Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

73. Are You Ashamed To Poach Your Grandson's Corner? Garp Is Confused!

"Hey, boy, come to be Marine!" But Garp ignored Reka's processing request at this time.

Instead, he sent out an invitation very abruptly.

"Don't! As a Marine, you won't know when you will die!" Reka felt like he couldn't turn his head around.

I talked to you about compensation, and you told me to be a Marine, just as if what happened just now didn’t happen, right?

Reka immediately and decisively refused.

However, Garp's seemingly inconsistent operation has fundamentally solved the problem.

If Reka is a heinous criminal or something, stay with him. Once found, Garp has the ability to eliminate such danger by himself.

If not, then train to become an Excellent Marine!

See how immature he is, with a little training, he must be an extremely Excellent Marine!

Just like the future Luffy!

It's just that Garp didn't expect the other party to refuse so simply! Why don't you think about it?

"What do you mean by that?" Garp felt uncomfortable at once, as if being a Marine would surely kill him.

"The meaning is obvious. With my strength, it is more than enough to be a Marine Admiral in the future!" Reka's words sounded so ignorant to the Marines!

This guy knows what Marine Admiral means! That's the highest power in Marine HQ!

He said it so lightly, who did he think he was?

"And then?" Garp didn't dislike people with lofty ideals, and he was so powerful at this age.

Becoming a Marine Admiral in the future is not out of the question!

Others can only feel that Reka should be very strong, but they can't perceive how strong it is until they have confronted each other.

But Garp can perceive it more clearly!

"Then wait for the people above to give the order to die someday!" Reka said disdainfully.

Immediately close to Garp's ear, lowered his voice, continued with a slightly disturbing voice.

"Or, during the power struggle, they were killed by the 510 Office!"

Garp's pupils shrank suddenly. Did this guy see it so thoroughly at such a young age?

Such a thing, in the Marine headquarters, in the World government, it is not unheard of!

And as Celestial Dragons Wang Quan became more and more decadent, there have been more and more similar cases in recent years.

It's just that not all of them are Marine Admirals, but there are indeed many high-ranking Marines.

It is impossible for Reka to join Marine, not to mention whether other Marine Admirals are safe in the future.

Even Garp, the Legendary Marine, might be "sacrificed" in the future!

After all, grandpa sacrificed to heaven, and his mana is boundless!

The only safe one is the protagonist group, the others, no matter how powerful they are at the moment.

There is no guarantee of absolute immortality in the future.

Garp froze for a moment, and the other Marines all showed horror, this guy really dares to say anything!

If there are spies from the World government, just slandering the World government in this way, not to mention execution, they will definitely go to jail!

"So, Marine hero Garp, your request is no less than asking me to die. Why should I agree to you?" Reka spread his hands and said slowly.

"Marine is not as miserable as you think. If you don't want to be supervised, just don't get promoted too high! Just be like me!" Garp laughed confidently.

Reka's words can be seen from another angle.

Can it be understood that he has studied the world structure, World government and Marine headquarters?

No! It should mean that the research is very thorough!

This is a good seedling to be a Marine!

Garp's eyes became hotter and hotter!

"You think I have nothing to do? If I don't get promoted, why join the Marine!"

"For justice!"

"I don't even know if I have this thing!"

"The salary (cbcd) is not bad either! With your strength for a few years, you can afford all the castles and villas, and you will get a commission for catching pirates!"

"Need money? I can get rich overnight!"

"Take me...ahem! So what do you want?" Garp asked rhetorically.

"You invited me, shouldn't that be something you have to consider? If you can't tell, you can just compensate me for what happened just now, and then I'll leave!" Reka looked at Garp like a fool.

The Marine you want me to join, and the excuses I want to convince myself? Outrageous!

Sure enough, with the members of the Monkey family, probably, you can't try to reason or something!

When Garp heard this, he immediately scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously, neither this nor that would work.

Do we want to miss such a young and strong man in vain?

"Then let's have a fight, and if I win, you will join Marine?" Garp rolled up his sleeves, showed his fists, and asked tentatively, with a discussion tone, not sure!

Obviously, soft ones are not good, we can come to hard ones!

In this sea, strength is the most respected, and most people who are quite confident in their own strength often love this set the most!

But Garp has no idea at all, after all, no matter how you say it, it seems to be a bit of a bully!

Even he, the proposer, has no confidence at all!

"Garp-san, it's a bit too much! How many people in the world dare to fight you!" said a subordinate and little fan who was a little speechless.

Not looking down on Reka, but Garp has been famous for a long time!

"It's a bit of a bully, he's still young!" The adjutant couldn't stand it anymore.

Although I have been used to it for a long time, Vice Admiral Garp sometimes really escapes when doing things!

But any normal person would not agree to such a request!

This method should only work on those fighting madmen!

But seeing that this kid is young and handsome, he shouldn't have anything to do with someone like a fighting madman.

"Yeah!!" Hearing the adjutant's words, the other Marines nodded in approval!

Garp blushed: "It's so noisy! Hurry up and clean the ones that should be cleaned!"

"It's urgent, it's urgent, Garp is urgent!"

“你们这群臭小鬼!!” Garp直接挥舞着爱的铁拳冲了过去,逮住一个就胖揍一个!

"Hahaha!!" The Marines scattered and ran away!

"Then let's have a fight!!" But Reka's answer was beyond everyone's expectations! If you want to sleep, you can come to the pillow!

If you are so cooperative, if you don't feel sorry for you once, how can you be worthy of this coincidence.

"No, I was joking just now!" Sensing the playful eyes of the crew, Garp blushed, is this really a fight?!

If he really fights, won't he get the reputation of bullying the weak in front of these subordinates in the future?

"This kid isn't stupid, is he?" The Marines stopped and looked at Reka in disbelief!

How confident and arrogant does it have to be to think he can fight Vice Admiral Garp?

Don't you really think you can win?

Even One Piece was run away by Lieutenant General Garp in the past!

The existence of Vice Admiral Garp is a living Legendary!

Garp refused, but Reka's next sentence directly surprised everyone: "Now you can't help yourself, you have to fight if you fight, you have to fight if you don't fight!"

Boom!! Reka burst out with raging sun magic flames!! With a sudden stamp of his feet, the entire warship shook violently, and with a forward rush, Rita, the axe, swept the air with lightning speed!

Blast Garp with overwhelming force!

"Fuck!! This kid is too brave!" The Marines present were stunned, this guy did what he said! He did it without hesitation!

That posture was as arrogant as if he was the one who challenged him just now!

This ax made the faces of the Marines change slightly, the power is really good!

"Not bad!" Garp showed a satisfied smile, with the courage to defy powerful enemies!

I will definitely become a very good Marine in the future!

Peng! Garp swung his unpretentious fist and hit Reka's axe. The two collided violently, and suddenly there was momentum. The storm escaped from the place where the two met!

Reka held Rita's hand, and suddenly went numb! At the same time, she groaned!

A fist that looked like a simple and unpretentious punch hit the ax face, and a terrifying punch punched like a high-speed electric drill, directly piercing through the air!

"Let me teach you the justice of Marine! Come on! Come on! Be Marine with me!" As soon as Garp made a move, he gradually became a little excited, and walked over eagerly.

After all, as a man, since he chose to take the initiative, he should pay back!

This is the respect for a man!

Garp's infatuation made Reka feel "scary!" in a rare way!

It's not the fear of his strength, but Nima, this guy looks a little bit cold now!

"It's just a marine hero, Garp! I want to see if you are qualified to be the same generation as me! Mote Slash!" Slashed through the air with an axe!

"It's not to be underestimated!" Garp's face darkened, his fists clenched, and his bones and muscles burst out with great strength in an instant!

Peng!!! Reka rushed up and was knocked back again!!

Immediately after that, a series of bang bang bang sounds can be heard!!

Reka's onslaught, Garp's backhand and counterattack! Hit after blow to repel Reka's onslaught!

"This kid is really good! But it seems that he is a bit weak!" At this moment, the sun has passed the noon for a long time!

Reka's strength is gradually declining, and he can't enter the mode of "heaven and earth, I am the only one" like the previous battle with Hawkeye!

"Normally, Garp-san's fist strength is not so easy to bear! But for his age group, with this strength, it is really amazing. If you fight, other Vice Admirals may not be able to take him down in a short time!"

"Unhappy! The sun without mercy!!" Reka was counterattacked and suppressed everywhere! He couldn't explode the strongest combat power! Naturally, it wasn't hearty enough!

Reka also discovered a problem, that is, the value of acting, the value of arrogance did not increase much!

The reason Reka has found out is that he cannot allow the sin of arrogance to penetrate the hearts of these people!

Not enough awe, not enough admiration, after all, who would admire a man who was constantly beaten by Vice Admiral Garp?

At most it is "Looking good!"

But this is not enough for Reka!

Reka slashed out with an axe, and a fan-shaped energy wave burst out, which surprised Garp: "Are you capable?!"

This burst of energy is very dangerous for this ship!

Garp punched out with a faint Armament Haki entanglement, and in desperation, he punched Reka's chest hard, knocking Reka flying, and a mouthful of blood spewed out!

"Are you OK!!"

"It's so depressing. I thought I caught a big fish, but I didn't expect it to be a shark! Let's go!! Old man, be a Marine, be a Marine, don't always think about poaching other people's corners, but poach your own grandson's corners!! ” Reka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth!

With this force of knocking into the air, he quickly vacated into the distance!!

"After being punched by me, he was still alive and kicking?!...No, no, what did he just say?!" Garp was quite shocked by Reka's physical fitness, but suddenly found that that was not the point!

"He said, you poach your grandson's corner!" the adjutant said. .

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