Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

58. Luffy, The "King" Of Part-Time Workers, Is A Taboo That Cannot Be Touched! (Begging Fo

At this time, the other side.

"Chef Zhefu, are you okay! Your injury!" Several chefs looked at their respected chef with worried faces.

Cannonballs fell from the sky, caught off guard, and Zhefu was blown to pieces.

"Didn't I tell you that I'm fine? The job of a chef is to feed people. You are all gathered around here. If you don't cook, are you trying to smash my signboard!" Wearing a tall hat

Zhefu, who braided gold nose hair in two braids and wore a wooden prosthetic leg on his right foot, said angrily.

While talking, he was wearing a tall hat, and there was blood oozing from his forehead, but he didn't take it seriously.

After Zhefu lost his temper, the chefs had to leave no matter how worried they were. They all knew Chef Zhefu's temper and respected him very much.

Some of these irascible chefs were originally pirates, and some were starved to death and were taken in here.

There is only one place in the entire East Blue that can accommodate them!

Most of the chefs dispersed, and two chefs dragged Luffy to Zeff: "Head Chef, the prisoner is him."

Luffy was a little hopeless, and when he came in and saw Zhefu with a broken leg, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground with guilt: "I'm sorry!! Ahhh!! Your feet!! Me, me..."

Luffy, who was almost brainless, thought at first glance that the legs were blown off by the shells he fired just now.

"Idiot! It wasn't caused just now." Seeing Luffy's stupidity, Zeff kicked it up.

"What, I didn't cause it!" Luffy immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"But my whole body was injured, and the medical bills and ship repair costs are very expensive." Zeff saw Luffy like this, and immediately judged that this guy probably didn't mean it.

Otherwise it would be impossible to be so honest.

"I won't let you be cheap, I will compensate for all losses, but I have no money!" Luffy stood up and turned his head, and said confidently.

Zhefu was stunned for a moment, and then he grinned: "Stinky brat dares to speak so directly! Since you have no money, then stay and work hard!"

"Okay." Luffy173 thought it was fair.

"Do odd jobs for free for one year! Then I'll let you go." Zhefu's price is already very fair.

"Okay, free handyman for one year...wait! One year?!" Luffy agreed quickly, and realized the length of time in the next moment.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Hearing this, Luffy silently raised a finger: "Please reduce it to one week!"

"How dare you say that! You must know that you have destroyed my shop!" Zhefu said with a smile.

"Two weeks!" Luffy took another step back, he felt that one week was not enough compensation.

"One or two weeks for nothing is not enough to accompany me with the medical bills covered with injuries! You idiot!" Zeff nodded and kept hitting Luffy on the head with his tall hat.

"I've decided, a week at most!" That was as much time as Luffy thought he could delay.

"Don't take it for granted!" Hearing this, Zhefu was going to be defeated by Luffy's innocence and went mad. Even if he only had one leg, he still had to teach Luffy to recognize the reality.

Zeff kicked Luffy with one foot on the ground. Although it was useless, it did damage to the room twice.

"I don't want to do odd jobs for so long!!" Luffy jumped out from the broken plank, seriously rejecting Zeff's request of doing odd jobs for one year!

"Huh?" Zeff looked at Luffy in surprise. Is he an idiot? Doesn't he know that the one-year odd job time he proposed is already very tolerant, and he is still so stubborn.

And the feeling of kicking just now is also very strange!

It doesn't seem to be Common!

Whether it is this physical ability, or his thoughts.

"It took me ten years to become a pirate. I must not waste a year here. I have decided to let you go for a week." Luffy dusted off his straw hat and said sincerely .

"Since you cherish time so much, I have a better way here."

"any solution!"

"Leave one of your legs." Zeff picked up the saw and walked towards Luffy!

"don't want!"

"Stop being self-willed!" But Zeff only started beating!

"Don't!" Luffy didn't fight back after every beating, but just rejected Zeff's proposal.

"Don't think that I will agree to you if you keep saying no, you stubborn brat!" Zhefu kept beating him

That's why you can hear the banging from above.

Hearing Fenbudi's words, Sanji was slightly dissatisfied, but he didn't care about anything.

Anyone can come to the store to eat, as long as they don't go too far, these are trivial matters.

"Is there something going on outside? It seems a bit noisy." The beauty accompanied by Fen Budi noticed the commotion outside and asked subconsciously.

"The warship is parked outside, little thieves don't dare to know the law and break the law, what big things can happen, they are all trivial things [don't let these affect our interest in dining." Fenbudi smiled slightly.

"That's really Lieutenant Finbudi from Marine headquarters, really young and promising."

"Indeed, so handsome, so elegant!" The guests at the tables next to Fenbudi looked at him one after another.

"You are amazing, everyone is looking at you." The beauty smiled.

"Where, everyone is attracted by your beauty." Fenbudi said gracefully.

Sanji was wearing a small suit and tie, smoking a cigarette, and quietly standing aside with a glass of red wine!

Like a waiter, there is a serious lack of waiters in the store, even he, the sous chef, has to serve.

The red wine in his hand was wrapped in cloth, which was arranged by Fenbudi in advance.

Fen Budi pretended to take a sip, and then began to comment confidently: "Good wine, this taste, this aroma, is the fragrance of the land of Mikel from the land of the Northland, it is slightly sour with a mellow spicy taste, this red wine It's Etrus Brugastein!"

"That's right, waiter!" Finbudi looked at Sanji proudly.

Sanji heard the words, put the red wine in his hand on the table with a light snap, removed the towel, and said flatly: "That's not right."

"Eh?!" This unscripted answer stunned Fenbudi for a moment.

Dazed, Sanji stuffed the spoon into his hand with his usual expression: "The soup is getting cold, drink it while it's hot.

With that said, he turned his head and left, leaving Fen Budi with a dull face.

"By the way, I'm not a waiter, I'm a sous chef, and the waiters ran away yesterday!" Halfway through, Sanji turned around and said calmly.

"Pfft!" The unkind (cbdi) Zoro laughed out loud first, this pretense is too funny, is this Marine Lieutenant an idiot?

The chef is also very interesting, and has no intention of following the wishes of the guests.

"Compared with this kind of fool, the value of arrogance will drop." Reka drank a glass of wine that Sanji had poured for him earlier, and was amazed at the entrance.

This is indeed a first-class good wine. It seems that what Sanji said just now is a treasured wine, not just for the occasion.

But why? Are you familiar with him? What do you want from yourself?

Thinking about it, Nami's figure inexplicably appeared in Reka's mind!

This time, she will fully recognize the reality, but please don't be sad! We are coming soon!!

"Don't laugh! Mmmmm...․噗嗤!!"

"Who made him look so confident just now?"

"Scent from the earth? Gastein?"

Listening to the whispers around him, Fenbudi's face was so gloomy that he was Ultimate[embarrassed and extremely embarrassed.

"Do you know red wine very well?" The beauty couldn't help but tease, because her family background is not afraid of Fenbudi's Lieutenant status.

"I caught a cold today, and there may be some problems with my sense of taste!" Fenbudi smiled awkwardly, but shouted hysterically in his heart!

What's the matter with this damned stinky chef? When I made an appointment before, I clearly said that I would serve the wine he said, but it turned out not to be!

Damn it!! Make a fool of yourself on the spot, this store must not survive!

As soon as this idea came to him, he saw a little cockroach crawling across the ground, thinking about it, he stomped the cockroach to death, showing an evil expression.

When he saw Sanji passing by him again, he immediately stopped him: "Hey, waiter, come here!"

"Didn't I say that I'm not a waiter!" Sanji put his hands in his pockets and kept his cigarette in his mouth, walking towards Fenbudi gracefully.

"Ma'am, you are so beautiful! Would you like to have a drink with me later?" Sanji walked to Fenbudi, but ignored him, and praised his female companion directly.

Fen Budi slapped the table angrily, pointed at the soup in front of him and asked, "Do you just serve this kind of soup with bugs in it to the guests?"

"That bug was just released, it's too much." Usopp was going to stand up, he was timid, but when it was time, he was unequivocal!

"He can solve it, just take a good look at it, maybe this is our future chef!" Reka cut the lobster, the taste was sweet and delicious, and his appetite was greatly satisfied.

"Our future chef? Reka-san, have you taken a fancy to him?" Zoro looked at Reka in surprise.

There are not many people who can see Reka in the daytime.

Hearing this, they all raised their spirits and planned to see what was so special about this cook.

"Bug?" Sanji froze for a moment, looked down, and could tell at a glance that the bug had just been trampled to death and put in.

"Didn't you see such a big bug?! Your store should give me an explanation." Fen Budi sneered, in this way, the store's reputation should be discredited.

"Insects, I don't know. I don't know much about insects." Sanji replied calmly.

Such a humorous and ingenious answer made many people around cover their mouths and chuckle.

Fen Budi felt that these laughter were mocking him. He was not an idiot, so he could guess that Fen Budi must be taking revenge on the chef for the humiliation just now.

"Are you kidding!!!" Peng!! Fenbudi was so angry that he couldn't bear it any more, let alone maintain his demeanor, he punched the table hard and broke the table in half.

The food and drink were spilled all over the floor! Sanji's face darkened immediately.

Squatting down and touching the soup that has been carefully cooked for three days and three nights: "Can't you eat it after removing the bugs! Even if you have never been hungry, wasting food and spoiling food is intolerable!"

"Peng!" Fen Budi didn't care about this, he stepped on Sanji's hand, crushed it hard, and said with a grim face: "I said that your attitude as a waiter is a bit too arrogant!! Paying customer!"

"Mr. Fenbudi, stop arguing." The beauty saw that the matter was getting serious, and wanted to stop Fenbudi, but Fenbudi threw him away with one hand! It happened that the back of his hand hit the woman's face, and she turned red immediately!

"Money, can you fill your stomach?" Sanji's face was terribly dark, he got up slowly, and asked Fenbudi.

Finbudi violated two of his taboos!!

There was an invisible murderous look pervading the cold and gloomy face, and cold sweat broke out involuntarily on Fenbudi's forehead. .

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