Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

281. Female Hooligan Nico Robin, I'm Scared

"We are different." Reka just replied lightly.

"Us?" Robin was a little confused when he said this, as if he knew himself very well.

"No matter how much you want to die, the desire to explore the unknown is still obvious in your eyes, and I just go with the flow and go with the flow, and it doesn't matter where I go or what I do." Reka glanced at Robin said later.

Robin rested his chin and thought for a moment.

It doesn't sound like a joke.

Can someone who has the ability to temper their strength to this level.

Is what I want really just such a simple thing?

And it looks like, is it so easy to be seen at 21?

What a strange man.

"Then what's the most important?" Robin asked immediately.

"Of course the most important thing is that I am happy!!" Reka raised her head arrogantly, and said confidently and firmly.

Robin froze for a moment when he heard the words, then looked up at Reka: "Are you serious?!"

"Of course!" Reka felt that people lived another life. .

All money and fame are false, and the most important thing is to live happily every day.

Seeing Reka's arrogant appearance, Robin couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling: "Reka-san is so cute!"

"Ha!!!" The trio of Luffy Chopper Usopp, who were playing around, were stunned when they heard Robin's words.

This woman actually said that Reka-san is cute!!

My God! What happened to the world, or when did this woman go blind!

Reka Sang Mingming is super powerful and mighty!

This has nothing to do with being cute.

Reka was stunned for several seconds when she heard such an evaluation!

He felt that Nico Robin might be a female hooligan and wanted to tease him, but he had no proof!

"Why are you incapable of judgment?" Reka couldn't help asking.

"Ah, what judgment?" Robin asked with a calm smile, covering his right face with one hand.

Reka didn't know if she was pretending, or if she really didn't know.

But such trivial matters are not worth looking into.

"Everyone, it's time for dinner!!" The sky was dark, the boat was moored, and the lights on the boat were lit.

Sometimes Reka is full of curiosity about the technology tree of One Piece World.

Obviously, the whole is at the technological level of the Middle Ages.

But often there will always be one or two amazing technological inventions.

Such as borrowing the hydraulic flow and simple devices under the sailboat. Power generation is achieved.

The refrigerators and lights on board are powered by electricity.

"Sanji, your food is so delicious!"

"Captain fool, don't put your hand in the lady's bowl!"

"Then I'll take Usopp Zoro's!"

"Captain bastard, Sine!!" After eating a meal, it was also very lively. While eating, the trio of Usopp Luffy Chopper started to fight.

But everyone is used to it.

And Robin just watched silently, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth from time to time.

The atmosphere of this pirate group is good. 593 After dinner, those who like fishing go fishing, those who like to blow the evening breeze...

This is their leisure time after dinner.

Of course they are pirates, and on this sea, there are countless pirates and all kinds of ships are rampant.

Every night, personnel have to be arranged to watch the wind.

Otherwise, maybe there will be a ship approaching at any time, and they will understand them in the night.

And at ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Nami and Reka fought for another five or six rounds.

"What's wrong?" Reka hugged Nami from behind, he could feel that Nami was trying to control her voice tonight.

But still more fanatical than before.

"I'm... scared." Nami whispered into Reka's arms. .

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