Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

47. A Little Secret Between Two People

Nami dives into the bottom of the sea. She has excellent water quality and the place is not deep. She wears waterproof glasses and searches in the bottom of the sea, and indeed finds scattered gold.

The original wooden materials are usually not completely destroyed, but will sink after being lost to a certain extent.

Except for this ship, the Merciless Sun, with terrifying heat and blast waves!

In the instant of the explosion, everything was blown to pieces, bursting open like a goddess scattering flowers.

There was even very little flesh and blood splashed and exploded, so that the shark, which is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, only discovered and swam here at this moment.

Nami found some gold coins on the bottom of the sea, some of them were semi-melted due to the high temperature, and lost their lines and badges. I don’t know which country they came from, and they turned into small lumps of gold lumps.

Like a porter, she happily moved to the edge of the beach little by little.

During the third dive, I saw several great white sharks swimming towards the sea from afar.

Nami's face turned pale with fright, even though she was very good at swimming, how could she swim past the shark in the water.

And there is more than one head. In a panic, I can only ask Reka to see him.

"In this sea, you really can't relax." Reka said, kicking Moonwalk, soaring into the air, and the whole person drew a beautiful arc in the air.

"Arrogant gun group!!" Reka uses the magic power of the sun as the source, and uses the strength of the body as the basis!

As soon as he pointed out, the finger shadows all over the sky were like dense lightning, striking directly at the group of white sharks in the sea below.

In this world, this great white shark is not one of the overlords of the ocean.

It is a general fish school that is not far from the bottom but is not far from the bottom.

Each finger falls and grows rapidly, like a finger of a god pressed down from the sky, but with extremely penetrating power!

With a sweeping and contemptuous attitude, crush the great white shark in the sea!

Puff puff... Every great white shark, which is comparable to a small boat, is pierced by Reka's Finger Pistol group like paper, and every penetration wound has traces of high-temperature burns!

In the blink of an eye, the whole group of great white sharks were all eliminated.

"There's another one under the water!!" But the tension on Nami's face didn't disappear.

Reka couldn't see, but upon hearing the words, he could only drop from the sky, plunged into the sea, and picked up Nami. Just after he got out of the sea, a great white shark with its bloody mouth wide open rushed out of the sea, just in time to bite an empty hole.

At that time, the gaping mouth was only a few tens of centimeters away from Nami, and Nami hugged Reka tightly in fright, sticking her whole body to it, as if wanting to fuse the two into one!

"It's all right." Reka stepped forward, landed on the beach, and slashed a dark red line of fire, cutting off the great white shark jumping out of the sea.

Hearing this, Nami's frightened and blank mind came back to his senses, seeing himself wearing wet clothes and clinging to Reka's body, although he felt an unprecedented sense of security!

But this time, his face couldn't be controlled anymore, and it became extremely red with a rub.

She has never had such intimate contact with any man!

Hastily pushed Reka away in a panic.

"Scared?" Reka's voice was no longer high-pitched, but concerned.

The eyes of the two met in an instant, one was handsome and masculine, and the other was a lotus flower. In an instant, something indescribable was quietly growing.

Looking at those deep and charming eyes, Nami panicked first: "I'm fine, thank you."

"It's okay." This kind of effort is not worth mentioning at all, and it's not even worth playing arrogance.

"Let's go back," Nami said immediately.

"No more fishing?"

"It's all bloody smell, maybe other sea creatures will come over later, and there's nothing down there." Nami replied subconsciously without even thinking about it.

Now she just wants to go back as soon as possible, stay with everyone, don't stay alone with this guy, in case the gun goes off...

Bah, bah, bah, what was she thinking, as long as she was alive, as long as everyone in the village was alive, she was satisfied.

The rest belonged to the life of a normal girl, which she had never expected.

Reka nodded, she has no problem with this, it doesn't matter whether you go back or stay, it's no different, but Nami seems to be different from usual: "Did you do something wrong? Why do I feel that you are in a hurry to escape from here? Logically speaking, a few sharks can't scare you."

"It's up to you!! I'm not you monsters! If the shark bites me, I'll die." Nami's reasons are impeccable.

"As long as I'm here, no matter what happens, you'll be safe!" Reka said firmly.

Nami's heart trembled, and then she looked up at the sky, and the sun had completely set.

"Are you guilty of the disease that you become a good person at night? And you have lost a little weight, you are so strange."

"I'm really sorry. During the day, I was really a bit presumptuous. I'm really sorry. Next time, I must pay attention to my method." Reka stroked the back of his head honestly.

"You you you!! What's the matter?!" Nami was a little overwhelmed by such a polite Reka, and looked at Reka in surprise.

"It's nothing. I'm just reflecting on my behavior during the day. It's really too high-profile. I'm so arrogant. It's really my fault. Humility is king. But what I said just now came from the bottom of my heart."

Looking at Reka who is so sincere, Nami's heart was pounding.

He emphasized again, is he expressing his favor to himself?

No, it seems not, but to express a feeling of protection? Is it because they are companions? !

"Damn, why does this guy become so gentle every night, there must be something tricky!"

"It seems that you are very confused, then let me tell you something, let's keep it as a little secret between the two of us." Reka smiled, extremely warm, charming like a city, and extremely lethal.

Nami blushed: "Just us, a little secret between the two?"


When the two returned to the hotel, Miss Kaya came here accompanied by Meili who was wrapped in bandages.

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