Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

138. Escort Princess Vivi To Alabasta! (Please Subscribe!)

"You see how strong these guys are, I think this deal is not a loss!" Nami looked at Vivi and suggested very sincerely.

It's just that Vivi's expression didn't feel relaxed, but said decisively: "That's impossible, I'm very grateful to you for saving me!"

"Why, you are a princess, right? It's only a billion Pele." For individuals, this is of course a huge amount, but for the country, this should not be a fortune that cannot be spent.

Of course, it’s still a bit too much, but at least it should be negotiable, and a part of it can be reduced appropriately. Nami is also acceptable.

Instead of asserting that it is impossible at one bite.

"Do you know the country of Alabasta?" Vivi asked back.

"I don't know." Nami just arrived at the Grand Line, so of course she doesn't know.

"That is one of the few countries that can be called a great civilization, but that is in the past."

"In the past, what about now?" Originally, when he heard about a great civilized country, Nami still had a glimmer of hope. After all, a country that can be called a big country should be very rich.

"In the midst of civil strife, in the past few years, some people have begun to plan revolutions, the people have rioted one after another, and the country has become more and more chaotic. One day, I heard about an organization called the Locke Work Club!" Vivi's tone was obvious. become angry.

"We learned that this organization has been instigating the people, but if we want to find out more information, we will find that all the clues have been cut off, and we can't do it at all, so I asked Ika, who took good care of me since I was a child. Heng!"

"I wonder if I can find a way to sneak into the Bar Locke Work Agency, so that I can know the identity and purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes!"

"What a brave princess!" Zoro couldn't help but praise, as a princess, she didn't hesitate to risk herself and go deep into the enemy's camp.

This kind of ideological awareness alone can defeat at least 99% of the nobles of the kingdom in this world.

"Then did you find out their purpose?" Nami continued to ask, feeling that things were getting more and more complicated.

407 "Establishing an ideal country, although that is what they say, but it is a big lie. Their real purpose is to capture Alabasta. They must return to the country quickly to tell everyone the truth and quell the riots of the citizens. If this continues, if this continues... ..." The people behind Vivi are already hard to tell, once that possibility happens, she dare not accept it.

"So that's the case, that's what happened. This way I finally figured out the ins and outs. Since there is civil strife, there must be no money!" Nami was very disappointed, but without money, everything would be very difficult!

"Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?" Luffy asked curiously at this time.

"Hey...." Vivi's face became horrified, but then she looked at Reka again!

It turned out that they didn't know yet, but only this man knew, did they feel nothing when the phone bug called before?

No, maybe they just don't know the basic faction of the Grand Line yet.

Except him.

"Don't you know?" Seeing Vivi's hesitation, Luffy couldn't help asking.

"It's better that you don't know about it, don't ask me, don't ask me!" Vivi waved her hand quickly, since the man named Reka didn't tell them, she couldn't say

It's just that what's in her mind at the moment is Keldar, Seven Warlords of the Sea, one of the world's three powers!

"Forget it, after all, he is someone who wants to take over a country. He must be a very dangerous person." Nami decisively cut off this curiosity.

Years of living experience in the sea told her that there are some things that you shouldn't know, so don't be too curious to dig, and there are often no good results.

"That's right, no matter how powerful you are, you can't beat them. Face one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Klockedar!" Vivi subconsciously answered Nami's question.

"Who did you say?!" Nami asked with wide eyes.

Vivi reacted and quickly covered her mouth. She really didn't mean it, but just now her mind was full of this guy's shadow.

Nami happened to ask, and Hiri blurted out immediately.

"Didn't you say it?" Zoro was also speechless.

Luffy looked at Vivi indifferently, looking at Vivi, Seven Warlords of the Sea? What is that, as if he had heard it somewhere.

And now, the cool, unlucky duo, Vulture and Sea Otter, have appeared on the roof.

Hearing this, they looked straight at Nami and others.

Nami and others also noticed the sight, and the two looked at each other.

Fall into a brief dead silence!

Then they flapped their wings and flew high, and left here quickly!

Nami sensed something was wrong immediately, and quickly picked up Vivi's collar and asked viciously: "What happened to the bird and sea otter just now!? Did they report to the boss that you told us about this?"

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry!!" Vivi kept apologizing.

"Zoro, she said Shichibukai, it seems that Johnny said before that they are similar to Hawkeye." Luffy still remembers this.

But I can only remember this point, I don't know the specific name or something.

"Sounds good." Zoro smiled slightly.

"Apologize, why did you drag us into the water, aha... just entering the Grand Line, I will be hunted down by Shichibukai or something, it's too much, my life is too hard

After Nami got angry, she suddenly covered her face with sadness and felt sorry for herself.

"It's good luck to meet Shichibukai so soon." But Zoro doesn't see it that way.

Only by fighting against these real powerhouses can he become stronger and advance towards the number one swordsman in the world!

The same is true for Luffy, looking forward to it: "I don't know what kind of person he will be."

"Shut up." Seeing the two chattering and getting more and more excited, Nami couldn't help but want to run away.

"Thank you for meeting, but before we reveal our appearance, let's run away from here, and I'll make preparations for sailing." Nami said angrily.

As he said that, he walked directly towards the ship, but just about ten steps later, he met (cbeb) a sea otter who was painting, and the vulture.

Nami froze for a moment, and then the sea otter turned the portrait over to show Nami.

It was the four of them, Reka, Nami, Luffy, Zoro, who brought the painting to life.

Nami couldn't help applauding: "The painting is really good!"

"Quack!" The vulture and sea otter flew away again, and Nami began to chant magic to knock them down, but it was a step too late.

"What does this mean! Isn't it impossible to run now!" Nami said sadly and desperately.

A world-renowned strong man, a truly world-famous big pirate, how could they be able to deal with them now.

"I'm sorry!" Vivi lowered her head, feeling more and more guilty.

"She's really interesting." Luffy said looking at Nami.

"In the final analysis, where does she want to escape to? All in all, we will also be on the kill list of the Bar Locke Work Agency.

"It's emotional." Luffy grinned.

Nami squatted in the corner and drew circles in frustration, while Vivi comforted her.

"Actually, the situation hasn't changed much. We were targeted by the Pakistani Locke Work Agency before, but we haven't sent any killers yet. I'm a little surprised. Maybe it's because we thought that with the power of Whiskey Peak, we could be killed." Got it?" But at this moment, Reka said something that made even Nami Luffy puzzled.

"What does it mean to be targeted?" Nami had a bad feeling,

"It was when I was in Laboon's belly before, didn't I answer Vivi's phone bug, that man's voice is their boss!"

"Ah!!" Nami, Zoro, and Luffy were stunned!

Didn't expect that they would meet with Bar Locke Work Agency long before?

At that time, they thought that it might just be a small boss of Vivi.

Reka also provoked him crazily!

Thinking about it now, even though I entered the belly of a whale at that time, I was in a trance.

But Reka seemed to mention Locke and the sand crocodile at the beginning, so it was him!

Hearing what Reka said, Vivi immediately felt better.

No matter this is still her fault, because at that time, they had no portraits, but now they heard them on the spot, and they have specific portraits, Nami is also on the kill list!

"I see." Luffy clapped fists and palms together, suddenly realized.

"Is this our opponent!"

Nami is still depressed.

"If my savings, about 500,000 Baileys are enough..." Vivi carefully comforted Nami, and also used her own money to subsidize Nami.

It's just that the money is really pitifully small.

"Well~ Don't worry, it's okay, I already have a countermeasure!" At this time, Icarem came over and said.

"Icarem, what is your outfit like?" Vivi looked puzzled when she saw this. Not only is Icarem wearing women's shorts and women's clothes, but he also made his curly hair the same as Vivi's. ponytail.

The length of the hair can still keep up, and there are four or five dummies mixed in his arms.

"Uncle, you look pretty good, hahaha," Luffy walked over and said, then slapped up and down, left and right.

"I can't take it anymore, a bunch of idiots." Nami said speechlessly.

"Don't be angry, it's all like this anyway." Reka handed Nami a small wine jug, which was an excellent wine that Reka was reluctant to drink usually.

It takes many of the best ingredients to make a single bottle.

"Huh." Nami snatched it with one hand, and drained the small jug in one gulp. She wanted to drink away her sorrows, but the sorrows were even worse!

"Master Vivi, please listen to me carefully, if you are targeted by the Pakistan Locke Work Agency, there will be new pursuers to catch up immediately, you should understand.

"There will be about a thousand pursuers." Vivi estimated the strength of the nearby branches.

Hearing this, Nami was dumbfounded and shut herself up! What the hell!? Can a thousand people come here casually?

"So just like this, I will pretend to be a princess, and then take four dummy, and return directly to Alabasta by boat. When the pursuers are attracted by me, please leave Princess Vivi and everyone from other routes and go to Alabasta."

"Wait a minute, who said that the princess will be escorted back, the contract has not been established yet. But at this time Nami stood up and said.

It would be nice to be able to save her life for free.

"Escort the princess, what's going on?" Luffy was confused.

"Didn't you hear what we said, this uncle said that we should send her back to China."

"Is that so, it's ok." Luffy agreed immediately!.

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