Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

31. The Role-Playing Value Is Increased Again, And The Mall Is Open

Not only Zoro is curious.

Luffy Nami is just as curious!

Before this battle, Nami was pretty much what Zoro thought.

I feel that since Luffy is the captain, then Luffy should be the strongest, but no, Reka is actually the strongest.

And it's not a little bit stronger, the two teamed up, they can't beat Reka.

Even Nami suddenly realized that it is no wonder that Reka dared to command Luffy, the titular captain casually, but he was really capable.

Luffy looked at Reka with admiration.

There is no grievance in his heart, the stronger the people on his ship, the happier Luffy will be.

After all, Reka-san didn't come to compete with himself for the throne of One Piece!

"Not interested." However, in the face of everyone's doubtful eyes looking forward to the answer, Reka replied casually and arrogantly.

All three were speechless, this was the most straightforward pirate they had ever seen, and the most disrespectful of the captain.

In this sea, anyone who goes out to sea to be a pirate, who doesn't want to be the captain, who is high in power, famous all over the world, and obtaining treasures, etc., is the captain's priority.

"Reka-san is really interesting, hahaha! But I will definitely win in the future!" Luffy laughed naively, but then he clenched his fist, showing off his non-existent muscles, and said confidently.

But the eyes are very firm.

Not long after setting out to sea, he was defeated, which greatly stimulated Luffy.

Only this kind of strength is not enough, it must become stronger!

"It's funny, these three guys are all monsters, no matter how many lives they have, they are not enough to play with them, now that the treasure is in hand, they will slip away when they find a chance!" Nami thought to himself.

Although it's a pity not to get that expensive Devil Fruit.

But with the treasures of the Buggy Pirates and what she had saved before, it was enough for 100 million Baileys.

The most important thing is to redeem your own village first.

"People are ahead, we will fight with them!!" But at this moment, Butuolu led a group of young men with all kinds of farm tools and killed them.

They heard the constant explosions here, plus the previous Buggy rounds that destroyed a lot of buildings.

If things go on like this, even if Captain Buggy leaves in the end, nothing will remain.

Butuolu originally planned to come alone, but some young and old people also saw the increasingly serious town being gradually destroyed.

Filled with righteous indignation, he came out of his hiding place and prepared to settle accounts with the Buggy Pirates.

"The Buggy Pirates are all wiped out?!" Just came here, but saw the members of the Buggy Pirates lying here and there.

"Benefactor!!" Bhuttolu immediately knelt down to Reka and others excitedly.

After a while, the boat boarded.

Nami glared at the three guys angrily.

Luffy tilted his head guiltily and whistled anxiously, pretending not to see Nami's gloomy face.

Zoro stared at Nami's death for a long time, and couldn't bear it anymore, so he could only look at the sea.

And Reka turned his back to Nami expressionlessly, looking at the group of people on Butuo Road who were seeing off at the port of Orange Town.

"Why do you have to use my money to pay for the towns you destroyed! I don't care, you owe me all these!" Nami looked at the treasure that had shrunk by almost half, and his heart was pierced.

When Luffy honestly admitted that they were responsible for destroying the house, the villagers such as Butuolu fell silent.

But they are still happy, the Buggy clown was blown away, although there are some difficulties, but there is still hope for reconstruction.

It's just that Luffy used Nami's treasure and lost part of it to them.

At that time, Nami did not object. Seeing those homeless people, she was moved with compassion.

Even if they didn't mention it, she planned to keep part of the treasure secretly.

But they take it for granted that they use the treasure they risked and stole.

The more Nami thinks about it, the more annoyed she becomes, why?

Originally, the damage to Orange Town wasn't that great.

It was the three of you who insisted on having another fight and competed to destroy more buildings.

"Don't be so stingy." Luffy said softly, he felt that Nami's eyes were looking at someone with a knife.

Sure enough, after Luffy's words fell, Nami broke out on the spot and scolded Luffy unceremoniously.

After Reka and Zoro looked at each other, they pretended not to see anything!

Only Luffy was being scolded stupidly.

"Noah Zoro, Monkey D. Luffy, was defeated by you for the first time. I felt the power of the sin of arrogance. I respect you from the bottom of my heart. The performance value reaches 10%. The mall system is open! All the required commodities need arrogance Value, arrogance value source channel one, all valuable things in this world, gold, gems, famous knives, Devil Fruit and so on."

"Source channel 2, every time the host plays the value increase, you can get the corresponding arrogance value."

"Current total arrogance: 500."

"Product 1: Conqueror's Haki, Primary1000 arrogance, Intermediate3000 arrogance, Advanced9000 arrogance! Perfect 20000 arrogance!"

"Commodity 2: Armament Haki, Primary 500 arrogance, Intermediate 1500 arrogance, Advanced 5000 arrogance, perfect 10000 arrogance!"

"Commodity 3: Observation Haki, Primary 500 arrogance, Intermediate 1500 arrogance, Advanced 5000 arrogance, perfect 10000 arrogance! (When the knowledge color reaches Intermediate and above, there is a certain probability of awakening the unique talents of the knowledge color, such as listening to the heart, predicting the future, etc.) "

"Commodity 4: Marine Six Styles, Primary300 arrogance, Intermediate900 arrogance, Advanced3000 arrogance, perfect 7000 arrogance!"

Commodity 5: The proficiency of the world's number one swordsman. Commodity 6: Nika fruit proficiency. Commodity Seven: Proficiency in Wuji Kendo. Commodity 8: Encyclopedia of magic manuals...

Reka took a glance, most of the items still belonged to this world, but there were also a few items from other worlds!

An assortment of goods with varying values!

Reka's heart fluttered, there are so many good things!

He would want anything if he could! But the reality is cruel!

He currently only has 500 arrogance, and there are not many things he can buy!

And although many things are good, but there are not many that can work for him!

After all, he himself possesses the power of the sin of arrogance, which is his most important power. Others, even if needed, are just tools to help his arrogance become stronger.

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