Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

345. Arrogant Explosion, How Can You Be My Enemy!

Enel stared at it with a knowledgeable look.

Naturally, I heard Reka's crazy and provocative words.

He froze for a moment, and then angry veins appeared on his forehead.

Since he became the god of Sky Island here.

Never heard such disrespectful words.

These damn blue sea people lack the fear of God!

For the blue sea under the sky!

He has no yearning.

to his ability.

It is not difficult to land on the blue ocean.

"May 20" but the blue ocean is not the place he yearns for.

There is not much land there either.

It's one island after another.

Only on record.

The moon with endless land.

The holy land passed down from generation to generation by the people of Sky Island is what he yearns for.

And the blue ocean people he met were all fragile to him, not worth mentioning.

But now these blue sea people.

Seems to be different.

But it's just different.

If you really think that you can challenge your own authority.

Then they will soon feel what fear is!

Under Enel's anger, he hardly thought about it.


Another terrifying thunderbolt descended from the sky.

This time only Reka was targeted.

But Reka is not so easy to bully.

Watch the terrifying Thunder Pillar falling from the sky!

Luffy Zoro They chose to dodge earlier!

But Reka glanced at it with an arrogant attitude!

It's obviously looking up, but it's a revealing gesture!

But it gives a feeling of looking down!

"You are really irritable, you can't be provoked, how can you be my opponent like this?!"

"Pride Explodes!!"

Reka swung the axe, and slashed upwards, bringing with it the vast and majestic magical power of the sun!

With terrifying and unprecedented power, it directly smashed Thunder Lord's explosion and shattered it!

"Damn it!!" Enel suddenly stood up from his seat!

The arrogant fellow!

After all, I am a god!

Or is he a god?!

But the power he displayed cannot be underestimated!

Of course, in Enel's view, it's just not to be underestimated!

Because in his opinion.

You are absolutely invincible!

Watch as this man smashes his own attack yet again!

Enel could barely bear it and headed straight to Sky Island.

Go punish this guy yourself!

But I don't think it's necessary!

I feel that I have lost my worth as a god!

As long as they don't want to run away, I can sit here and wait for them to come!

After all, I have many subordinates and priests!

If they can't even handle their own and the priest's...

When I look back at myself.

Only then can they understand more deeply how ignorant they are.

If you can solve the priest.

Maybe when I go to the endless land soon.

These guys make great minions and helpers too!

Of course, these arrogant characters have to be knocked and knocked ahead of time!

When they come to the Holy Land, it's a good opportunity to beat them!

Enel forced himself to calm down!

"I'm waiting for you, it's best not to think about running away, you can't escape!" Enel's voice sounded along with the thunder and lightning!

"This should be said to yourself!" Reka said lightly!

There were no more clouds in the sky after that.

"Idiot, why are you provoking the gods here!" Nami came over at this moment and said speechlessly.

"Anyway, he doesn't intend to let us go in 2.8, and there are many problems on this island, and there are too many crimes to be imposed. Paigia and the others are not going to be so easy. Before leaving, let's solve this problem by the way!" Reka explained .

"But we don't know how powerful that god is..."

"No problem, let's beat that god up!" But at this moment, Luffy clenched his fist and said excitedly!

"That guy dared to strike us with lightning, it's not over!" Zoro also smiled dangerously. .

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