Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

249. Nami Defeated The Bounty Criminal With 35 Million Baileys!

Back in time a little bit!

"Have so many abilities, but just be a coward?!" Both fingers chased Nami's figure.

As the partner of MR.1, her strength is beyond doubt! The bounty is as high as 35 million Baileys!

I thought Nami was just an inconspicuous little person, but since I chased her wrong at the beginning,~ let’s clean her up first!

But after this move, his fingers realized that he had underestimated the woman, and she could resist every attack he made!

It can even control flames and lightning, although the power is not that strong, but this is the magic of natural elements!

If it wasn't for the fact that she was not a Logia ability user after several attacks, the two fingers would not have continued to chase!

After all, a Logia capable user is almost invincible.

"Damn!! Why can't you escape, this guy is too stalking!" Nami didn't want to fight her at all.

Their task is to disguise and distract them, so that Reka and Vivi can enter the capital more smoothly, and the battle will be considered a success!

But this guy didn't want to let her go! Even though she was forced to retreat several times, she still chased after her!

"You forced me to do this. I shouldn't be doing such a risky thing!" Nami knew that she couldn't escape, that woman is Demon fruit power, who can make everything sharp and sharp!

At this distance, even if Nami knew the magic of the wind element, she would not dare to take off rashly, because this woman's thorn ability could knock her down.

If they fly together, they become a live target, so Nami has been thinking about keeping the distance.

Now it seems that it is impossible!

Since you can't escape, you can only face it.

"Finally don't want to run away, let my sister love you well!" Said with both fingers, sharp metal thorns grew all over her body, and hugged Nami.

Nami hastily cast a wind element magic to increase Agility, if it is pierced, her flesh and blood body will definitely turn into a hornet's nest!

When she saw these metal thorns, she had easily pierced through the surrounding walls!

"Great Fireball Technique!" Nami took out his long stick, guided the fire elemental magic to concentrate on one point, and shot out a Great Fireball that directly exceeded one meter.

Like a cannonball! The heat wave filled the entire street in an instant.

"The power seems to be great, but the speed is too slow!" With a chuckle with both fingers, Miaoman's body leaped lightly, and the whole person jumped over the fireball like a gust of wind, and even attacked and killed Nami!

"Did you hide?" Nami was startled, and quickly backed away, taking the opportunity to shoot out a bolt of lightning. The speed of the lightning was fast, but his fingers had already expected it! A thorn grew out of his body and connected to the ground.

Although the flash of current made his fingers scream, most of the electricity was directed to the ground.

She didn't take much damage, and charged at Nami again.

"These Advanced agents are really not that easy to deal with!" Nami turned his head again to be afraid, but he couldn't run very far, and his fingers kept attacking.

"Thorn Meteor Hammer!!" Puff puff! After his fingers initially figured out Nami's method, he no longer kept any room for it.

It would be too embarrassing if it takes too much time to deal with a guy who doesn't even have a bounty!

His hands turned into thorn meteor hammers, constantly breaking through the walls, and stopped Nami many times with the shortest intensity. Nami hastily avoided the attacks of his fingers many times.

Because Grandmaster has many kinds of magic, even though he is in a mess, he hasn't even suffered any injuries.

"It's a dead end, let's struggle less and get on the road quickly!" After a while, Nami was caught in a dead end with both fingers.

"It was you who went to the dead end! Don't you think this place is very familiar?" Nami forced a smile, although he didn't know if it would be useful, but if he kept being chased like this, if he didn't fight back.

One mistake and you could be doomed!

Hearing Nami's words, his fingers felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. It seemed that he had passed this place just now, but he just passed by.

...asking for flowers...

What's the difference? Could it be that she was in a panic?

No, if she was in a panic, she wouldn't have said that deliberately.

Nami's voice fell, and he didn't give his fingers a chance to think.

"Earth shield!!" Nami waved his hands, and the walls around him glowed. It was only then that his fingers realized that the glowing lines seemed to be made of blood.

It's just a few blood streams, his fingers only thought it was produced by his previous attack, and he didn't even think about the effect of blood.

Boom! With Nami's magic activated, earth shields rose behind and around the fingers of both hands, enclosing both of them inside!


"I didn't expect you to be able to control the land, but these things, how could they stop me!" Seeing this, her fingers looked calm, even disapproving, her thorns could easily pierce through the earth and rocks.

This is simply useless.

"The thorns trampled!" There were many sharp thorns growing from the feet of his fingers, and he kicked towards the wall next to him, but the result was not broken, but the whole arm was sunk in!

"What!?" She was shocked immediately.

"Swamp Entangled!!" Nami's other hand has water elemental magic floating in it, which is what she is best at.

Judging from just now, this Advanced agent obviously doesn't care much about her, so Nami has been hiding his best magic.

Now earth magic and water magic merged, and the swamp briefly entangled both fingers.

"You are a capable person, right? Then I won this battle! Big water elemental magic! Giant whale!" Nami's magic power was fully activated, and above the sky, a water whale suddenly rushed down with its hands covered. Escape! Only face!

There was a loud bang, and the seawater instantly filled the surrounding area. Because there was an earth shield, the water did not flow away, and the alley where the two were located became a swimming pool!

Both fingers are capable, and they can't move when exposed to water. Nami didn't stop until she passed out!.

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