Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

178. The Organizational Structure Of The Pakistan Locke Work Agency, All Staff Gather Alabasta!

"The big thing is bad! Luffy was taken away by the big bird!!" Chopper ran to the deck in horror, and told the matter to the three Zoro Sanji Usopp who were bored playing cards.

It's just that facing the panicked Chopper, the three of Usopp seemed much calmer, no, it should be said that they didn't respond.

Chopper couldn't understand at all: "Now is not the time to play cards, I told you Luffy is in trouble!"

"Did he call for help?" Zoro asked calmly.

"No." Chopper, who was circling anxiously around the three of them, suddenly stopped.

"Then it's fine, just leave him alone!" Since he didn't ask for help, Zoro didn't bother to deal with Luffy's affairs, otherwise he wouldn't be able to relax at the end of the day.


"Rubber rubber, propeller!!" Luffy twisted his hands into a twist, then grabbed the big bird, his arms bounced back, and kept spinning, dragging the big bird directly to the deck, and knocked him unconscious.

It's just that the wings are still outside the deck, and this big bird can't fit at all.

At the same time, the three of Zoro were rushed out!

"Hey, Sanji, I'm back with meat!" Luffy got out from the body of the big bird, and saw several people lying on the ground who were thrown into the air.

Can't help but be very puzzled: "What's wrong with you?!"

"It's not your fault!!" The three angrily shouted in unison.

"What are you doing, I have a good hand!" Usopp said regretfully.

"Is that so, sorry." Luffy grinned heartlessly.

"This bird is so big, now we have decent food!" Sanji said happily, looking at the prey in front of him.

"Do you want to eat this?" Usopp was a little worried, this big bird has never been seen before, is it really all right?

"Chopper, what's the matter with you?" Luffy couldn't help asking, looking at the dumbfounded Chopper.

"That..... Pirate, really amazing!" Chopper wriggled his nose, expecting and excited.

"Really, is it amazing!!"

"Hahaha!" Luffy laughed with his hands on his hips, and Zoro Sanji and others also laughed.

"I tell you guys, this ship will arrive at Alabasta soon, there is no time for you to play, come on!" Nami walked over and said.

"I said, is Alabasta?" Chopper still didn't know much about Vivi.

"O country ruled by Vivi's father, now there is a villain named Ke Locke Dar who wants to take Alabasta!"

"He's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!" Sanji added.

"Shichibukai?" Chopper was puzzled.

"They are pirates recognized by the world government!"

"Pirate recognized by the government?!"

"That's right, because they have overwhelming power, they can easily defeat other pirates, so the World government recognizes them so that they can suppress pirates

"Clocke Dar, I really want to see him soon!" Luffy clenched his fists in anticipation.

"Klockedar is regarded as a hero in Alabasta, because he will defeat the pirates who attack the town, but that is just the superficial image of Klockedar. In fact, he is behind the scenes, causing civil strife in Alabasta! No one has discovered this The same thing happened to the people, and so did my father! So I have to go back as soon as possible and tell my father the truth, and tell the people!" Vivi said in a deep voice.

"In short, as long as we can kill Queer Locke!" Luffy said confidently.

"Yes, if the civil strife can be quelled first, and the Pakistani Locke Work Agency can be kicked out of the country!" Vivi nodded.

Chopper: "Ba Locke work agency?"

"That's right, you don't know much about these things. In fact, I don't know very well either. The organizational structure of the Pakistan Locke Works is too complicated." Usopp rubbed his head and said to the Pakistan Locke Little is known about it.

"The structure is actually very simple. First of all, on the top floor is the BOSS, Locke Dahl, also known as MR.0, the agent who directly listens to the boss's instructions. There are twelve people and one animal. They all act together with a female agent partner. , MR.1 and MISS New Year's Day, MR.2 are the only ones who don't have a partner!" Vivi told everyone the information in detail.

After all, Luffy and the others are now on the locker list of the Locke Work Agency. Intelligence is often more important than strength!

"MR.3 is the candle-wielding guy I met in Little Garden!"

"Yes, he and MISS Golden Week are partners! It's that little girl!"

"MR(cbbi).4 and MISS Christmas are a pair. I don't know the situation of these two people! MR.5 and Valentine, you have also met, and MR.1 to MR.5 are from the work agency. Advanced agents! They are all Demon fruit power, they will only be dispatched when there are really important tasks, and MR.6 to MR.13 are with Common staff, responsible for raising funds for the company at the entrance of the Grand Line!"

"Speaking of which, it seems that there are ten Song strange birds and sea otters | Sanji said.

"You are talking about MR.13 and MR. Friday, right? They are the punishment team, mainly punishing those who failed the mission. In addition, there are also the subordinates of Advanced agents, [billions of elders] two hundred people, and the subordinates of pioneering agents【 One Million Elders] 1,800 people, and an unspecified number of miscellaneous fish subordinates! This is the secret criminal organization Barlocke Work Club!"

"So, one thousand and eight plus two hundred, there are two thousand elites alone!!" Usopp calculated.

"Two thousand people!!" Chopper was stunned, so many people, are they all enemies?

"Okay, I'm very clear. In short, just beat Klocke Dahl away!" Luffy didn't know whether he really understood or didn't understand.

Reka leans more towards the latter.

"You definitely haven't figured it out!" Usopp said, also looking at Luffy.

"If the final plan of the Pakistani Locke Work Association is to capture Alabasta, then the time is almost here. All the agents and billionaires will gather in Alabasta!"

"Yes!" As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart sank, which also meant that once they clashed, they would not have to face one or two strong men alone.

But a whole huge criminal organization!

"Anyway, go get that guy named Locke...  

"Forget it, just shut up!" Before Luffy could finish speaking, Sanji interrupted.

"Reka-san, do you think we can win? How strong are they?!" Zoro asked Reka, who always knew something they didn't know.

"Probably not better than Blackbeard, but Desert Kingdom, after all, is his home stadium. No one knows what will happen, but personally, we will win!" Reka said with certainty.

"No matter what, let's increase training from now on!!" Sanji volunteered.

"Yes......... I will train you more strictly today. My strength has not fully recovered. Maybe this is the rare opportunity for you to try to knock me down!!"

"I'm coming!!" Luffy rushed forward, and then both Chopper and Vivi stayed where they were.

Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji teamed up. It was okay at first, but Reka didn't recover, and they went all out.

It is indeed a big problem, and even once gained the upper hand.

Gradually, the so-called training turned into a beating on all sides...

"Reka-san, it's scary..." Buzhong was trembling. .

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