Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

165. Sun Tyrant, Suppress The Blackbeard Group! (Please Subscribe!)

"What to do, Madam Doriel!" Chopper looked at Straw Hat Crew, who was in deep danger, and couldn't help becoming more and more anxious.

"Don't do stupid things!" Guleva solemnly reminded that perhaps many people in the town would regard Chopper as a monster.

Especially the prejudice left over from the past is not so easy to get rid of. Every time Gureva took Chopper to various towns to treat people.

Even if they know that Chopper has been "tamed", they will still feel fear, after all, animals that can turn into humans.

Just thinking about it, not many people can accept it.

But who would have thought that Chopper, known as a monster, is kind and gentle in nature...

Chopper was silent, but when he finally saw the long nose and curly brows, he was about to be killed.

At that critical moment, he still couldn't hold back, spread his limbs and rushed over, at an extremely fast speed, and ate the blue wave ball.

Ran into Fan Aoka from behind, Fan Aoka's perception ability was extremely sharp, even if Chopper was extremely fast, "067".

But with a light jump, he jumped onto the roof. Just now, he sensed some dangerous aura.

Although he failed to attack Fan Oka, this sneak attack gave Usopp a breathing space so that he would not die from the shot just now.

Usopp gasped, staring blankly at a crazy reindeer? Or civet cat?

"Animal?! Civet cat?" Fan Oka frowned and said, it turned out to be him who was attacked by this thing just now, how strange!

"I'm a reindeer, not a civet cat!" Chopper looked at Fan Oka and said indignantly.

"Idiot!" Gu Leiwa said, and walked out with steps, walking towards the crowd.

If you will die, then die!

"The reindeer has spoken!!" Usopp was also shocked! Is this a snow monster?

But even if it is a snow monster, it must be a good snow monster!

If he hadn't come to the rescue just now, it would have been troublesome!

"Talking animals, is this one of them too? Forget it, no matter whether it is or not, let's take you on the road together!" Fan Oka said, aiming his gun at Chopper!

Pull the trigger!

"Jump enhancement!" After eating the rambo ball, Chopper has transformed several times. At this moment, he has human arms, reindeer long legs, and a thinner form. One jump is like a spring

Leaping over ten meters high, escaped the gunshot.

And jump towards where Sanji and Badgers are: "Weight Boost!"

While jumping, Chopper turned into a tall and mighty human again, and punched Badgers with a punch!

"What!" Badgers raised his hand and easily blocked the punch, which is normal for ordinary people.

The power of Chopper's punch is not to be underestimated, it is enough to crush rocks, but to him, that's all.

"Oops! The fur is strengthened!" Chopper saw that his fist was easily blocked, and immediately knew that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Badgers raised his other hand and blasted out a fist with a terrifying shock wave. Chopper turned into an animal state, with thick hair all over his body, as if he had turned into a ball.

With a loud bang from Peng, Chopper was sent flying, hit the house, and sprayed blood from his mouth and nose. Even if it was strengthened with fur, it removed most of its attack power.

But this punch is still very heavy.

"A pet? You know how to be grateful!" Badgers took it for granted that this was a pet brought by Sanji and the others, otherwise how could he come out to protect the Lord at this time.

It's a pity that nothing can be changed, at most it is to buy a few breaths of time for my master!

"The most Advanced ground meat!!" Sanji took the opportunity to launch an extremely powerful series of onslaughts.

"It's useless!!" Badgers punched and sent Sanji flying again!

Badgers is pushing towards Sanji step by step!

Now Sanji has already been seriously injured!

"Strengthen the wrist! Carved hoof Sakura!!" Chopper rushed out from the ruins and made his strongest blow so far.

Chopper turned into an orc, his arms puffed up, full of strength, his palms were like reindeer hooves, and when he put his hands together, he exploded like a heavy bomb!

"Come again!" Badgers' face froze, he didn't think so, but he felt that this blow had extraordinary power!

"Undulating elbow!" Badgers blasted out with a powerful blow, colliding with Carved Hoof's hands!

Not surprisingly, Yinba was flown out with blood dripping all over his body!

"Hey, are you okay!" Sanji staggered up from the ground and said worriedly.

"It's okay!" Although he wanted to cry loudly at the first moment of pain, Chopper still said bravely, but he couldn't get up for a while.

Sanji is silent, what a strong reindeer!

But what can he do now!

"This guy was rescued by my reindeer, I can't let you kill it casually, let me show you the doctor's methods!" Looking at Fan Oka who wanted to kill Usopp

Guleva appeared in front of Fan Oka and took out many needles from her body.

You can't beat it, but maybe you can buy some time and let everyone escape together!

"Another one who is not afraid of death, today is really interesting?" Fan Oka watched indifferently...

"Grandma, thank you!!" Usopp was very moved, the people in this kingdom are so kind, but they met this group of powerful pirates!

"Brat, what are you talking about? I'm a 139-year-old girl at the perfect age! Who cares if you call me an old woman!" Gu Leiwa said dissatisfied.

"139!?" Even if the situation is not good now, Usopp is still extremely shocked, and Fan Oka is no exception. Really, this old woman has lived for so long.

"Go to hell!" There's nothing to say, the one who blocked him from killing, killed him together, it's just a seedling with some potential, logically speaking, he should have been killed long ago, but he didn't expect someone to interfere with him again and again!

Gu Leiwa started, throwing out many needles, Fan Oka raised the gun, and fired several bullets in an instant, smashing all the flying needles!

But when the liquid inside touches the air, it instantly diffuses like a mist!

"Poison?!" Fan Oka frowned, even if they were powerful, if they were poisoned, they might not end well.

Fan Aoka didn't know the situation, but he quickly distanced himself!

Then he raised his hand and shot out, aiming very accurately, and in this open space without obstacles, it was his world!

A bullet was fired, aiming straight at Guleva's head!

But at this time, Reka's voice sounded: "Have you played wild enough? Blackbeard!"

Immediately afterwards, Reka's figure appeared on the bullet track, pinching the flying bullet with one hand.

"Stupid..." Fan Oka was about to mock it, but it was an explosive bomb, he got angry and wanted to kill all the prey!

But in the next second, Ray 4.5 was stuck before the bullet burst, and with a flick of his finger, the bullet shot past along the original trajectory at a faster speed!

Peng! Fan Oka's famous gun exploded in an instant, and his shoulders were immediately covered in blood. If it wasn't for his head leaving the scope just now.

It should be his head that exploded now.

After a successful blow, Reka's figure flickered and disappeared again, and in the next second, he suddenly appeared in front of Badgers!

"So fast!!!" Badgers had no time to respond

Peng!! He kicked his stomach, his bones shattered, and his whole body was shot out like a cannonball, knocking down countless buildings, and he still didn't stop!

"What?!" Blackbeard stared angrily, with an unbelievable expression on his face, even if he couldn't be caught off guard, he could deal with his two powerful partners at once! This is not something ordinary people can do

And, now, he appeared in front of me again! He punched me!

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