Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

101. The Town Of Beginning And End, Rogge Town, Monkey·D·Dragon

"My sister is amazing! Nami, you must be happy." Nuoqi Gao and others looked at the distant ship, feeling lost, but sincerely wished her that she could find her own happiness

"By the way, this is for you." The doctor suddenly took out a piece of paper and handed it to Jian.

"What? Give me the paper, do you think I'm crying, it's just that I got sand in my eyes." Ah Jian didn't want to take it, but saw that it was hard paper, not paper.

Still half-believing and half-doubting, he took it over: "What pattern is this?"

"It's Nami's new tattoo, it says it's a windmill and an orange, and there's a circled symbol like [P], she didn't say what it was, but judging from the expression at the time, it must be very important to her, so she added it Put it in the center, now it seems that she can let go of the past, which is a good thing." The doctor said with emotion.

"It looks like a small ax? By the way, Ah Jian, where is the windmill on your head?" Nuo Qi suddenly found that the windmill on Jian's head was gone.

"Now, there is no need." Jian smiled slightly, Nami is no longer a child.

In the past, Nami was still young, and Ajian was also fierce. Every time he got close to Nami, the baby Nami would scream in fright.

After he put on the windmill, little Nami smiled. Over the years, he has been wearing it, like a great father, guarding her side.

But now that she has grown up, she has a sincere and reliable partner by her side.

So be sure to live happily.

Nami is the group favorite of their whole village, and everyone wishes her well.

After all, she has lived too hard these years.

Since the arrival of the Dragon Pirates, today is the first time they saw Nami smiling so happily!

From now on, I will keep laughing like this forever!

The voyage is timeless and the weather is fine and sunny.

Two days have passed since I left Cocoyasi Village.

In two days, they encountered two or three pirate ships that were also on the route, sank them, and took away the treasure.

Everyone was allocated some treasure, although it was not much, but once they landed on the island, it was enough for each of them to squander it.

After that, for a long time, I didn't meet anyone again. Occasionally, a boat saw them from a distance, but was scared and fled.

So on Going Merry, everyone is quite free, except for the life-threatening training time.

Besides Zoro and Luffy, Sanji also volunteered to join the self-abuse training.

Usopp felt his scalp go numb, these guys can't be judged by normal humans at all!

And even if there are three people, when facing Reka, they are still in the state of "military training".

But affected by this practice atmosphere, Usopp also uses the cannon and special slingshot in the boat to practice his shooting skills every day.

Everyone's training time is relaxed, and the total training time in a day is not much.

The rest of the time is their own free time.

A news bird with a satchel on one head and a hat with the letter "N" on it, with a cute face, flew over Going Merry, quacking a few times.

Then it saw a guest waving on the boat, and it flew down with a whoosh, and then just when it thought it could sell a newspaper.

But it suspected that it was alive, the girl in front of it was actually trying to bargain with a news bird that couldn't speak human language!

"Has the price increased again? Is your newspaper a bit expensive? Get me a little cheaper!" Nami clapped the newspaper in his hand, looking at the newsbird and bargaining.

A news paper costs 100 Baileys, even if it is inconvenient to buy because they are at sea.

But there is no cost for other birds, whether it is sold on the island or sold at a big price, there is no need to stop.

It might even be better to say that it took the opportunity to make an extra business while it was on its way.

Newsbird shook his head when he heard that he was still haggling for a newspaper.

"Forget it this time, I won't buy it if the price increases next time." Nami finished counting before putting a 100 Bailey coin into the small satchel hanging around his neck.

Even if you are a pirate, you have to abide by some rules, such as this news bird, whoever hunts and kills it.

No matter where they are in the future, no newspaper office will sell newspapers to them.

No one would hunt newsbirds for such a small amount of money. If they wanted to hunt them wantonly, the big man known as the king of newsbirds, Morgens, would not let them go easily.

The news bird stretched out its wings and stroked its head. It is a part-time worker. It has a lot of work and no commission. It works overtime when people are on vacation. So far, there is not even a female bird. The price of the newspaper is up to him. male.....

Forget it, as long as this newspaper is sold, the newsbird who received the money flew away without thinking too much.

Go back and tell the other birds to pay attention, there is a woman in East Blue who likes to bargain.

"One or two newspapers, why bother?" Usopp said disapprovingly, mending the damaged things on the deck.

"If you buy it every day, it will be great!"

"Don't you need to save money to buy back the village from the evil dragon? Why are you so fussy about money!" Usopp processed another super-spicy pellet

"What nonsense, just because that matter is resolved, I'm going to make money for myself this time! I don't want to be a poor and poor pirate!" Nami said, pointing at Usopp.

"Okay, okay, I'm developing the latest nirvana Pepper Star, so be careful and stay away." Usopp said.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from above. It was the orange tree that Nami took care of Reka the night before.

Luffy was sneaking over to eat the vigorous oranges, but was stopped by Sanji.

When Luffy "stealed" the oranges, he was startled, fell down from above, hit the deck, and sent Usopp's specially prepared chili oil into the air, "splashing directly into Usopp's eyes.

"Ahhh!!" Usopp's eyes spewed fire, and he ran around on the boat hot!

"What's the matter, I'll just eat one! Sanji is so mean." Luffy complained.

After finishing training, Zoro lay down in the shade of the boat and fell asleep.

Reka is sitting next to the orange orchard, enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea time.

There are dozens of beverages to choose from, such as coffee, milk juice, etc.

There are also all kinds of desserts, which make Luffy salivate!

Exquisite life fully embodies the word "upper class"!

After kicking his own captain, Sanji returned to his appearance as a gentleman waiter: "Reka-san, do you need anything else?"

"No need, whether it's the cooking skills at noon or the dessert in the afternoon, they are all excellent!" Reka finally realized that having a chef on board is what makes a person live a good life.

Eating is a major event in life, a life that is lived in a casual way and a life that is paid attention to!

Their happiness index is completely different, and Sanji's cooking skills are really amazing.

Even just making drinks and desserts, Reka is amazing!

During the day, he couldn't help admiring.

"Reka-san's praise is our honor." Sanji said politely.

"Sanji, you are too eccentric, I also want to drink and eat snacks."

"It's in the kitchen, take it yourself.

"Eccentric, Reka-san is better than women, Luffy, have you noticed that Sanji is very positive towards other women, but seems to be very flat towards Nami, why is that? Unless Nami calls him, otherwise he won't It's so weird to come forward in person!" Usopp asked as he came to Luffy with tears streaming down his face.

"I see, are you saying that Nami is not a woman!!! Hey!!!" After saying this, Luffy himself had a look of disbelief, as if he had suddenly discovered a new world.

"Are you an idiot..." Usopp looked at his captain with a disgusted face, what's his brain? No?

"Captain idiot, what are you talking about, don't answer yourself!" Nami threw an orange and hit Luffy's face with precision.

Then Luffy opened his mouth wide and swallowed the orange with the peel, it was delicious!

"Hmph, you ordinary people, how do you know what true love is? True love is the last thing a gentleman can get involved in. Besides, I want to live a few more years..." Sanji smoked a cigarette and looked at the sky , Thoughts are flying.

"Okay, come here quickly, everyone. From the map, it seems that the Grand Line can only be entered from the Upside Down Mountain..." Nami took out the nautical chart stolen from Buggy the clown.

They are already approaching in this direction, and as a navigator, she needs to tell everyone about this situation.

Nami pointed to a location on the map and said that it was the location of Reverse Mountain 883, and after passing there, it was the Grand Line.

"It's so troublesome, why can't we go directly from the sea?" Zoro woke up, heard Nami say this, and asked directly.

"No, the old man told me that the only way to get to the Grand Line is through there!"

"Why?" Usopp wondered.

"Because it's dangerous!"

"Why is it dangerous?"

"I don't know, the old man only said it was dangerous!"

"I know this..." As a navigator, Nami knew about these things.

"Let's go from the front! It sounds interesting!" Luffy wants to go directly from the front, he doesn't know what is the Calm Belt full of giant Sea Kings!

"I said, did you listen to someone saying that it's dangerous there." Nami felt a headache when he heard Luffy speak.

Fortunately, Luffy changed his target at the next moment: "Before going to the Grand Line, let's go get some more meat! Delicious meat, meaty meat!!"

With Luffy around, the food on board is never enough.

"Then go here...." Nami pointed to an island near the Upside Down Mountain.

"There is a very famous town on this island, Rogge!"

"What? Is that where the meat is famous?" Luffy was puzzled.

"Alias, the town where it begins and ends, I remember hearing it that way." Looking into the distance, Zoro answered the question thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is the town where One Piece King Roger was born and where One Piece died. Shall we go?" Nami asked.

"Go! I want to see the man who got the great secret treasure, the man who got everything in this world, the town where he was born and died!" Luffy looked forward...

At this moment, in Rogge Town, the wind and rain were blowing, and a figure in a cloak was bathed in the storm. He stood on a high roof, looked at the execution platform in the square, and said calmly to himself: "Roger, follow your footsteps, see The truth in a corner of the world makes me more convinced that the revolutionary army is going in the right direction. However, this road is not easy... But I still have to thank you for the confrontation with you! It made me see clearly the world."

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