Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

341. The Confidence Of The Strong, One Move In Seconds, What Is There To Say!

"Hmph, you guys don't even have the qualifications to meet God!"

"It will be cleared by us here!"

"It is blasphemy to speak of our Almighty God!"

The faces of the priest's subordinates changed slightly!

Even they dare not speak rashly about God.

Because God is omnipotent.

God watches over everything.

And these guys are so rebellious.

Look down on the priest directly.

How dare you call for Almighty God to arrest them personally

"They all seem to be full of energy, which is really good. I hope you can still be alive after a while! Are you sure you don't need to start fleeing now?"

"21 chances are only now!"

Sadley smiled lightly.

These guys on the opposite side are already dead to him.

Say what you want to say about the dead.

But then Shadley spotted the group of guys in front of him.

Not only is there no fear!

Even just ignore him!

"Let me do it!"

What a joke, this guy belongs to me, I have long wanted to give these guys a good lesson!"

"It's not the same as I said, this guy looks like he has a face that needs to be beaten!"

"Give it to me this time, don't they have other priests? Give it to you next time!"

"No, it's mine! I don't believe you two!"

"Why don't I knock you down first, and then deal with this fat man!"

"Green algae head, you really dare to say it!! Come on, I'll finish you right now!"

The three of Luffy Zoro Sanji were noisy.

Now they have very strong self-esteem.

On the opposite side was an existence that seemed barely able to fight.

If a few of them swarmed up.

That would be so bullying.

So they are in the choice of who will play.

There was a disagreement.

Of course they all want to be able to play!

"You guys, one by one... It's too small! Incompetent blue sea people!!" Even if Shadley is not the kind of person who loses his temper easily.

But seeing these blue ocean people underestimate him so much.

Anger couldn't help rising up.

"It seems that if you don't kill a few people first, you don't know what awe is, and you won't know your situation! Exploding balls!!" Shadley looked at Nami Robin and the two women.

Want to kill them as quickly as possible.

To arouse the anger and fear of this group of blue ocean people!

"Ah!! Oops!!" Nami watched as a group of exploding balls flew towards him!

Immediately, his eyes were so frightened that he was fascinated, and he took out the weather stick subconsciously.

"Fire Hell!!"

Boom!! A sea of ​​flames shot out from Nami's eyes, and all the spheres were detonated in the air ahead of time!

Then the flames billowed like a tidal wave and slapped towards Shadley!

"What?!" Shadley was stunned for a moment, completely unaware of a seemingly harmless woman.

Raise your hand and release such a terrible flame!

Torrenting flames, like an inescapable wall!

It hit Shadley precisely.

Then there was a powerful explosion!

"Lord Shadley!!" Looking at Shadley who was wrapped in terrifying flames!

The members of the law enforcement team present immediately let out a cry of panic!

"I didn't mean to!" Nami apologized quickly.

It's really over now!

Originally, I thought about making big things into small things!

Now it directly hit the priest.

"Nami, you are too cunning, this is obviously our prey!" Luffy said angrily.

"Stupid! Don't be so mean!" Sanji tapped Luffy's head with his foot!

"Father, priest..." Conis said in front of his house with a look of horror.

"So that's the case, no wonder you dare to attack Lord God!" A voice suppressed anger came out of the flames!.

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