Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

154. The Man Standing On The Sea Is Approaching The Drum Kingdom! (Please Subscribe!)

"I believe it! But......." Of course Vivi believed it, and these people were willing to risk their lives for a stranger like her.

She has no reason not to believe them.

But it is one thing to believe, and it is also a fact that the domestic situation is getting worse and worse.

"Then find a doctor first. I assure you that your kingdom will be fine, and you won't let millions of soldiers kill each other. Even if it falls into the hands of Klockedar, I will help you get it back!" Reka said firmly.

Vivi was shocked, what does he mean by this, not just sending himself back?

But is this really okay? They don't have any reason to get involved with Alabasta.

He would be satisfied if he could send himself back, but now, he offered to help him.

"I, I..." Vivi's tears became more and more violent in an instant

Carrying a kingdom by herself, no matter how hard she tried, how she gritted her teeth and faced difficulties, she always felt that it was a quagmire that made her sink deeper and deeper.

She wants to struggle out of it, and she has to tell everyone not to fall in!

But she was already inside, and it was very difficult just to get out.

In this situation, it is even more difficult to help others.

What she can do is to use what she has, her life, to fight for a future, even though it is slim and suffering!

But she has no way out, she can't just watch millions of soldiers kill each other indifferently because of someone's ambition!

What a sad and sad thing that is!

But now, someone is willing to stretch out his hands to her in the mud, willing to give her a hand!

The only thing she was worried about was whether they would also be pulled into this quagmire...

"Reka-san is right! We will definitely help you! However, Nami can't be bothered!"

"I told you that's nothing...." Nami was about to refute, but when he saw Reka, who was looking at him like a torch, his voice gradually diminished, completely lost his confidence, and shrank his neck, Trying to hide my head in the quilt.

Vivi pondered for a while, looked around everyone again and said: "I have something to ask everyone, I got on your boat, it may be too much to say this, but now my country is facing a huge crisis, I want to hurry up Click back, there can be no delay, so I hope this ship can go to Alabasta as fast as possible!"

"Of course, I promised you." Nami smiled slightly.

Luffy, Sanji Usopp and others fell silent.

"Then, let's go to the island with a doctor right away! Get Nami's illness cured as soon as possible, and then go to Alabasta! This is the fastest speed of this ship!" Vivi said affirmatively.

"Yeah, nothing faster than that!" Luffy grinned.

"Is it okay? As a princess, you should be worried about a million citizens!" Usopp said.

"That's right, so Nami's illness must be cured as soon as possible!"

"Then it's decided! Let the patient rest quietly for a while!" Reka was about to kick everyone out of the room and let Nami have a good rest!

"Wait a minute, the direction of the airflow seems to have changed..." Nami has improved a lot and is no longer in such pain, but compared to usual, she is still weak and weak, and there is a gust of wind blowing from the window at this moment, but Nami feels this The wind is different.

"There's a strong wind coming! We have to change the course immediately!" Nami sat up in shock, and hurried to the outside deck to feel the change of airflow more clearly!

"What's going on here? It's completely different from the storm, but it has changed a lot! Everyone, let the boat move!" After feeling it, Nami quickly ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone acted according to Nami's command. As soon as the direction was adjusted, a strong wind suddenly hit, which increased the speed of the ship a lot!

Not long after that, dark clouds covered the sky ahead, and a super terrifying hurricane with a diameter of more than a kilometer connected the sea and the sky together! It was as spectacular as the end of the world! Lightning strikes the size of small mountains fell around the hurricane!

"Ah!!! What's that?!!" Luffy cried out in fright when he saw this hurricane, he had never seen such a huge hurricane!

"That direction is the direction we sailed just now, if we didn't change the course just now..." Usopp was trembling in his heart, fortunately there is Nami!!

Cracking!! A thick lightning strikes the sea, illuminating the surrounding area!

"It's so dangerous! This is really saving a life!" Luffy said in horror, if this hits the hurricane, they will all be wiped out!

"It's amazing. It is said that the hurricane on the Grand Line has no warning, but this person... not only predicts the weather by theory, but also uses his body to perceive the weather!" Vivi Looking at Nami, he said with sincere admiration.

With Nami's command just now, Going Merry did not hit the hurricane, but bypassed this terrible natural disaster from the side!

...asking for flowers......

After bypassing, they seem to have entered the climate range of a certain sea area!

Heavy snow fell, the wind subsided, and the speed of the Mei Li also slowed down.

With a plop, Nami collapsed to the ground again.

"Nami, Nami, how are you? Are you okay? It's so hot, you have a fever again!" Vivi wiped Nami's forehead and found that it was a little hotter than before.

"You will be brave, Vivi, please help me look at the record pointer, I will take her in to rest!" Reka picked up Princess Nami.

Nami greedily grabbed Reka's sleeve like a baby, and couldn't help but bury her head in Reka's arms.

There is a sense of safety in him!

"Well, I feel so bad..." Nami saw that no one else was there, so he showed his vulnerable side.

Watching Reka holding a wet towel, carefully wiping the sweat off her face, and then she was covered with a light element healing technique, and her condition improved.

It's just that it doesn't last long, and it can't be completely cured!

We folded wet towels to cool down on a physical level.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, I'm right here."

"Well. y

"Drink some water."


"Can you fall asleep?"

"Should be able to, how about you tell me a story about your past." Nami said softly, her face was reddish, the quilt was pulled by her, covering her nose, leaving only a pair of pitiful eyes Looking at Reka.

"It's fine if you don't dislike it, it's not a good memory..." Reka talked about how he formed the pirate group and joined the pirate group.

"You said that there was a female crew member who sneaked up to you in the middle of the night wearing sexy clothes. You thought she was here to assassinate you, so you beat her up? But no weapons were found on her! Then she called The other pirates took your power?"

"Yes, but I suspect that it may be poisonous. The smell is too pungent, and it must be mixed with poison."

"Have you ever thought that she might just want to have something to do with you!"

"Should...can't be..."

The Merry sailed quietly.

Zoro, who was in charge of the lookout, suddenly saw a strange person standing on the sea not far away.

"Hey, let me ask you, do you think people can stand on the sea?" Zoro looked at Luffy Usopp and asked Ren. .

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