Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

13. Zoro: More Fierce Than Me! Kill The One Who Deserves To Be Killed

Monka swung his ax forward.

Hearing the domineering words of the man in front of him, the anger in his heart instantly climbed to Ultimate.

He has never met such an arrogant fanatic, and he has always been the only great one who despises others.

I have never been so despised by others, and I must not forgive him easily. I must dismember his limbs and torture him.

It's just that in the face of absolute strength, everything is a futile struggle. As soon as he rushed forward, Reka swung the ax Rita and chopped down with an axe.

With a loud clang, the ax in Mengka's hand was cut off.

"How is it possible?!" Colonel Mengka thought that the person in front of him would be extraordinary, but he didn't expect that the sharp steel ax he was proud of was cut off just like that at the first contact.

What kind of monster is this? !

But it's too late to think about it!

His head was trampled down by a big foot, and his whole body was trampled by Reka like an ant, unable to move.

Even more humiliated by the arrogant Reka.

"What is the greatness of an ant like you? Among pirates, you are not strong enough, and among Marines, you are just a moth!" Bang, the first sentence fell, and Reka, who was shouldering the ax, kicked his head Step into the ground.

"So weak, what courage is there to name it Monka?! Ah!!" Reka said arrogantly, and then stepped on it again! ! It crushed its metal chin.

"Let's fall on the ground and beg for mercy! Just pay someone else back like this!? You are looking for a dead end!! Come, beg for mercy, let me see!!"

"Damn it!!!" Monka was furious, following Reka's wild kicks one after another.

The roles of each other seem to have been switched long ago. At this moment, Reka looks more like a villain, a domineering dictator.

This is not just as simple as defeat, but the ultimate humiliation. With arrogance, humiliation defeats Monka's twisted heart!

When Hrummeber saw his father collapsed, he was so frightened that he passed out.

Seeing this, the other Marines looked at each other, but not only did they not rush forward to save them, but they took a few steps back in a tacit understanding!

And these few steps back are not out of fear of Reka, but because I don't like Monka.

During Monka's tenure, he not only levied taxes, but also killed many innocent Marines if he was a little careless on weekdays.

Many families have been broken by Colonel Monka!

In their opinion, not to mention such an insult and beating, even if they were shot ten times, they would still feel displeased!

Normally, they dare not be angry or speak out, but now someone has knocked Monka down.

It was too late for them to be happy, if it weren't for the fear that Mengka would settle accounts with them afterwards.

They all wanted to go up and give him a kick!

"This guy is quite dangerous." Zoro said with a sullen face, looking at Reka who stomped Monka so hard that his body was covered in blood.

Zoro felt that this guy might not be the king of evil spirits.

But if it is your own partner, it can bring a sense of security.

He doesn't dislike Reka's approach, but he doesn't really support it either.

He knew what Monka did when he came to this small town.

But he is not a troublesome person, and Zoro will not bother if he does not provoke himself.

Once provoked, just cut it off!

"Reka, isn't it a little too much for us to do this?" Luffy tilted his head and thought for a moment.

"What a cruel Reka-san!" Keby shivered beside him.

Although the little girl looked a little scared, she was very relieved. Hearing what Luffy said, she quickly said: "It's not too much, my good friend Linna just accidentally bumped into him last time, and the whole family was killed by him." ! And Grandpa Johnny was also ordered to be shot because he couldn’t pay the taxes. He said he wasn’t in awe of him enough, woo woo woo…”

When the words came to a sad point, the little girl Li Jia couldn't help crying.

Everyone in Shields Town knows the brutality of Monka! Otherwise, they wouldn't have frightened those people like that when they mentioned Colonel Monka's name when they first arrived.

"Search!" Luffy's face was also slightly gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to press his straw hat, without any further dissuasion.

At this time, a Marine officer knelt down on the ground: "You can't easily forgive the devil Mengka, otherwise the whole town will suffer!"

He was afraid that after these powerful guys left, Monka would regain control of the town again!

Then they will go back to the previous days.

So he dropped his weapon and took a risky gamble.

When the other Marines saw this, some followed suit and knelt down, but most still lacked the courage.

Just put down the weapon in your hand.

Kebi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, he didn't expect that there would be such a villain in the Marine he was looking forward to!

Such anger and grievances, even Marine himself can't stand it anymore!

"You guys eat things from the inside out!" Mengka was furious when he heard this, but he had already breathed in more and vented less.

"It's a mere Marine, don't try to order me!" Reka said coldly!

But I also thought in my heart that Reka didn't intend to kill Monka originally, maybe he will play some role in the future.

But after hearing what the little girl said, Reka changed his mind.

Although he scolded Marine who was kneeling and begging, he raised the magic ax Rita in his hand.

"No, can't kill me. I'm Colonel Marine. I'm great. If you kill me, you'll be wanted by Marine!" Monka was so scared that his face turned pale when he saw Reka raising the axe.

"I don't care." Reka raised his knife and chopped off his head directly.

"Really killed!!" Nami leaned against the window, looking at the situation outside, she was kind, although she couldn't bear it.

But seeing Marine, and the little girl's reaction, and what she's investigated, she feels it's the right thing to do.

More often than not, she's a burglar who steals pirates.

But this time focusing on Marine is also to make Monka suffer a big loss.

It's all she can do.

"So handsome." Nami looked at the man who was as strong as a devil, handsome and masculine as a god, and extremely domineering, and his heart swayed.

But quickly got it under control and continued with the purpose of her trip.

"Thank you!!" Many Marines were beaming with joy. After being oppressed for a long time, they were liberated at this moment, which made them extremely excited!

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