Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

363. Everyone Fights Enel! The Most Unreliable God!

In the dense forest.

Various streets near the temple.

There are figures galloping.

The members of the Divine Guard who were responsible for sticking to their posts were killed before they could react!

Vaipa led the Warriors of the entire village and rushed all the way.

After making a decision, they immediately put it into action.

"There are really a lot fewer members of the Divine Guard, and we have almost paid no price. We are close to Enel's temple!" Lan Qi said incredulously.

According to the past, they have not come close to here.

You will be surrounded by a large number of Divine Guard members.

It will make them have to stay behind and cover the retreat of others.

Things like this, they have tried many times over the years!

No 950 has ever been so smooth.

This shows that the information they got just now is true.

Nor was it some trap set by Enel.

"Don't be careless, it is still not completely sure that there are no traps!" Vaipa reminded everyone vigilantly.

The closer you are to success, the more you can't be careless.

Even if he himself is very excited at the moment!

"Understood!" Many Warriors nodded.

Because everyone knows how powerful Enel is.

Even if there are not many members of the Divine Guard.

Their hope of defeating him is still not great!

But at least this time, they can face Enel directly!

Xu (cbbb) many times in the past, or they were passively subjected to lightning strikes.

Or fight his minions!

There is almost no chance of directly fighting the enemy leader like this.

So this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At the same moment, Gamfur on Sky Island seemed to be aware of what was going on.

Looking in the direction of the Holy Land.

He saw many birds flying away from the holy place because of the commotion.

There are a lot of batches, normally, this should not happen this season!

He had spent an extended period of time in the Holy Land.

The temple also belonged to him.

So he was well aware of the changing seasons in the Holy Land.

Then a puff of gunpowder smoke filled the air from the island!

"Ordinary intruders, I'm afraid they can't cause this kind of movement, and they will be wiped out by the priest soon. Could it be that there are some new changes on the island?" Ganfur couldn't help worrying.

Because many of his subordinates and many skilled craftsmen on the island were forced by Enel to make something!

He's always worried about that.

But he can't change anything!

Because Enel's strength is far beyond what he can imagine.

If it wasn't for Enel's fear of killing himself.

A lot of Sky Island people won't make that thing for him anymore.

It is impossible for me to live until now.

But all the while, Gamfor was a little worried.

That is, in case one day, the thing he wants to build is finished.

Can the "craftsmen" survive?

Judging by Enel's behavior and character.

This cannot be guaranteed!

There is such a commotion on the island now.

He couldn't do anything to watch.

He looked at his partner and quickly made up his mind: "Pierre, let's go to the island to see!"

"But...evil..." Priest Nirvana watched the two priests lose.

Realized immediately that something was wrong!

But let him escape, he can't do it!

The pride of the priests.

Make him unable to do such a thing.

But fortunately, he found that those two dangerous guys had no intention of making a move.

It seemed to say that he was the prey of that civet cat and long nose!

"Stop looking down on people!" Nirvana Priest spoke fluently under anger, he felt that he was seriously underestimated!

In this case, kill these two guys.

Let them regret their arrogance!

Of course, now he has no spare energy to control the swamp of the ship.

"Sure enough, they can deal with their opponents relatively easily. The opponents who made them fight hard are not worth mentioning now. If this is the case, let them fight against Enel at that time? Let's experience the fighting method of Logia's ability in advance?" Reka calmly Watching and talking to myself!.

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