Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

212. Spider-Man Cafe, Gather All Cadres At Eight O'clock!

"Rest for a while now, and I'll set off when I'm done."

As Reka said, he took out a piece of rubbing paper, walked towards the historical text, covered the paper, brushed the ink, and copied the entire historical text.

After steaming with heat, the ink dries, and then Reka fixes the thing and saves it.

Reka is also very interested in the history recorded in this article, after all, it may answer all the answers now.

For example, Roger's intention to set off the big pirate, why the Grand Line is what it is today, whether there has always been chaos in the sea, or is there a human-made possibility.

If you want to reach the pinnacle of this world, you have to see the most real side of the world.

"What's the use of that?" Luffy asked puzzled.

"It feels like it might be useful." Reka couldn't tell, just because he happened to pass by this desert, and since he knew there was this thing, he couldn't miss it.

"Really." Luffy replied, he didn't care much about these things, and after the answer, he lay on the ground unwilling to get up.

It's too cool in here and too hot outside.

"Don't be coquettish, you still have to go to Yuba, and it should be almost there now. Reka picked up Luffy, jumped out of the cave with a light jump, and then brought Zoro with him.

Moving in the direction of Nami et al.

"The implementation of the battle plan is at noon two days later, are you ready?" Locke Dahl looked at Robin and asked.

"Well, there is no slightest neglect, 150 billion elders are already on standby in Narohara, and I have also recalled Mr.2, because it seems that he has no news of MR.3, Advanced agents will gather tonight ! It's almost time, they should be rushing to the meeting point~".

"Well, well done!"

In the Spider-Man Cafe, all the Baylocke Workers Advanced from various islands gathered together.

A blue-haired tavern hostess was wiping wine glasses, and there was no customer in the store, because today, a group of special guests were to be received.

So the field was cleared early, she is the partner of MR,1, with two fingers, but except for the commanders of MR.1 and above, all Advanced agents don't know her true identity.

All along, she has existed as a coffee shop owner, like a Common intelligence officer.

It's just that there is no need to hide it anymore, because the Utopia they are eager to create is about to succeed, and this last step is missing.

She was listening to pure music, fiddling with wine glasses, and the first Advanced agent MR.2 who arrived was teaching his male subordinates outside, dancing a voluptuous, weird and sexy ballet: "ONE, TWO... ONE, TWO, come, dance with me!"

"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, long-distance fatigue, back pain, really, it's all your fault, MR.4, it's all your fault that you are so fat, that's why I have back pain!" , a fat woman with a head resembling a flying squirrel walked in chattering, she is the partner of MR.4, MISS. Christmas!

"Yes~no~ sorry!!" A man who was even fatter and was carrying a cannon on his back apologized naively.

"How is Zala, how empty the store is, how empty!!" Christmas spoke extremely fast and impatiently, and slammed the table while talking.

"Today is reserved for you, the others have to wait for another lotus."

"MR, 4 you drink fresh orange black tea, and your Christmas is apple juice!"

"I want the temperature to be just right, and I want it to be drinkable right away. I don't want to wait." Christmas said wildly.

And at this time, did the prelude of MR.2, one two, one two come from outside, after listening to Christmas, I couldn't help complaining; "... Zala, do you like listening to such strange songs now?"

"No, I just played the sonata, that's the sound of MR.2 outside the yard!" Zala explained.

"Okay, that's it for today, you can go back first, Fat Bear, Obasan, you are all here too!" The training is almost done, MR.2 also walked into the coffee shop and saw the MR.4 duo and said hello .

"It's so noisy, my waist is sore, stop arguing!"

"I'm a dancer... By the way, I heard that MR.1's partner will appear this time." After hearing about MR.2, he didn't take it seriously, after all, everyone has different personalities.

After a while, MR.1 also came, but he was holding a few subordinates who had been in contact with and dancing with MR.2 (Nuo's) just now.

"What are you doing!?" MR.2 became angry when he saw this!

"So do you know each other? I saw them sneaking around and behaving strangely, so I took them down." MR.1 said truthfully, he saw a few big men walking, dancing this enchanting dance, and Close to tonight's meeting point.

In order to avoid problems with the battle plan, this unstable factor must of course be removed!

"Damn MR.1!" MR.2 didn't even think about it, this was his subordinate, and immediately shot Ming angrily.

MR.1 didn't get used to it either, and made a decisive move, and the two of them got into a ball at once....

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