Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

111. The Man Smiling On The Execution Platform! (Please Subscribe!)

"By the way, it's normal that you can't recognize it like this! What about this?" Buggy clown sneered, and then took off the windbreaker on himself.

Now that the Straw Hat Boy has been found, get rid of him as soon as possible, and then he can leave quickly.

At that time, even if Smoker discovers the situation here and mobilizes troops to rush here.

They had already fled away, and they didn't have so many scruples.

The Buggy clown naturally didn't know that the surroundings were already surrounded by Marines.

"The finale is a good show, and now it's a gorgeous debut, Monkey D. Luffy, since the day you beat me to the ground last time, I have finally returned to my companions with the strong will of revenge. It was really a big adventure, missing body parts I lived through the joys and sorrows and friendship of little Buggy's big adventure! No...what are you talking about!" Buggy said.

Reminiscing about his big adventure stories, but quickly realized that it was useless to tell the enemy.

"Ah!!! What is your name, wait a minute, don't say it, I seem to have an impression, Porgy, Boogie, it's not right, Bessie, by the way, you are called horse manure!" Luffy clapped his hands together , Said very confidently.

"What horse manure! What are you kidding!! You are still so brave! You stinking lunatic!" Buggy roared in hysterical anger.

"Buggy, it's the Buggy Pirates!! Run!" Luffy couldn't recognize it, but passers-by in the square did.

"Ah!!" The lively crowd suddenly became commotion, and everyone started to flee!

Seeing this, Buggy waved his hand: "People, stay where you are! Now let you 21 see how terrifying I am!"

"It's Buggy!" Luffy finally remembered when he heard the voice of a passerby.

"I didn't remember until now!" Buggy said angrily.

Luffy looked dazed and unguarded, just when he was about to say something.

Kabaji touched Luffy's back at some point, and made a bang, before Luffy could react and was so innocent that Buggy attracted his attention.

A shackle was stuck around Luffy's neck, directly pressing him on the execution platform.

If this matter is replaced by any strength, even if it is only half of Luffy, it is impossible for the enemy to succeed.

But if Luffy gets his way, even if Zoro Sanji and the others are there, it won't be a surprise.

"What are you doing?" Luffy's hands and head were firmly pressed against the execution platform with shackles, and Kabaji sat on the shackles.

"Long time no see, rubber man, how is Noah Zoro? I thought I was going to die last time. This time it won't be so easy." Kabaji said coldly.

Luffy tried to break free from the shackles, but couldn't, as if the shackles still had seastone in them.

He doesn't need much strength!

"Hahaha, well done, Kabaji, take a good look, my hundreds of millions of servants all over the world are about to start a gorgeous public execution, and now you can't move at all! It's an honor, Straw Hat Boy, you To be able to die in the same place as One Piece, yahahahahahahaha!!!!" Buggy laughed more and more wildly.

By the end, I felt like I was about to faint from laughter.

Along with Buggy's laugh, Nami in another part of town felt the barometric air flow become abnormal.

Tianbian Liuyun turned extremely fast.

"What an abnormal airflow. This is the first time I have encountered such a strange airflow. The wind is also very strange. The storm will soon descend on this island. I must tell them.

"It always feels like something terrible is going to happen. The weather is not normal!" Zoro looked at the sky, where there were dark clouds rolling over at a very fast speed.

At this time, Usopp, Sanji and others, who were busy with their respective affairs, all met Nami on the main street.

"We have to get the stuff back on the boat as soon as possible." Sanji was carrying the chef competition championship prize, like tuna.


"It's Buggy the clown!!" At this moment, there was commotion at the end of the street, and many people went crazy and fled.

The news came here quickly.

"What?" Nami was startled immediately when she heard that, she had a bad premonition, why would this guy Buggy appear in Rogge Town.

When Zoro in other streets heard the news, he also frowned, Buggy is such a hero.

"Luffy can't be in that direction." Zoro suddenly remembered what Reka said when he first came to the island.

If you can't find anyone and get lost, then go to a lively place, and maybe you can meet Luffy.

At the same time, Smoker also rushed to the vicinity of the square. Before he had time to personally supervise the battle, he immediately received a report from his subordinates!

In addition to the Straw Hat Boys, there are also the Clown Buggy Pirates, who are occupying the square.

"It's so rampant under my nose, you really have thick skins!" Smoker said in a deep voice.

"What to do, Colonel Smoker!"

"Send the first troop to the beach, the second troop to surround the square closely from the streets, and the others to stand by within range of the square!" After a little thought, Smoker immediately issued a new order.


"Confess to the first team. Once you find a pirate ship, destroy it immediately! Any guy who claims to be a pirate can't escape from this island!"


And new news came out of the square.

"Buggy the Clown is going to execute Luffy the Straw Hat!!"

"What?!" Zoro, Sanji and others were shocked when they heard the news.

Their captain has been captured, and will be publicly executed, what a joke!

But they dare not bet it's still fake!

"Luffy is going to be executed?" Usopp was taken aback.

"That idiot!" Nami was also speechless.

"Here I leave it to you."

After Sanji dropped his things, he quickly ran towards the square, and Zoro did the same.

"Let's go to the port as soon as possible and prepare the ship for sailing!" Nami and Usopp went to the port to prepare the Golden Meri.

"Colonel Smoker, please come here, the situation seems to be a bit strange!" From a tall building near the square, the overall situation of the square can be seen.

"What's wrong?"


Smoker had just reached the heights where they could see the whole situation and decide what orders to issue.

He took the binoculars and looked towards the execution platform, and immediately saw Luffy being pressed on the execution platform, and Captain Zhongji, who was already on the execution platform, stepping on Luffy Zoro with a rampant face!

"What are they doing?"

"Monkey D. Luffy, how come, he is about to be killed!" Tashigi looked surprised,

"How did that kid end up like this?" Smoker frowned slightly after seeing the situation clearly through the binoculars.

Although the Straw Hat Boy is a pirate, he looks not only not cruel, but rather silly.

If he is arrested, there may be opportunities for reform, but if he is killed, he will lose everything.

Smoker couldn't help but think of the pure look in Luffy's eyes when he met him and said he was looking for the execution platform.

"I thought he was a little different from others, and that he was a man I cared about, but that's all!" Smoker looked at quietly, with a rather disappointed tone.

"Colonel Smoker, all the troops are in place, are we going to launch an assault now!" asked the officer beside him.

"Stupid, take it easy."

"But if this drags on, the prestige of our Marine...

"I'm in charge here!" Smoker sulked slightly.


"If the pirates want to help me deal with the pirates, wouldn't it be great if we don't need to do our best? Listen, when the head of the Straw Hat boy falls to the ground, immediately surround the Buggy pirates! No one will be allowed to escape!" Smoker resolutely said .

As the words fell, the churning dark clouds in the sky quickly swept from the coast to the center of Rogge Town, the wind picked up, and the lightning and thunder continued.

Everyone's heart is full of fear and anxiety.

At the same time, on the execution platform, the triumphant clown Buggy began to read out Luffy's charges: "Sinner, Monkey D. Luffy, for daring to annoy me, in this gorgeous ht!!"

"Oh!!" Buggy's subordinates immediately shouted excitedly, like a group of happy monkeys, shooting wildly into the sky.

There are many bold people nearby, still haven't run, haven't dispersed yet

They are all people who claim to have some strength.

Like Rogge's young mafia leader, Bartholomew!

"It's the first time I've watched the execution!" Luffy looked at the bustling crowd below, feeling that he was as excited and happy as them, without considering his own situation at all.

But soon Buggy's words broke his mood: "You are going to be executed!"

"Me?" Luffy pointed at himself.

"Ah!!! Ahhh!!!!" Luffy was stunned immediately, his eyeballs were about to pop out!

"What are you kidding!!"

"Are you kidding me! Now it's time for a grand execution and public execution!"

"Stop! Don't! I'm sorry, I won't do it again, please save me." Luffy apologized unwillingly, he never thought that he would be executed!

Fear is not fear, regret is not regret, just a symbolic struggle!

"How could I save you, idiot! Is there anything else to say in the end?" Buggy was about to cry from Luffy's anger, what was this idiot thinking, the one who caught him was himself, how could he save him!

"It's rare that there are so many people watching, whether you have something to say or not, you're going to die anyway!" Buggy stepped on Luffy's head, holding a sharp knife in his hand.

When Luffy heard it, it was the same, so he looked at the people below and shouted loudly: "I am the man who is going to be the One Piece!!"

"I'm the man who wants to become the One Piece!" The hearty voice spread throughout the square, echoing endlessly!

Everyone in the square was stunned when they heard the words, and became the One Piece?!

Dare to say in this town, is it fearlessness, ignorance, or courage?!

"Stop!! Luffy, hold on!! We are here to save you!" At this time, the two main forces, Sanji and Zoro, came from the outside!

"Kill them!" The subordinates of the Buggy Pirates swarmed up. Even if they met, they could knock down several pirates, but no matter how fast they knocked down the enemy!

It can't be faster than the moment when the knife in Buggy's hand falls!

Luffy struggled again, but in the end, he was still motionless and had no strength. Buggy's knife was already raised high.

At this moment, Luffy has accepted his fate of imminent death. He showed his big white teeth and grinned: "Reka, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp" Nami!

I'm dying!".

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