Busujima Yazi said: "There is no place to talk outside the door. Come in first and sit down."

Under the leadership of Busujima Yako, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Hyodo Michiru entered the room. Busujima Yako skillfully prepared coffee. It seemed that this was not the first time for the two of them, and they were quite familiar with this place. .

Levi said: "I didn't expect that you would become friends so quickly."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled and said: "Dear husband, there are many things you can't think of. Now that there are more people here, some problems have gradually emerged. You need to write a law to bind everyone. Otherwise, If there is chaos, it will not end well.”

2.8 Li Wei raised his eyebrows. This is a matter of fact. When there are more people, there will be more troubles. Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and this place is no exception. As a ruler, he must consider this aspect.

Levi said: "I will draft a suitable law and get it done in one day. And I also have to solve the network problem here. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time just to implement the new law."

Kasumigaoka Shiu said: "We can't help with this kind of thing. We are just ordinary high school students, not college students in the law department. However, in just ten days, they have formed a brand new small society. Currency has even appeared, and in this regard, husband, you have to formulate corresponding rules."

Levi had a black question mark expression on his face. He really didn't expect that currency would already appear on the floating island. .

Chapter 243. Solve the problem

Li Wei asked curiously: "What is the currency? All materials in the fairyland are so abundant. You can have whatever you want, but there will be no shortage. Under such circumstances, there is still no shortage of money." Do you need currency?" Li Wei was a little confused. The current situation on the floating island can be regarded as an advanced stage of socialism. Everyone has got rid of the constraints of survival materials and can focus on things they are interested in. .

This huge richness in the material world allows them to focus on their inner thoughts and satisfy their own interests and hobbies.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said: "The anchor of currency is the opportunity to practice together with your husband. A fellow practitioner coupon can be exchanged for two hours of your time to practice together." Li Wei said with a strange expression: "Isn't this kind of thing not possible? Should I ask for my opinion? What should I do if the overissued currency cannot be cashed out?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a smile: "Well, husband, you have to ask the girl named Gaocheng Saya. She and her mother are promoting this matter. And if the currency 26 is issued in excess, husband, you will cash it in anyway, right? ?"

Levi had a black line on his head. Isn't this currency anchor a little too strange? It is only in a place like the Floating Island that this weird currency can be born.

However, the birth of currency still reminded Li Wei that the number of residents on the floating island will only increase. If we do not formulate various rules clearly now when there are not too many people, we will wait until later It will be too late to formulate it when it is needed.

Not only currency and rules, but also the spiritual needs of residents must be paid attention to. Fortunately, Levi is a being who has mastered extraordinary power. As long as he deliberately controls the highest cultivation level of his partners, he can do everything he can. Suppress conflicts to the lowest point possible.

After all, when everyone's strength is not too strong, even if they encounter problems or conflicts, they will seek help from the rules first. Once the power they control becomes stronger, when they encounter problems or conflicts, Sometimes, they may use force to solve problems in private, or even cause bloodshed, which is something Levi doesn't want to see.

In Levi's view, the current level of strength of his companions is actually enough. In a short period of time, the most he can do is to improve the strength of his companions to Foundation Establishment Perfection, and then he will not raise it any higher. If they go higher, their destructive power will multiply exponentially and become difficult to control.

Levi, who had made up his mind, already knew what he should do next.

Levi said: "I will solve these problems one by one, don't worry. The key is that you can live a good life. This is enough. I hope you can live a happy life instead of worrying about messy things every day. .”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said: "You have to ask the girl named Gaocheng Saya. After all, she is the most tossing one among this group of people, but she is not completely fooling around. I must admit that she What we are doing now is still good for the entire group.”

Everything has to be done by someone. Kasumigaoka Shiyu herself is a relatively lazy person, so she maintains relative respect for those who are willing to do practical things.

Levi played with a few girls all day. After returning to the real world, the first thing he did was to check the legal terms on the Internet. He checked the legal terms of various countries. Although they may not be used, their existence itself can provide He provided a certain reference and a basis for him to formulate the rules of the floating island.

It only took Levi two hours to create a rough version of the rules. The main reason was that his partners were already considered extraordinary beings, and their upper limit of strength would be higher and higher in the future. The laws used to restrain mortals, he He was afraid that he would be eliminated soon, so from the beginning, he planned to draw up a set of rules to restrain the "supermen".

At this time, Li Wei was really curious about what the legendary Tian Tiao was like, so he entered "Tian Tiao" into his system, and then a lot of various versions of Tian Tiao popped up. , the redemption prices are also different, the cheap ones can be redeemed with one or two thousand points, and the expensive ones even have versions with tens of thousands of points.

Levi thought for a while and didn't choose the most expensive version or the cheapest one in one go. Instead, he found a moderately priced version and redeemed it, which cost him three thousand points.

Li Wei browsed the version of the rules he redeemed and found that the rules were very detailed. They were completely different from the terms he had come up with in his head. They were more precise and standardized, and at the same time more stringent.

However, considering that this is a clause used to restrain gods, it is understandable that it is stricter. After all, the power of gods is too powerful compared to mortals. If it is not restricted, mortals will become A small insect used by the gods for fun.

Li Wei doesn't need those overly strict rules, because he is managing his own Crystal Palace, and he doesn't really have to manage a heaven where gods are everywhere.

However, Li Wei's situation now looks a bit like a divine system. Although there is no specific priesthood and personal class, there is a vague hierarchical order in the floating island, and those who are very close to Li Wei Girls are naturally in the first echelon, while those ordinary girls brought back from "School Apocalypse" are in the second echelon, and those 033 problem girls hidden by Levi are in the third echelon.

Li Wei not only needs a companion, but also a maid to serve everyone, and such a maid can only be found slowly in the future.

The exchange of the rules of heaven not only taught Li Wei how to establish order, but also made him understand how to run his Crystal Palace well like running the heaven.

When he just completed the redemption, Levi was still a little distressed, but now, he only feels that the three thousand points are really worth spending. All his questions have been answered in this version of Tiantiao.

He plans to modify this Heavenly Rule Demon and issue it as the rules of the floating island, and everyone will follow these rules.

After all, as the "main god" of the entire "god", isn't it normal for the entire system to revolve around him?

As for the signal problem on the floating island, he has already thought of a solution. Based on the best smartphone on the market, Li Wei made some modifications to the immortal version, which solved the signal problem. Then he directly copied thousands of modified mobile phones with magic power, and the communication problem was solved. It was solved simply and crudely.

The signal network composed of "qi" in the floating island is just a matter of Li Wei's idea, and it is also quite simple.

The two things that troubled Levi were solved overnight. .

Chapter 244. The current situation of the puppet clone

The next day, Levi sent all the mobile phones he had made to the floating island, and the rules he had drawn up before were stored in the files on the mobile phones.

Originally, Levi was planning to erect a huge notice board in the core area of ​​the floating island and list all the rules on it. However, considering that it was still inconvenient, he chose to store the document on his mobile phone. Girls When we turn on our mobile phones, we can see the documents on the desktop. If there is anything we don’t understand, we can read it directly.

Levi has the highest authority to fully control the floating island, so the girls do not need to come to the scene to receive the mobile phones. He can locate the location of each girl, and the mobile phone is directly transmitted to them, with instructions attached. .

As for the troubled girls who are Li Wei's private property, there is no such treatment, because they themselves are isolated in the secret palace in the edge area, and most of them do not have the benefits that other girls can enjoy.

When Li Wei treated them, he didn't treat them with pity and pity. He just treated them as maids. He did whatever he felt comfortable with and enjoyed royal service in the palace.

In modern society, although power and wealth still divide people into three, six or nine classes, most people believe that people are absolutely equal, so even servants in the domestic service industry will try their best to do their best. When fighting for your own rights, you cannot be bullied for no reason even by your employer.

And the troubled girls who signed the contract are already regarded as Levi's property, human rights? dignity? It doesn't exist. This is the price they pay to survive, and naturally, Levi can do anything to them.

Therefore, Li Wei's life in the secret palace was a hundred times more absurd and comfortable than in the capital of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty.

After spending a pleasant time on the floating island, Levi returned to the real world. Although life on the floating island is pleasant, Levi does not dare to completely indulge in such a life. He practices rhythmically with his friends, and his own cultivation is constantly growing.

However, in order to control the growth rate of his friends' strength, Li Wei did not strengthen their cultivation base. Until he left the floating island, except for the cultivation base of the girls in the first echelon, the cultivation base of the girls in the second echelon and the third echelon had increased a little. The girls in the third echelon have not made any progress in strength.

After Levi returned to the real world, he turned his attention to the two puppet clones left in the real world in the past few days.

There hasn't been much development on the businessman's clone side. After all, haste makes waste in business matters, and everything must be advanced step by step. However, the businessman may have already made preliminary preparations for a mobile game. The production team, both in terms of funds and personnel, is already in place, and now they just need a sufficient creativity or IP. However, the businessman's clone has also made arrangements. The mobile game is ready to be produced, which is a reskinned version of "Rise of Kingdoms" "game, but the businessman's avatar plans to open this reskinned game in a sci-fi style. Recently, he has contacted the author of "Legend of Galaxy Heroes" Fang Shu Tanaka, and is preparing to purchase the license to use the IP of "Legend of Galaxy Heroes" .

However, Tanaka seems to have seen through Levi's intention to make money, and the IP licensing is not going smoothly. Levi will talk if he can. If he really can't agree, then he will create a new world view. Levi's Bian can write a separate light novel for the work as the basic world view of the game.

The reason why we are interested in "Legend of Galaxy Heroes" is also because of its special status in the hearts of Neon people, which facilitates the early promotion of the game and opens up the market in the shortest possible time.

But if you can't get authorization, it doesn't matter. At worst, Li Wei writes it himself and creates a science fiction novel from scratch. Moreover, this kind of novel tailored for the game can better fit the game's settings and facilitate game creation. various mechanisms.

And Li Wei learned a not-so-good news through the channel of the businessman's avatar, that is, the "pig farm" in Chongguo had a creative project with the businessman's avatar, called "Pig Farm". "Grange Point", but considering the money-making style of the pig farm, it is estimated that this game is very expensive.

Although Levi's project was established later, it still has its own advantages. First of all, the industrial chain of the entire industry is more complete. As long as the money is available, excellent production personnel can be in place in a very short period of time.

Moreover, one advantage of Neon's game production is that it can be more conveniently distributed around the world. This is also the advantage of the business clone's latecomer. Although it should be difficult for this game to enter the domestic market, But when it comes to making money, no matter where the circle is, the spending power of players in Europe and the United States is no worse than that of players in other countries.

However, Li Wei himself also joined the game project team for this matter. After all, the work efficiency of ordinary staff is far less than his. If he also joins the project team, the game can be launched faster to facilitate more Collect funds quickly.

After all, Levi cannot always rely on selling gold in exchange for funds. A large amount of gold circulating in the market will have a certain impact on the gold market. Levi does not want to see instability in the real world.

Therefore, a legal and efficient source of funds is necessary, and if he wants to invest in animated movies or games in the future, he will also need funds, so this hen that lays golden eggs must be built as soon as possible. OK.

The commercial puppets are moving forward step by step, but the Ji Dao puppets are facing some troubles.

The hostile organization knew that it could not drive away the Chinese group by using violent means, so it directly used force to drag people from the police into the water, causing two vicious attacks on police officers in the neighborhoods managed by the Chinese group, and at the same time forged traces. , let the traces point to the Chinese group.

Therefore, these days, the Yakuza puppet clones are busy with various trivial matters. The most important thing is to find out the mastermind who dares to frame the Chinese group.

The Yakuza Puppet has found clues, and is now following the clues to catch it. It has been determined that it is a medium-sized Yakuza organization not far away.

On Li Wei's side, there is only one way to deal with such a young person who dares to stroke the tiger's beard, and that is to crush him completely. The Chinese team will keep a low profile during this period of time, rein in their minions, and honestly run their pachinko and milk tea shop business, looking like law-abiding citizens.

But secretly, the power possessed by the Yakuza puppets is enough to peel off the skin of the entire family of the person behind the scenes. .

Chapter 245. Solve the trouble and start again

Just like in the literal sense, Levi is going to peel off the skin of the whole family of the people behind the scenes, and every member of the medium-sized organization will be hanged in their headquarters mansion.

The reason why such bloody methods are used is to shock those young people and let them know that the tiger whiskers of the Chinese team are not so easy to touch, and you have to pay the price of blood for stroking the tiger whiskers.

The Chinese team has been quite honest on the surface during this period, so honest that people in the police circle are completely unable to grasp the organization's handle. The reason why this is the case is also related to the characteristics of the Chinese team.

After all, the Chinese group is an organization established by Li Wei. Although the person who manages it is just a clone, this organization is different from Neon's ordinary Yakuza organization.

First of all, the difference from ordinary Yakuza organizations is that tattoos are prohibited from top to bottom in the Chinese group. Tattoos can be said to be the traditional culture of the Neon Yakuza organization. It is precisely because of this that it is difficult to distinguish whether a person is a Yakuza or not. The method of organizing is very simple, just look at whether he has any tattoos on his body.

The Chinese group adheres to the concept that the body's hair and skin are given by parents and do not dare to be damaged. Therefore, any tattoos and tattoos are strictly prohibited by the organization.

037 In addition to not having tattoos, there is another difference between the Chinese group and the ordinary Yakuza organization, that is, they resolutely put an end to the act of cutting off the little finger.

In Neon, the initiation ceremony of many Yakuza organizations is to cut off the little finger of one hand. This also violates Levi's taboo. Even tattoos and tattoos are not allowed, let alone the barbaric cutting of the little finger. Moreover, the consequences of cutting off the little finger are more obvious than tattoos. When ordinary people see the hands of a Yakuza member, they will know that this person is a member of the Yakuza.

The reason why it is difficult for police officers to determine whether the members of the Chinese team are members of the Yakuza organization is because these two rules of Levi are completely different from the current rules of the Yakuza organization.

In terms of the initiation ceremony, instead of cutting off the little finger, new members of the organization pay homage to Master Guan and swear a poisonous oath under the auspices of the Yakuza puppet clone during the initiation.

The Yakuza puppet clone will secretly implant poisonous poison into the body of the organization member. Once it is determined that the member has betrayed the organization, it will use mana to induce the growth of poisonous poison in the member's body, causing the betrayed member to bleed from his orifices after being tortured. die.

Both sides have their own cruelties. Levi (CGCI), who has extraordinary power, is more cruel than the old Yakuza organization here in Neon when punishing betrayers. However, as long as the members of the organization do not betray the organization, In terms of daily welfare, the Chinese team has done very well.

Although the "salary" of each member is not high, the subsidies for various living materials are very high. You can receive a variety of living materials every day, even home appliances and furniture. There are also organizations that take care of things like weddings and funerals. What members of the organization have to do is to show absolute loyalty to the organization.

Compared with the hardships of other Yakuza organizations, the members of the Chinese team live a pretty good life, which means things like physical fitness and combat training are more torturous.

But after each training, each member of the organization can receive a bottle of medicated wine, three pounds of high-grade beef, a small bag of rice, a small box of seafood, and two bottles of red wine. Therefore, every training organized by the organization, the members of the organization They are both in pain and happy.

After locking the target, the Yakuza puppet clone took action decisively. The leader and his family of the medium-sized Yakuza organization that was causing trouble behind the scenes were skinned and nailed to the beams of their home. A group of younger brothers also became hanged ghosts one by one.

A few days later, the stench emanating from the mansion attracted the attention of the surrounding neighbors. Only then did the people around them realize that this Yakuza organization with nearly a hundred members had been wiped out by the enemy without any notice.

At the scene, a line of Chinese characters written in human blood was left on the tatami.

Chinese characters, iron paintings and silver hooks are vigorous and powerful.

"Conspiracy against others behind the scenes is not an honest and bright move, so I kill them to serve as a warning to others!"

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