Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

105. Mr. Reka, You Will Be The Beacon Of The Revolutionary Army!

Just knowing his true identity already shocked Long Chen very much!

If it is an acquaintance, or a world-renowned top powerhouse.

With enough intelligence capabilities, Long won't be too shocked if he discovers this.

But a person who is unknown in the world and sees himself for the first time knows that this is a secret thing in the world.

What Long didn't expect was that in East Blue, he also encountered an old man who even invited him to become Marine Vice Admiral.

Long passed by East Blue this time, although he came for the branch, but if the time is right, he will consider overthrowing the rule of the Kingdom of Goa.

If Garp is in East Blue, he's going to check him out when he's passing by.

If you can, convince that old stubborn to join their revolutionary army.

It's just that I didn't expect that the man in front of me met the old man earlier than him, and the old man offered such a condition, no doubt he valued him very much!

You know, under normal circumstances, the old man would not open such a back door to any Marine.

Even when he was young, when he was just messing around in the Marine, the boss didn't give him special treatment.

Although it is necessary to avoid suspicion, if it is Excellent enough, there is no need to avoid these, after all, the strong are respected!

During this period, the old man would occasionally open the "five seven three" door to some promising young people.

But that's because there is demand, like this time directly open the door of Marine Vice Admiral.

This is the first time Long has heard of it, but from the feeling after contacting it now, it seems that this is not too much.

This young man named Reka is indeed very Excellent. Looking at the whole world, he is also an extremely rare talent.

Paying some price to get him is definitely blood money, not to mention, he is still very young and has a promising future!

But they never expected that the talent the two of them longed for turned out to be the crew of Luffy who just went to sea!

Grandpa can't, dad can't, son and grandson get this world-class talent instead!

"You are.....the sun tyrant?! The pirate who recently offered a reward of 100 million Baileys!?" Long's heart was surging, and after clarifying the situation, he also had a complicated expression.

Now it's not very easy to recruit, after all, poaching the corner of one's own son doesn't seem to be kind.

Over the years, Long has worked so hard for the Revolutionary Army that he has no time to be with Luffy at all.

Or dare not, all along, can only wait and see from afar.

People who don't know think that his status as the leader of the Revolutionary Army can protect Luffy and his relatives.

But in fact, if he has too much contact and the world government finds out the relationship between them, it will be considered that there is a relationship with Garp.

It is also difficult for Luffy to escape the fate of being used against him.

That's one of the reasons why Garp didn't really force Luffy to be Marine.

Once Luffy becomes a Marine, one day in the future, apart from father and son killing each other, they will also be controlled by the World Government!

Dragon is indebted to Luffy.

If there is such an Excellent partner by his side.

Maybe it's a good thing for Luffy.

Hearing Reka's words, although Long really didn't have time to pay attention to the recent news.

But along the way, on some islands, I have heard other people's comments.

I immediately remembered that Reka was the tyrant of the sun, and the information was right.

"Fate is really amazing." Long sighed slightly. The three of them had encountered this man one after another.

They are all optimistic about him, this fate really makes Long feel a lot.

"Since you are Luffy's partner, it's really not right to let you join the revolutionary army, but even if you are pirates in the future, we may not have opportunities to cooperate." Long smiled slightly.

Just a moment ago, he was thirsty for talent, but now he has calmed down.

If it were someone else's partner, or even the old man's disciple!

He even dared to poach corners. In his revolutionary army, there are many cadres from Marine background!

But only for Luffy, he felt indebted.

"Poor parents all over the world." Reka smiled slightly, originally he could not have served the Revolutionary Army.

He recognizes their ideas because he comes from a country where the people are the center!

But working with them is too risky and tiring.

He doesn't have a strong sense of belonging to this world. To be selfish, it's good that he can live a good life.

As for changing the world or something, I never thought about it.

"However, in my dream, I have seen a country dominated by people. If you are interested, I can tell you about it.

"Then trouble you to refill another drink!" Long felt that this was more like a friend of his own age.

Rather than an immature junior.

He showed enough maturity in every gesture, especially in thinking.

"In that world, the old have a place to depend on, the young are taken care of, stay away from wars, and are safe and secure!"

"Everyone is born equal, who cannot be absolutely fair, but has enough fair channels to make people go to Excellent!"

"Everyone has no worries about food and clothing, can receive a good education, and the crime rate is greatly reduced!"

Listening to Reka describing the so-called dream world, at first the dragon just intended to listen to it as a story.

But the more he listened, the more shocked his face became, and Reka spoke in too much detail.

When you look at this world in detail, it seems that such a fantasy kingdom really existed.

When Reka talked about one of them, he couldn't help but ask the question.

For example, how to make it possible for everyone to read.

You must know that in this world dominated by the sea, there are many pirates, and they seem to be relatively mentally retarded. The main reason is that most people have not received formal education.

Even if Luffy is taught by Dadan and Makino, until now, there are still many words that are used incorrectly.

Ace is slightly better educated, but also has no real literary background.

Only some large islands can see schools, but most of them are places where noble children go to school.

Reka will tell Long the process of how to realize it. Firstly, it must be free, and secondly, let the people of the world realize that reading can change their destiny.

Even if not everyone can leap into the dragon's gate and soar into the sky, at least as long as they are willing to learn.

There is a high probability that you will be able to find a suitable job in your future life.

On this basis, all walks of life must also develop, so that people can live and work in peace and contentment, and have a sense of hope for the future!

That's why I don't think becoming a pirate is the only way out...

"It's amazing! Now I really doubt that such a country really exists! You tell me, is it true!" Long seemed to see a bright future for the revolutionary army!

They once dreamed of a world with true justice, where human life can be called life, not a casualty of the Celestial Dragons!

It is not their plaything, let alone let hundreds of millions of civilians live in the flames of war because of their selfish desires.

That's not right! They want peace!

I just never thought that after the fantasy of peace, the world dominated by the people can live so well?

Everyone can eat enough, everyone has books to read, everyone can live with dignity...

"As I said, that is just a country I saw in my dream. Do you think it is possible for this kind of country to exist now under the World Government? What they want is a kingdom that is subject to them like a slave, not this kind of independent thinking. kingdom!"

"That is to say, all of this is what His Excellency Reka thinks, Your Excellency Reka, our revolutionary army really needs talents like you!" Long could no longer maintain his composure and calmness just now...

Standing up, excitedly holding Fuka's hands.

He just asked Reka how he did it. In fact, he wanted to know how Reka did what he said.

As a result, many of the answers Reka gave were beyond his imagination, but he has great wisdom.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that those might really be achievable!

He has the perfect answer in his mind about the laws of the people and what policies to implement!

One person has such a timeless, rich, and soundly feasible plan.

Even some of the programs and laws mentioned can, to a certain extent, supplement or even lead the current revolutionary army.

Long suspected for a moment that Reka should actually be the founder of the Revolutionary Army.

On this road, he sees farther than himself and is more realistic. If he leads the revolutionary army to a certain extent, they can go further.

"Didn't you give up just now? Besides, I said, this is just a dream!" Reka didn't quite understand the dragon's thoughts.

Reka has not yet realized that some of the knowledge she has mastered can change the world.

Ideas will always be the most powerful weapon!

By saying this, Reka just hopes to give those who dare to fight against corruption a little help and a little hope and yearning to a certain extent.

Show them what the world might look like if they succeed!

Reka won't be this kind of person, but he admires this kind of person, and within the scope of his ability, he can help with little effort.

"That was just now! Your Excellency is far beyond my imagination! 3.1 Luffy can do it by himself! Our revolutionary army needs a lighthouse like you to guide more compatriots. As long as you are willing to agree, I can give you Maximum command power in the army!" Long was still excited.

"The greatest command right!!" Reka was also a little shocked. He didn't expect Long to be so optimistic about him, and even overturned his own decision just now.

Are you so valuable?

Reka was a little confused for a while.

Luffy's future may be magnificent and extraordinary, but in Long's view, the world needs new light!

"Sorry." Although Long was full of sincerity, Shika still refused.

"That's right, many of Your Excellency Reka's measures can only be implemented after the chaos is over. At present, our revolutionary army has not yet shown enough strength and ability to overthrow the world! That's why Your Excellency Reka refuses to agree!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Reka, we will definitely end the chaos in this world. When the time comes, I will ask you to rule the world for us!" Long's voice was full of respect.

Reka doesn't know why Long is so excited, but this topic should not be discussed further, lest Long become more excited and tie himself to the Revolutionary Army.

So Reka just nodded lightly. .

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