"Oh, I originally thought that the two of you would fight each other because of the lack of supplies. It was like an American TV series that was cut in half. I was really looking forward to it in vain." Levi revealed his figure, snapped his fingers, and Komuro Takawa The bodies of Jing Haoyong and Jing Haoyong were buried on the spot.

The choice of the two people surprised Li Wei, but he could not understand such a choice. After all, in such a doomsday, if he had not obtained the golden finger, he would probably have made the same choice as the two of them. Compared with continuing to struggle in embarrassment, it is a kind of relief to be over it once and for all.

With nothing to continue paying attention to, Levi also put his focus on changing the world line of this world. In addition to the evil puppet, the Abigail puppet was also transformed into a giant monster and became a new The evil puppet was sent to Europe by him.

As for South America and North America, Levi did not let go. He created two new evil puppets and began to conduct the "final judgment" on the world...

Two months later, except for some areas in Asia that survived, most of the entire earth was scourgeed by Levi's evil puppets.

Relying on fellow practitioners to increase his cultivation level, and then as his cultivation level improved, his own thinking circuits became more and more numerous, and the number of puppets he could control also increased. Therefore, Li Wei relied on his own puppet army to Completed the achievement of single-player annihilation.

But even so, Levi's points were not many. He just pushed his points back to more than 20,000 points, reaching 20,150 points.

This once again illustrates one thing, that is, the benefits obtained by forcibly changing the world line are not proportional to the resources invested.

After all this was over, Levi returned to the real world.

Returning to human society, Levi breathed a sigh of relief. The real world was his home and a place he was unwilling to change. Only when he returned here could he truly feel like he was home.

Now Levi was in his luxurious apartment near Akihabara. He pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window door of the balcony and came to the balcony. Levi looked at the scenery in the direction of Akihabara.

Different mentalities have different feelings when looking at the same scenery. Having just experienced the first world period, he still has a certain bottom line, but after his experience in the second world, Li Wei embodies the characteristics of a P club player. In Chaos 2.8, evil is coming. The average number of P Club players is a Class A war criminal. This sentence is no joke.

After staying in Academy Apocalypse for too long, although Levi doesn't need to be jet-lagged, he is still a little uncomfortable with the current time in the real world. There is still some time before dinner, how should he spend this time?

Levi thought for a while and took out his laptop from the Consciousness Sea Space. He had previously said that he would submit the light novel he wrote in the world of "How to Raise a Passerby Heroine" for publication in the real world. Now, this Something needs to be put on the agenda. Now, of course, coding comes first. He has some new inspirations and wants to write these inspirations into his own works.

After experiencing two worlds in a row, Levi felt a little tired inside. He was ready to rest for a while before setting off again. .

Chapter 238. Dealing with trivial matters

There are actually a lot of things that need to be dealt with in the real world. The next day, Levi ran out to buy a car.

It is more troublesome to buy a car in Neon. You must prove that you have your own parking space before you can be qualified to buy a car.

Domestically, there are no requirements for parking spaces, but it is precisely because of this loose policy that many domestic car owners face the problem of parking difficulties.

As for Neon, there is no problem of parking difficulty, because you don’t have your own parking space, and you don’t even have the qualifications to buy a car. If you don’t have a car, do you still need to park?

Levi went to a BMW store and paid full price for an imported BMW M3. By the way, Levi chose a left-hand drive car.

Although Neon drives on the left and the driver's seat is on the right, Levi, who is more accustomed to domestic and German standards, chose the left-hand drive car that is most comfortable for him.

Right-hand drive vehicles are the result of the Chinese people's strange insistence on tradition. In traditional carriages, the driver is always on the right side. Because most people's dominant hand is their right hand, the driver holds the reins with his left hand. Hold the riding crop in your right hand. If the driver is left-handed, the guests sitting on the left side of the driver will easily get whiplash for no apparent reason.

And this tradition originated from the horse-drawn carriage era, after the automobile became popular, it was still preserved by the Fu country people who adhered to the tradition very much, and promoted this standard in their own colonies. Even neon was affected by this. , all traffic regulations are for right-hand drive vehicles.

However, from the perspective of the vast majority of car owners who are accustomed to modern operating methods, right-hand drive cars are a very silly design that is completely incompatible with human body habits. Therefore, many rich people here in Neon like high-end left-hand drive cars imported from foreign countries. Steering cars, domestic right-hand drive cars, are mostly driven by ordinary people.

Buying a car didn't take Levi too much time. Neon is a capitalist country. In such a country, if you have money, you can enjoy a life superior to others.

When Levi went to buy a car, there was no M3 in the store, but Levi directly gave him a bonus on top of the full payment. The clerks served Levi enthusiastically and thoughtfully, leaving Levi waiting. In less than half an hour, I got my new car. At the same time, all the procedures would be completed by the store. Levi didn't need to worry about this at all.

Although Levi can move quickly in various places by flying, having a car can also be used as proof of his financial strength and social status.

After buying a car in the morning, Levi made an appointment with the library in the afternoon and sent the manuscript over. Li Wei did not choose to cooperate with a large library, but chose a second-tier library. After all, he did not want to experience the bullying behavior of Neon's top library store.

Therefore, preferring the chicken head to the ox tail, Li Wei chose to hand over his works to a small library for operation. Although the strength of this small library is a bit shabby, Li Wei is the backbone of such a small library. , even the editor-in-chief has to circle around Li Wei. If he can be the boss here, there is no need to go to a large library to suffer. After all, he just wants his works to have a place for distribution, and he doesn’t really expect this. How much royalties does his work earn him?

It took most of the afternoon for Levi to negotiate a contract with Wenku. The treaty was quite favorable to him. Wenku gave him the industry's top 20% royalty, but Li Wei had to guarantee that every volume quality, and each volume has an abundance of beautiful illustrations.

Li Wei would naturally not refuse such a thing. After all, he is a person who either doesn't do things or does his best when he does something. The requirements put forward by the library are the most basic bottom line for him.

There is no need to worry about the quality of the works in terms of libraries. Levi is not a disqualified creator who is obsessed with mahjong and Naoko Takeuchi. Delivering manuscripts on time is his minimum dignity as a creator. Levi allows others to doubt the quality of his works. , but never allow others to doubt the speed of his delivery.

If he wasn't afraid that the people in the library would be too shocked, he would have wanted to take out all the manuscripts he had written. Now he only took out the manuscripts and illustrations for the first volume, and the progress has been advanced to the ninth For him, the volume is completely drizzle.

In the reception room of Wenku, Levi is sitting on a comfortable and retro high-back sofa. The retro interior decoration imitates the decoration of the Victorian period. However, Neon has always wanted to leave Asia and join Europe. In Neon, There are many pure European-style buildings in Hong Kong. Interior layouts like this are very common.

Sitting across the coffee table from Li Wei was the editor-in-chief assigned to Li Wei by the library, a middle-aged man in his forties, with a slightly chubby figure and a smile like the Maitreya Buddha on his face.

After all, this is the real world. Just think about beautiful editors like Machida Enoko. Bunko editors are all middle-aged men in their thirties, and due to long-term work pressure, they are either bald or obese. Things like handsome guys and beauties are only found in novels, anime, or movies and TV series. The real world is not that beautiful.

"Teacher Great Demon God, your talent is the most exaggerated among the authors I have ever seen. Not only are your writing skills so solid, you can even do the illustrations yourself. This makes me feel like I am simply winning." The middle-aged man said. Levi refilled the empty teacup with tea and said politely.

The middle-aged man's name is Ryouta Murata. He is a very kind-hearted person. Because he has a soft personality, he is more suitable for working with Levi, so he was arranged to be the editor-in-chief of Levi. When Ryota Murata knew this When doing this, I felt like I had won a big prize. After all, Li Wei’s talent was recognized by the picky editor-in-chief, which meant that he had a stable long-term meal ticket, but this was also considered a relationship account. privilege.

Li Wei didn't want to interfere with Wenku's internal affairs. After all, this was Wenku's housework. Why did he, an outsider, care so much? As long as the library can cooperate with him to complete the release of his works and don't bother him with some troublesome things, he won't bother to take care of the library's affairs. The mutual strife within the library is a normal thing and can be seen everywhere. After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Levi said: "It's a bit too much to say that you can win. From scratch to the launch of a work, everyone needs to work together. I will have to ask Editor Murata to take care of it in the future."

Li Wei is a sedan bearer who carries people. In his "home" and in the real world, Li Wei is quite restrained and will not take the initiative to expose his bad side unless provoked by the other party. In Li Wei's view, the real world is just ordinary, and ordinary is the best.

Chapter 239. Feelings

After coming out of the library, Levi stretched himself. One thing about college is that it is better than high school. The courses are relatively free and you don't have to stay in school all the time like high school students.

"It's such a good weather today, what should we do? Go out and sketch? Let's forget it. The scenery on the floating island is thousands of times more beautiful than the scenery in the real world." Levi sighed.

If you really want to enjoy the scenery, just take out the CD of "Lord of the Rings". Wouldn't it be nice to take a day trip to Baicheng? Levi himself is a "construction master" who can create wonders with his hands, so there is nothing he hasn't seen yet.

After thinking about it, it’s best for the real world to be as ordinary as it is. Just don’t have so many things like anime invading reality. If there is such a thing, Levi will directly bring a bunch of evil puppets to block it. Door, kill as many as you come.

The situation where anime characters invaded reality in "Re:CREATORS" really shocked Levi. He immediately spread Jun Ji's ashes. Now he is a ruthless character who has accomplished the achievement of single-handedly destroying the world. He is really ruthless. , Jun Ji may not be enough for him to fight.

"Ordinary life, ordinary daily life is fine. This is my back garden. Stability is the first priority." Levi said to himself.

Levi looked at the blue sky and prepared to go shopping in Akihabara. He had been busy making money before, so he never had time to take a good stroll around Akihabara. As an otaku who has stayed in Neon for such a long time, he actually I haven’t visited Akihabara properly, which is already a bit “out of place”.

Akihabara is the gathering place for otakus with the largest neon lights, and there are a wide variety of otaku-related products. Levi drove back to the apartment, parked the car, and walked to Akihabara.

The high-end apartment where Levi lives is not far from Akihabara. Even at a normal walking speed, it only takes less than ten minutes to walk from the apartment to Akihabara. For a giant city, Said, this distance is already very close.

After entering Akihabara, Levi clearly felt the change in the atmosphere. If he had to sum it up in one word, it would probably be "hot" and "sincere".

Tokyo is a fast-paced city, and people here are always in a hurry and seem to have endless things to do. But Akihabara is completely different from other places. In Levi's view, it is like an oasis in the desert, unique and precious.

Li Wei passed by a model store. The exhibits on display in the store made him stop. As a Yunjiao man, Li Wei still had a certain understanding of models. The display items in the cabinet, whether they were carved lines or spray-painted, Even the private magic modifications in the later period are remarkable, and the craftsmanship of the creator is worthy of recognition.

"The world of Gundam... Although I now have the ability to protect myself, I really don't want to go to the world of Gundam... But it doesn't hurt to go to the world of Jiaoda." Levi said to himself Said to himself.

Although giant robots are a man's romance, Levi really wants to build a giant robot now, and he can do it. He made a special trip just for the drawings, but he doesn't plan to show off his creation in the real world, so The idea of ​​going to the high-tech world of Gundam was killed by him. It's okay to go shopping when you're bored in the future, but it's not worth making a special trip.

There is a saying among Chongguo people that "it's all coming". Li Wei never had time to play with models in the past. After all, painting and coding took up a lot of his time. But things are different now. He already has plenty of personal time at his disposal, so playing with models will not delay his business.

So Levi walked into the model shop...

When he came out again, there were several boxes of models in the paper bag in his hand, including the limited edition Dressen Demon MG, the fully armed Unicorn Gundam MG, the new Eclipse Gundam MG, and a The Aegis Gundam MGo used as a propeller for Eclipse Gundam. Levi once saw a sand sculpture on the Internet that poked fun at Jiao Lao. Someone hung the Aegis Gundam MA mode behind the Eclipse Gundam MA mode. Combined into one machine body, it feels like "Dragon Flying". If it weren't for the different colors of the two Gundams, one white and one red, there really wouldn't be any sense of inconsistency.

Levi plans to paint the Sky Eclipse Gundam in red, make the content seen in the previous sand sculpture pictures more detailed, and post it to the forum to make those sand sculpture netizens envious.

Finding a remote place, Levi put the model into the Consciousness Sea Space, and then continued shopping. Along the way, he bought some Lovelive peripherals and a Rem figure, placed it in the Consciousness Sea Space, and continued shopping.

When Levi passed by a store, he stopped again.

"The video game city... let's go have some fun..." Levi pushed open the glass door of the video game city and walked in.

After exchanging a bunch of game coins at the bar, Levi started shopping. There were all kinds of games in the video game city, and there were quite a lot of people. It was quite lively. After walking around, Levi finally found himself in A King of Fighters 97 machine was found in a corner, but unfortunately, the number one position was already occupied by a middle-aged uncle. If he wanted to play, he could only play the number two position on the right.

Levi searched the entire game center and found this King of Fighters 97 machine. I have to say that King of Fighters is really the tear of the times. There are rows of Street Fighter machines next door, and people playing Street Fighter 5 There are so many, many people are watching the masters playing, and the King of Fighters machines are almost impossible to find. There are only a few 13th and 14th generation machines. In the previous version, there was only this 97 machine in the corner. .

"...vOh, SNK still can't compare with Capcom. People who can't play Street Fighter 5 would rather play Street Fighter 4 than take a second look here." Levi put the box containing the game coins. The King of Fighters 97 machine was placed on the second position table and sat down in front of the machine.

The uncle looked at Levi and said: "It's really strange (that it's good). There are still young people who like such old games. Street Fighter is next door."

Levi smiled and said: "Who said young people can't like old games? Uncle, come and fight for a while."

The uncle smiled and said, "As you wish."

Levi put in a game coin, and the game jumped to the character selection interface. The uncle skillfully selected his character, Yagami An, Kusanagi Kyo, and Daimon Goro, three characters with relatively strong performance.

The game console version is the regular version, so the BOSS Orochi Kazuma cannot be selected. The Hell Band trio, Crazy Yagami and Rampant Liana are also unselectable. One good thing about the regular version is that it is relatively balanced. Unlike the special version, it is impossible to play without choosing a strong character.

Levi also chose three of his own characters, Mai Shiranui, Chizuru Kagura, and Charmi.

The uncle showed surprise when he saw the role Li Wei chose. .

Chapter 240. Uncle’s speech

The uncle smiled and said: "The performance of the character you chose is not very good, so it will be quite difficult to play like this."

After Levi quickly adjusted the order of the characters, he said: "Anyway, this game is just about emotions. Who cares about the strength of the characters? It's enough to be eye-catching."

The uncle savored Li Wei's words and said with a smile: "I care too much about winning and losing, and ignore the fun of the game itself. Little brother, you are right. To play this kind of emotional game, just play the character you like, purely based on performance To measure the role, it fell behind."

At the beginning of the game, Levi did not show his true skills. He suppressed his own level and fought back and forth with the uncle.

If Levi doesn't control himself, relying on his understanding of the game and his hand speed that far exceeds that of the opponent, one character can knock over all the characters on the opposite side.

The uncle only has Daimon Goro left, and on Levi's side is the second character, Mai Shiranui, who is full of blood.

The uncle sighed and said: "Speaking of which, the reason why I like this game is because of the character of Mai Shiranui. When I was in high school, I first came into contact with this game. After choosing the character of Mai Shiranui, I I feel like I’m in love.”

The game is in progress, but both Levi and the uncle are very familiar with this game, and even talking will not affect the control of the characters.

Levi said: "I have to admit that the charm of this character is so great. The IP of King of Fighters is half dead, but the character of Mai Shiranui is active in other games."

Not to mention, the domestic Penguin Pesticide mobile game contains the character Mai Shiranui, and then DOA, the butter king in the fighting game world, also separately purchased the copyright for the character Mai Shiranui.

It can even be said that the reason SNK had the money to make "King of Fighters 14" was because it relied on the character of Mai Shiranui to make money and support the family. Such weird things like a character saving a company really do exist.

SNK introduced a new female character in The King of Fighters 14, Liang, the master wife of the Jin family Pan, but the popularity of the new character is still far behind that of Mai Shiranui. The character of Mai Shiranui can even be said to be a wonder in the history of human gaming. Who among the LSPs around the world dares to say that they have no illusions about this character?

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