Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

185. Luffy Chopper's Big Adventure! The General Attack Of The Rebel Kosha Is Decided!

At this moment, Luffy, who had arrived in the city earlier than everyone else, hadn't arrived yet.

Lost outside the city, I saw a house with smoke rising from it, so I ran to it as a restaurant.

It's just that the door is closed, not to mention food, but not a drop of water, even if you are thirsty.

Then I saw some bags containing something like flour, but in different colors.

Luffy is a person who can eat flour and other things raw. He was so hungry that he tore open the bag and tasted it, but he was disgusted.

In a fit of anger, the powdery thing was thrown into the stove and burned. In Luffy's view, inedible flour is no different from poison.

Absolutely can not stay in this world, this burning, billowing black smoke along the chimney, filling the sky.

After a while, thick dark clouds accumulated, and suddenly it rained heavily.

But only limited to this small area.

"Great, it's raining!" Luffy quickly opened his mouth to catch the rain, rain? Rain is something you can eat!

In Luffy's opinion, something that can be eaten is food!

"What?!" Hearing this, the uncle who was hiding in the room couldn't help but rushed out.

He waved his weapon at Luffy: "My dancing fan, damn it, my dream, I was thinking of taking the opportunity to make a fortune!!"

Chopper and Sanji are shopping here, but as time goes by, Chopper gradually feels the heat and strong discomfort.

Because one of the famous specialties here is perfume.

For Chopper, who has a relatively sensitive nose, the taste is too irritating.

Coupled with the scorching hot weather constantly baking the earth, the fur-clad Chopper slowly suffered from heat stroke.

And Sanji was on the way, when he saw the beautiful woman, he ran over to strike up a conversation.

"Heat stroke is getting more and more serious, we must find a cool place to rest as soon as possible, and wait for Sanji to come back." Chopper said, looking at an open camel cart, under the drowsiness, he didn't think too much , Lie down directly.

Just take a break, take a break.

As a result, just after lying down for a while, the owner of the car sneaked back, quickly closed the door, and headed towards a certain place, quickly moving forward.

After Sanji returned to the original place, he couldn't see Chopper, and he was stunned!

After an unknown amount of time, Chopper woke up amidst the bumps in the distance.

He was horrified to find himself in the carriage, and even found that the carriage was filled with rifles! Chopper's heart was beating violently in fright!

"What's going on?! What's going on here? Where am I, what am I doing... I have to get out of here as soon as possible!" No matter who the owner of this carriage is, it's definitely not easy to get along with.

A guy who is easy to get along with will definitely not buy so many weapons, a box of weapons, what is this for!

But just as Chopper was about to escape, the carriage stopped.

"Go get the stuff down!"

Hearing this, Chopper had nowhere to escape, so he could only temporarily pretend not to move, using it as food.

Creak! The door is open!

"What? Did you buy a whole deer?"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Well, the bastard who sells weapons dares to sneak in and blackmail us!"

"There is no way to do this. If they find out, it will be a big trouble."

"Where's Koza?"


"We also bought some food, let's move down!"

"Yes!"... Chopper listened to their discussion, and could only continue to play dead!

"Kousa, we have bought weapons, but not many..." A rebel soldier walked into the room and reported to Kosha.

It is said to be a room, but it is actually a large warehouse with a few cushions placed on it. This has become the residence of Kosha, the leader of the rebel army who now controls hundreds of thousands of people in Alabasta.

"Sorry, I asked you to do something dangerous." After saying this, Kosha fell silent.

"What's the matter, why are you in a daze?" Bu Genin couldn't help asking.

"This country is broken. Either it collapses from within, or there are problems because of outsiders or the current climate. In any case, it is impossible to maintain peace, and so are we, although 300,000 kings are relying on us to barely make up number of people, but there are not enough weapons, not enough food, and physical strength has reached its limit!"

"It's meaningless to shed blood in vain. The next attack needs to be stopped. Our rebel army needs to change this country!" Kou Sha said in a deep voice.

He knows what this decision means.

The rebel army on the opposite side is also silent...

"Didn't you say there is venison? Why didn't you see it?" The person who was about to move the goods didn't see the venison 3.0 meat.

After communicating with the camel, Chopper leaned on the back of the camel. The clever camel stuck out its tongue to the owner, indicating that he wanted to drink water. The owner asked him to drink water by himself, and the camel could move freely.

The Chopper, who was hiding on his back and covered with a cloth bag, was transported to the edge of the city.

"Saved, thank you! But why help me?" Chopper thanked.

When the camel heard the words, it chirped.

Chopper started to translate by himself: "There is no reason, am I handsome!"

"Hahaha, you're so weird, anyway, thank you!" Chopper laughed, waved goodbye to the camel, and set off on his way home!

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