Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

160. The Country Without A Name, The Blackbeard Pirates Appear!

Luffy and others were surrounded in the port.

"We can't let you enter the island. Before, a group of pirates entered the island to wreak havoc. We don't know if they left or not. We can't make things worse! Please leave!" Dalton said in a deep voice. .

Not long ago, the invasion of the Blackbeard pirates brought huge losses to the Drum Kingdom.

But it's not all bad, at least King Wapol heard rumors that this guy was the one who killed the crew of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, and managed to escape.

Without fighting, they were frightened and fled away in a hurry.

In this way, the tyranny that has been ruling the Drum Kingdom has finally come to an end!

But for Dalton and the civilians, the fewer pirates, the better.

"It's really annoying, it's the first time we've met!" Sanji said.

Although pirates are not popular "——zero", but as a group with a huge base, as long as they don't come here, they will show aggression.

Usually don't suffer from such a bad attitude! Even many people like to do business with pirates.

Although high risk, it also means high return in many cases.

"Don't talk back!!" A villager said excitedly, and pulled the trigger nervously at Sanji! The bullet hit the deck, creating a crater!

"Shot!!" Usopp exclaimed immediately.

Sanji's face darkened immediately, and he was ready to teach these villagers a lesson. Shooting and not shooting are two completely different concepts.

Accumulate strength in the legs, prepare to be strong, no matter what, you must find a doctor as much as possible, and you can't put all your hopes on Reka.

What if Reka can't be found! Then Nami's life is in their hands!

"Slow down, Sanji, don't do anything!" Vivi stood up in front of Sanji, preventing Sanji from doing anything.

If you choose to do it at this time, things will only be more troublesome, let alone whether there are people stronger than them on this island.

Even if they don't, as long as these people don't cooperate, they will still be unable to take a single step, and even need to conceal some key information.

They will have no choice but to fall into a very passive situation.

So no violence!

Bang! But just as Vivi stepped forward, another shot was fired from the shore, and Vivi fell down immediately.

The faces of Zoro Sanji and others changed drastically: "Vivi!!"

"Bastards! How dare you..." Luffy was instantly furious!

"Get ready! Aim!!" Seeing this, the villagers on the shore knew that there was nothing to be done. They all raised their weapons and prepared to fight!

"Damn it!!" Luffy rushed out, and was directly hugged by Vivi to prevent sleep!

"Wait a minute! Fighting is not a good way to solve problems! My injury is nothing to worry about, it's just a scrape on my arm!" Vivi said.

Kneeling directly towards Dalton, expressing his sincerity: "Then we won't go ashore, can you please call a doctor, we have a partner with a patient, and enter the island first, if there is a doctor If he comes, we can call him back!"

"Vivi!" Zoro Usopp and the others looked at the kneeling Vivi, and were greatly shocked!

Obviously a princess of a big country, but because of Nami's illness, she can bow her head!

"Vivi...." Luffy was also stunned.

"Luffy, being a captain is not that easy. Being brave and ruthless can't solve all problems. Even if you beat them, but if they don't treat Nami, what will you do then? What will happen to Nami?" Like?" Vivi said in a deep voice.

Luffy was completely stunned. At this moment, he learned the extremely precious quality from Vivi!

"Our companion is suffering from serious illness, please help us, please!" Vivi begged.

"Sorry, I was wrong, I'm sorry, please call the doctor! Please save our partner!" After regaining consciousness, Luffy also faced Dalton's direction and knelt down directly. She didn't even drop her straw hat for the first time. Pick it up for a while.

The atmosphere suddenly froze, and everyone present looked at Luffy and Vivi who were kneeling.

Dalton looked at the two in silence for a while, then put away his weapon: "I'll take you to the village! Come with me!"

Dalton waved everyone to put away their weapons.

Although there are risks, Dalton is too kind after all!

Also, he didn't think they were lying!

"You see, they understand our difficulties." Vivi smiled, this is at least a good start.

"Vivi, you are really amazing!" Luffy also said sincerely.

Luffy, Sanji Vivi and others quickly followed.

Leave Zoro and run fast to watch the ships!

A group of people are walking in the snow, the destination is Dalton's village...

"Let me tell you first, there is only one witch doctor in our country!" Dalton said, which is why he couldn't let doctors go to the coast, but let them into the village


"What's going on here? Is there only one doctor in a country?" Sanji said he couldn't understand such a big country.

If there is only one doctor, how can it be used!!

"By the way, what country are you here?" Usopp asked curiously.

"This country doesn't have a name yet!" Dalton said truthfully.

"Is there such a country without a name?" Even Vivi felt a little unbelievable.

Faced with such a question, Dalton was just silent, after Wapol fled.

This country is temporarily taken over by him, a sinner, and none of them want to recognize the previous kingdom!

Only when that kingdom has been destroyed, they will be born again!

Just like that day, the man who was called a quack.

Although the country is hopeless, as long as someone pretends to be sick and asks for help, he will come foolishly and eventually perish!

This is the person who truly hopes that the country will become better and stronger!

All he has done now is just atonement!

"Ah!! It's a bear!! Play dead!!" Usopp was startled when he saw a huge white bear coming towards him and the others!

"That's a hiking bear. It's not dangerous. Don't forget the climbing etiquette, give him a nod!" Dole said calmly.

Of course the other villagers knew about this kind of white bear, and Qi Qi nodded towards the excursion bear.

Bai Xiong also nodded politely towards them, and the two passed each other in peace!

This makes it embarrassing for Usopp who immediately lay on the ground and pretended to be dead!

And just when they were about to reach the town, suddenly a villager covered in blood ran over!

"Lord Dalton, something is wrong! The Blackbeard pirates have appeared and are in the town. Old Joseph clashed with them and was killed!"

"What!?" Dalton's face changed drastically when he heard that, he thought the Blackbeard pirates had left.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again!

"Gather your people and rush over there at full speed now, we must not let this group of pirates go on rampant again!" Dalton said in a deep voice.


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