Levi doesn't have much energy to spend with that mysterious organization. Compared with the points he gets from the mysterious organization, he might as well go to Miyamoto Rei to get points honestly, even destroying a sea airport. The camp only has a few hundred points, and with Miyamoto Rei, these points can be earned easily.

Li Wei feels that he can change his strategy. If he can't get over the mountain, he will go up the mountain. The points will not fall into his wallet on his own initiative. Therefore, the right way is to have more contact with the goal of brushing points and speed up the efficiency of his points recovery. .

And if Levi wants to send the people he has planned to the floating island, he will also need a huge crisis. This is another self-directed double act, and this double act must be completely defeated. Everyone in the camp was on guard, so they were able to follow him and leave honestly.

Levi decided to let the monster puppet be the final BOSS. After all, the current monster puppet already has quite the momentum of the final BOSS. The flesh-and-blood giant web gives people the feeling that it is undergoing a new round of development. Just like evolution, only this kind of oppressive existence can make everyone feel despair.

And now Levi has relatively enough strength to perform this scene. However, in order to perform this scene well, the performance of the current monster puppet cannot keep up with the version. Levi must spend money to deeply modify it, so that the monster puppet can stand up to the final BOSS.

Levi lowered his height, like a spider walking on a spider web, stepping on the threads of flesh and blood that were still expanding and contracting rhythmically. He came to the core of the monster puppet and began to upgrade it.

Two hours later, Levi wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although the transformation was not very smooth, it was finally completed.

The transformed monster puppet has a remote transmission device in its body. Levi can very conveniently transfer mana crystals into the body of the monster puppet, even if the monster puppet is supported like a ruffian version of Zhen. With the same body shape as Godzilla, you don’t have to worry about your own energy not being able to keep up with consumption and falling into a state of suspended animation...

In addition, monster puppets also have more versatile spell-casting abilities, as well as the upper-level authority to directly control ordinary zombies.

Now, all the cards needed for the big show have been gathered. All we need to do is wait until the monster puppet is "developed" before the final big show is staged.

Levi enjoys the feeling of controlling everything behind the scenes and deceiving the whole world with lies.

After returning to the camp and returning to his dormitory, Levi found that Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga were still playing games, but he didn't say anything. He was too lazy to spend too much money on two "hard scumbags" who were difficult to score points. energy.

Levi didn't even bother to look at the two of them and left the room directly.

The perception spreads outward, and Levi knows the location of every member in the camp very well, but the person he is looking for now is Miyamoto Rei. At this time, Miyamoto Rei is on the wall behind the camp, looking at Daze in the distance.

There are usually no people on the city wall. After all, the scenery outside is quite terrible. If you lie on the wall and look down, you can see countless zombies wandering there. Such a scene is really unbearable. Bear it, so girls don’t like going to the city wall.

Levi did not expect that Rei Miyamoto would go to such a place to stay. 2.8. After knowing where Rei Miyamoto was, Levi rushed over directly.

At this time, Miyamoto Rei was looking at the city from a distance. She heard the footsteps behind her, turned around, and found that it was Levi.

"Teacher?" Miyamoto Rei was a little excited, but when facing Levi, she felt ashamed.

"Why are you alone in a place like this? Are you worried about something?" Levi showed a gentle smile.

Miyamoto Rei shook her head. She did have something on her mind, but it was always difficult for a girl to express her worries to others. Miyamoto Rei was horrified to find that she had not contacted Igounaga for several days, but she did not miss her at all. This made her feel guilty. She felt that after abandoning Komuro Takashi, she abandoned him again. Jing Haoyong's strong sense of guilt made her breathless. .

Chapter 213. The girl’s thoughts

Miyamoto Rei's smile was a little forced and she said, "I'm just bored and came here to have some fun."

Levi said: "Your expression tells me that you must be hiding something in your heart, but if you don't want to say it, I will control my curiosity."

Levi did not directly force Miyamoto Rei to express his inner thoughts, but Levi could probably guess what she was thinking in her mind right now. Anyway, it was either family or relationship-related.

Miyamoto Rei could feel Levi's kindness and his heart-warming smile, which made her unconsciously want to let down her guard.

After all, people are all beautiful animals, whether they are aunts and uncles in their decades or teenagers, they are all the same. Levi's otherworldly charm is universal for women, and Rei Miyamoto is naturally not exempt from it.

She was in the middle of the game and couldn't penetrate the fog, so she was surprised that she and Jing Haoyong hadn't communicated with each other for several days, but she still didn't feel any missing.

Because, with Li Wei by her side, other men were suppressed and turned into passers-by, completely obscured by Li Wei's light.

Jing Haoyong is already considered outstanding among his peers, but compared with Levi, who is like the sun, Jing Haoyong's so-called excellence is just a joke26.

When she unconsciously compared Jing Haoyong and Li Wei, the huge gap also caused a serious psychological gap in her. Jing Haoyong could no longer bring her any sense of security and protected everyone. Levi made her heart sink.

But Rei Miyamoto also discovered her own problem. She discovered that she was so skilled at things like transference and love.

From the very beginning, she disliked Komuro Takashi for being a stupid person who didn't know how to empathize with her and couldn't coax her, so she abandoned Komuro Takashi and got together with Igo Hironaga, who was eloquent and able to get things done.

After that, the zombie crisis broke out, and the whole world fell into turmoil. There was no absolutely safe place in the world. At this time, Levi stepped forward and gave them an absolutely safe place. .

Ever since, she disliked that Jing Haoyong could not bring her a sense of security, unlike Levi, who could make her not afraid of every new day.

Miyamoto Rei found that after she abandoned Komuro Takashi in her heart, she also abandoned Ii Haoyong, but Levi was not someone she could approach at will, so she suppressed her feelings. At the same time, the guilt in her heart also made her feel that she was a dirty and bad woman. She was not worthy of Li Wei. Even though she still retained her perfect body, her spirit was no longer clean.

Having abandoned two boyfriends in a row, she felt that she was a monster chasing security and interests. Therefore, Levi and any woman in the camp might get together, but she was absolutely not qualified to stay with Levi.

Moreover, Li Wei also knew her past and what kind of person she was. She would feel ashamed even facing Li Wei. With this condition, she no longer had the courage to even approach Levi. Miyamoto Rei hesitated again and again, and finally plucked up the courage to speak out: "Teacher, do you think I am a bad woman?" "Why do you ask like that?" Levi raised his eyebrows.

"Because of the incident between Takashi Komuro and Gounaga Ii, I saw clearly the ugliest side of myself. I am a vulgar woman who likes the new and hates the old, and blindly pursues a sense of security." Rei Miyamoto's voice was a little deep.

Li Wei was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that Rei Miyamoto would notice the changes in himself. People all have bad qualities. When they find faults in others, they can pick out a lot of them, but when facing themselves, Sometimes, this will selectively ignore and beautify one's own problems.

Levi thinks Miyamoto Rei's evaluation of herself is quite pertinent. Her emotional personality makes it easy for her to act impulsively and do things that she regrets.

Rei Miyamoto has suffered a lot in this regard, but the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. She is more concerned about eating than fighting, and she still has this character until now.

However, Li Wei felt that she was not completely devoid of growth. At least being able to discover her own problems and face them squarely was already better than many people.

Levi was still thinking about racking up points on Miyamoto Rei in a long and steady stream, so naturally he would not ruin the scenery at this time, so he followed what the other party said.

Levi said: "Everyone is chasing their own inner sense of security, even me. This is not something worth denying."

Miyamoto Rei was a little surprised and said: "Did I make such a mistake? Do I deserve to be forgiven? In order to pursue my own inner sense of security, I hurt others. Can such a thing be forgiven?"

Levi said with a smile: "It depends on whether you can get the forgiveness of the people you have hurt. In my opinion, whether it is Komuro Takashi or Igo Haonaga, although both of them are a little green, they will definitely be the same in the future." Being able to do something great, your two choices are actually quite discerning."

Listening to Levi's words, Miyamoto Rei felt like someone was rubbing salt into her wounds. She would rather not make a choice at all, so that she could be qualified to move closer to Levi in ​​the most perfect posture.

Although her body is clean now, her mind has become filthy. She feels that she can no longer compete with other girls, and she does not want to settle for second best and return to Jing Haoyong.

Miyamoto Rei just smiled bitterly.

Miyamoto Rei knows that although other girls will still face severe competition, they are at least qualified to take the first step, and now she is not qualified to take the first step.

At this time, Levi did not realize that Miyamoto Rei's problem came from spiritual cognition. In his opinion, it is normal for a person to experience self-loathing for a short period of time. , this kind of spiritual problem will naturally fade away.

However, as a person in the real world, Levi has a certain error in his understanding of the character of people in the "two-dimensional world". To put it simply, people in the real world have more complex psychology, and in the two-dimensional world In the eyes of people in the real world, many of the psychological problems of characters in this world cannot be called problems at all, and can only be described as hypocrisy. But this is because the characters in the two-dimensional world are too pure in mind. For people in the real world, this is called "facialization", but this kind of purity is not an absolute good or bad thing. The two-dimensional world is often sickly. Because it was too much.

Now Levi does not realize that the core of Miyamoto Rei's pain is himself. Miyamoto Rei said: "I plan to break up with Igo Hironaga."

Levi was really confused at this moment and said, "Did you two have any conflict?" Miyamoto Rei shook his head and said, "There is no conflict."

"Since there is no conflict, why would you want to break up?" Levi said.

Miyamoto Rei said: "Now I just want to be alone. Although this reason is not convincing, I want to be alone now." Levi found that Miyamoto Rei's current mood is very unstable. But she didn't act hysterical, just seemed a little depressed.

Miyamoto Rei seemed to want to say something, but hesitated. Levi himself had no objection to Miyamoto Rei's desire to break up with Jing Haoyong, and for him, this was okay. Getting some points from Jing Haoyong is not a bad thing. .

Chapter 214. Intimate Brother

With a sad smile on her face, Miyamoto Rei said: "I have made many mistakes along the way. I don't expect those who have been hurt to forgive me. Now I just want to go on alone." Levi said : "There is no absolute right or wrong in emotional matters. Although I don't know why you have the thoughts you do now, there is no need to be too harsh on yourself because of feelings." Levi is a P Club player with a very flexible moral bottom line. , between the end and the Crystal Palace, I decisively chose the latter, and there was no psychological burden at all.

That's why he persuaded Rei Miyamoto like this. In his opinion, no matter what Rei Miyamoto chooses, the final result will be the same. Even if Miyamoto Rei wants to be a nun or a nun, it is her own choice after thinking about it, as long as she does not regret it.

Miyamoto Rei chewed Levi's words carefully.

"Is there no absolute right or wrong in emotional matters? Maybe I'm too persistent, but I will still apologize to Ii Haunaga properly." Miyamoto Rei sighed.

Miyamoto Rei has made up her mind. It doesn't matter whether she will be hostile or even criticized by Igo Hironaga. She will choose to follow her innermost thoughts and face herself head-on.

"It seems that you have made this decision very seriously. No matter what you choose, I am your teacher and can understand you." Levi put his slightly rough hands on Miyamoto Rei's head and rubbed it gently Holding her long silky hair. Miyamoto Rei wanted to slap Levi's hand away, but she stopped halfway and said, "Teacher, I am no longer a child." "But to me, you are all a bunch of adolescent brats." Child." Levi smiled.

Levi also went through this period. Adolescence is a word that can make people imagine endlessly. However, at that time, Levi focused all his energy on learning and developing his own talents for his own goals. What a sweet and sour story about adolescence. After all, if you want to get something, you have to pay a certain amount.

Although there were no sweet and sour love stories in his adolescence, due to his own hard work and talent, he received an admission notice from the Tokyo Metropolitan University of Arts. Not only did he have good knowledge in liberal arts, but he also had proficiency in music and painting. He has reached a professional level, leaving his peers behind.

It can be said that even without the golden finger, Levi can still live a good life with his own abilities. No one would know that all of this was achieved by Levi sacrificing his entire adolescence, although in Levi's view, such sacrifice was very worthwhile.

In Li Wei's view, it is quite silly for a teenager to fall in love all day long without knowing what true love is. People who only focus on experience and not on results will probably like this period very much. People like Li Wei who focus on results will not waste energy on emotions during this period to experience the so-called "sweet and sour beauty\

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