Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

275. The Suspicion Of Marshal Sengoku, The Balance Of The Three Powers!

A little forward in time.

"Garp, it's that good grandson of your family again. The balance of the three powers in the sea is very important. Now that Klocke Dar has fallen, it will cause the suspicion and investigation of other Shichibukai pirates! No one in your family can save you. heart."

Marine Headquarters, after Marshal Sengoku received the report from Smoker, his head was huge.

Seven Warlords of the Sea is one of the three major forces, which is related to the situation of the entire sea.

More than 90% of them are stronger than Admiral or Four Emperors.

But there are a lot of "six twenty", and their strengths are all abnormal.

The most important thing is to drive away wolves and tigers, just because of the existence of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

It is easier for them to split the pirates and fight more and more pirates.

And some things that are too radical and not legal are much easier with Seven Warlords of the Sea around.

Although they don't always promise to cooperate with World government and Marine.

But usually as long as there are enough chips and conditions, they can be let out!

It's been a long time since Klockedar became Seven Warlords of the Sea.

It has been since the bounty was less than 100 million Berries.

Own Logia Devil Fruit, or claim to be on land, the invincible Sand-Sand Fruit.

Its strength is extraordinary, and in the desert, even if it is a strong Marine, the possibility of taking him down is very low.

This kind of strength, in the first half, is enough to make countless pirates who have just arrived at the Grand Line feel what despair is.

This alerts the latecomers.

So they turned a blind eye to some things that Klocke Dar did, such as a certain criminal organization.

But now Klockedar has been knocked down!

If only to be knocked down! Seven Warlords of the Sea, there are always replacements.

But what Kedar has done will make many other countries in the world fearful.

A Seven Warlords of the Sea, but plotting someone else's kingdom.

Many kings would have questioned the existence of the Shichibukai if they had known such things.

After all, in the eyes of others, Seven Warlords of the Sea is a dog raised by the World government.

They will regard this practice as ordered by the World government.

You must know that in this world, there are many countries with very strong military and economic strength.

Even the World government cannot be underestimated.

Some countries are even home to Celestial Dragons.

This kind of thing cannot be spread out, the impact is too bad, and it is very difficult to deal with it now.

Otherwise Marshal Sengoku wouldn't be yelling at Garp.

"Down with Ke Locke Dar, wow ha ha ha, you are indeed the grandson of this old man!!" Garp took the report and looked at it, but laughed proudly.

"Bastard Garp, get the hell out of here!!"


"Wait, come back..." Sengoku saw that Garp was eager to leave, and immediately stopped him...


"Except for your grandson, what's the situation with this kid? I didn't fight you in East Blue before, don't think I don't know anything, it's not as simple as the report." Marshal Sengoku pointed at Reka's latest reward Ling said.

"The strength of the fight before was indeed very strong, but the side effects were also great, but I think it is unlikely that he can suppress a battlefield with millions of people. Could it be that he has eaten some new Devil Fruit recently? It is impossible to compete with the redhead That kid also has the top Conqueror's Haki." Garp's face became a bit serious when he heard that.

No matter how mischievous Luffy and the others were in East Blue before, it was a matter of local waters after all.

But enter the Grand Line, which is full of powerful people, and immediately do such sensational things again.

This must be treated as an enemy by Marine headquarters.

"Everyone thinks that it is impossible for such a young person to master the extremely advanced Conqueror's Haki at 3.8, but just in case, he can really master it. Don't forget, there are such monsters in this world, who are different from ordinary people since childhood, such as Charlotte Linlin , Redfield!" Marshal Sengoku is used to thinking in directions that most people don't agree with!

If there really is such a little monster, plus that kid from the Garp family blood!

This is currently a team of rookie pirates in everyone's eyes.

I'm afraid it will bring them big trouble in the future. .

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