatened me on my territory, so I killed them."

Nan Lixiang sighed inwardly. The mysterious man in front of him still dared to do such a thing after knowing that the official who went to negotiate represented the government. If it was not stupid, it would be because he had absolute self-confidence.

The former is only a small probability. In other words, the mysterious man is really capable of destroying this heavily guarded sea airport camp by himself. Thinking of this, Nan Lixiang's eyes changed when he looked at the mysterious man.

In such a doomsday, only those who are strong enough can live with dignity. She herself is not strong enough, so she must rely on the power of the organization to survive. By herself, she can do almost nothing. However, the mysterious man walking in the air in front of her told her what true power was. A being with the power to fly in the sky and destroy an army by one person was enough to be called a "god".

Levi felt the changes in Nan Lixiang's mood. Nan Lixiang's fear at the beginning had turned into fanaticism in a very short period of time. This made him a little confused. Are all women so fickle? Or is Nanlixiang a special case? Li Wei waved his hand gently, and Nan Lixiang floated up and suspended in the air. Nan Lixiang was a little panicked at first, but when she discovered that she could control her body to change direction and fly, she was like a swimming fish. , circled twice around Li Wei.

Nan Lixiang knew that this ability should only be temporary, but even so, she still felt excited. Flying can be said to be the ultimate dream of mankind. Even if she only experienced the feeling of flying for a short time, she could not restrain her excitement.

Nan Lixiang said: "Dear Sir, I can understand your anger, but not everyone in this camp is as disgusting as the fool who went to talk about cooperation. There are still a lot of people in this camp. There are many innocent people, are they going to have to pay the bloody price for that stupid person’s recklessness?”

Levi smiled and said: "For me, none of them are innocent. Don't try to dissuade me from this kind of thing. If you want to keep company with them, I can give you a ride."

Nan Lixiang said nothing anymore. Out of her own conscience, she interceded for the innocent people in the camp. She was already risking death to offend Levi. She felt that if it weren't for the relationship between herself and Marikawa Shizuka, , he is probably already a dead person at this time.

Therefore, Nan Lixiang stopped talking and just followed Li Wei obediently, two positions behind, like a loyal servant.

Levi took Nan Lixiang to high altitude. From his consciousness sea space, he took out the big metal ball made by several previous helicopters and fixed it directly above the sea airport camp. He carefully calculated the position. After that, if you fall from this place, you can hit the center of the entire airport...

A golden flame suddenly ignited on the big metal ball. The huge ball was like a miniature version of the sun. The heat wave that hit the face made Nan Lixiang hide behind Levi unconsciously.

Levi noticed this and propped up a shield to isolate the high temperature from the outer layer. Nan Lixiang felt the temperature drop instantly and breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that she was almost cooked.

The flames that Levi attached to the metal ball had melted the entire metal ball and turned it into a liquid state. If it weren't for Levi's multi-layered magic power, the bottom would have been prepared to withstand the rain of magma at this time.

The temperature of the hot liquid metal ball is still rising, from the initial 1,200 degrees to now, close to the sun's surface temperature of 6,000 degrees.

As the temperature of the large ball of liquid metal continued to rise, reaching a high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees, the surrounding air also began to distort due to the high temperature.

Seeing this astonishing scene, Nan Lixiang was so shocked that her mouth opened wide. If this kind of attack were to hit, the entire sea airport camp would be annihilated in an instant.

Levi loosened one of the shackles of his magic power, and a fireball like the sun fell down.

People at the sea airport camp below also discovered something unusual here. After all, the metal ball with a temperature close to 10,000 degrees was itself emitting a dazzling 2.8 ray of light, just like there was an extra sun in the sky. With this as the center, The visibility within a radius of hundreds of kilometers has suddenly increased. Even satellites in outer space can see this "little sun" emitting terrifying light.

Levi felt that he still had some strength left. Although creating high temperatures was a bit troublesome for him, it was also a way to exercise and control his abilities. The almighty Qi, combined with his own magic power, created a power that was one plus one. greater than two.

"I haven't thought of a name for this move yet, but forget it, a method that can kill the enemy is a good method." Levi watched the little sun falling rapidly, and in just a few breaths, it had landed at the sea airport. In the center of the camp, a huge impact caused the large ball of liquid metal to burst. The high-temperature liquid with an internal temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees spread outwards, instantly covering the entire sea airport camp. .

Chapter 208. The completely disappeared maritime airport

The fall of the little sun directly created a huge crater in the center of the sea airport. The tent located at the center of the impact point instantly evaporated. Everyone nearby had no time to even feel the pain and had already turned into ashes. Fly ashes.

After the little sun exploded, the high-temperature liquid inside shot out, and the high-temperature liquid that covered the sky and sun instantly swept through the entire camp. The high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees turned the entire camp into a high-temperature purgatory.

All the buildings on the man-made island were annihilated, and Levi felt the huge soul fluctuations below. In just a few seconds after the little sun hit the ground, thousands of people were wiped out.

In the face of this attack like a natural disaster, no matter whether they were poor or rich, young or old, their souls were harvested and taken away by the God of Death without discrimination.

The high temperature burned the entire man-made island into a golden red. Looking at the tragic scene below, Nan Lixiang covered her mouth. She had originally thought about what methods Levi would use to destroy the sea airport, but she did not expect that Levi would be as powerful as a god and wipe out the entire sea airport camp from the map in such a way that was almost divine punishment.

The high temperature directly melted the entire airport, and this man-made island slowly sank into the sea. Then a large amount of water vapor rose up. Although water can extinguish the high temperature, it will also be converted into steam by the high temperature. Short video For a moment, there was already smoke below.

"Sir...Sir, the airport has disappeared?!" Nan Lixiang was so shocked that she even stuttered when speaking.

"Yes, the airport is gone." The armor on Levi's body turned into a large number of parts, which were absorbed into his sea of ​​consciousness space, revealing his true face.

Nan Lixiang looked at Li Wei's young face, thinking in her heart that maybe the person in front of her just looked young, but was actually an old monster whose true age was a mystery. Levi said: "The culprit is gone and my anger is almost gone. Let's get ready to go back to the camp."

Nan Lixiang was stunned for a moment. What Li Wei meant was that he was going to take her back to the camp, which made her feel happy. After all, after the destruction of the sea airport camp, she also became a bereaved dog. Now someone is willing to take her in. Undoubtedly a good thing.

Although this mysterious strong man has a slightly weird temper and makes her feel scared, being able to survive in such a doomsday is the biggest temptation in itself.

Although there was a lot of curiosity in her heart, Nan Lixiang did not ask. After all, she didn't know what she could and couldn't say now.

At this time, Levi received feedback from the system. The system holder changed the local trend of the world's history. If further influence is exerted, the world line deviation will expand. He gained 500 points and now has 10,900 points remaining. .

This point is better than nothing for Levi, but the elimination of the people in the sea airport camp has such an impact, which shows that some people in the sea airport camp will have special performances in the subsequent historical development. So when he eliminated these people, it caused changes in the world line.

Levi thought that if he destroyed the sea airport camp, he would get points. If he destroyed the core camp in Chiyoda District, would he also get points?

If he could gain points by doing so, Levi wouldn't mind making an extra trip. Anyway, no matter how many Neon people died, he wouldn't blink an eye.

Levi found that he was becoming more and more popular among players of P Club. I don’t know when he started, but he had become what he is now, an executioner who didn’t care about other people’s lives at all.

However, he doesn't hate this change. Compared to his mother-in-law who is forward-looking and hesitant, he prefers to be simple and rude, killing all the enemies who offend him. He is not a very good-tempered person, and he usually avenges himself on the spot.

After the two returned to the camp, Li Wei hid his figure and landed on the rooftop of dormitory No. 1 with Nan Lixiang. For safety reasons, the rooftop was not open except at special times, so except for Li Wei and Nan Li Apart from Li Xiang, there was no one else.

Levi said: "The reason why I let you go alone is because you are Sister Jingxiang's friend. She has no friends to begin with. You can be said to be her only friend. I have been looking for you before, but I will I searched around the land here in Tokyo, but couldn't find you, so I wondered if you might be at the sea airport. I didn't expect you to be there."

Nan Lixiang was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Marikawa Shizuka had such a relationship. Although she had always felt that Marikawa Shizuka was hiding something extraordinary, she didn't expect that she would rely on Marikawa Shizuka's relationship to escape the previous situation. of catastrophe.

Marikawa Shizuka is also one of her few friends. Originally, she wanted to find Marikawa Shizuka, but due to her own responsibilities and the constraints within the system, no matter how many ideas she had, she could only Let it go, after all, you are in the system and you can't help yourself.

Now that she can meet Marikawa Shizuka again here, she can only sigh that the fate between people is so wonderful.

Li Wei continued: "The entry threshold for my camp is very high. If you want to join the camp, you must pay a certificate of registration to be qualified. Nan Lixiang, you are a backdoor person. If anyone asks, your vote What is the title? Just say it is a very important piece of key information. If the other party continues to pursue 013 and ask, you just say it is one of the camp's top secrets. Do you understand?"

Minami Rika nodded. She found that Marikawa Shizuka's reputation in the camp was really great. The camp manager was actually willing to open the back door for her. She was not a fool who didn't understand anything. Naturally, she would not take advantage of such a thing. Go out and stretch.

And she has always believed that unless necessary, it is best to be low-key in life and work, which can save herself a lot of trouble.

As for things like going through the back door, naturally the more low-key the better.

Nan Lixiang said: "I can't just eat for free. Is there anything I can do in the camp?"

Levi thought for a while and said, "I can equip you with firearms and let you and other members go outside to search for supplies, but you will need a certain amount of time to integrate into the camp."

Minami Rika nodded. It can be said that she was unfamiliar with the place here. Apart from Marikawa Shizuka, she had no other friends. It was not a bad thing to take some time to integrate into the group.

Li Wei sighed inwardly. In the plot, the handsome and independent Sashuang Yujie appeared cautious when getting along with him after seeing his terrifying strength. Sure enough, when the gap between people is too huge, it will affect to the communication between the two parties

Chapter 209. Li Gui meets Li Kui

When Li Wei brought Nan Lixiang to Marikawa Shizuka, Marikawa Shizuka's expression was quite wonderful.

Marikawa Shizuka ran over, grabbed Nan Lixiang's hand, and said excitedly: "I didn't expect to see each other again. Are you joining the camp?" Nan Lixiang was also a little excited. Before It was because of the various benefits in the camp that Levi told her, and now it was the joy of meeting old friends again.

Nan Lixiang and Li Wei have already talked about it. She will hide the fact that she was once a Neon official. After all, the young official's words in the camp have reduced the official's reputation in the camp. Negative, if she dares to say that she was once an official, let alone integrating into the group, it would be good enough not to be isolated.

Nan Lixiang was ready to keep this secret in her heart. Even if her best friend Marikawa Shizuka asked, she would always tell her the same story she had discussed with Levi.

Marikawa Shizuka grabbed Minami Rika and spun around. After confirming that the other party was not harmed outside, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"The rules for joining the camp are very strict. How did you get in, Minami?" Marikawa Shizuka asked curiously.

Nan Lixiang didn't expect that Marikawa Shizuka would ask such a question when she first came up. She looked at Li Wei who was standing aside. Li Wei winked at her. Nan Lixiang, who understood, did not panic and directly explained the trick she had made up with Li Wei. The words came out.

However, Marikawa Shizuka did not continue to ask, which made Nan Lixiang breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister Jingxiang, please take your time to reminisce about the past while I go and clean up Nan Lixiang's dormitory." After that, Li Wei left.

Li Wei arranged Nan Lixiang's dormitory on the top floor of Dormitory Building No. 1, relatively close to Gaocheng Yuriko.

After a while, Nan Lixiang appeared at the door of the room. Looking at the room that had been decorated, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that a strong man like Li Wei would do such chores himself.

"Sir, I can just leave this kind of thing to myself, why bother?\

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