Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

214. Old Friends Meet Again, The Last Person In The City.

"Traveling in the desert must be tiring. I'm sorry. This city has dried up." Uncle Doto was digging something in the deep pit while talking. Although he was dressed in rags, his voice was full of kindness and concern.

Vivi subconsciously pulled her collar to cover her face. It is still not suitable for her to be recognized by others.

Luffy and the others just listened quietly.

"But you guys rest easy, there are hotels everywhere, and those are the best places in the city."

"Well, may I ask, I heard that the rebel army is in this city." Vivi hesitated for a moment, but still asked this sentence.

Unexpectedly, the uncle's face changed suddenly when he heard the words, and his tone was not as caring as before, but full of embarrassment! "What do you want to do with the rebel army? Are you planning to join the rebel army?"

As he said that, he threw all kinds of things at them angrily.

Luffy and the others avoided until Uncle Doto lost his strength, and when he saw that they said they didn't come to join the rebel army, he calmed down: "Those idiots are no longer in this city."

"What did you say?!" The faces of Luffy and the others changed drastically, and they were no longer here, so why did they travel so long this way.

The time is now very precious, and the domestic situation is getting more and more serious. Once they cannot be found and stopped before the war, a full-scale war will break out, and by then it will be too late.

"How could this be?" Vivi's eyes were even darkened, and he was in a hurry.

"The sandstorm has just hit the city, but it's not just now. Since the sand has dried up after being exposed to the sun for a long time three years ago, the city has been frequently hit by sandstorms and has been swallowed up bit by bit. The old oasis has become like this, and the supplies are no longer circulated in this city, so it is impossible to carry out the protracted war of the rebellion, so the rebel army moved their base to Cattleya!" Doto told everyone about it.

"Such a weird sandstorm, Sand-Sand Fruit ability..." Reka didn't believe that the sandstorm would keep attacking here like a living thing.

It is estimated that it is to create despair for the rebels and let them wage wars again and again in order to survive.

"Cattleya?!" Vivi was shocked at the time, and gradually despaired.

"Where is that, is Vivi Cattleya near here?" Luffy asked quickly.

"That's the oasis near Rohara!" Vivi replied in a deep voice. She didn't expect them to walk so far, but the headquarters of the rebel army was not far from where they started

Uncle Duo Tuo suddenly stopped digging.

"Catleia is the city where I lost my way and met my eyelashes!" Chopper also responded at this time and said.

The camel chattered a lot, and Chopper automatically took over the job of translation: "While saving me, Eyelashes was helping the rebel army move the goods to Cattleya!!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!!" Luffy Usopp and others heard the words, and immediately gave it a fat beating!

The camel raised its head and said with an unyielding face, "I don't know!"

Of course, this is also what Chopper is responsible for translating.

"So it's completely meaningless for us to come here after so many days of hard work." Zoro also felt very helpless. The journey was not easy for them.

In the hot climate of the desert, there are all kinds of monsters, and you get lost many times.

"Vivi? Did you call her Vivi just now?!" Doto suddenly stepped out of the pit and walked towards them step by step.

...asking for flowers...

"Hey! Uncle! Vivi is not a princess!" Luffy hurriedly stood up to save her, but in the end, it was better not to save her, if she can't lie, then don't force her to lie!

"Don't say it, idiot!" Zoro couldn't stand it any longer, and directly punched the captain!

"Are you Vivi? You are still alive!! Great!" The uncle came to Vivi, pressed her shoulders with both hands, and said very excitedly.

Vivi was taken aback.

"It's me, can't you recognize it? It's no wonder, because I'm a little thinner!" Duo Tuo's eyes filled with tears.

Vivi couldn't recognize him at first, but when he got closer, Vivi recognized him, but his face was in disbelief: "Uncle Doto!!"

"Well, that's right!!"

Vivi, who got an affirmative answer, immediately had a sore nose and tears came out of his eyes. This is Kosha's father and his father's good friend. He lived in the palace for a long time. He was the one who suggested building an oasis here .

Vivi has seen him many times. At that time, he was still radiant, full of appearance, and even chubby, but now, he is almost skinny!

This made Vivi feel bad for Ultimate.

"Uncle Doto?" Luffy looked puzzled, did they know each other.

"Vivi, I, I believe His Majesty the King, he will never do anything to betray the country, right!" Doto couldn't help but burst into tears as he was the only one left in the whole city. He insisted that he could see that Vivi was safe and sound.

It is quite hopeful.

"Rebellion or something, it's just stupid, those stupid boys four!".

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